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Elyria Catholic High School

Elyria, OH

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2022 Elyria Catholic Golf Classic
2024 Student Cash Raffle
34th Annual Golf Classic
Abby Miller
Parent ’25
Adam Francis
Alum ’83
Adam Hill
Parent ’22, ’23
Adam Hill
Parent ’22, ’23, ’27
Adam Hyla
Alum ’07
Adam and Jeannie Hill
Parent ’22, ’23
Aguilar Wetherbee Family
Parent ’26
Aire-Master of Cleveland
Aire-Master of Cleveland - Chris & Jen Nagel
Parent ’17
Al Linden
Al McKinney
Alum ’85
Al Rubinowski
Alan & Wendy Golski
Alum ’77
Alan Lerchbacker
Alum ’70
Alan McKinney
Alum ’85
Alan Thompson
Alum ’62
Alan Zgonc and Maryjo Holomuzki
Parent ’07
Alan and Mary Brailer
Parent ’09, ’11
Alan and Marybeth Brailer
Parent ’27
Alan and Marybeth Brailer
Parent ’11
Alex Balazs
Alum ’89
Alex Treuel
Alexa Porter
Alum ’07
Alexander Richter
Alexis Elbert
Alum ’17
Alice and William Nicola
Parent ’79
Alison McKirnan
Alivia M. Agosto Memorial Scholarship Fund
Allan and Mary Fentner
Parent ’04, ’06, ’09
Allan and Mary Fentner
Parent ’04, ’06, ’09
Allie Kaminski Corrigan
Alum ’15
Allison Kaminski
Alum ’15
Allison Kaminski Corrigan
Alum ’15
Allison Krebs
Alum ’99
Allison Petrus
Alum ’00Parent ’25, ’27
Allison Petrus
Parent ’00, ’25, ’27
Alyssa Baptiste
Alum ’08
Amanda Allen
Parent ’27
Amanda Anway
Parent ’26
Amanda Griffiths
Alum ’12Faculty/Staff
Amanda Lowrie
Parent ’24
American Legion Post 12
Amherst VFW Post 1662
Amotec - Carmine Izzo
Parent ’14
Amy & Doug Russo
Parent ’25
Amy (Ashyk) Ladwig
Alum ’76
Amy Ashyk
Alum ’76
Amy Ashyk Ashyk Ladwig
Alum ’76
Amy Bodde
Parent ’90, ’27
Amy Feskanich
Parent ’27
Amy Laubenthal Bodde
Alum ’90Parent ’27
Amy Morgan
Parent ’25
Amy Russo
Parent ’25, ’29
Andrea Ferguson
Alum ’10
Andrea Wood (nee Ashyk)
Alum ’75
Andrew & Therese Krol
Parent ’86, ’94
Andrew Kirsch
Alum ’07
Andrew and Therese Krol
Parent ’86, ’94
Angel Perkins
Student ’25
Angela Seckt Wakefield
Alum ’97Parent ’25
Angelo Cataldo
Alum ’10
Angie & Rick Wakefield
Alum ’97
Anita Brinkman
Alum ’84
Anita Tellier
Alum ’67
Ann '88 & Doug Miller
Alum ’88Parent ’20, ’24
Ann Bommer Taylor
Alum ’60
Ann Devenny
Ann Farrell
Alum ’76
Ann Frabotta Scott
Alum ’69
Ann Laskin Feick
Alum ’74
Ann M Temple
Alum ’72
Ann Murphy Temple
Alum ’72
Ann Reising Bring
Alum ’55
Ann Temple
Alum ’72
Anna McNeeley McNeeley
Alum ’11
Anna Rice Monske
Alum ’71
Anne Milchen
Alum ’14
Anne Texter
Parent ’25
Anne Wilkinson
Annette Kramer
Parent ’24
Annie Cunningham
Parent ’16, ’18, ’19Faculty/Staff
Annie Cunningham
Annie Heidersbach
Annie Heidersbach
Parent ’09, ’14Faculty/Staff
Annie Heidersbach
Parent ’09, ’14Faculty/Staff
Annie Heidersbach
Alum ’09, ’14Parent ’09, ’14Faculty/Staff
Anonymous '77
Alum ’77
Anonymous Donation
Anonymous Donor
Anthony Trifiletti
Alum ’10
Anthony Zaatar
Alum ’09
Anthony/Danielle Csanady
Parent ’23, ’25
Arizon Anderson
Arlene Vukcevic
Arlene Vukcevic
Grandparent ’24
Asa & Eli Kempton
Alum ’19, ’23
Ashleigh Reichard Mashensic
Alum ’97
Ashley Edel
Alum ’02
Ashley Meecha
Alum ’17
Ashley Meecha
Ashley Meecha
Alum ’17Faculty/Staff
Ashley Meecha
Alum ’17Faculty/Staff
Ashley Sklenicka
Alum ’04
Ashley Volk Edel
Alum ’02
Ashley Woolsteen Sklenicka
Alum ’04
Augusto Juguilon
Augusto Juguilon
Grandparent ’28
Alum ’74
BJ Fenik
Alum ’01
BJ Fenik - Midwest Siding Co.
Alum ’01
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Barbara Andrewski Sliman
Alum ’53
Barbara Brehm Mencini
Alum ’68
Barbara Hoagland Sheil
Alum ’69
Barbara Kirsh Yergin
Alum ’78
Barbara Klein
Alum ’54
Barbara McCoy
Alum ’74
Barbara Neff Jurco
Alum ’72
Barbara Ruppelt O'Malley
Alum ’77
Barbara Ruppelt O'Malley and Neal O'Malley
Alum ’77Parent ’04, ’05, ’07, ’09, ’11
Barbara Ruppelt O'Malley and Neal O'Malley
Alum ’77Parent ’04, ’05, ’07, ’11
Barbara Schill
Grandparent ’26
Barbara Stanko Bryan
Alum ’56
Barbara Ursem Evans
Alum ’62
Barbara Vesely
Alum ’86
Barbara Yarsa Barnes
Alum ’55
Barbara Yergin
Alum ’78
Barnes Wendling CPAs
Barnes Wendling CPAs - Mike Essenmacher
Alum ’94
Basil Mannino
Bautista Family
Parent ’20, ’24
Beatrice de la Pena
Alum ’78
Becky Essenmacher
Parent ’24, ’27Faculty/Staff
Ben Currier
Alum ’75
Ben E. Currier
Alum ’75Parent ’99
Ben Essenmacher
Student ’27
Ben Malbasa
Benjamin Malbasa
Bernadette & Joe Kapranci
Parent ’27
Bernard Ashyk, Jr.
Alum ’69
Bernard Smith
Alum ’75
Bernie Ashyk
Alum ’69
Betty Holland
Betty Laskin Stevenson
Alum ’57
Betty Pakosz
Betty Stevenson
Alum ’57
Bettyann Bruewer Jezewski
Alum ’90
Beverlee Troutman
Bill & Maureen (McArtor) Foss
Alum ’69
Bill Fraser
Alum ’72
Bill Groomes
Alum ’67
Bill Schwab
Bill Wagner
Alum ’61
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Parent ’24Faculty/Staff
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Parent ’24, ’26Faculty/Staff
Bill and Angela Amato
Parent ’13, ’15, ’17
Bill and Angie Amato
Parent ’13, ’15, ’17
Black and Decker
Bo and Adrienne Mueller
Alum ’97
Bob Burell
Alum ’74
Bob Murphy
Bob Perusek
Alum ’80
Bob and Lori Campana
Parent ’06, ’10
Bobby Spencer
Brad & Jill Hoagland
Alum ’86
Brad and Jill Hoagland
Alum ’86
Brandi Booker
Brandon Nagel
Alum ’17
Brandon Thimke
Alum ’93
Brenda Klein
Parent ’21
Brent Reitz
Alum ’80
Brent and Caroline Kilmer Reitz
Alum ’80, ’81
Brian & Coletta Strippy
Parent ’26
Brian & Coletta Strippy
Parent ’28
Brian Caputo
Alum ’88
Brian Duffield
Alum ’16
Brian Essenmacher
Alum ’71
Brian Gunderson
Alum ’72
Brian Hoagland
Alum ’83Parent ’10, ’17
Brian Hoagland
Alum ’83
Brian Hoffman
Brian Kohler
Alum ’82
Brian Krusz
Alum ’98
Brian Pratt
Brian and April Hanlon
Parent ’27
Brian and Coletta Strippy
Parent ’26
Brian and Coletta Strippy
Parent ’26, ’28
Brianne Arndt Mackall
Alum ’02
Brianne Bittle
Alum ’05
Brianne Bittle (McLaughlin)
Alum ’05
Brianne Mackall
Alum ’02
Briant McLaughlin
Alum ’77
Brigid St Marie
Alum ’59
Brooke and Ryan Uehlein
Alum ’99
Bruce Kopp
Alum ’83
Bryan Hyla
Alum ’03
Bryan Radcliffe
Parent ’26
Burnell & Denise Penhollow
Grandparent ’24
C.A. Kaufmann
Alum ’69
Caitlin Valley
Parent ’25
Candiese Dunphy
Parent ’26
Cara Bees
Parent ’26
Cara Shebak
Parent ’26
Carie McKinney
Alum ’91Parent ’26
Carl Fuchs
Alum ’79
Carl Lepkowski
Alum ’74
Carl and Gloria Mielcarek
Carlie Jones
Parent ’25
Carol Gilles
Alum ’81
Carol Gilles Md
Alum ’81
Carol Webber Blackburn
Alum ’52
Carol Zidek Hronek
Alum ’61
Carole Caruso
Parent ’78
Caroline Schork Mitola
Alum ’57
Carolyn & John Fritz
Carolyn & John Fritz
Parent ’66Faculty/Staff
Carolyn Marcus Dolamore
Alum ’57
Carrie Millward
Carrie Webber Kaminski
Alum ’87Parent ’12, ’15
Carrie Webber Kaminski
Alum ’87
Casey O'Conor D.D.S., M.S - Dr. Casey O'Connor
Cassandra Walton Perrotta
Alum ’68
Catherine Bucci
Parent ’19, ’21
