Cataldo Catholic School

Spokane, WA

Supporter Wall

For donations made to Cataldo Catholic School on Boost My School

Aaron Aaron
1st Lo
Aaron Gutzwiler
2nd Rowley
Aaron Gutzwiler
5th Lucas
Abbey K
Student ’266th Bennett
Abby Furukawa
4th Myers
Abby Penn
8th Sims
Ace T
Student ’266th Bennett
Ada A
Student ’33PK Comella
Adaline E
Student ’311st Lo
Adalynn G
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Adalynn H
Student ’275th Lucas
Adam & Erin Mulqueeney
Parent ’24, ’29
Addi O
Student ’266th Bennett
Addie J
Student ’284th Maucione
Addison Addison
1st Lo
Addison C
Student ’34PS Gross
Addison W
Student ’284th Myers
Addyson S
Student ’32K- Yochum
Aileen Link
3rd Rebstock
Ainslie T
Student ’257th Young
Alek N
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Alessandra King
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Alex C
Student ’266th Haley
Alex Cozza
3rd Ryan
Alex M
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Alexander D
Student ’33PK Comella
Alexander Durazo
PK Comella
Alexandra Lee
Parent ’20
Alexandra Lee
Parent ’21
Alexandria MacIlroy
Student ’284th Maucione
Alexi Matousek
4th Myers
Ali & Mahnaz Gaskari
Ali M
Student ’284th Maucione
Alice B
Student ’275th Frantzich
Alice Bradshaw
5th Frantzich
Alice G
Student ’311st Lo
Alice W
Student ’302nd Rowley
Alicia DeCataldo
Parent ’30
Alicia Zieske Goulet
Parent ’34PS Grant
Alina Nevarez
Parent ’275th Lucas
Alivia K
Alumni ’248th Sims
Alivia Kalua
Alumni ’248th Sims
Alivia Kalua
8th Sims
Allen Kohler
8th Sims
Allen Nevarez
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Allen and Alina Nevarez
Parent ’27, ’32
Allen and Connie Gilbert
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Allen and Connie Gilbert
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Allison Lambert
PK Comella
Allison Lambert
3rd Ryan
Allison Lambert
6th Bennett
Allison Lambert
K- Yochum
Alyssa W Eileen
7th Young
Amanda House
PK Comella
Amanda House
Alumni ’971st Duran
Amanda House
3rd Rebstock
Amanda Pannucci
Parent ’275th Lucas
Amanda Pannucci
Parent ’311st Duran
Amanda Thorp
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Amanda Thorp
Parent ’266th Haley
Ameerah B
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Ameerah Bevzyuk
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Amelia J
Student ’302nd Hamill
Amelia Stauffer
K- Yochum
Amelia Stratigos
K- Yochum
Amelia W
Student ’302nd Hamill
Amir Ganni
7th Young
Amy Anderson Chase
Parent ’266th Haley
Amy Currie
Parent ’284th Maucione
Amy Currie
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Amy Currie
Parent ’33PS Grant
Amy Gustafson
6th Haley
Amy Mead
6th Haley
Amy Nathan
2nd Rowley
Amy Pontarolo
7th Young
Amy Scheck
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Amy Scheck
Parent ’33PK Brown
Amy Tee
3rd Rebstock
Ana Heimuli
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Ana Peery
K- Muzatko
Analie W
Student ’266th Bennett
Analie Watson
6th Bennett
Andrea Forum
6th Haley
Andrea McFarland
8th Dodroe
Andrew Balmforth
8th Dodroe
Andrew C
Student ’302nd Hamill
Andrew K
Student ’257th Young
Andrew M
Student ’275th Lucas
Andrew Ryan
Parent ’311st Lo
Andrew Ryan
Parent ’311st Duran
Andrew Ryan
Parent ’31
Andrew and Marietta Haffey
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Andrew and Marietta Haffey
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Andrew and Marietta Haffey
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Andy Covington
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Andy and Karina Bloom
Parent ’28, ’30
Angela E Pontarolo
7th Young
Angela Lawhorn
6th Bennett
Angelina H
Student ’275th Lucas
Angelo M
Student ’284th Maucione
Angie Beauchamp
1st Lo
Anita Boyum
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Anita Vigerstol
Ann & Rick Wise
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Ann Tierney
Faculty/Staff4th Maucione
Anna Busch
Student ’31, ’33Parent ’31, ’33
Anna Dow
Parent ’257th Young
Anna Krieger
K- Muzatko
Anna Lyman
3rd Ryan
Anne & Jason Miller
7th Young
Annie Busch
Parent ’311st Duran
Annie Busch
Parent ’33PK Brown
Annie Dompier
6th Haley
Anonymous --
3rd Rebstock
Anonymous Anonymous
7th Young
Anonymous Anonymous
2nd Hamill
Anonymous Anonymous
8th Dodroe
Anonymous Anonymous
2nd Rowley
Anonymous Anonymous
1st Duran
Anonymous H
6th Haley
Anthony B
Student ’311st Duran
Anthony M
Student ’302nd Rowley
Anton B
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Antonia Tombari
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Antonia Tombari
Parent ’266th Bennett
Antonio Songco
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Antonio Songco
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Ariana W
Student ’284th Myers
Ariana Watson
4th Myers
Arron N
Student ’275th Lucas
Arya K
Student ’293rd Ryan
Aryah R
Student ’302nd Hamill
Asher McInerney
2nd Rowley
Ashley Leslie
Parent ’33PK Comella
Ashley Mann
Parent ’32
Atlannie Pariseau
K- Muzatko
Atlannie Pariseau
1st Duran
Aubrey Kubik
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Aubrey Kubik
Parent ’311st Lo
Aubrey R
Student ’284th Myers
Audra & Paul Keyes
Parent ’30
Audra Keyes
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Audrey S
Student ’275th Frantzich
Auggie S
Student ’311st Duran
August H
Student ’302nd Rowley
Auntie Meg
K- Yochum
Auntie and Scotty
PS Grant
Autoskin Detail and Ceramic Coatings
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Autoskin Detail and Ceramic Coatings
Parent ’32
Autumn Craven
8th Dodroe
Ava E
Student ’34PS Gross
Ava M
Student ’311st Duran
Ava S
Student ’257th Young
Avery S K
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Avery Tee
3rd Rebstock
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Banyan L
Student ’284th Myers
Barb & Toby
3rd Rebstock
Barbara & Frank Janosick
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Barbara August
K- Yochum
Barbara Balmforth
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Barbara Bruntlett
2nd Rowley
Barbara Bruntlett
2nd Hamill
Barbara Bruntlett
6th Bennett
Barbara Lancaster
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Barbara Smith
2nd Rowley
Barbie Bird
3rd Rebstock
Baylor Mulgrew
2nd Hamill
Beatrix V
Student ’284th Maucione
Beckett M
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Beckett Montgomery
2nd Hamill
Becky Coombs
Parent ’284th Maucione
Becky Lollis
PK Comella
Becky and Cody Coombs
Parent ’28
Ben Gaskari
Student ’275th Frantzich
Ben Nickol
Parent ’32, ’33K- Yochum
Ben P
Student ’311st Duran
Ben Stein
Parent ’311st Duran
Ben Stein
Parent ’34PS Grant
Benita Wissel
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Benjamin G
Student ’275th Frantzich
Benjamin H
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Bennett B
Student ’284th Maucione
Bernard & Kathleen Korth
Bernie Rodseth
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Betsy & Charles Williams
4th Maucione
Bill & Dorothy Crow
3rd Ryan
Bill & Dorothy Crow
Bill Butler
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Bill Strunk
8th Dodroe
Bill and Kate Bradley
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Billy B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Blaine Beehler
6th Bennett
Blaise P
Student ’34PS Grant
Blake Reed
Parent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Bob & Karen Doran
Grandparent ’27
Bob Laughlin
3rd Rebstock
Bobbi Rowley
Parent ’28Faculty/Staff4th Myers
Bobbi Rowley
Parent ’29Faculty/Staff3rd Rebstock
Bobbi Rowley
PK Comella
Bode E
Student ’284th Maucione
Bojian Xu
Parent ’27, ’30
Boldt Family
1st Lo
Boldt family
PK Comella
Bonnie Hammil
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Bowen X
Student ’275th Lucas
Bowen Xu
Student ’275th Lucas
Brad Mickelson
2nd Rowley
Brad Mickelson
2nd Hamill
Brad Schumacher
Parent ’20, ’23
Brady B
Student ’293rd Ryan
Brady N
Student ’32K- Yochum
Brady V
Student ’32K- Yochum
Brady W
Student ’266th Haley
Brandee Gapen
Parent ’266th Haley
Brandee Gapen
Parent ’26
Brandon C
Alumni ’248th Sims
Brandon Caneer
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Brandon Caneer
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Brea LaRue
