Supporter Wall
For donations made to Holy Rosary School on Boost My School
"Aunt Nana" Elaine
A. Hampton
Grandparent ’29ARDATH KENNER
Grandparent ’27, ’29Aaron Hamilton
Aaron Johns
Abbhey Jacobs Family
StudentAdam Las
Adele Kong
Adrian Gasca
Adrian/Rowan/Ciaran O'Brien Family
StudentAgnes Semith
Grandparent ’30, ’33Aidan Lee
Alaina Gill
Parent ’33Alan Frazier
Grandparent ’31Alan Rathbun
Grandparent ’30Alana Holmquist
Parent ’25, ’29Alaskans for Jaxson
Alba Family
StudentAlbert Liu
Aldassy Family
StudentAldine Pignatelli
Grandparent ’31Aldo/Victoria/Emma Herrera Family
StudentAlena Leddy
Alex Alston
Parent ’28, ’32Alex Isbell
Alexa Blanchette
Parent ’32, ’35Alexandra Kyrimis
Alexandra Sandberg
Alfy Anderson
Alicia Randolph
Grandparent ’32Alisa Grubbs
Allie Alpers
Alumni ’20Allison Christenson
Ally Smith
Alpers Family
StudentAlston Family
StudentAlyssa Morreale
Parent ’27Amanda Black and Emmelia C-Black
Parent ’31Amanda Roberts
Parent ’25, ’27, ’29Amanda peterson
Alumni ’23Amber English
Amber Wharton
Parent ’29Amelia Villanueva
Amelia’s Cousins
America Leon
Grandparent ’33Amorita Juarez
Parent ’27, ’28Amy & Deigo Del Olmo
Parent ’29, ’30Amy Babington
Parent ’30, ’33Amy Gildenzoph
Amy Loftis
Parent ’26Amy Miller
Amy Perry
Parent ’28Amy Villanueva
Amy del Olmo
Parent ’29, ’30Ana Dilodilo
Ana Hermosillo
Parent ’29Andreas Huebner
Parent ’31Andrew Blanchette
Parent ’32, ’35Andy Kipling
Parent ’28, ’32Angela Martinez
Angela and Christopher Wood
Anh Nguyen
Anika Pauling
Parent ’28Anita Vazquez
Ann Lenssen
Ann Marie Anderson
Ann Smith
Parent ’93, ’96, ’98Ann Sund
Anna Moody
Grandparent ’32Anne Fletcher
Grandparent ’34Anne Martin
Parent ’31Anne Oberlink
Anne Spilker
Grandparent ’32Annest Family
StudentAnnie DeFreest Costello
Grandparent ’25, ’29Anora Egan
Student ’28Anthonea Webb
Grandparent ’24Aquin Duty
Parent ’25Ardales Family
StudentArianne Wallace
Parent ’27, ’31Arlene Brand
Grandparent ’24Arlene Combes
Grandparent ’28, ’32Arlene Rankin
Grandparent ’26, ’30Armi Capalaran
Parent ’32Arthur Crisera
Grandparent ’27Arthur Family
StudentAshley Clingan
Ashley Kelmore
Ashley Knox
Parent ’26, ’28, ’31, ’34Ashley Lieu
Parent ’25Asres Family
StudentAthitiya Chummee
Parent ’33Augie Miller Family
StudentAunt Mary Jo & Uncle Jim
Aunt Steph, Uncle Ben, & Reagan Blanchette
Auntie Tina & Uncle Michael
Student ’29Parent ’32Grandparent ’27Aurora Jamolod
Austin Deppa
Austin Smith
Avellar Family
StudentAylesworth Family
StudentAzizov Family
StudentBabic Family
Alumni ’21, ’24Babington Family
StudentBaffney Family
StudentBaker Family
StudentBaldwin Family
StudentBarbara & James Lange
Grandparent ’32Barbara & James Lange
Grandparent ’29Barbara Brzoska
Barbara Peasel
Barbara Seabury
Grandparent ’75Barbara Walter
Barbara Wettlaufer
Barney Daniel
Parent ’30, ’33Barredo Family
StudentBeckley Family
StudentBederaux-Cayne Family
StudentBen Palmer
Benjamin Calvin
Parent ’26Bentler Family
StudentBereket Lenssen
Berger Family
StudentBernadette Lewis
Betty/Harry Jones Family
StudentBianchi Family
StudentBill & Becky Branstetter
Grandparent ’31, ’33Bill & Kathy Godwin
Grandparent ’28, ’30Bill Santos
Grandparent ’29, ’31, ’33, ’35Blake Nickels
Blake Siu Family
StudentBlanchette Family
StudentBloudek Family
StudentBlunk Family
StudentBobby Gasca
Grandparent ’25Bobby Neiratko
Bonnie Rice
Student ’25, ’26Bonnie Starkey
Grandparent ’29Borg Family
StudentBorja-Sanders Family
StudentBoswell Family
StudentBoujrada Family
StudentBrandy Howard
Parent ’31Branstetter Family
StudentBrayan Urizar
Brenda Heflin
Parent ’06, ’08, ’13Brenda Herrera
Parent ’27Brenda Moreno
Brenda Snider
Grandparent ’36Brenda Yi
Parent ’30Brendan Kolding
Parent ’25, ’27, ’29Brett Flajole
Alumni ’23Parent ’25Brett Norris
Brett Phillips
Parent ’28, ’31Brian & Anne Lawler
Grandparent ’32Brian & Cynthia Anderson
Grandparent ’32Brian Christenson
Brian Craig
Grandparent ’31Brian Downer
Parent ’25, ’27Brian McDonald
Brian Sherman
Briana Renzetti
Brincko Family
StudentBrita Willis
Brooke Whiting
Parent ’33Brown Family
StudentBrown Family