Catherine Jones Fuchs
Alum ’68Parent ’91, ’93
Catherine Jones Fuchs
Alum ’68
Catherine Krueck
Alum ’70
Cathleen Edmonds
Cathy Bucci
Parent ’19, ’21
Cathy Edmonds
Cathy Vittori-Wittenbrook
Alum ’69
Cathy, Tori ('19) & Joey ('21) Bucci
Alum ’21
Celeste Delaney
Parent ’20
Chad Szczepanski
Parent ’27
Chaiban and Dina Badr
Parent ’25
Charlene Gatten
Parent ’27
Charlene Kalo Logsdon
Alum ’64
Charlene Knipper Stetson
Alum ’69
Charles Annable
Alum ’81
Charles Branz
Alum ’02
Charles Grant
Charles and Isabelle Hewitt
Charles and Josephine Kaufmann
Cherie Crawford
Parent ’28
Cherie Williams
Parent ’19, ’26
Cheryl Buckley
Parent ’22, ’25
Cheryl Glenn Cramer
Alum ’81Parent ’11
Cheryl Rakich
Chris & Coleen Sauvey
Parent ’28
Chris & Jen Nagel - Aire-Master of Cleveland
Parent ’17, ’19, ’23
Chris & Jennie Hagerty
Chris Blanchard
Chris Doyle Bealer
Alum ’83
Chris Kaminski Kish
Alum ’78Parent ’11
Chris Kaminski Kish
Alum ’78
Chris Kaminski Kish
Alum ’78Parent ’11Faculty/Staff
Chris Moore
Parent ’23, ’25
Chris Moore and Linda Webber
Parent ’23, ’25
Chris Nagel
Parent ’17, ’19, ’23
Chris Nagel
Parent ’17, ’19, ’24
Chris Schwanenberger
Parent ’25
Chris Steedman Rawson
Alum ’75
Chris Walters
Chris Yeager
Alum ’88
Chris and Jen Nagel
Parent ’17, ’19, ’24
Chris and Jen Nagel
Parent ’17, ’19, ’24
Chris and Linda Webber Moore
Parent ’23, ’25
Chris and Lindsey Oneill
Parent ’25
Chris and Renee Dugan
Parent ’24
Chris and Renee Dugan
Parent ’19, ’24
Christensen Construction LLC - Walter Christensen
Alum ’72
Christina Meecha
Alum ’99
Christina Tran
Parent ’27Faculty/Staff
Christine Brooks
Christine Kaminski Kish
Parent ’11
Christine Kish
Alum ’78
Christine Kish
Alum ’78Parent ’11
Christine McArtor-Gallagher
Alum ’67
Christine Murphy
Alum ’84
Christine Wilczak
Alum ’67
Christopher Burton
Alum ’02
Christopher Glasow
Alum ’69
Christopher Moore
Parent ’23, ’25
Christopher Moore and Linda Webber
Parent ’23, ’25
Christopher Smith
Alum ’80
Christy Perry
Parent ’86, ’87, ’12, ’26, ’28
Chuck Haliburton
Parent ’20, ’24
Chuck Millward
Chuck Zeitvogel
Cindy Griffiths
Clare Monschein Blevins
Alum ’61
Class of 1978
Alum ’78
Class of 1980
Class of 69
Alum ’69
Clayton Peloquin
Alum ’22
Clifton Perryman
Alum ’69
Clifton and Katherine Simmons
Parent ’07, ’10
Clint & Kim Van Dine
Parent ’17
Coletta Strippy
Colleen Fitzpatrick Wing
Alum ’89
Colleen Galik Crane
Alum ’69
CommStar Credit Union
Connie Spillar
Parent ’96, ’99
Connie Spillar
Parent ’96, ’99
Connie and Dale Kramer
Parent ’03, ’07
Corey Callahan
Alum ’08
Corey and Vicky Timko
Parent ’21
Craig Moran
Alum ’97
Crystal Francway
Parent ’26
Crystal Haller
Parent ’27
Crystal Haller
Parent ’28
Cynthia Cromwell
Alum ’65
Cynthia DeFilippo
Alum ’72
Alum ’69
DIANE Anderson
Alum ’62
Dads' Booster Club
Dale & Connie Kramer
Parent ’03, ’07
Dale & Connie Kramer
Parent ’03, ’07
Dale Forthofer
Parent ’10
Dale Yost
Dale and Connie Kramer
Parent ’03, ’07
Dale and Theresa Forthofer
Parent ’10
Damon Jones
Dan & Blake Merrell
Alum ’96Parent ’26
Dan & Mary Ann Golski
Alum ’60, ’62
Dan Golski
Alum ’60
Dan Griffiths
Dan Kelley
Alum ’88Parent ’18, ’25
Dan Kelley Insurance - Dan Kelley
Dan Merrell - Merrell Insurance Group
Alum ’96Parent ’26
Dan Reaser
Alum ’78Parent ’11
Dan Reaser - The Dan and Mila Reaser Family Foundation
Alum ’78Parent ’11
Dan Spencer
Parent ’09, ’10
Dan Terrell
Alum ’69
Dan Williams
Dan and Mary Herbert
Parent ’05, ’07, ’09, ’12
Dan/Mary Ann Golski
Alum ’60
Daniel G. Van
Alum ’68
Daniel Kelley
Alum ’88Parent ’18, ’25
Daniel Minnich
Alum ’80
Daniel Roemer
Alum ’10
Daniel Spencer
Parent ’09, ’10
Daniel Terrell
Alum ’69
Daniel Van
Alum ’68
Daniel and Blake Merrell
Alum ’96Parent ’26
Daniel and Blake Merrell
Alum ’96, ’26
Daniel and Susan Cunningham
Daniel/Mary Ann GolskiI
Alum ’60, ’62Parent ’86, ’88
Daniel/Mary Ann(Cavagna) Golski
Alum ’60, ’62
Danielle Csanady
Parent ’23, ’25
Danielle Davidson
Alum ’70
Danielle Esposito
Danielle Mueller (formerly Herbert)
Alum ’07
Danielle Poje Davidson
Alum ’70
Danny Reaser
Alum ’11
Daria Grimes
Darlene Knechtges
Alum ’54
Darlene McCowan Knechtges
Alum ’54
Darlene Pustay
Dave & Maggie Lanzola
Dave Griffin
Dave and Margaret Lanzola
David & Bettyann Jezewski
Alum ’90
David Basinski
Alum ’82
David Basinski, Jr
Alum ’82
David Bogstad
David Bogstad
David Crowell
Alum ’91
David Diedrick
Alum ’54
David Eischen
Alum ’82
David Hahn
Alum ’83
David Hemminger
Alum ’55
David Jezewski
Alum ’90
David Jezewski - CommStar Credit Union
David Jezewski and Bettyann Bruewer
Alum ’90
David Kalis
Alum ’68
David Krol
Alum ’86
David Kukuck
Alum ’16
David Kukucka
Alum ’16
David Kukucka
Alum ’82
David Malinas
Alum ’92
David McCoy
Alum ’92
David Paukst
Alum ’88
David Schlather
Alum ’75
David Schlather - Schlather Insurance Agency Inc
Alum ’75
David Weitzel
Alum ’72
David and Janet Burns
Parent ’10
David and Molly Charnes
Alum ’65
Dawn Galang
DeFazio Family
Parent ’27Faculty/Staff
Debbe & Kevin Fischbach
Debbie Nagel McDermott
Alum ’69
Deborah Conner
Parent ’11
Deborah Schuster
Alum ’76
Deborah Wagner Orlowski
Alum ’70
Debra Lehman Smith
Alum ’74
Debra Weisbarth
Dee Marsico Pierson
Alum ’73
Del Hart
Alum ’69
Denise Emerick-Jenkins
Denise Huschka Bybyk
Alum ’69
Denise Tribble Linkous
Alum ’80
Dennis & Rhonda Carson
Parent ’10, ’11, ’16, ’18
Dennis Baluh
Alum ’77
Dennis Kaminski
Alum ’87Parent ’12, ’15
Dennis Kaminski
Alum ’87
Dennis Muzilla
Alum ’69
Dennis O'Neal
Alum ’58
Dennis Plato
Alum ’65
Dennis and Carrie Kaminski
Alum ’87Parent ’12, ’15
Derek & Jen Abraham
Alum ’00Parent ’26, ’28
Destiny Perkins
Student ’25
Diane & Victor Rovder
Diane (Petcavage)Shupp
Alum ’69
Diane Andriano
Diane McAllister Carnivale
Alum ’61
Diane Petcavage Shupp
Alum ’69
Diane Staysniak Fedak and Gregory Fedak
Alum ’65Parent ’97, ’99
Dianna Denes Pierce
Alum ’69
Dianne E. Goold - Class of '57
Alum ’57
Dick Boyson and Terri Boyson
Alum ’59, ’61
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Parent ’21, ’23
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Parent ’21, ’23, ’25
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Parent ’21, ’23
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham
Parent ’14, ’16
Don and Mary Anne Cunningham
Parent ’14, ’16
Donald Bradley
Alum ’67
Donald Machovina
Alum ’54
Donald O'Neal
Alum ’58
Donald Rothgery
Alum ’56
Donald Rothgery and Marcia Smith Rothgery
Alum ’56, ’57
Donna Diedrick Humphrey
Alum ’71
Donna Downs Payton
Alum ’84
Donna Humphrey
Alum ’71
Donna Lydon Rennick
Alum ’60
Donna May Cramer
Donna Reisz
Donna Rennick
Alum ’60
Donna Spray
Parent ’24, ’25
Donna Walther
Parent ’21, ’25
Donovan Riley
Alum ’07
Dorothy Basinski Brock
Alum ’58
Doug & Nancy Dellisanti
Alum ’69
Douglas Graham
Parent ’08, ’11
Douglas Yunker
Alum ’75
