Community Rising
Join us today in helping our community rise to new heights. Creating a strong community animated Catherine McAuley’s lifetime of faith and service, shaping the work of the Sisters of Mercy today, and it lives on at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine – in every person, every day.
As a Mercy college, Saint Joseph’s has continued to grow leaders who will sustain their communities—we are now explicitly naming this as our primary focus. Join the Community Rising as we elevate our ability to shape learners into leaders, add momentum to our mission, and grow as a welcoming and innovative community. You can help us continue to learn together, work together, and serve together. When we all rise together in support of our beloved College, we honor more than a century of excellence and unlock a transformative future.
Join us. Make a gift today.
Today is the first day of the rest of the sustained life of Saint Joseph’s College. Stay tuned in the weeks and months ahead to hear about ways that you—our Community—can work with us, and yes, rise with us.