Cougar Stomp
October 12th Fund Run
Who’s excited for another AWESOME Cougar Stomp Fund Run?
Cougar Stomp stands as a great tradition, eagerly anticipated by the entire Cataldo community as a fun way to kick-off the new school year. The students team up with their peers to lead the way for Cataldo. They inspire family, friends, teachers, and neighbors to rally in support of the school.
Each student will focus on personal goals within two categories: performance & pledges. They’ll train both body and mind to set individual performance goals that are appropriate for their age and fitness level. Students will seek sponsorship from their relatives and friends to raise funds. The annual Cougar Stomp proceeds contribute to school programs, learning resources, and essential expenses beyond tuition coverage.
This year’s Cougar Stomp aims to motivate every Cataldo student to embrace their current abilities and set goals for improvement, while recognizing that “comparison is the thief of joy.” The overall experience is designed to be fun, challenging, and impactful for our beloved school. We will kick off the event with an assembly, have raffle prizes and spirit gear while encouraging friendly classroom competitions. For instance, each class is challenged to secure 100% class participation, which means every student receives at least one pledge of $10 or more, to earn a pizza party for the entire class. In order to reach our goal as school, we ask that each student contributes $150 or more over the course of the event. Start date is Monday, October 2nd with the last day to donate being Thursday, October 19th. The big run day is Thursday, October 12th, at Cannon Hill Park!
We invite you to connect with us on social media, as well as share your support on our dedicated Supporters Page. Meanwhile, don’t hesitate to ask a Cataldo student how you can support their performance and pledge goals!
On your mark, get set … LET’s GO!