8th Sims
Breah James
Parent ’284th Maucione
Breah James
Parent ’28, ’30, ’32
Breanne & Shamus ODoherty
Parent ’26, ’33
Breanne O'Doherty
Parent ’266th Bennett
Brendan M
Student ’257th Young
Brenna Oliver
PS Gross
Brennan C
Alumni ’248th Sims
Bret Santarosa
Grandparent ’33K- Muzatko
Bri Goodwin
3rd Ryan
Brian & Sue Gosline
Brian & Tracey Donahue
Parent ’26
Brian Carney
1st Lo
Brian Flaherty
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Brian Flaherty
Parent ’33PK Brown
Brian Lollis
1st Lo
Brian Wagnon
Parent ’311st Lo
Brianna Ferrante
Parent ’33PK Brown
Bridget Carstens
Brigid D
Student ’266th Bennett
Brittany Tschirgi
Parent ’33PK Comella
Brody A
Student ’33PK Comella
Brody K
Student ’302nd Hamill
Brooke Brooke
1st Lo
Brooke Thacker
Parent ’24, ’26
Brooklyn S
Student ’266th Haley
Brooklyn Shawgo
6th Haley
Brooks R
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Brooks T
Student ’34PS Grant
Bruce Cyr
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Bruce Cyr
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Bruce Toillion
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Bryn G
Student ’311st Duran
Brynne R
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Burke B
Student ’266th Bennett
Buzzy Lenhart
K- Yochum
Byron K
Student ’284th Myers
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
CJ McClure
2nd Hamill
CJ McClure
5th Frantzich
Cade S
Student ’33PK Comella
Caitlin Johnson
Parent ’27, ’29
Cal Cal
1st Lo
Caleb Frey
6th Bennett
Caleb K
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Callie X
Student ’302nd Hamill
Callie Xu
Student ’302nd Hamill
Calvin V
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Calvin W
Student ’311st Lo
Calyx Dolce
3rd Ryan
Cameron C
Student ’311st Lo
Camille Mallon
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Camille Mallon
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Campbell F
Student ’32K- Yochum
Candi Fritz
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Canon M
Student ’34PS Gross
Carina Dincol
6th Bennett
Carissa Guiley
Parent ’311st Lo
Carl L Long
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Carlo Ruth
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Carma Bailey
Grandparent ’22, ’284th Maucione
Carol & John McMahon
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Carol & Michael McConnell
Carol Christianson
8th Dodroe
Carol Grottkau
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Carol Honse
2nd Hamill
Carol Honse
2nd Rowley
Carol Nicolarsen
Carol Tompkins
Grandparent ’257th Young
Carol and Michael McConnell
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Carol and Michael McConnell
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Caroline Covington
Parent ’32
Caroline D
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Carolyn Zakrzewski
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Carrie McMahon
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Carson P
Student ’275th Frantzich
Carson Portolesi
Student ’275th Frantzich
Carston Mulgrew
PK Comella
Casey S
Student ’266th Bennett
Cash D
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Catherine Pariseau
Grandparent ’31, ’321st Duran
Cathy McLean
Grandparent ’257th Young
Cathy McLean
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Cathy McLean
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
6th Haley
Charles & Miranda Hausberg
Parent ’311st Lo
Charley T
Student ’257th Young
Charlie Charlie
1st Lo
Charlie Darden
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Charlie Darden
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Charlie W
Student ’311st Lo
Charlotte C
Student ’34PS Gross
Charlotte J
Student ’266th Bennett
Charlotte L
Student ’33PK Comella
Charnae Songco
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Charnae Songco
Parent ’266th Bennett
Chase M
Student ’275th Lucas
Chelsea Tawney
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Chelsea Tawney
Parent ’32
Cheri & Brad Ennis
Grandparent ’32, ’33K- Yochum
Cheri Hooper
5th Frantzich
Cheryl Siebeking
Grandparent ’26, ’306th Bennett
Cheryl Siebeking
Chip Anderson
K- Muzatko
Chloe D
Student ’284th Myers
Chloe M
Student ’284th Myers
Chris Buche
Grandparent ’24, ’278th Sims
Chris Buche
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Chris Pannucci
Parent ’27, ’315th Lucas
Chris Pannucci
Parent ’311st Duran
Chris Vanderwel
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Chris and Kjerstin Bell
Parent ’30
Christian O
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Christie Kovarik
Parent ’257th Young
Christine Christine
1st Lo
Christine Francesconi
4th Maucione
Christine Hamill
1st Duran
Christine Hamill
PK Brown
Christine Matichak
PK Brown
Christopher Lane
Parent ’33
Christopher Sharp
3rd Ryan
Christy Maguire
K- Muzatko
Christy Rutherford
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Chuck Murphy
Ciara B
Alumni ’248th Sims
Ciara Bradley
8th Dodroe
Ciara Mielke
2nd Rowley
Ciara Mielke
PS Stuhldreher
Cindy Epifanio
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Cindy Gibbons
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Cindy Gibbons
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Cindy Kawamura
8th Dodroe
Clair R
Student ’311st Duran
Claire B
Student ’293rd Ryan
Claire J
Alumni ’248th Sims
Claire O
Student ’33PK Brown
Claire Parks
8th Dodroe
Clancy Welsh
7th Young
Clara J
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Clara W
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Claudia Hills
Grandparent ’33PS Grant
Clayton Zakrzewski
PK Brown
Cody Brister
6th Haley
Coen D
Student ’311st Lo
Colette C
Student ’34PS Gross
Colette M
Student ’293rd Ryan
Colleen Haase
6th Haley
Colleen James
7th Young
Colleen Keefe
PS Grant
Collin Main
2nd Hamill
Collin Main
PK Comella
Colton D
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Connie Vander Schel
Grandparent ’30, ’32K- Yochum
Connie Vander Schel
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Connor Flanagan
Parent ’33PS Grant
Connor Tee
3rd Rebstock
Cooper B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Cooper L
Student ’34PS Grant
Cooper T
Student ’311st Lo
Cora C
Student ’284th Maucione
Cora Unknown
4th Maucione
Corey & John Hertz
7th Young
Corina P
Student ’311st Duran
Corina Tunison
1st Duran
Corina Tunison
K- Muzatko
Cormac S
Student ’302nd Hamill
Cormac Senecal
Student ’302nd Hamill
Cortney Burya
8th Dodroe
Cory Frazier
8th Sims
Cougar Pride
Faculty/Staff5th Lucas
Cougar Pride
Faculty/Staff3rd Rebstock
Cougar Pride
Faculty/Staff1st Duran
Cougar Pride
Faculty/Staff1st Lo
Courtney Dirk
3rd Ryan
Courtney Dirk
6th Haley
Craig Parks
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Craig and Kathy Parks
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Crigger Dix
8th Dodroe
Crosby F
Student ’33PK Brown
Crystal Hall
K- Yochum
Crystal Hall
PK Brown
Crystal Nelson
3rd Ryan
Crystal Palmer
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Crystal Palmer
Parent ’33PK Comella
Cullen M
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Curt H
Student ’284th Myers
Cynthia Boldt
1st Lo
Cynthia Boldt
PK Comella
Cynthia Malmquist
1st Duran
D Webster
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
D Webster
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Dan Bradley
Parent ’248th Sims
Dan Murphy
Alumni ’545th Lucas
Dana Burns
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Dana Burns
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Daniel N
Student ’33PK Brown
Daniel Reanier
K- Muzatko
Danielle Mudd
Student ’266th Haley
Danielle Mudd
Faculty/Staff3rd Rebstock
Danny P
Student ’302nd Rowley
Dave & Janet Solberg
David & Janet Solberg
7th Young
David Austin
Parent ’275th Frantzich
David Coombs
Grandparent ’28, ’29, ’32
David Husky
6th Bennett
David Lindley
David Partovi
Parent ’32K- Yochum
David V
Student ’33PK Brown
David Whitehead
Grandparent ’34PS Gross
David Zabinski
Parent ’248th Dodroe
David Zabinski
Parent ’266th Bennett
Dean & Lacie Algeo
7th Young
Dean P
Student ’302nd Rowley
Debbie Allen
6th Bennett
Debbie B. Real Estate
