Active Campaigns
Theater Giving Page
The Dublin Fund
Support The Dublin Fund! The Dublin Fund, our annual fund, provides unrestricted operating support every year and is crucial for providing Dublin students with engaging courses, exciting athletics, powerful experiences, and beloved traditions. The Dublin Fund supports our talented teachers who work...
Dublin Alumni Weekend 2025
Please join us September 19-21 for Alumni Weekend 2025! We welcome all Alumni back to campus for Alumni Weekend and extend a special Congratulations to the Milestone Reunion Classes ending in 0's and 5's.
Completed Campaigns
Bagels with Brad
Board of Visitors - CANCELED
The Dublin School Board of Visitors is designed to be a vehicle for engaging our most loyal friends in discussions surrounding our strategic vision for Dublin School.
Dublin School Boston Holiday Party
Please join Head of School, Brad Bates, current faculty, and the Alumni Office as we Cheers to the Holiday Season! See the attendees page to see who will be there.