Douglas and Terry Graham
Parent ’08, ’11
Douglas and Terry Graham
Parent ’08, ’11
Dover Foundation
Dr Jason & Michelle Barb
Parent ’21, ’24, ’26
Dr and Mrs Nicholas Ksenich
Dr. Carol Gilles
Alum ’81
Dr. Jason & Michelle Barb
Parent ’21, ’24, ’26
Dr. Katherine McNeeley and Michael Freeh
Alum ’09
Dr. Mary Ann Dowdell
Alum ’67
Dr. Sean McNeeley and Dr. Mary Kay Shuba
Parent ’09, ’11
Drew Kaplan
Alum ’14
Dylan Brown
Alum ’13
EC Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026
Alum ’23, ’24, ’25, ’26
ENVi Environmental, LLC - Brandon Smith
Ed Klimczak
Edgar Martin
Alum ’58
Edward Cebula
Alum ’53
Edward Chavez
Parent ’08, ’10
Edward Eisbrenner
Alum ’72
Edward Enyedy
Alum ’63
Edward Neugebauer
Parent ’29
Elaine Polutnik Barthelemy
Alum ’62
Elect Regan Phillips - Ohio House of Representatives
Elizabeth Adkins
Elizabeth Dolan
Alum ’67
Elizabeth Guzina
Elizabeth Long
Parent ’26
Ellen Casey
Alum ’81
Ellen Naughton Basinski
Alum ’57
Elsie Gerhart Coen
Alum ’59
Elyria Catholic Class of 2010
Alum ’10
Elyria Catholic Class of 2022
Alum ’22
Elyria Catholic Class of 2023
Alum ’23
Elyria Catholic Class of 2024
Alum ’24
Elyria Catholic Class of 2025
Student ’25
Elyria Catholic Golf Classic
Elyria Catholic High School Student Cash Raffle
Elyria Catholic Student Body
Alum ’24, ’25, ’26, ’27
Elyria Catholic Student Body
Student ’25, ’26, ’27, ’28
Elyria Knights of Columbus #774
Elyria Sports Hall of Fame - Mike Warden
Emily & Rhett Rybarczyk
Alum ’05, ’08
Emily Dugan
Alum ’19
Emily Samek
Alum ’98
Emily Ziegelmeyer
Alum ’11
Eric & Jennifer Degnegaard
Parent ’25, ’27
Eric Bors
Alum ’93
Eric Fritz
Alum ’96
Eric Miscuda
Eric Rothgery
Alum ’80Parent ’10, ’11, ’21, ’24
Eric and Joan Joviak
Parent ’14
Erin Bennett
Erin Buterbaugh Yasutake
Alum ’10
Erin Yasutake
Alum ’10
Estella Leonard
Alum ’69
Eugene Fritz
Evann Heidersbach
Alum ’09
F. Gregory Noveske
Alum ’66
FCSLA Life - Geralyn Radevic
Faith Harbeck Vautier
Alum ’66
Father Anthony Schuerger
Alum ’69
Father Frank Buck
Alum ’61
Father Joe Callahan
Alum ’75
Father Lawrence Jurcak
Alum ’72
Father Richard Gonser
First Federal Savings of Lorain
Forest Hills Vet Hospital (Paul Gigliotti '85)
Fr Richard Gonser
Fr. Anthony J. Schuerger
Alum ’69
Francine Paschall
Alum ’73
Francis Mitro
Alum ’58
Frank & Suzanne Lester
Parent ’13, ’17Faculty/Staff
Frank O'Linn
Frank OLinn
Frank O’Linn
Frank Perrotta
Alum ’67
Frank Perrotta and Cassandra Walton Perrotta
Alum ’67, ’68
Frank Severa
Alum ’71
Frank and Georgia Van Wie
Parent ’88
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Parent ’13, ’17Faculty/Staff
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Parent ’13, ’17Faculty/Staff
Fred Roberts
Parent ’25
Fred Ruder
Parent ’97
Fred and Kelly Roberts
Parent ’25
Gail Drahos Ogle
Alum ’69
Gail Drahos Ogle and Richard Ogle
Alum ’69
Gail France Sanders
Alum ’64
Gail Krucinski Berthoff
Alum ’65
Gaile Drahos Ogle
Alum ’69
Garen Distelhorst
Garis & Helen Distelhorst
Garis Distelhorst
Garnetta Fries Warner
Alum ’71
Gary & Patty Elek
Alum ’70
Gary Basinski
Alum ’62
Gary Golinski
Alum ’69
Gary Grambley
Alum ’78
Gary Gray
Alum ’67
Gary Rowland
Gary Weich
Gary and Erica Hurst
Parent ’22, ’25
Gary and Erica Hurst
Parent ’22, ’25
Gary and Marcella Cooper
Parent ’05
Gary and Margaret Naughton Basinski
Alum ’62, ’63
Gary and Susan Kuchenbecker
Parent ’04
Gayle Whetson
Grandparent ’24, ’27
Gene and Sandy Wessel
Parent ’07
George Alberts
George B
George Smith
Alum ’78
Gerald Golski
Alum ’69
Gerald Spierings
Alum ’68
Geralyn Burke Gray
Alum ’74
Glen Thome
Alum ’65
Gluvna-Shimo-Hromada Funeral Chapel - Jerry Hromada
Parent ’11, ’14, ’17
Greg Freeh
Greg Muzilla
Parent ’24
Greg Perusek
Alum ’82
Greg Phillips
Greg Thur
Parent ’26
Greg and Susan Smith
Parent ’21, ’24
Gregory Ganslen
Gregory Noveske
Alum ’66
Gregory Perusek
Alum ’82
Gregory and Kathleen Freeh
Parent ’09
Greta Ziegman
Alum ’78
Guest TBD
Gwen Dyer Hullman and Jamie Hullman
Alum ’92
Gwen and Jamie Hullman
Alum ’92
HBM Architects
Hal and Eileen Minnich
Alum ’53
Hannah Everhart
Alum ’08, ’11
Harland Dolamore
Alum ’57
Harry Day
Alum ’69
Haydiee Perkins
Heather Bunsey
Parent ’22
Heather Zidek
Alum ’91
Hedy Fye
Parent ’81, ’83, ’84
Hedy and Chuck Fye
Hedy and Chuck Fye
Parent ’81, ’83, ’84
Helen Hutman
Alum ’53
Henry and Phyllis Kowal
Parent ’06
Herb Cuevas
Herman and Melissa Post
Parent ’25
Herve Tellier
Holly Dittmer
Parent ’24
Hopiard Family
Parent ’25
Hopiard Family
Parent ’25Faculty/Staff
Hopiard Family
Parent ’25Faculty/Staff
Hottle Family
Parent ’28Faculty/Staff
Hyatt Family Dental, LLC - Kristopher Hyatt, DMD
In Memory of Lawrence E. Frey
Alum ’94
Alum ’66
Alum ’67
JD Indoor Comfort
JD Indoor Comfort - Jim Sustersic
Alum ’87
Parent ’26
Parent ’26
Alum ’54
Alum ’75
Jack and Mary Lou (Meckley) Golski
Alum ’65, ’68
Jack, Lynda, and Alex Baker
Jackie St. Marie Davis
Parent ’91, ’26
Jackie St. Marie Davis
Alum ’91Parent ’26
Jake Hromada
Alum ’14
Jake Linden
Alum ’11
Jake O'Connor
Alum ’57
James & Karen Dembiec
Parent ’17
James Clark
Alum ’62
James Drumm Family
Parent ’28
James Elkins
Alum ’60
James Fada
James Fritz
Alum ’63
James Gaffney
Alum ’86
James Hammond
Alum ’66
James Hyla
Parent ’01, ’03, ’07
James M Fritz
Alum ’63
James Molosky
Alum ’68
James Neal
Alum ’67
James Ross
Alum ’52
James Schilens
Alum ’80
James Schilens
Alum ’56
James Sustersic - JD Indoor Comfort
James Taylor
Alum ’74Parent ’04, ’06, ’08
James Wirscham
Alum ’57
James and Elizabeth Rowe
Parent ’01
James and Jill Taylor
Alum ’74
James and Karen Dembiec
Parent ’17
James and Rebecca Diederich
Parent ’12
Jamie Janda
Alum ’15
Jan Radyk Godbey
Alum ’81
Jan Radyk Radyk Godbey
Alum ’81
Janelle Groomes Smith
Alum ’69
Janet Burns
Janet Rusnak
Janet Wood Noveske
Alum ’66
Janet Wood Noveske '66 and Dr. F G Noveske
Alum ’66
Janyce Noll
Jared Hine
Alum ’93
Jarred Korinko
Jason & Lana Scott
Alum ’90
Jason &MaryLynn Woodyard
Parent ’18, ’19, ’22, ’25
Jason Armbruster
Jason Graves
Parent ’27
Jason Ladd
Jayne Matia Eisbrenner
Alum ’71
Jayson Graham
Alum ’08
Jean Raab
Parent ’13, ’23
Jean Rybarcyk Nejman
Alum ’73
Jeanette Cheryl Whitlock Duffy
Jeanne Pileski Nixon
Alum ’58
Jeannie Motylewski
Parent ’84, ’22
Jeff Eischen
Alum ’83
Jeff Fraser
Alum ’73
Jeff Murphy
Jeff Swan
Jeff and Annette Kramer
Parent ’24
Jeff and Char Weber
Jeffery Eischen
Alum ’83
Jeffrey Cole
Alum ’74
Jen Abraham
Alum ’01Parent ’26
Jen Taylor
Parent ’24, ’27
Jen and chris Nagel
Parent ’17, ’19, ’24
Jenness Family
Jennifer Davis
Alum ’02
Jennifer Farley
Alum ’89Parent ’22, ’23
Jennifer Farley
Alum ’89, ’22, ’23
Jennifer Farley
Alum ’89
Jennifer Juguilon Juguilon-Hottle
Jennifer Oney
Parent ’27
Jennifer Parobek
Parent ’27
Jennifer Rowe
Parent ’26
Jennifer Rowe
Parent ’26, ’27