8th Dodroe
Debbie B. Real Estate Group
8th Dodroe
Debbie Battaglia
Parent ’19, ’227th Young
Debbie Battaglia
Parent ’19, ’22
Debbie Epidendio
4th Myers
Debbie Epidendio
2nd Rowley
Debbie Kalua
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Debra Vergnani
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Declan O
Student ’257th Young
Dee Bayley
Faculty/Staff4th Maucione
Delaney M
Student ’275th Frantzich
Dennis & Marie Arentsen
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Dennis & Marie Arentsen
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Dennis Williams
8th Dodroe
Dennis and Paige Williams
Parent ’25
Devin Apple
8th Dodroe
Devlin H
Student ’257th Young
Dezy L
Student ’266th Haley
Diana Penberthy
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Diane Wentzel-Carrier
Student ’257th Young
Dianne Lee
Diarmaid Lally
8th Sims
Diego M
Student ’33PK Comella
Dixie Davis Miller
Dixie Miller
7th Young
Dolly H
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Dolly Ham
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Dominic Chun
8th Dodroe
Donahue Family
Parent ’266th Bennett
Donald Jordan
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Donald Jordan
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Donald Jordan
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Donatella H
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Donita Jeffers
K- Yochum
Donita Jeffers
PS Gross
Donna Gregg
Student ’302nd Rowley
Donna Heimbigner
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Donna Ryan
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Donna Ryan
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Donna Ryan
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Donna Ryan
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Donnie and John Young
7th Young
Donnie and John Young
2nd Rowley
Doug & Ann Johnston
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Doug & Ann Johnston
Driggs T
Student ’257th Young
Dyan Lee
2nd Hamill
Dylan B
Student ’311st Lo
Dylan L
Student ’34PS Grant
Ed Kleist
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Eden T
Student ’302nd Rowley
Edward & Geraldine Holz
Edwin D
Student ’275th Lucas
Edwin Dix
Student ’278th Dodroe
Eleanor Baumgartner
Parent ’34PS Grant
Eleanor R
Student ’311st Lo
Eli McLoughlin
1st Duran
Eli S
Student ’266th Bennett
Elias Passmore
1st Lo
Elijah L
Student ’33PK Brown
Elin S
Student ’34PS Grant
Elisabeth Coe
Parent ’311st Lo
Elisabeth Coe
Parent ’34PS Gross
Elisabeth Coe
Parent ’31
Elizabeth Bell
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Elizabeth C
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Elizabeth Hunt
6th Haley
Elizabeth K
Student ’293rd Ryan
Elizabeth McNeal
1st Duran
Elizabeth McNeal
PK Brown
Elizabeth and Michael Pontarolo
Grandparent ’257th Young
Elle T
Student ’266th Haley
Ellie S
Student ’302nd Rowley
Ellie Toone
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Ellie Toone
Parent ’34PS Grant
Ellie Toone
Parent ’25, ’28, ’30, ’33
Elliot C
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Elliot J
Student ’302nd Rowley
Elly Barbieri
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Elly Barbieri
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Elly N
Alumni ’248th Sims
Elly Nicolarsen
Alumni ’248th Sims
Elly Nicolarsen
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Elsie L
Student ’293rd Ryan
Emeric E
Student ’33PK Comella
Emily Torres
1st Lo
Emily Yinger
Parent ’311st Duran
Emily Yinger
Parent ’275th Lucas
Emily Yinger
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Emily York Hughes
2nd Hamill
Emily York Hughes
2nd Rowley
Emma C
Student ’311st Duran
Emma D
Student ’311st Lo
Emma G
Student ’302nd Rowley
Emma M
Student ’284th Maucione
Emma T
Student ’32K- Yochum
Emmett H
Student ’311st Lo
Emmett Y
Student ’311st Duran
Emmie M
Student ’302nd Hamill
Eric & Kaitlin Malmquist
Parent ’311st Duran
Eric & Lea Sandberg
Parent ’275th Lucas
Eric & Lea Sandberg
Parent ’27
Eric Williams
7th Young
Erik Hammil
8th Sims
Erik Lee
6th Haley
Erin Covey
8th Dodroe
Erin Johnson
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Erin Johnson
Parent ’26, ’296th Bennett
Erin Johnson
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Erin Johnson
Parent ’26, ’29, ’32
Erin M
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Erin McMahon
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Erin Mulqueeney
Parent ’248th Sims
Erin Mulqueeney
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Erin Psoinos
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Erin Psoinos
Parent ’311st Duran
Erin Thacker
6th Haley
Erin Thacker
8th Dodroe
Ernest King
K- Muzatko
Erv Williams
8th Dodroe
Evelyn G
Student ’311st Lo
Evelyne M W
Student ’293rd Ryan
Everett H
Student ’302nd Rowley
Everett K
Student ’32K- Yochum
Everett W
Student ’275th Frantzich
Evie Y
Student ’275th Lucas
K- Yochum
FIG. 1 Patents
Parent5th Frantzich
Fatima Karimi
K- Muzatko
Finn A
Student ’32K- Yochum
Finn J
Student ’266th Haley
Finn L
Student ’275th Lucas
Finn M
Student ’275th Frantzich
Finola Keyes
2nd Hamill
Fionnuala Brown
Parent ’266th Bennett
Fionnuala Brown
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Fionnuala Brown
Parent ’26, ’29
Fisher B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Flora Cobb
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Flynn P
Student ’33PK Comella
Frances K
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Francisco Ruelas
2nd Hamill
Frank DePasquale
4th Maucione
Frank Janosick
Parent ’332nd Rowley
Frank Janosick
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Frank Owens
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Franklin V
Student ’32K- Yochum
Frederic Krieger
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Gabriel Ruelas
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Gail & Mary Wood
Galen Soucy
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Garrett Benson
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Garrett Benson
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Garrett Benson
Parent ’29, ’30
Gary & Donna Williams
4th Myers
Gary & Leigh Kubik
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Gary & Susan Bloom
Gary Bloom
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Gayle & Larry Kiser
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Gemma M
Student ’32K- Yochum
Gemma P
Student ’293rd Ryan
Gene Suzaki & & Dianne Lee
6th Haley
Genevieve L
Student ’293rd Ryan
George & Carrie Crow
3rd Ryan
George Q
Student ’33PK Brown
George V
Student ’32K- Yochum
George Valdez
George Velis
K- Yochum
George W
Student ’311st Duran
Georgia D
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Georgia Dix
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Georgia H
Alumni ’248th Sims
Georgia K
Student ’257th Young
Georgia V
Student ’34PS Grant
Geraldine Holz
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Gerard M
Student ’257th Young
Gianna L
Student ’302nd Rowley
Gina Bartelli
3rd Rebstock
Giorgia R
Student ’302nd Hamill
Giorgia Ryan
Student ’302nd Hamill
Gloria Currie
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Grace B
Student ’284th Myers
Grace G
Student ’284th Myers
Grace G
Student ’275th Lucas
Grace Kalua
Alumni ’198th Sims
Graham G
Student ’32K- Yochum
Graham W
Student ’33PK Brown
Graham and Nicole Pederson
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Graham and Nicole Pederson
Parent ’27
Grandma & Grandpa Erickson
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Grayson B
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Greco Signorelli
5th Lucas
Greg & Lisa Shortell
Alumni ’16, ’18, ’20
Greg Byers & Lynnae McGillen
5th Frantzich
Greg Fleischhauer
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Greg and Kelly Balmforth
Parent ’19, ’21, ’24
Gregory Balmforth
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Greyson M
Student ’311st Duran
Griffin M
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Guillermo P
Student ’284th Maucione
Gus, Jen, Kaylin and Luke
1st Duran
Gus, Jen, Kaylin and Luke
PS Grant
