2018 Annual Fund
The Magnet Foundation is raising money to help the Magnet pay for lab equipment and supplies:
- $1,000 to buy a new 3-D printer for the Robotics Team
- $500 to purchase 2 new centrifuges
- $500 to purchase 2 new electronic balances
- $600 for a class set (30) of thermometer probes
- $375 for Zebrafish
- $4,000 for an explosion-proof refrigerator for chemical storage
- A new IR spectrophotometer that is estimated to cost up to $15,000
The Foundation also funded these grants in 2018:
- $2,500 to print Silver Quest for the first time in many years
- $2,500 to buy a CNC Router for the Robotics Team
- $2,400 to register Montgomery County’s ARML math teams (for the tenth year since MCPS cut funding)
- $9,000 to cover tuition costs for students with financial need enrolled in the Magnet Pipeline Project
- Support for Blair’s first-ever Hackathon, a new Solar Car project, and the Cybersecurity Club’s angstromCTF competition
See more examples of grants funded in the past from your donations.
Your continued support of the Annual Fund ensures that students and teachers will always have access to the resources make the Magnet a special program!
Campaign ended Monday, December 31st, 2018, 11:59 pm EST
View active campaigns by Montgomery Blair High School Magnet Foundation