Jennifer Schmidt Sirken
Alum ’99
Jennifer St. Marie
Jennifer Taylor
Parent ’24
Jennifer Thoman Smith
Alum ’98
Jennifer Van Wie Farley
Alum ’89Parent ’22, ’23
Jennifer and Joseph Elbert
Alum ’89
Jeremy & Jackie Stratton
Parent ’14, ’26
Jerome Rodak
Jerry Conroy
Alum ’68
Jerry Hromada
Parent ’11, ’14, ’17
Jerry Schubert
Alum ’69
Jerry Vessalo
Alum ’66
Jerry Vessalo
Alum ’66Parent ’94, ’96, ’99, ’03
Jerry Vessalo
Alum ’66Parent ’94, ’96, ’99, ’03
Jesse & Joan Larkin Villarreal
Alum ’69
Jessica Basinski
Alum ’94Parent ’23
Jessica Chojnicki
Alum ’03Faculty/Staff
Jessica Terry
Parent ’26
Jill & Matt Barber
Parent ’25Faculty/Staff
Jill & Matt Barber
Student ’25, ’27Faculty/Staff
Jill & Matt Barber Family
Parent ’25Faculty/Staff
Jill Anglin
Jim & Jill Sword
Jim & Terry Ziegelmeyer
Parent ’11, ’15, ’18, ’19Faculty/Staff
Jim & Theresa '00 Flanagan Fowler
Alum ’00
Jim '67 and Judy Terrell
Alum ’67
Jim Bruewer
Alum ’81
Jim Fritz
Alum ’63
Jim Hammond
Alum ’66
Jim Kathie Machock
Alum ’72
Jim Machock
Alum ’72
Jim Machock and Kathie Fuchs Machock
Alum ’72, ’73
Jim Ross
Alum ’52
Jim Taylor
Alum ’74
Jim Terrell
Alum ’67
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Parent ’11, ’15, ’18, ’19Faculty/Staff
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Parent ’11, ’15, ’18, ’19Faculty/Staff
Jim/Kathie Machock
Alum ’72
Joan Borovicka
Grandparent ’26
Joan Borovicka
Joan Brown McKinney
Alum ’65
Joan E. Rick-Lowder
Alum ’58
Joan LaGrotteria
Parent ’78
Joan Larkin Villarreal
Alum ’69
Joan McKinney
Alum ’65
Joan Rick Lowder
Alum ’58
Joanne Gallagher Sullivan
Alum ’64
Joanne Polutnik
Alum ’69
Joanne Puka Connaughton
Alum ’63
Joanne Vecchio Polutnik
Alum ’69
Joe & Kim Geletka
Joe & Shay Schill (Joey Schill '26)
Parent ’16, ’19, ’26
Joe Bolash
Joe Daly
Alum ’65
Joe DeMarco
Alum ’70
Joe Frey
Alum ’94
Joe Hahn
Alum ’82
Joe Kelling
Alum ’82
Joe Pliszka
Alum ’69
Joe Wazyniak
Alum ’67
Joellen Gallagher Alberts
Alum ’57
Joey Bucci
Alum ’21
John "Pitt" Gorske
Alum ’76
John & Chrystal Grasso
Parent ’21, ’23, ’25
John Congdon and Lisa Whitfield
Parent ’21
John Diedrick
Alum ’52
John Farrell
Alum ’78
John Fitzpatrick
Alum ’81
John Fruner
Alum ’69
John Gasior
John Giovannazzo
Alum ’68
John Golski
Alum ’86
John Gorske
Alum ’76Parent ’05, ’12
John Higgins
Alum ’67
John Jurco
Alum ’71
John Kichan
Alum ’89
John Kovacs
John M. O'Donnell
Alum ’82
John O'Donnell
Alum ’82
John Ochenas
Alum ’99Parent ’27
John Polacsek
Alum ’68
John Polutnik
Alum ’66
John R. Adams
Alum ’84
John Ross
Alum ’58
John Schoeb
John Suetta
Parent ’03, ’07, ’08
John Szendrey
Alum ’80
John Udvardy
Alum ’54
John W. Ross
Alum ’58
John and Carrie Fritz
Alum ’66
John and Kathleen Rokasy
Parent ’01, ’05
John and Linda Keys
Alum ’70
John and Madelynn Suetta
Parent ’03, ’07, ’08
John and Madelynn Suetta
Parent ’03, ’07, ’08
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gift Program
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program
Jon Platten
Alum ’11
Jonathan Bray
Jonathan and Joann Traut
Alum ’75
Jordan McNickle
Alum ’10
Jose & Natasha Rivera
Parent ’27
Joseph & Kimberly Geletka
Parent ’09
Joseph Conroy
Alum ’63
Joseph Daly
Alum ’65
Joseph Elbert
Alum ’89
Joseph Elbert Sr
Alum ’89, ’17, ’20
Joseph Farkas
Joseph Fitch
Alum ’08
Joseph Frey
Alum ’94
Joseph Kelling
Alum ’82Parent ’16, ’18
Joseph Kelling
Alum ’82Parent ’16, ’18
Joseph Kukucka
Alum ’65
Joseph Pliszka
Alum ’69
Joseph Shook
Alum ’85
Joseph Wazyniak
Alum ’67
Joseph Webber and Carolyn Wazyniak-Fenik Webber
Alum ’59, ’60
Joseph and Carla Homola
Joseph and Jennifer Elbert
Alum ’89
Joseph and Marcia Kukucka
Alum ’65
Joseph bornino
Alum ’69
Jostens - Rodd Torbert
Judd Smerglia
Judi Doucette
Judith Bryan
Judith Glenn
Alum ’84
Judith Glenn
Alum ’84Parent ’11, ’14
Judith Rehm-Norbo
Alum ’69
Judith Reitz
Alum ’64
Judith Toth Bigham
Alum ’68
Judith Waldo Reitz
Alum ’64
Judy Buzas
Alum ’70Parent ’94, ’02
Judy Glenn - Network Land Title Agency, LLC
Judy Mey
Judy Minnich Selee
Alum ’69
Judy Selee
Alum ’69
Judy Zakutny
Alum ’79
Judy and Rich Felgemaker Buzas
Alum ’70Parent ’94, ’02
Julia Bajda
Alum ’69
Juliana Tremont
Alum ’11
Julie Bajda
Alum ’69
Julie Bray
Parent ’25
Julie Bray
Parent ’25, ’27
Julie Poling Bonacci and Vince Bonacci
Alum ’02Faculty/Staff
Julita Brosky Kohl
Alum ’55
Juud and Amy Smerglia
Alum ’65
Kaitlin Conner-Thom
Alum ’11
Kara Haas
Karen Baldoza
Alum ’92
Karen Cohagan
Alum ’59
Karen Davies
Parent ’15, ’19
Karen Donovan Cohagan
Alum ’59
Karen Schlather
Karen Ternes Cox
Alum ’83
Karen Weber
Alum ’71
Karen Yunker Weber
Alum ’71
Karl and Rita Koenig
Kate & Joe McAleese
Parent ’18
Kate Gustoff
Katherine McNeeley DDS and Mike Freeh
Alum ’09
Katherine Van Keuren
Alum ’12
Katherine Vesely Killen
Alum ’87
Katherine Vesely Killen
Alum ’87Parent ’24
Kathie Fuchs Machock
Alum ’73
Kathleen Bramwell
Alum ’72
Kathleen Chaplar Corona
Alum ’63
Kathleen Hines Ross
Alum ’71
Kathleen Humphrey Garth
Alum ’66
Kathleen Janda
Parent ’13, ’15
Kathleen Janda
Parent ’13, ’15
Kathleen Kukucka Deltufo
Alum ’77
Kathleen Kunaszewski Behlke
Alum ’69
Kathleen M Holmes
Alum ’77
Kathleen Meanor Holmes
Alum ’77
Kathleen Plato
Alum ’66
Kathleen Poje Bramwell
Alum ’72
Kathleen Ray
Alum ’85
Kathleen Ruppelt Schoeb
Alum ’73
Kathleen Swartz
Kathleen Young McCarthy
Alum ’73
Kathryn Boylan
Parent ’80, ’81, ’84
Kathryn Boylan
Parent ’80, ’81, ’84
Kathryn Boylan
Parent ’80, ’81, ’84
Kathryn Burrer Hyer
Alum ’73
Kathryn Murray
Alum ’79
Kathryn Yunker Brewer
Alum ’79
Kathy Armstrong
Alum ’63
Kathy Ray
Alum ’85
Kathy Sieminski
Alum ’70
Kathy Tokarczyk Burrows
Alum ’69
Kathy and Dale LaPorte
Katie Cuevas
Alum ’16
Katie Distelhorst
Alum ’02
Katie Gauntner
Alum ’14
Katie Gauntner
Alum ’14Faculty/Staff
Katie Jones
Parent ’25, ’28
Katie Kasper
Parent ’25
Kay Reisz
Keith Bak
Kelly Ann Bullock
Alum ’83
Kelly Budinger
Kelly Bullock
Alum ’83
Kelly Burgess Bullock
Alum ’83
Kelly O'Dell Pietraniec
Alum ’11
Kelsie & Alex Stites
Ken & Jenny Machock
Alum ’77
Ken Diedrick
Alum ’68
Ken and Sharon Kohler
Kenneth Diedrick
Alum ’68
Kerry Cardina
Parent ’25
Kerry Kreighbaum
Alum ’92
Kevin & Debra Fischbach
Kevin & Sandi Peloquin
Parent ’90, ’22, ’23
Kevin Baxter
Alum ’00
Kevin Byrne
Kevin Byrne
Parent ’18, ’21
Kevin Cosgrove
Alum ’67
Kevin Doran
Kevin Fischbach
Kevin Freaney
Parent ’27
Kevin Janowicz
Alum ’76
Kevin Juguilon
Kevin Krupelak
Alum ’77
Kevin Young
Alum ’78
Kevin Ziegman
Alum ’80
Kevin and Gail Flanigan
Parent ’99
Kevin and Gail Flanigan Foundation
Kevin and Mary Doran
Parent ’08
Kevin and Sandi Peloquin
Alum ’90Parent ’22, ’23
Kevin and Sharon Juguilon
Kevin, Sandi, Clayton and Nate Peloquin
Alum ’90Parent ’22, ’23
Kim Gurd
Alum ’87
Kim Gurd & Family
Alum ’87
Kim Gurd - Lang Optical Inc.