Haase’s Greenhouse
6th Haley
Hailey J
Student ’257th Young
Hailey Schemmel
8th Dodroe
Halli Cavin
3rd Ryan
Hannah F
Student ’302nd Rowley
Hannah Grella
3rd Ryan
Hannah K
Student ’257th Young
Hannah O
Student ’32K- Yochum
Harlow R
Student ’275th Lucas
Harry F
Student ’293rd Ryan
Harvey Landholm
Grandparent ’257th Young
Hayden A
Student ’275th Frantzich
Hayden P
Student ’33PK Brown
Hazel L
Student ’311st Duran
Heather Barbieri
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Heather Barbieri
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Heather Schmick
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Heather Vose
1st Lo
Heidi Austin
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Helen Pannucci
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Helen Pannucci
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Hendrix P
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Henry G
Student ’34PS Grant
Henry T
Student ’275th Lucas
Henry Treloar
Student ’275th Lucas
Henry Y
Student ’266th Haley
Hillary Rojo
2nd Hamill
Holly & Kim Johnson
PK Comella
Holly David
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Holly E
Parent ’33PK Comella
Holly E
Parent ’311st Lo
Holly Eschelbach
Parent ’31, ’33
Holly Hicks
Parent ’248th Sims
Holly Hicks
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Holly Hicks
8th Dodroe
Holly Hicks
Parent ’24
Holly Komberec
1st Lo
Holten Family
K- Muzatko
Hudson K
Student ’311st Lo
Hugh/Coleen Marconi/Monaghan
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Hunter L
Student ’32K- Yochum
Ian M
Student ’275th Frantzich
Ian McCallum
Student ’275th Frantzich
Isabel R
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Isabella K
Student ’293rd Ryan
Isla E
Student ’311st Duran
Ivory M
Alumni ’248th Sims
J Pangaro
6th Haley
Student ’275th Frantzich
Student ’257th Young
Jack C
Student ’33PK Brown
Jack F
Student ’302nd Hamill
Jack N
Student ’275th Frantzich
Jack Niemann
Student ’275th Frantzich
Jack P
Student ’275th Lucas
Jack P
Student ’311st Duran
Jack T
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Jackie Pariseau
Parent ’311st Duran
Jacob P
Student ’33PK Comella
Jacqueline Lake
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Jacqueline Laughlin
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Jaden Delucchi
3rd Rebstock
Jaemi Riggs
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Jake Davis
8th Sims
James DuBose
K- Muzatko
James L
Student ’266th Bennett
James Owens
K- Yochum
James Owens
PK Brown
James S
Student ’33PK Brown
James T
Student ’33PK Comella
James V
Student ’34PS Gross
James Williams
Alumni ’187th Young
Jameson H
Student ’284th Myers
Jameson M
Student ’34PS Gross
Jamie Fox
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Jamie Fox
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Jamie Kalua
Parent ’248th Sims
Jamie Lawver
Parent ’33PS Grant
Jamie Lawver
Parent ’33
Jan Jecha
7th Young
Jan and Dan Treecraft and Brookbank
8th Sims
Jane Freathy
1st Lo
Janelle Boston
Parent ’311st Lo
Janelle Sims
Faculty/Staff8th Sims
Janet Bean
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Janet Maucione
Faculty/Staff4th Maucione
Janet Maucione
PK Comella
Janice McNeal
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Janice Staehli
Janis Pederson
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Janis Simpson
Jason Hicks
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Jean Littleton
6th Haley
Jean Morse
Grandparent ’28, ’30, ’324th Maucione
Jeff Main
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Jeff and Emily Wirth
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Jeff and Emily Wirth
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Jeff and Emily Wirth
Parent ’27, ’30
Jeff and Shawna Miller
Parent ’25
Jen Kuehl Butterworth
Parent ’311st Duran
Jen Kuehl Butterworth
Parent ’34PS Grant
Jenae Gibler
Parent ’275th Lucas
Jenna Simpson
Alumni ’187th Young
Jenna Solberg
Parent ’257th Young
Jenna Solberg
Jennifer Anderson
8th Dodroe
Jennifer Malmquist
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Jennifer Siewert
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Jennifer Swanson
7th Young
Jennifer and Bruce Willham
Grandparent ’257th Young
Jenny Edmonds
Parent ’284th Maucione
Jenny Pennay
8th Dodroe
Jeremy and Sarah Nicolarsen
Parent ’24, ’27
Jess Gutzwiler
2nd Rowley
Jess Gutzwiler
5th Lucas
Jessi Jones & Billy Jones
Parent ’266th Bennett
Jessica Allen
6th Bennett
Jessica Honican
8th Sims
Jessica LaCroix
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Jessica McHugh
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Jim Howell
3rd Rebstock
Jimmy King
Parent ’33PK Brown
Jimmy King
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Jo-C McEwan
K- Muzatko
Joan Zimmer
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Joan for Michelle
8th Sims
Joann Grabicki
4th Myers
Joanna Joanna
1st Lo
Jodi Gibler
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Jody & Mike
8th Dodroe
Jody Hagen
Grandparent ’28, ’302nd Hamill
Jody Hagen
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Jody Hahen
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Joe & Angie Gamon
K- Muzatko
Joe & Marguerite Michels
Joe Dittrich
6th Haley
Joe K
Student ’302nd Hamill
Joe Owens
PK Brown
Joe Owens
K- Yochum
Joe Quintana
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Joesph Mudd
Parent ’266th Bennett
Johanna Kahn
4th Myers
John & Carol McMahon
John & Margaret McKenna
2nd Hamill
John & Margaret McKenna
K- Yochum
John & Margaret McKenna
4th Myers
John & Marita Niemann
Student ’27Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
John & Stacey Harcus
John & Victoria Mantello
2nd Rowley
John & Victoria Mantello
5th Lucas
John & sharon Tschirgi
Grandparent ’311st Lo
John Albi
K- Yochum
John Hodge
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
John Hodge
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
John Hodge
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
John Mantello
Parent ’275th Lucas
John Mantello
Parent ’96, ’27, ’302nd Rowley
John Mantello
Parent ’27, ’30
John McInerney III
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
John McKenna
Parent ’28, ’30, ’32
John McMahon
PK Comella
John McMahon
2nd Hamill
John P
Student ’32K- Muzatko
John Painter
1st Lo
John Pilcher
Parent ’257th Young
John Tschirgi
Parent ’311st Lo
John Woltman
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
John Woltman
Grandparent ’311st Lo
John and Deidre Mcloughlin
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
John and Deidre Mcloughlin
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
John and Sharon Tschirgi
Grandparent ’33K- Muzatko
Johnny T
Student ’302nd Rowley
Jojo Kalua
8th Sims
Jolene Leeper
Parent ’33PK Brown
Jolie B
Student ’33PK Brown
Jon Boyum
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Jon Ryan
Parent ’27, ’30
Joseph Joseph
8th Dodroe
Josephine M
Student ’32K- Yochum
Josey M
Alumni ’248th Sims
Josh Gutzwiler
2nd Rowley
Josh Gutzwiler
5th Lucas
Josh Yarno
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Joy Wesselman
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Judy Giordanetto
8th Sims
Jules B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Jules Hardy
Parent ’257th Young
Julian Nardo
PK Comella
Julian O
Student ’275th Lucas
Juliann Haffey
Parent ’266th Haley
Juliann Haffey
Parent ’284th Myers
Juliann Haffey
Parent ’311st Lo
Julie & Charlie Toillion
Parent ’24
Julie Frank
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Julie Frank
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Julie Kauppila
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Julie Kauppila
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Julie Kauppila
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Julie Mosey
Parent ’266th Haley
Julie Shogan
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Julie Toillion
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Julio Morales
Grandparent ’28K- Muzatko
Julio Morales
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Jun Li
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Jun Li