Kim Lang Gurd
Alum ’87
Kim Payne
Alum ’81
Kimberly Hirsch
Kimberly Van Dine
Parent ’17, ’28Faculty/Staff
Kimberly Watson
Kimberly Watson
Parent ’16, ’18Faculty/Staff
Kris & Debi Diaz
Kristen Boll
Alum ’84
Kristen Flesch
Kristi Fisher
Parent ’24
Kristi Tomasch
Parent ’27
Kristin Gampfer
Parent ’27
Kurt and Marcia Sarringhaus
Parent ’99, ’02, ’07
Kyle Horvatich
Alum ’17
Kyle Neff and Rebekka Schlather Neff
Alum ’99, ’00
LaVonne (Bonnie) Phillips Drager
Alum ’57
LaVonne Drager
Alum ’57
LaVonne Phillips Drager
Alum ’57
Lana Durban Scott
Alum ’90
Landyn Gerace
Alum ’13Faculty/Staff
Landyn Sito
Alum ’13Faculty/Staff
Lane Forthofer
Alum ’10
Laubenthal Mercado Funeral Home - Richard Laubenthal
Laura D'Agostino Roztas
Alum ’82Parent ’24
Laura Roztas
Alum ’82
Laura Roztas
Alum ’82Parent ’24
Laura Roztas
Alum ’82, ’24
Lauren Davis
Alum ’78
Lauren Zidek
Alum ’16
Laurie Gatten
Alum ’93
Lawrence Boron
Alum ’77
Lawrence Coleman
Alum ’66
Lawrence Heyman
Alum ’60
Lawrence SMITH
Alum ’69
Lawrence Sikora
Alum ’65
Lee Korzan
Alum ’76
Len Gerace
Lenora Given
Alum ’78
Leslie Smelko Porostosky
Alum ’75Parent ’02
Let’s Go Panthers
Parent ’22, ’24
Linda & Ed Zemanek Schuster
Alum ’77Parent ’08, ’10, ’11Faculty/Staff
Linda DeMarco Dukate
Alum ’69
Linda Kerekes
Alum ’75
Linda Schuster
Linda Schuster
Alum ’77Parent ’08, ’10, ’11Faculty/Staff
Linda Webber
Parent ’23, ’25
Linda Zemanek Schuster and Ed Schuster
Alum ’77Parent ’08, ’10, ’11Faculty/Staff
Lisa & Tony Cuevas
Parent ’16, ’20
Lisa Atkinson
Alum ’81
Lisa Hintz Bright
Parent ’26
Lisa Master's
Lisa Masters
Lisa Petronio
Parent ’25
Lisa Sebastian
Lisa Ware Atkinson
Alum ’81
Liz Vajentic Woconish
Alum ’81
Lori Riddell
Parent ’11, ’13, ’14, ’24
Lori Riddell
Parent ’24
Lorie Ferrara Wilber
Alum ’74
Louis Milum
Parent ’26
Louis and Colleen Elbert
Alum ’81Parent ’14, ’19
Luxury Heating - Paul Samek
Madeleine Heinrich
Madelyn and Ross Heidersbach
Alum ’14
Maggie&Dave Lanzola
Malinda Rich
Maloney + Novotny - Michael Mullee
Marcella Smith Rothgery
Alum ’57
Marcia Hintz Spigiel
Alum ’65
Marcia Sarringhaus
Alum ’72
Marcia Smith Rothgery
Alum ’57
Marcia Spigiel
Alum ’65
Marcia Straka Sarringhaus
Alum ’72
Margaret Callahan
Alum ’67
Margaret Flanagan Hollway
Alum ’98
Margaret Hollway
Alum ’98
Margaret Murray, Tom Kincaid & Sr Frances Murray
Margaret Naughton Basinski
Alum ’63
Margaret Plas Novotny
Alum ’59
Margaret Quinlan
Alum ’59
Margaret Rzetelny Hambrick
Alum ’66
Margaret Seguin
Margaret Seguin
Margie Mendez
Marianne O'Donnell Ivany
Alum ’70
Marianne O'Donnell Ivany and Robert Ivany
Alum ’70
Marianne O’Donnell Ivany
Alum ’70
Marie Machovina
Alum ’11
Marie Osborne
Alum ’71
Marilyn Becker
Alum ’65
Marilyn Kozel Lisicky
Alum ’53
Marilyn McAllister Trupo
Alum ’54
Marilyn OConnor
Alum ’68
Marita Reinders Rink
Alum ’58
Marita Rink
Alum ’58
Mark Aulisio
Alum ’65
Mark Brattoli
Alum ’74
Mark Marshall
Grandparent ’27
Mark Mroz
Alum ’74
Mark Nilges
Alum ’69
Mark Straka
Alum ’70
Mark Straka & The Straka Family Gift Fund
Alum ’70
Mark Zajac
Alum ’69
Mark and Nancy DeSouza
Parent ’06, ’10
Marlene Yanosky Simon
Alum ’65
Marsha Knipp Greulich
Alum ’68
Martha Diederich
Alum ’55
Martha Logan-Bieler
Alum ’73
Martin Rodriguez
Parent ’26
Mary Agnes Schlather Hammel
Alum ’79
Mary Alice Baer Majoue
Alum ’69
Mary Ann (Cavagna) Golski
Alum ’62
Mary Ann Cavagna Golski
Alum ’62
Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis
Mary Ann Elbert Giovannazzo
Alum ’70
Mary Ann Hafler Mullahy
Alum ’52
Mary Ann Lugas Kershaw
Alum ’70
Mary Anne Cunningham
Parent ’14, ’16
Mary Beth Harper Jaeger
Alum ’61
Mary Beth Riley
Alum ’73
Mary Cay Gurchik Doherty
Alum ’87
Mary DeMaria Fowler
Alum ’69
Mary Ellen Piazza
Alum ’69
Mary Ellen Sensback Hatfield
Alum ’57
Mary Fitzpatrick Newman
Alum ’68
Mary Gigliotti Linsky
Alum ’83
Mary Glasow McShane
Alum ’64
Mary Glowaski McHugh
Alum ’82
Mary Goellner
Alum ’76
Mary Jo Ross Prechtel
Alum ’57
Mary Jo Spoerl Mathias
Alum ’51
Mary Kaliszewski
Alum ’81
Mary Karen Kennedy Belcher
Alum ’69
Mary Kathleen McGorray
Mary Kay Lantz Onderko
Alum ’85
Mary Kay Onderko
Alum ’85
Mary Knapp
Alum ’68
Mary Kobb Herrick
Alum ’78
Mary Krekel
Alum ’69
Mary Linda Kirkpatrick Swinehart
Alum ’68
Mary Lou Ashyk
Parent ’75, ’76, ’80
Mary Lou Durkin
Mary Lou Forthofer Davis
Alum ’70
Mary Lynnd Fuchs Watson
Alum ’71
Mary McHugh
Alum ’69, ’82
Mary Moore
Student ’25
Mary Schmitz
Parent ’25
Mary Siwierka
Alum ’74
Mary Varhola
Alum ’10
Mary Wirscham Encinias
Alum ’71
Mary Wirth
Mary Zink Bird
Alum ’70
Mary and Alan Brailer
Mary and Allan Fentner
Parent ’04, ’06, ’09
MaryJo DiGiandomenico
Parent ’25
Marybeth Brailer
Parent ’27
Maryjo Holomuzki
Parent ’07
Matt Carandang
Alum ’88
Matt Dooley
Parent ’28
Matt Hyla
Alum ’01
Matt Knoth
Matt OKonowitz
Matt O’Konowitz
Matt Rand
Matt Spencer
Alum ’10
Matt Venzel
Alum ’03
Matthew D'Anniballe
Matthew Gustoff
Alum ’07
Matthew Hinkle
Matthew Mcguire
Alum ’68Faculty/Staff
Matthew Nelson
Alum ’95
Matthew and Brenda Klein
Parent ’21
Matthew and Stephanie St. Marie
Alum ’83Parent ’11, ’14
Maureen Garrity
Parent ’21, ’23
Maureen Hromada
Parent ’12, ’14, ’17
McNeeley and Shuba Family Dental - Dr. Katherine McNeeley
Megan Scarniac Hoover
Alum ’05
Meganne O'Donnell Boyer & Mark Boyer
Alum ’76Parent ’04
Meghan Radel
Parent ’25
Mel Belhouane
Alum ’21
Melanie Hricovec
Alum ’86
Melanie St. Marie
Alum ’10
Melissa Byrdy
Melissa Davis-Hartranft
Alum ’89
Melissa Post
Parent ’25
Merrell Insurance Group
Alum ’96Parent ’26
Merrell Insurance Group
Merrell Insurance Group
Alum ’96Parent ’96, ’26
Michael & Jona Metzinger
Parent ’24
Michael & Joyce Kristoff
Parent ’22
Michael & Theresa Koubek
Parent ’12, ’14
Michael Basinski
Parent ’23
Michael Basinski
Alum ’92
Michael Brown
Michael Buckley
Parent ’22, ’25
Michael Cherney
Alum ’63
Michael D. Tully, Co., L.P.A. - Michael Tully
Michael Duffin
Michael Gandolfo
Alum ’91
Michael Geletka
Alum ’09Faculty/Staff
Michael Geletka
Michael Herbert
Alum ’12
Michael Hoffman
Alum ’79
Michael J. Weber
Alum ’09
Michael Janas
Alum ’93
Michael Jonesco
Alum ’98
Michael Kane
Alum ’83
Michael Keys
Alum ’66
Michael Kozma