Parent ’266th Bennett
June West
8th Sims
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Parent ’257th Young
Parent ’284th Maucione
Kacie B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Kaitlin Willham
7th Young
Kalin Murphy
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Kalin Murphy
Parent ’27
Karen Doran
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Karen Doran
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Karen Doran
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Karen Hawkins
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Karen Hawkins
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Karen Kovarik
Grandparent ’257th Young
Karen Parsons
Grandparent ’25, ’28, ’307th Young
Karen Parsons
Grandparent ’25, ’28, ’30, ’33
Karen Plaister
Parent ’33PK Comella
Karin Drew
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Karin Drew
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Karina & Eustace Grant
4th Maucione
Karyn Vasquez
6th Bennett
Katarina D
Student ’32K- Yochum
Kate Dix
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Kate Dix
Parent ’24, ’278th Dodroe
Kate Dix
Parent ’24, ’275th Lucas
Kate Quintana
Parent ’33PK Brown
Kate Reed
2nd Hamill
Kate Reed
4th Myers
Kate and Travis Dix
Parent ’275th Lucas
Kate and Travis Dix
Parent ’24
Katey Treloar
Parent ’257th Young
Katey Treloar
Parent ’24, ’27
Katherine Laughlin
3rd Rebstock
Kathi Schmidt
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Kathi Schmidt
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Kathleen and Lowell Ruen
Kathryn Bradley
8th Sims
Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Gilbert
8th Dodroe
Kathy Albi
3rd Rebstock
Kathy Hazel
8th Dodroe
Kathy Kelleher
5th Frantzich
Kathy Kelleher
2nd Rowley
Kathy Parks
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Kathy S
7th Young
Katie Campbell
6th Haley
Katie McNeil
3rd Rebstock
Katie Mcneil
4th Myers
Katie Prugh
Parent ’33PK Brown
Katie Prugh
Parent ’33
Katie Yarno
Parent ’266th Haley
Katy Bruya
2nd Hamill
Katy Bruya
4th Myers
Katy Wagnon
Parent ’266th Haley
Katy and Ed Bruya
Parent ’23
Kaufo’ou Moa
8th Dodroe
Kay & Todd Edmonds
Kayla Eickerman
1st Duran
Keegan Tee
3rd Rebstock
Keith Watts
6th Haley
Keith Watts
8th Sims
Kellan O
Student ’33PK Brown
Kelli Bauer
2nd Rowley
Kelli Smith
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Kelly Balmforth
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Kelly Balmforth
8th Sims
Kelly Kuehl
1st Duran
Kelly Kuehl
PS Grant
Kelly Owens
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Kelly Owens
Parent ’33PK Brown
Kelly Riggs
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Ken & Marie Kapstafer
Ken Balmforth
Grandparent ’24
Ken DeCataldo
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Ken Ken
1st Lo
Kendall D
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Kendall DeCataldo
Parent ’33PS Stuhldreher
Kendall Stein
Parent ’31
Kenly W
Student ’34PS Grant
Kenneth Balmforth
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Kent St. John
6th Haley
Ketti Mulrine
3rd Rebstock
Kevin Albee
3rd Ryan
Kevin Albee
K- Yochum
Kevin Johnson
6th Bennett
Kevin McHugh
Grandparent ’257th Young
Kevin McHugh
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Kevin McHugh
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Kevin Nary and Dee Carrier
Grandparent ’257th Young
Kevin Reed
3rd Ryan
Keytra & Eric Lewis
Parent ’311st Duran
Khira Passmore
1st Lo
Kianna Passmore
1st Lo
Kilian L
Student ’33PK Comella
Kilian Low
Parent ’33
Kimberly Gomez
Parent ’284th Maucione
Kimberly Gutzwiler
Parent ’332nd Rowley
Kimberly Gutzwiler
Parent ’275th Lucas
Kimberly Koch
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Kimberly Koch
Parent ’24
Kimberly Myers
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Kimberly Myers
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Kinley P
Student ’302nd Hamill
Kiri Herchold
5th Lucas
Kirstin & Chris Tamminen
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Kirstin & Chris Tamminen
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Kjerstin Bell
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Kris & Bill Schulte
6th Haley
Krista Portolesi
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Krista Portolesi
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Kriste Draper
Parent ’275th Lucas
Kriste Draper
Parent ’284th Myers
Kriste Draper
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Kristen Piscopo
1st Duran
Kristen Veselka
PS Grant
Kristie Clausen
2nd Rowley
Kristin Kleist
3rd Rebstock
Kristin Lehman
8th Dodroe
Kristin Vogel
Parent ’284th Maucione
Kristine Koch
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Kyomi S
Student ’302nd Rowley
Laila T
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Laine Larson
1st Lo
Landon Z
Student ’33PK Comella
Landry F
Student ’34PS Grant
Langston, Taurus & Dunni
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Larry Ferrante
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Larry Williams
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Laura Morrow-Satran
8th Dodroe
Laura Wilson
Parent ’284th Myers
Laura Wilson
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Laurel & Mike Nissley
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Lauren H
Alumni ’248th Sims
Lauren Mccormick
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Lauren Roberts
PK Brown
Lauren T
Student ’266th Haley
Lauren Van Gemert
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Laurie Shovic
Student ’311st Duran
Layla B
Student ’302nd Hamill
Leah Heitner
2nd Rowley
Leah N
Student ’275th Frantzich
Leah Rinker
3rd Rebstock
Leah Rinker
6th Bennett
Leah Rinker
K- Yochum
Lee Ann Beehler
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Lee Ann Beehlet
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Leigh & Gary Kubik
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Leighton T
Student ’33PK Brown
Lennon L
Student ’33PK Brown
Lennon Y
Student ’302nd Hamill
Leo Lacour
K- Muzatko
Leo Welter
6th Haley
Lesley Kunold
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Lesley Kunold
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Leslie Warren
8th Dodroe
Lexi G
Student ’275th Lucas
Lexi Gilbertson
Student ’275th Lucas
Liam G
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Libby F
Alumni ’248th Sims
Liesel Bradshaw
Parent ’24, ’27
Lilly Flatgard
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Lilly Flatgard
Parent ’33PS Stuhldreher
Lilly T
Student ’284th Myers
Lincoln A
Student ’293rd Ryan
Lincoln Stauffer
K- Yochum
Lincoln Trujillo
8th Sims
Linda & Lyle Moholt
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Linda Dermates
6th Haley
Linda Jensen
Grandparent ’233rd Rebstock
Linda Laney
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Linda Laney
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Linda Laney
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Linda M
7th Young
Linda Morey Radach
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Linda Morey Radach
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Linda Morey Tadach
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Linda Williams
3rd Ryan
Linda and Greg Devlin Devlin
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Lisa Harmon
PS Grant
Lisa Inabinet
2nd Rowley
Lisa Kalua
Parent ’248th Sims
Lisa Savage-Black
Grandparent ’26, ’296th Haley
Lisa Savage-black
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Lisa Van Gemert
Parent ’311st Duran
Lisa Van Gemert
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Lisa Watson
Parent ’266th Bennett
Lisa Watson
Parent ’284th Myers
Liz & David Van Den Berg
Parent ’33PK Brown
Logan & Alicia Goulet
Parent ’33
Logan Gibler
5th Lucas
Logan Goulet
Parent ’34PS Grant
Lois Palazzolo
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Lola J
Student ’266th Bennett
Lonnie Lonnie
1st Lo
Lori Burke
1st Lo
Lori Otis
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Lori Poffenroth
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Lori Poffenroth