Alum ’79Parent ’16
Michael Kozma & Cindy Petrik Kozma
Alum ’79, ’83
Michael Kozma and Cindy Kozma
Alum ’79, ’83
Michael Lappi
Alum ’85
Michael McLaughlin
Alum ’03
Michael Muscato
Alum ’63
Michael Nardini
Alum ’13
Michael O'Neal
Alum ’67
Michael Pataky
Alum ’81
Michael Petroff
Alum ’09
Michael Polutnik
Alum ’68
Michael Polutnik '68 and JoAnne Vecchio Polutnik '69
Alum ’68, ’69Parent ’96
Michael Saddler
Alum ’14
Michael Schoeb
Alum ’11
Michael Sherman
Alum ’68
Michael Towne
Parent ’25
Michael Vajentic
Alum ’88
Michael Vitale
Michael Vitale
Michael Weber
Alum ’09
Michael Wirscham
Alum ’81
Michael and Beverly Becker (Mike's Kids)
Parent ’04
Michael and Cara Shebak
Parent ’26
Michael and Catherine Sunderman
Parent ’17, ’21
Michael and Martha Patton
Parent ’13
Michael and Michele Mullee
Michael and Sarah Smith
Parent ’23
Michael and Theresa Koubek
Parent ’12, ’14
Michael and Tiffany Towne
Parent ’25
Michele Lotko Samek
Alum ’73
Michele Samek
Alum ’73
Michelle Barb
Parent ’21, ’24
Michelle Barb
Parent ’21, ’24, ’26
Michelle Barb
Parent ’21, ’24, ’26
Michelle Hoffman
Michelle Hoffman
Michelle Lotko Samek
Alum ’73
Michelle Monske Breehne
Alum ’99
Michelle St. Marie
Alum ’84
Michelle Sustersic
Michelle and Peter Hoffman
Midwest Siding Co.
Midwest Siding Co. - Jerry Vessalo & Paulette Williams
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Alum ’94Parent ’24Faculty/Staff
Mike & Becky Essenmacher
Alum ’94Parent ’24Faculty/Staff
Mike & Cara Shebak
Parent ’26
Mike & Cindy Kozma
Alum ’79, ’83
Mike & Donna Walther
Parent ’21, ’25
Mike & Donna Walther
Parent ’21, ’25
Mike & Jona Metzinger
Parent ’24
Mike Bruewer
Alum ’88
Mike Clapham
Alum ’03
Mike Danner
Mike DiLoreto
Mike Essenmacher - Barnes Wendling CPAs
Alum ’94Parent ’24, ’27
Mike Farrell
Alum ’69
Mike Flatley
Parent ’18
Mike Frey
Alum ’06
Mike House
Alum ’69
Mike Keys
Alum ’66
Mike McLaughlin
Alum ’03
Mike Petronio
Parent ’25
Mike Shebak
Parent ’26
Mike Van Amburgh
Alum ’80
Mike Zvosec
Alum ’73
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Alum ’94, ’26, ’27Parent ’24Faculty/Staff
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Alum ’94Parent ’24, ’27Faculty/Staff
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Alum ’94Parent ’24, ’27Faculty/Staff
Mike and Donna Walther
Parent ’21, ’25
Mike and Katie Jones
Parent ’25
Mike and Lisa Petronio
Parent ’25
Mike and Mandy Niederst
Parent ’27
Miles Foisy
Alum ’10
Miller Home Title - Tammy Miller
Molly Bullock
Molly Conroy King
Alum ’11
Molly Johnson
Alum ’11
Molly King
Alum ’11
Molly Parsson
Alum ’81
Mona Marsico Suchocki
Alum ’69
Mr. & Mrs. Csanady
Parent ’23, ’25
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Theresa Koubek
Parent ’12, ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Alum ’14
Mr. Steve Komives
Alum ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Musca
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.Gross
Mr. and Mrs. John Texter
Parent ’25
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Raab
Parent ’13, ’23
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sikora
Alum ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rehm
Alum ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lubowicz
Parent ’23
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Kenneally
Grandparent ’22, ’23
Mrs. Marcia Pichola
Alum ’65
Msgt. Marie Osborne, USA (Ret.)
Alum ’71
Murello Properties - Terry Murello
Murphy & Traynor Family NH
NOMS Heathlcare
Nancy Adelsberg
Parent ’79, ’85, ’89, ’92
Nancy Adelsberg
Nancy Adelsberg
Parent ’79, ’85, ’89, ’92Grandparent
Nancy Bommer Wagner
Alum ’73Parent ’03
Nancy Brunswick
Grandparent ’26
Nancy DeSouza
Alum ’78
Nancy Dumski Hicks
Alum ’71
Nancy Grzenda-Schuler
Alum ’71
Nancy Larson
Nancy Reaser
Alum ’73Parent ’99, ’01, ’11
Nancy Reaser
Alum ’73Parent ’99, ’01
Nancy Young Hemminger
Alum ’55
Nannette Grella Burrows
Alum ’69
Natalie Breznay Kelley
Alum ’88Parent ’18, ’25
Natalie Breznay Kelley
Alum ’88Parent ’18, ’25
Natalie Diederich Smith
Alum ’53
Natalie Rini
Nate Carson
Alum ’10
Nate Peloquin
Alum ’23
Neil Fentner
Alum ’04
Neil Walsh
Parent ’15
Network Land Title Agency
Network Land Title Agency, LLC
Network for Good
Nicholas Abraham
Alum ’60Parent ’99
Nicholas Aulisio
Alum ’59
Nicholas Ksenich
Parent ’10, ’12
Nicholas Levis
Alum ’08
Nichole English
Parent ’22
Nick Abraham Auto Mall
Nick Christensen - Christensen Construction LLC
Alum ’76
Nick Turner
Alum ’03
Nick Ziegelmeyer
Alum ’19
Nick and Patti Abraham
Alum ’60Parent ’99Grandparent ’24, ’25, ’26
Nicole Campana Pier
Alum ’10
Nicole Firment
Alum ’03
Nicole Koubek
Alum ’12
Nicole McTaggart
Parent ’16, ’21, ’25
Nicole Rollins
Parent ’24, ’26
Nicole Rukstalis
Alum ’86
Nicole Spaetzel
Alum ’11
Nicole Spaetzel and Vince Scarpelli
Alum ’09, ’11
Niki Rollins
Parent ’24
Njac Kacinari
Parent ’24
Noreen Kaib Feldman
Alum ’73
Norm Mazurkowski
Alum ’57
Norma Jean Gwin
Parent ’76
Norman Lindway
Orthopaedic Associates Inc. - Edward Howley
Oswald Companies
PNC Foundation
Pam Cielinski Carver
Alum ’79
Pamelynn Cielinski Carver
Alum ’79Parent ’05
Pat & Alise Kovalchuk
Parent ’23
Pat Humphrey
Alum ’71
Pat Perusek
Alum ’82
Pat and Alise Kovalchuk
Parent ’23
Pat and Holly Ginley
Parent ’23
Patrice Moore
Alum ’68
Patricia Bedocs Bolyos
Alum ’61
Patricia Brizes Cooney
Alum ’87
Patricia Brizes-Cooney
Alum ’87
Patricia Demyan
Alum ’58
Patricia Diederich Bradley
Alum ’57
Patricia Gorski Wolfe
Alum ’65
Patricia Kamba
Alum ’65
Patricia Kirsh
Alum ’69
Patricia Kruppa Zink
Alum ’69
Patricia O'Connor Bubonics
Alum ’61
Patricia O'Donnell
Alum ’97
Patricia Peyton Essenmacher
Alum ’71
Patricia Schacht
Alum ’73
Patricia Vopat Schacht
Alum ’73
Patricia Zacharyasz Demyan
Alum ’58
Patrick Flanagan
Alum ’08
Patrick Flanagan
Alum ’00, ’04, ’08
Patrick Glasow
Alum ’66
Patrick Humphrey
Alum ’71
Patrick O'Connor
Alum ’58
Patrick Perusek
Alum ’82
Patrick Reichlin
Alum ’96
Patty Ross Fuller
Alum ’69
Paul & Anne-Marie Blevins
Alum ’84
Paul Blevins
Alum ’84
Paul Frey
Alum ’89
Paul Gigliotti
Alum ’85
Paul Gregory
Paul Mascenik
Alum ’70
Paul Pustay
Alum ’58
Paul Samek
Alum ’00