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Lori Raivio
Parent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Lori Raivio
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Lorrie Smyly
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Louella L
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Louis Dix
8th Dodroe
Louis Kleist
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Luca L
Student ’33PK Comella
Lucas S
Student ’32K- Yochum
Lucy B
Student ’284th Myers
Lucy L
Student ’33PK Comella
Lucy R
Student ’302nd Hamill
Luelle M
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Luis Rendon
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Luis Rendon
Parent ’33PS Gross
Luke B
Student ’34PS Grant
Luke Cairney
Parent ’311st Lo
Luke Cairney
Parent ’284th Maucione
Luke Cairney
Parent ’266th Bennett
Luke Cairney
Parent ’33PK Brown
Luke Cairney
Parent ’26, ’28, ’31, ’33
Luke T
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Lydia H
Student ’32K- Yochum
Lyla J
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Lynda Zappone
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Lynnae McGillen
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Lynnae McGillen
Parent ’257th Young
Lynnae McGillen
Parent ’266th Haley
Lynne & Carl Baum
7th Young
Grandparent ’28, ’304th Myers
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
6th Bennett
PK Brown
Maclaen Tamminen
Parent ’33PK Brown
Maclaen Tamminen
Parent ’34PS Grant
Maclaen and Melissa Tamminen
Parent ’33
Maddie B
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Maddie Balmforth
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Maddie Balmforth
2nd Rowley
Maddy T
Student ’293rd Ryan
Maddy Thorp
Student ’293rd Ryan
Madeleine Myers
PK Comella
Madelyn Balmforth
8th Sims
Maggie Kirschner
4th Myers
Maggie Kirschner
2nd Hamill
Maggie Maggie
1st Lo
Maggie Roberts
1st Lo
Maija Druffel
Parent ’311st Lo
Maija Druffel
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Maile McFarland
6th Bennett
Maile McFarland
PK Brown
Mairead O
Student ’284th Maucione
Makayla B
Student ’275th Frantzich
Malia T
Student ’266th Haley
Marcelo Morales
Parent ’324th Maucione
Marci Siebeking
2nd Hamill
Marcia Boyle
2nd Rowley
Marcus & heather Schmick
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Marcy Kerr
6th Haley
Margaret C
Student ’266th Bennett
Margaret M
Student ’284th Maucione
Margaret Sherry
6th Haley
Margaret Stein
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Margaret Stein
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Marguerite Busch
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Marguerite Busch
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Mari Odle
Parent ’27, ’33
Maria B
Student ’34PS Grant
Maria Washington
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Marian H
Student ’311st Lo
Marian Wuest
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Marie Arentsen
Marie Ferrante
PK Brown
Marie Kernie
8th Dodroe
Marie Kernie
7th Young
Marie Lambert
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Marie Lambert
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Marie Lambert
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Marie Lambert
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Marissa Lewis
8th Sims
Marita Niemann
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Mark Rickey
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Mark Vogel
Parent ’284th Maucione
Marna R Rickey
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Martha Monek
Mary B
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Mary Beth C
Student ’284th Maucione
Mary Caldwell
8th Sims
Mary Caldwell
4th Maucione
Mary Caldwell
6th Haley
Mary Kloostra
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Mary Kloostra
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Mary McKibben
4th Myers
Mary Schmid
Faculty/Staff4th Maucione
Mary Shields
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Mary Shields
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Mary T
Student ’284th Myers
Mary Voss
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Mary Wood
Grandparent ’29, ’31, ’333rd Rebstock
MaryCatherine Milburn
8th Sims
Mateus D
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Matt & Sydney McNeal
Parent ’31, ’33
Matt Raby
PS Grant
Matt Willin
4th Myers
Matthew Chatman
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Matthew Z
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Maureen Burke
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Maureen Burke Burke
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Maureen Guichard
3rd Rebstock
Maverick Kalua
8th Sims
Max P
Student ’284th Myers
Max W
Alumni ’248th Sims
Maya D
Student ’257th Young
Mayra Rendon-Garza
Parent ’30
Mayson Douglass
3rd Ryan
Mazie L
Student ’275th Lucas
McDonagh Family
5th Frantzich
McDonagh Family
3rd Ryan
McKinley D
Student ’302nd Rowley
Megan Clark
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Megan Clark
Parent ’311st Duran
Megan Cozza
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Megan Kapaun
Parent ’257th Young
Megan Kapaun
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Meghan Alexander
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Meghan Alexander
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Meghan Schemmel
Alumni ’078th Dodroe
Meghan and Kevin Alexander
Parent ’29, ’32
Melanie Monek
Parent ’257th Young
Melissa Johnson
3rd Rebstock
Melissa Johnson
K- Yochum
Merry & George Valdez
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Merry Valdez
Parent ’266th Haley
Mia G
Student ’34PS Grant
Mia thorp
6th Haley
Micah Dunlap
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Micah Dunlap
Parent ’29
Michael & Jeanne Agostinelli
Michael & Marilyn Phalen
Michael Bragg
1st Lo
Michael Mittelstaedt
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Michael Mittelstaedt
Grandparent ’257th Young
Michael Williams
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Michaela Wesselman
8th Dodroe
Michele & Dan Carney
1st Lo
Michele Larson
5th Lucas
Michelle & Jason Vergnani
8th Dodroe
Michelle A
Alumni ’248th Sims
Michelle Hennessy
PS Grant
Michelle McCarty
6th Haley
Michelle Tompkins
Parent ’22, ’25
Michelle Vergnani
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Michelle and Michael Grover
Parent ’311st Lo
Michelle and Michael Grover
Parent ’284th Myers
Mike & Laurel Nissley
Grandparent ’26
Mike & Susan Kuhn
Mike Bradley
8th Sims
Mike Gainer
8th Sims
Mike J Anderson
Mike Keyes
Alumni ’83Parent ’16, ’17, ’20
Mike McArthur
3rd Rebstock
Mike Schroder
K- Muzatko
Mike Shields
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Mike Shields
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Mila B
Student ’33PK Comella
Mila R
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Milania V
Student ’302nd Rowley
Mindy Lucas
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Mindy Lucas
Parent ’311st Duran
Miranda & Charles Hausberg
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Miranda & Charles Hausberg
Parent ’30, ’31
Mirella L
Student ’266th Bennett
Miriam Keyes
2nd Hamill
Mischelle Zabinski
Parent ’266th Bennett
Mischelle Zabinski
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Missy Tisdall
PS Grant
Molly E
Student ’293rd Ryan
Molly Galvin
5th Lucas
Molly Galvin
1st Duran
Molly M
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Molly Schemmel
8th Dodroe
Morgan C
Student ’311st Duran
Morgan E
Student ’311st Lo
Morgan Zarowny
Parent ’284th Maucione
Morgan and Andrew Escolme
6th Haley
Moses Kalua
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Mr & Mrs Harris
Parent ’284th Myers
Mr & Mrs Miller
8th Dodroe
Mr & Mrs Zapf
8th Dodroe
Mr Dix
8th Dodroe
Mr Hynes
Faculty/StaffPS Grant
Mr Hynes
Faculty/StaffPK Brown
Mr Hynes
Faculty/StaffPK Comella
Mr Hynes
Faculty/StaffPS Stuhldreher
Mr Hynes
Faculty/StaffPS Gross
Mrs Bennett
Faculty/Staff6th Bennett
Mrs Duggan
8th Sims
Mrs Greger
8th Sims
Mrs Murphy
8th Sims
Munro H
Student ’266th Haley
N McGillen
6th Haley
7th Young
Naclerio R
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Nana Oliver
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Nancy Allen
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Nancy Erlandsen
Faculty/Staff4th Maucione
Nancy Garrison
8th Dodroe
Nancy Rumpeltes
8th Dodroe
Nancy Williams
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Nancy Williams
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Nancy Wirth
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Nancy Wirth
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Natalie Chally
Parent ’34PS Gross
Natalie Chally
Parent ’311st Duran
Nathan Z
Student ’266th Bennett
Nathaniel M
Student ’257th Young
Nathaniel Odle
Parent ’27
National Electrical Contractors Association
Parent ’311st Duran
National Electrical Contractors Association
Parent ’33PS Gross
Nevh Ziegler
8th Sims
Ni Zeng
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Nicholas H
Student ’33PK Comella
Nicholas Kovarik
Parent ’25
Nick Nardo
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Nico S
Student ’302nd Rowley
Nicole Gutierrez
Faculty/Staff3rd Rebstock
Nicole Gutierrez
Faculty/StaffK- Yochum
Nicole Pederson
Parent ’33PK Comella
Nicole Woltman
Parent ’29, ’31
Nikki Myers
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Nikki Woltman
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Nikki Woltman
Parent ’311st Lo
Nnenna Agada
Parent ’248th Sims
Noelle C
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Nolan P
Student ’275th Frantzich
Norene Owens
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Norene Owens
Grandparent ’32K- Yochum
Oliver R
Student ’293rd Ryan
Olivia H
Student ’34PS Gross
Olivia T
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Opal F
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Otis & Rabbit
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Otis & Rabbit
Student ’33PK Comella
Owen C
Student ’32K- Muzatko
P.S. Watson
PJ & Cheryl Grabicki
Grandparent ’311st Lo
PJ & Cheryl Grabicki
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Student ’293rd Ryan
Paige M
Student ’266th Haley
Paige S
Student ’275th Lucas
Paige Williams
Parent ’257th Young
Paloma P
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Pamela Krueger
2nd Hamill
Papa Jon Clark
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Papa Jon Clark
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Papa and Grandma
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Papa and Grandma
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Parker G
Alumni ’248th Sims
Parker G
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Parker Gilbertson
Alumni ’248th Sims
Parker S
Student ’302nd Hamill
Pat Murphy
6th Haley
Pat Partovi
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Patricia for Michelle
8th Sims
Patrick Mulqueeney
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Patrick Mulqueeney
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Patti Aked
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Patti Sivostin-Osta
4th Myers
Pattsy Sue Watson
6th Bennett
Patty, Ryan, Adam Busto
3rd Rebstock
Paul Dodroe
Faculty/Staff8th Dodroe
Paul Keyes
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Paul and Maureen Dodroe
Paula Benson
Parent ’29
Paula Husky
6th Bennett
Peggy Botte
3rd Rebstock
Peggy Pierce
1st Lo
Pennelope M
Student ’257th Young
Penny Besmer
6th Bennett
Peter Grabicki
1st Lo
Peter McNeal
Grandparent ’281st Duran
Pollyanna F
Student ’302nd Rowley
Priscilla Herchold
5th Lucas
Pyper M
Student ’275th Frantzich
Qi-You I. (Isaac) W
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Quentin Canton
K- Muzatko
Quinn J
Student ’284th Maucione
Quinn M
Student ’275th Lucas
Rachael Massoud
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Rachael Massoud
Parent ’23PS Stuhldreher
Rachael Massoud
Parent ’32, ’33
Rachael Myers
4th Myers
Rachael Myers
3rd Rebstock
Rachael Myers
Parent ’33PK Comella
Rachael and Brendon Myers
Parent ’33Faculty/Staff
Rachel Paul
6th Haley
Rachel and Connor Flanagan
Parent ’33
Raemi Riggs
8th Dodroe
Randall & Caitlin Johnson
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Randall & Caitlin Johnson
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Randall Sleight
8th Dodroe
Rebecca Gutierrez
Grandparent ’311st Duran
Rebecca Hicks
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Rebecca Madany
3rd Rebstock
Faculty/StaffPK Comella
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Parent ’33PK Brown
Parent ’34PS Grant
Reeces Pieces
3rd Ryan
Reese M
Student ’311st Lo
Reese W
Student ’257th Young
Reid Montgomery
PK Comella
Reilly Roach
K- Muzatko
Reindeer Dippin
8th Dodroe
Remi M
Student ’32K- Yochum
Renee Niland
1st Duran
Rhys J
Student ’293rd Ryan
Richard Barnes
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Richard Bornholdt
Student ’33Grandparent ’32PK Comella
Richard Bornholdt
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Richard Bornholdt
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Richard Bornholdt
Grandparent ’34PS Grant
Richie Lowery
PS Gross
Rick & Angela Witter
Rick & Lois Rutherford
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Rick & Lois Rutherford
Grandparent ’257th Young
Rick & Marie Lambert
Ridge J
Student ’34PS Grant
Rio P
Student ’32K- Yochum
Rob Audet
8th Dodroe
Rob Rob
1st Lo
Robert & Michele Wendel
Student ’27Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Robert & Michele Wendel
Robert B
Student ’266th Haley
Robert Burnett
Robert Grover
Grandparent ’311st Lo
Robert Grover
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Robert Grover
Robert House
Alumni ’011st Duran
Robert House
Alumni ’013rd Rebstock
Robert House
Alumni ’01PK Comella
Robin Haynes
6th Bennett
Robin Messinger
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Robin Schwenn
6th Haley
Roche Family
PK Comella
Roeann Mack
1st Lo
Roger Fruci
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Roisin Lally
Parent ’248th Sims
Ronan M
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Rori M
Student ’311st Lo
Rose Flatgard
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Rose Flatgard
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Rowan B
Student ’311st Duran
Rowan G C
Student ’34PS Stuhldreher
Rowan J
Student ’275th Frantzich
Rowan J C
Student ’34PS Grant
Rowan V P
Student ’34PS Gross
Ruby F
Student ’33PK Brown
Ruby R
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Rusty Y
Student ’293rd Ryan
Ryan Driscoll
Parent ’29
Ryan Lancaster
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Ryan and Amy Morey
Parent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Ryan and Amy Morey
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Ryan and Amy Morey
Parent ’311st Lo
Ryan and Amy Morey
Parent ’29, ’31
Ryan and Anne Huber
5th Frantzich
Ryan and Anne Huber
8th Sims
Rylee Hamer
4th Maucione
Rylee M
Student ’33PK Comella
S Kennedy
7th Young
Sacred Heart Parish
5th Frantzich
Sacred Heart Parish
5th Lucas
Sacred Heart Parish
8th Sims
Sadie C
Student ’33PK Comella
Sadie J
Student ’311st Duran
Sadie K
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Sadie Lake
Parent ’275th Lucas
Sadie Lake
Parent ’27
Sage T
Student ’34PS Grant
Sally Schmidt
PS Grant
Sam O'Doherty
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Sam O'Doherty
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Samantha K
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Samantha R
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Samantha W
Student ’33PK Comella
Sandra Lacroix
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Sandy Ridee
5th Frantzich
Sanford E
Student ’33PK Brown
Sara R
Student ’34PS Gross
Sara Stauffer
Parent ’32
Sarah & Mark Louvier
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Sarah & Mark Louvier
Parent ’275th Lucas
Sarah & Mark Louvier
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Sarah C
Student ’311st Lo
Sarah Howard
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Sarah Howard
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Savannah Passmore
1st Lo
Scarlet M
Student ’266th Haley
Scott MacIlroy