Paul Sustersic
Paul Vilevac
Alum ’91
Paul Zvirblis
Alum ’76
Paul and Cheryl Janik
Parent ’98, ’01, ’04
Paul and Cheryl Janik
Parent ’98, ’01, ’04
Paul and Karen Schlather
Alum ’64, ’70
Paulette Williams-Sislowski
Peg Rzetelny Hambrick
Alum ’66
Peggy Charkosky-Boyd
Alum ’81
Peggy Resar
Alum ’73
Peggy Schmidt
Alum ’68
Pete Heidersbach
Parent ’09, ’14
Pete Heidersbach
Peter Hoffman
Peter Leek
Alum ’84
Peter Maguire
Alum ’69
Peter Zakrzewski
Alum ’75
Peyton Essenmacher
Alum ’24
Pfizer Foundation
Phil Allegretto
Alum ’69
Phil Baptiste
Phil Seguin
Alum ’86
Phil Seguin
Alum ’86Parent ’24
Phil Seguin
Alum ’86Parent ’24
Philip Allegretto
Alum ’69
Phillip and Margaret Seguin
Piazza & Cooke-Szczepanski Co. LPA
Piazza & Cooke-Szczepanski, Co. LPA
Parent ’23
Raab/Denney Family
Parent ’13, ’23
Rachael Purta
Alum ’08
Rachel Kozma
Alum ’14
Rand '64 and Barbara Kaiser
Alum ’64
Randall Smith
Alum ’75
Randy Tomasek
Alum ’78
Rania Assily
Alum ’97
Raquel Ortiz
Parent ’26
Ray Traut
Ray and Anna Baxter
Parent ’00
Raymond Baxter
Raymond Baxter
Alum ’00
Rebecca Lorensky Schlather
Alum ’68
Reinker Photography - Bob Reinker '81
Renisha Brown
Parent ’26
Rev. Charles Diedrick
Reverend Frank Buck
Alum ’61
Reverend Franklin Buck
Alum ’61
Richard Baker
Alum ’08
Richard C. Stewart
Alum ’72
Richard Callahan
Alum ’58
Richard Durack
Alum ’61
Richard Franklin
Alum ’72
Richard Kovacs
Alum ’72
Richard Kukucka
Alum ’74
Richard Laubenthal
Richard Lewicki
Alum ’57
Alum ’85
Richard Mole
Alum ’69
Richard Morsher
Alum ’70
Richard Nardecchia
Alum ’68
Richard Poje
Alum ’76
Richard Radachi and Karen Peyton Radachi
Alum ’73, ’75
Richard Reitz
Alum ’53
Richard Stewart
Alum ’72
Richard and Christine Laubenthal
Rick '76 and Tiffany Poje
Alum ’76
Rick Kukucka
Alum ’74
Rick Turner
Alum ’01
Rick Wakefield
Parent ’25
Rick Wielopolski
Alum ’71
Rick Zidek
Alum ’90
Rick ‘76 and Tiffany Poje
Alum ’76
Rita Bauer Bowen
Alum ’70
Rita Mraz Bubb
Alum ’60
Rita Wirscham Koberna
Alum ’65
Rob Luce
Rob Zidek
Alum ’86
Robert & Bridget Burkett
Parent ’19
Robert & Melissa Palmer
Parent ’16, ’20, ’22Faculty/Staff
Robert & Sally Ann Glenn
Parent ’81, ’84Grandparent ’81, ’84
Robert Batt
Parent ’27
Robert Burell
Alum ’74
Robert Dahl
Alum ’57
Robert Fitzpatrick
Alum ’66
Robert H Wacker
Robert Humphrey
Alum ’79
Robert Humphrey, Jr.
Alum ’79
Robert Kohl
Alum ’52
Robert McFarland
Alum ’06
Robert Monchein
Alum ’63
Robert ODonnell
Alum ’81
Robert Pustay
Robert Smith
Alum ’77
Robert Steindl
Parent ’19, ’21, ’24
Robert Urig
Alum ’57
Robert Wacker
Robert Yun
Alum ’69
Robert Zelinski
Alum ’69
Robert Zidek
Alum ’86
Robert and Lee Steindl
Parent ’19, ’21, ’24
Robert and Lori Campana
Parent ’06, ’10
Robin Jennings
Parent ’25
Rochelle Klemens
Rochelle Klemens
Parent ’21
Rodger Dyson
Parent ’21, ’23, ’25
Rodger Dyson
Parent ’25, ’27
Ron Capasso
Alum ’71
Ron Justiniani
Parent ’26
Ron Traut
Alum ’85
Ron Zidek
Alum ’63
Ronald Capasso
Alum ’71
Ronald E. Rybarcyk
Alum ’70
Ronald Rick
Alum ’81
Ronald Rybarcyk
Alum ’70
Ronald Zidek
Alum ’63
Ronald and Carmen Joseph
Parent ’23
Rory Tomasek
Alum ’76
Rose Marie Lucas
Alum ’59
Rose Marie Standifer Lucas
Alum ’59
Rosemary Ziegman Woconish
Alum ’53
Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Alum ’14
Ruben & Tessala Caribe II
Parent ’25
Rudolph Rehm
Alum ’63
Rudy Rehm
Alum ’63
Russell Justiniani
Ruth Wilhelm
Ryan Hill
Alum ’04
Ryan Taylor
Alum ’09
Ryan-St Marie Insurance Agency
Alum ’81, ’83
Ryne (‘11) and Elizabeth St. Marie
Alum ’11
Sally Pronesti Gesouras
Alum ’78
Sally Traczek Reynolds
Alum ’73
Samantha Abraham
Parent ’24, ’25
Samantha Abraham
Parent ’24, ’25
Sandra Jurcak Seidl
Alum ’81
Sandra LeHoty
Parent ’25
Sandra McCarty
Alum ’65
Sandy Essenmacher Cherpak
Alum ’79
Sara Forthofer Linnell
Alum ’00
Sara Lanzola
Sarah Hawks
Alum ’15
Savanna Brown
Alum ’15
Schlather Insurance Agency
Schlather Insurance Agency Inc - David M. Schlather
Scott & Jennifer Hans
Parent ’25, ’28
Scott Gongos
Scott Loos
Alum ’02
Scott Payne
Alum ’80
Scott Volchko
Alum ’00
Scott Wagner
Alum ’73Parent ’03
Scott and Jennifer Hans
Parent ’25
Scott and Teresa Snow
Parent ’22
Sean & Jennifer Taylor
Parent ’24
Sean Bryson
Alum ’21
Sean Burkett
Alum ’19
Sean Miller
Alum ’08
Sean O’Brien
Sean Patterson
Sharol and Duane Sponsler and Mike and Shannon Sponsler
Sharon Blaszak
Alum ’68
Sharon Caputo Provenzale
Alum ’79
Sharon Debevec
Alum ’64
Sharon Lauffer Blaszak
Alum ’68Parent ’90, ’92, ’97Faculty/Staff
Sharon Lauffer Blaszak
Alum ’68
Sharon Logan Meyer
Alum ’72
Sharon McAllister Zeck
Alum ’59
Sharon McAlllister Zeck
Alum ’59
Sharon Muko Henderson
Alum ’67
Sharon Patmon
Alum ’74
Sharon Shook Thome
Alum ’80
Sharon Soltis Traxler
Alum ’90
Sharon Thome
Alum ’80Parent ’07, ’12
Sharon Williams Patmon
Alum ’74
Shay and Joe Schill
Parent ’26
Sheila Sprague Gardner
Alum ’69
Shelley Klemens
Parent ’21
Shirley Fritz Beiter
Alum ’60
Sidney Neuhoff
Alum ’64
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily ‘21, Jackson ‘24, Joseph
Parent ’21, ’24
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily, Jack and Joe
Parent ’21, ’24, ’27
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily, Jackson and Joseph
Parent ’21, ’24, ’27
Spencer Miller
Alum ’07
Spencer Roule
Alum ’10
Sr. Martha Mooney
St. Anthonys Catholic Church Food Pantry
St. Mary Parish - Rev. Charles Diedrick
Stacy Goloja
Parent ’27
Stanley Black & Decker
Stanley Trupo
Alum ’54
Stanley and Joan Jones (Katie Jones '25)
Grandparent ’25
Steffany Masters Congelio
Alum ’94Parent ’20
Stephanie Griffiths
Alum ’12
Stephanie Smith
Stephanie Smith Golski
Alum ’85
Stephen F. Kimbel
Alum ’61
Stephen Fuchs
Alum ’68Parent ’91, ’93
Stephen Fuchs
Alum ’68
Stephen Kimbel
Stephen Kirsh
Alum ’65
Stephen and Stephanie Cook
Parent ’23, ’25
Steve & Pam Lubowicz
Parent ’23
Steve Fada
Alum ’92Parent ’23, ’25
Steve Fada
Alum ’92Parent ’23, ’25
Steve McCoy
Alum ’72Faculty/Staff
Steve and Erin Fada
Alum ’92Parent ’23, ’25
Steven Komives
Alum ’65
Steven Minnich
Alum ’87
Steven Mueller
Alum ’06
Sue Mabry
Alum ’72
Superb Auto Detailing - Joey Bucci
Supert Auto Detailing - Joey Bucci, ECHS '21
Susan Cunningham