Parent ’284th Maucione
Scott Mcarthur
8th Dodroe
Sean Hill
7th Young
Seyed & Mahnaz Gaskari
Seyed Gaskari & Mahnaz Shams
5th Frantzich
Shamus O'Doherty
Parent ’33PK Brown
Shane Hastings
6th Haley
Shannon McClure
2nd Hamill
Shannon Sarna
8th Sims
Shannon Senecal
Parent ’30, ’332nd Hamill
Shannon Senecal
Parent ’30, ’33
Shari Kain
8th Sims
Shari and Cary Christiansen
Parent ’248th Sims
Sharon Murphy
Grandparent ’27Faculty/Staff5th Frantzich
Shawna Miller
Parent ’266th Haley
Shawna Miller
Parent ’257th Young
Shayna Tisdall
PS Grant
Shayne Kuebler
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Shayne Kuebler
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Shea Kleist
Parent ’29
Shellee Dunlap
Grandparent ’293rd Rebstock
Shelly Russell-Nelson
1st Duran
Sheryl Gordon
6th Haley
Shirley Olson
1st Lo
Siena K
Student ’33PK Brown
Sierra A
Student ’266th Haley
Sierra Anderson
Student ’266th Haley
Silvia B
Student ’293rd Ryan
Silvia Bevzyuk
Student ’293rd Ryan
Skylar Myers
PK Comella
Sloane R
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Sofi Allen
Student ’275th Frantzich
Sofia R
Student ’302nd Rowley
Sofia S
Student ’302nd Hamill
Sofija A
Student ’275th Frantzich
Sonja Jensen
3rd Rebstock
Spokane Frame
K- Muzatko
Stacy Main
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Stefan Swenson
8th Dodroe
Stefanie Siebeking
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Stefanie Siebeking
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Stella A
Student ’302nd Rowley
Stella M
Student ’257th Young
Stephanie Guinn
K- Yochum
Steve & Sandi Druffel
Grandparent ’29, ’31
Steve Beehler
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Steve Beehler
Grandparent ’284th Myers
Steve Dram
3rd Rebstock
Steve James
Parent ’284th Maucione
Steve James
Parent ’302nd Rowley
Steve James
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Steve Kernie
7th Young
Steve Kernie
8th Dodroe
Steve Schmutz
Alumni ’86
Steven Kleist
3rd Rebstock
Stew Sweet
Parent ’33
Story-Rose H
Student ’302nd Rowley
Sue & David Rolando
PK Brown
Sue & David Rolando
6th Bennett
Sue Horton
Sue Uzzo
Grandparent ’00, ’302nd Hamill
Sue Uzzo
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Susan Bloom
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
Susan Chambers
K- Yochum
Susan Kuhn
6th Bennett
Susan Naccarato
6th Haley
Susan Sharp
3rd Ryan
Susan Shirzad
8th Sims
Suzy Dix
5th Lucas
Suzy Dix
8th Dodroe
Suzy Johnson
3rd Rebstock
Suzy Johnson
1st Lo
Sway S
Student ’302nd Rowley
Sway Schmick
Student ’302nd Rowley
Sydney McNeal
Parent ’33PK Brown
Sydney Mcneal
Parent ’31, ’331st Duran
Sydnie English
4th Maucione
Taazba M
Student ’266th Bennett
Taij N
K- Muzatko
Tamara MacIlroy
Parent ’284th Maucione
Tami Magers
3rd Ryan
Tamia Herchold
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Tamia Herchold
Grandparent ’34PS Stuhldreher
Tammy Fricke
3rd Ryan
Tana Walton
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Tara Malmquist
1st Duran
Taryn League
1st Duran
Taylor J
Student ’302nd Rowley
Taylor P
Student ’33PK Brown
Taylor Reed
Parent ’32PS Stuhldreher
Taylor Rickey
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Taylor Swift
8th Sims
Ted Aked
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Ted Kleist
3rd Rebstock
Ted Koch
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Ted Soucy
Alumni ’248th Sims
Ted Sousa
7th Young
Ted Sousa
2nd Rowley
Teddy S
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Teicha Wilson
Parent ’257th Young
Teicha Wilson
Parent ’275th Lucas
Teresa Keene
8th Dodroe
Terri and Terry Hutton
Grandparent ’275th Lucas
Tessa Kempthorne
1st Lo
Tessa Kempthorne
PK Comella
The 509 Syndicate
PS Gross
The Roche Family
1st Lo
The Schibels
6th Bennett
Theo B
Student ’34PS Grant
Theo L
Student ’275th Lucas
Theodore K
Student ’257th Young
Theodore Koch
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Theresa Curran
8th Dodroe
Thomas M
Student ’266th Haley
Thomas Schemmel
Thomas and Melinda Kelleher
Grandparent ’275th Frantzich
Tiffany Keller
Parent ’266th Bennett
Tiffany Robinson
2nd Rowley
Tiffany Robinson
5th Lucas
Tilly K
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Tilly Koch
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
Tilly Koch
Alumni ’248th Sims
Tim & Toni McLaughlin
Alumni ’248th Sims
Tim & Toni McLaughlin
Student ’266th Bennett
Tim & Toni McLaughlin
Student ’302nd Hamill
Tina Jackson
Parent ’257th Young
Toby M
Student ’302nd Hamill
Todd Edmonds
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Tom and Melinda Kelleher
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Tommy Myers
Student ’284th Myers
Tommy Myers
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Tony Ehrenberg
Grandparent ’34PS Gross
Tony Frazier
8th Sims
Tony Mack
4th Myers
Travis Dix
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Tristan M
Student ’257th Young
Troy Morton
4th Maucione
Truman M
Student ’34PS Grant
Tucker M
Student ’266th Bennett
Ty & Jenna Poffenroth
Parent ’28
Ty Taitch
1st Lo
Tyee M
Alumni ’248th Sims
Una B
Student ’266th Bennett
Velis family
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Velis family
Parent ’34PS Gross
Vicki Gardner
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Victor Frazier
8th Sims
Victoria & John Mantello
Victoria Bruner
Parent ’266th Haley
Victoria Bruner
Parent ’248th Dodroe
Vince Frazier
8th Sims
Vince M
Student ’275th Frantzich
Vince McGillen-Byers
Student ’275th Frantzich
Vince Tschirgi
1st Lo
Vince Tschirgi
PK Comella
Walter Allen
6th Bennett
Walter Weller
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Wanda Black
Grandparent ’266th Haley
Wanda Black
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Wayne & Carmen Lee
7th Young
Wayne Dow
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Weibiao Luo
Parent ’26, ’29
Wendy Eastman
Parent ’27, ’295th Frantzich
Wendy Eastman
Parent ’27, ’293rd Ryan
Wendy Repovich
1st Duran
Wes Moholt
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Weston H
Student ’275th Frantzich
Weston L
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Whitney Olson
PK Comella
Whitney Whitney
1st Lo
Wilder H
Student ’33PK Brown
Willard Quinn
5th Frantzich
William & Anita Boyum
William B
Alumni ’248th Dodroe
William J
Student ’32K- Yochum
William Maddigan
Alumni ’55
William Main
Grandparent ’302nd Hamill
William Main
Grandparent ’33PK Comella
Willow & Pete Reed
6th Haley
Wilma Dix
8th Dodroe
Winter H
Student ’32K- Muzatko
Wolfe Architectural Group
8th Sims
Wolfe Architectural Group
Wyatt Lee
Alumni ’20
Wyatt N
Student ’293rd Ryan
Your Mom ❤️
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Zeke Z
Student ’284th Maucione
Zig Pavey
3rd Rebstock
Zoe M
Student ’33PK Brown
Zoe Stauffer
K- Yochum
Zoey A
Student ’257th Young
Zoey L
Student ’293rd Rebstock
Zoie G
Student ’266th Haley
Julie mckelvey
6th Haley
Julie mckelvey
8th Dodroe
Kaitlyn balmforth
8th Dodroe
Katie opack
7th Young
Makalita Ross
8th Dodroe
Marnie mccoy
Alumni ’74Parent ’08, ’128th Dodroe
Naomi williams
3rd Ryan
Parent ’293rd Rebstock
Faculty/Staff5th Frantzich
Parent ’284th Myers
Parent ’257th Young
Parent ’266th Haley
Parent ’248th Dodroe
1st Lo
PK Comella
Parent ’32K- Yochum
Parent ’34PS Gross
Grandparent ’248th Sims
Parent ’248th Sims
Alumni ’951st Duran
Alumni ’953rd Rebstock
Alumni ’95PK Comella
Grandparent ’248th Dodroe
Parent ’284th Maucione
Grandparent ’33PK Brown
Parent ’34PS Stuhldreher
K- Muzatko
Parent ’32K- Muzatko
Grandparent ’31, ’321st Duran
Grandparent ’31, ’32K- Muzatko
Grandparent ’30, ’312nd Rowley
Grandparent ’293rd Ryan
Parent ’275th Frantzich
Grandparent ’32K- Muzatko
Grandparent ’302nd Rowley
Grandparent ’284th Maucione
Parent ’302nd Hamill
Grandparent ’31, ’331st Duran
8th Dodroe
4th Myers
Grandparent ’22PS Grant
3rd Rebstock
1st Duran
Grandparent ’266th Bennett
Parent ’293rd Ryan
Faculty/Staff8th Sims
Parent ’266th Bennett
Parent ’34PS Grant
Parent ’311st Duran
Parent ’31, ’33
Parent ’33
Parent ’25, ’28
Parent ’18, ’22, ’25
Parent ’31
Cataldo Catholic School
455 West 18th Avenue, Spokane, WA 99203
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