Susan Frabotta
Susan Gilles Ricks
Alum ’73
Susan Ricks
Alum ’73
Susan Taylor Mabry
Alum ’72
Suzanne Bodnar Mason
Alum ’52
Suzanne and Frank Lester
Suzin L Chocolatier
TBD Fraser
TBD Goold
TBD Haliburton
TBD Midwest
TBD Network Land Title Agency, LLC
TBD Reaser
TBD Schlather
TBD Shebak
TBD Sustersic
Alum ’64
TJ Kenneally & Associates - Terry Kenneally
Tanya Thome Pallardy
Alum ’91Parent ’24
Tanya Thome Pallardy
Alum ’91Parent ’24, ’27
Tanya Thome Pallardy
Alum ’91Parent ’24, ’27
Taylor Mabry
Alum ’05
Ted Baer
Alum ’71
Ted Mahl
Alum ’74
Ted Schmitz
Alum ’57
Terence & AnnMarie Flanagan
Parent ’98, ’00, ’02, ’04, ’08
Terence Poje
Alum ’86
Terreance & Karen Baehm
Parent ’18, ’21, ’25
Terrence Callahan
Alum ’68
Terri & Brian Soltis
Parent ’25
Terri McBennett
Parent ’28
Terri Soltis
Parent ’25
Terri Soltis
Parent ’25, ’28
Terri Wajda Soltis
Parent ’25, ’28
Terry & Ann Marie Flanagan
Parent ’98, ’00, ’02, ’04, ’08
Terry & Carol Murello
Parent ’03
Terry & Susan Kenneally
Grandparent ’22, ’23
Terry Farmer
Terry Flanagan
Parent ’98, ’00, ’02, ’04, ’08
Terry Murello
Parent ’03
Terry amd Susan Kenneally
Grandparent ’22, ’23Faculty/Staff
Terry and Carol Murello
Parent ’03
Terry and Jim Ziegelmeyer
Parent ’11, ’15, ’18, ’19Faculty/Staff
Test Foursome
Alum ’24
Test One
Test Three
Test Two
Student ’25
The Alan O'Connor Family
Alum ’57
The Alan O'Connor Family
The Alan O'Connor Family
The Alan O'Connor Family - Jake O'Connor
Alum ’57
The Batt Family
Parent ’22
The Budinger Family
Parent ’22, ’24Faculty/Staff
The Chronicle-Telegram
The Csanady Family
Parent ’23, ’25
The Dan and Mila Reaser Family Foundation
The Don & Mary OConnor family (6 EC grads)
Alum ’68
The Ellis Family
Parent ’23
The Hyla Family
The Kelly Foundation
The Kramer Family
Parent ’24
The Merrell Family
Alum ’96Parent ’26
The Mike and Ginny Hoffman Charitable "Fun" Fund - Dr. Michael Hoffman '79 and Mrs. Virginial Hoffman
Alum ’79
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
The Raab/Denney Family
Parent ’13, ’23
The Straka Family Gift Fund
Alum ’70
The Tracy and Tom Taylor Family
Thelma Day Drake
Alum ’67
Theodore Blaszak
Theodore Blaszak
Parent ’90, ’92, ’97
Theodore Schmitz
Alum ’57
Theresa Crayton
Alum ’81
Theresa Daly Crayton
Alum ’81
Theresa Day
Alum ’06
Theresa Fowler
Alum ’00
Theresa Kirsch Fiore
Alum ’81Parent ’01, ’04, ’06
Theresa Mangan
Parent ’22
Therese McNeil Mullen
Alum ’85
Thomas Diedrick
Alum ’52
Thomas Gallagher
Alum ’63
Thomas Hafler
Alum ’52
Thomas Hassler
Alum ’82
Thomas Koviak
Alum ’54
Thomas Loos
Parent ’02, ’06
Thomas Moore
Alum ’23
Thomas Neal
Alum ’70
Thomas Ney
Thomas Rawson
Alum ’64
Thomas Shirkey
Alum ’70
Thomas Taylor
Thomas Taylor
Alum ’79Parent ’06, ’09, ’11Faculty/Staff
Thomas Zeck
Alum ’58
Thomas Zeck and Sharon McAllister Zeck
Alum ’58, ’59
Thomas and Beatrice Webb
Thomas and Christina Wade
Alum ’87Parent ’21
Thomas and Sharon Brunkow
Parent ’94
Thomas and Tracy Taylor
Alum ’79Faculty/Staff
Tim & Chrissy Queen
Parent ’26
Tim Cole
Alum ’69
Tim Flowers
Alum ’74
Tim Kuhman
Alum ’74
Tim Powers
Alum ’69
Tim Stetson
Alum ’69
Timothy & Michelle Breehne
Alum ’99
Timothy Breehne
Alum ’99
Timothy Flowers
Alum ’74
Timothy Kuhman
Alum ’74
Timothy Powers
Alum ’69
Timothy and Christine Queen
Parent ’26
Todd Diedrick
Alum ’77
Todd Sweda
Alum ’84
Tom & Connie Loos
Parent ’02, ’06
Tom Adelsberg
Alum ’85Parent ’25
Tom Adelsberg
Alum ’85Faculty/Staff
Tom Adelsberg
Alum ’85
Tom Adelsberg
Alum ’85Parent ’25
Tom Brinkman
Alum ’79
Tom Diedrick
Alum ’52
Tom Elbert
Tom Hassler
Alum ’82
Tom Hesmond
Alum ’99
Tom Kuhman
Alum ’87
Tom Reighley
Alum ’78
Tom Sigman
Tom Stringer
Parent ’24
Tom Zeck
Alum ’58
Tom Zeck and Sharon McAllister Zeck
Alum ’58, ’59
Tom and Christy Ney
Tom and Tracy Taylor
Alum ’79Faculty/Staff
Tom's Country Place - Bill and Abby Hricovec
Tony & Kelly Copa
Parent ’11
Tony Copa
Parent ’11
Tony Reaser
Alum ’81
Tony Reaser
Tony Stringer
Tori Bucci
Alum ’19
Tori, Joey and Cathy Bucci
Alum ’19, ’21Parent ’19, ’21
Tracey Kempton
Parent ’19, ’23
Tracy Weber
Tyra Lehmann
UBS Employee Giving Program
V. Mary Cheevers Lantz
Alum ’61
Vernon Smith
Alum ’82
Veronica Cheevers Lantz
Alum ’61
Vicki DeFazio Harrington
Alum ’61
Victor and Karen Turk
Parent ’94, ’96, ’02, ’04
Victor and Laverne Sedivec
Parent ’98, ’01, ’04
Victoria Bucci
Alum ’19
Vikki Masterson
Vincent Feck
Alum ’55
Virginia O'Connor
Alum ’67
Parent ’09
Wally Christensen - Christensen Construction
Alum ’72
Walt Christensen - Christensen Construction LLC
Alum ’72
Walter Boron
Alum ’67
Walter Christensen '72 - Christensen Construction LLC
Alum ’72
Wayne & Barb Uehlein
West Roofing Systems, Inc. - Greg Palya
William & Cathryn Crawford
William Bulger
Alum ’59
William Dolan
Alum ’57
William Dolan & Suzanne Bromschwig
Alum ’57
William Forthofer
Alum ’72
William Janda
Alum ’13
William Janda, Jr.
Alum ’13
William Janesz
Grandparent ’21
William LeFrancois
Alum ’63
William Noveske
Alum ’86
William R Sexton Sexton
Alum ’83
William Samek
Alum ’68
William Scott
Alum ’62
William Sexton
Alum ’83
William Wagner
Alum ’61
William and Alice Nicola
Williams Brothers Builders, Inc.
Williams Drywall
Zach Weiss
Zachary Zidek
Alum ’14
Zenovia Rozmarynowycz
Alum ’70
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
Alum ’10
Zoë Zwegat Schmid
Alum ’14
Carol E gilles
Alum ’81
Charles baumgartner
David mccoy
Alum ’92
Michael weber
Alum ’09
Paul and karen schlather
Alum ’70
Paul schlather
Alum ’70
Richard gonser
Walter slovikovski
William masica
Parent ’80
Alum ’58
Alum ’74
Parent ’21, ’23
Alum ’66
Parent ’25
Parent ’22, ’24Faculty/Staff
Alum ’77
Parent ’17, ’19, ’24
Alum ’63
Alum ’04
Alum ’22
Parent ’24, ’25
Alum ’59
Alum ’70, ’71, ’72, ’74
Alum ’70
Alum ’11
Alum ’15
Alum ’69
Alum ’07
Alum ’18
Alum ’88
Alum ’65
Parent ’27
Parent ’26
Alum ’68
Parent ’86, ’94
Parent ’25, ’26, ’27
Alum ’19
Parent ’24
Alum ’60, ’62
Parent ’27Faculty/Staff
Alum ’97
Parent ’28
Alum ’61
Parent ’04, ’06, ’09
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Elyria Catholic High School
725 Gulf Rd, Elyria, OH 44035
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