Bruce Family
StudentBruce Jones
Grandparent ’31, ’33Brynn and David Underwood
Parent ’34Buchanan Family
StudentBuchholz Family
StudentBuddy Magistrado
Grandparent ’30, ’35Buros Family
StudentByrne Family
Cahill Family
StudentCally and Ron Kernan
Calvin Beckley
Parent ’33, ’35Calvin Family
StudentCalvin Stricklin
Canady Family
Candace Wallace
Grandparent ’27Carey Nickels
Parent ’30, ’32, ’35Carlson Family
StudentCarly Caple
Parent ’28, ’32Carmen Mikacenic
Parent ’27Carol Hart
Grandparent ’28, ’30Carol Kostanich
Grandparent ’32Carol Liebertz
Carole Dunnigan
Grandparent ’25Carole Wakefield
Grandparent ’30Caroline Erickson
Grandparent ’33Carolyn Pettit
Carolyn Thornton
Carolyn Wittmann-Todd
Parent ’31, ’33Carrianne Smith
Parent ’25Carrie Watts
Parent ’28, ’32, ’34Carroll Family
StudentCarterin Jaffray
Parent ’25Cary Wahl
Casey Yee
Cassie Smithco
Castillo Family
StudentCatalin Stafie
Parent ’25Catherine Gunyan
Grandparent ’25Catherine Murnighan
Catherine and Jeffrey Hilton
Grandparent ’28, ’31Cathy & Doug Swanson
Grandparent ’31Cathy Engstrom
Cathy Sheller
Chad Carstens
Chambers Family
StudentChantorn Family
StudentCharf Family
StudentCharles Erwin
Grandparent ’29Charles Huebner
Grandparent ’19, ’31Charles Lee
Charlotte/Eleanor Smith Family
StudentCheryl Beers
Grandparent ’29, ’31Cheryl KITCHIN
Grandparent ’31Chevchek Family
StudentChing & Oz Castro
Chiodo Family
StudentChris & Christina Clarke
Faculty/StaffChris Carstens
Chris Herbig
Parent ’26Chris OBrien
Grandparent ’30, ’32, ’34Christa Topf
Christian Palma
Christie Lenz
Christina Mastrangelo
Alumni ’20Christine Baerwaldt
Christine Jordan
Grandparent ’33Christine Stahl
Grandparent ’33Christofferson Family
StudentChristopher Ardales
Parent ’27Christopher S Nastos
Grandparent ’33Christopher Vennes
Parent ’32, ’35Chuck & Andrea Hauger
Grandparent ’33Cindy Marx
Grandparent ’32Claire Clow
Student ’28Grandparent ’30Claire Clow
Grandparent ’28, ’30Claire Fitterer
Claire Toycen
Clare Swanes
Clarissa Fruci
Clark Family
StudentClaudia Monroy
Parent ’32Clay Family
StudentClay Morganparks
Clemons Family
StudentCoates Family
StudentCohen Family
StudentColagrossi Family
StudentColin Frazier
Parent ’30, ’31Colleen Blunk
Parent ’32Colleen Wilkie
Parent ’28, ’33Connor Family
StudentConrad/Grant Martin Family
StudentConstance Wieschenberg
Grandparent ’33Cooper Hamilton
Corrie Baffney
Parent ’26Cotto-Torres Family
StudentCourtney Anderson
Courtney Anderson
Cox Family
StudentCraig Chilton
Grandparent ’33Craig Haveson
Crisera Family
StudentCristin Gordon-Maclean
Parent ’28Cuiskelly Family
StudentCurtis & Nancy McClane
Grandparent ’32Curtis Family
StudentCurtis Family
Parent ’34Cutts-Black Family
StudentCyrus Yee
Parent ’29DESTINY Chirls
DIck del Fierro
Grandparent ’34DLaina Boynton
Dale del Fierro
Grandparent ’34Dan & Sue Coates
Grandparent ’27, ’29Dan Hayes
Dan Sherman
Grandparent ’34Dana Christenson
Dana Forfylow
Parent ’27Dani Vennes
Daniel & Hollyann Williams
Grandparent ’26Daniel Family
StudentDaniel Finkel
Daniel Huebner
Daniel Kupper
Dave & Natalie Hereford
Grandparent ’26, ’30Dave Key
David & Nancy Atkins
Grandparent ’32David Cutts
Grandparent ’24David Jamieson
Grandparent ’29David Roane
David Schreck
David Smith
David Weidner
Parent ’36Davis Family
StudentDe Guzman Family
StudentDePaolo Family
StudentDeWaal Family
StudentDean Chilton
Deborah Binford
Deborah Henning
Grandparent ’28, ’31, ’33Deborah Stratz
Grandparent ’24Deborah 💜
Deirdre Bell
Del Olmo Family
StudentDelafield Family
StudentDennis Blunk
Dennis OConnell
Denny Lee
Desimone Family
StudentDevita Family
StudentDexter Egan
Student ’31DiAnna Webber
Diana Mayfield
Diana Rios
Diane Norman
Grandparent ’32Diane Salz
Grandparent ’32Diane Schmeltz
Grandparent ’31Do Family
StudentDolan Family
StudentDon & Michelle Porth
Alumni ’16, ’22Donald Jensen
Dorame Family
StudentDoris Stevens
Grandparent ’31Dormann-Wilkie Family
StudentDoug & Melia Reed
Grandparent ’28Doug Lindstrom
Doug Little
Grandparent ’25, ’28Doug and Gwen Gill
Douglas Gill
Grandparent ’33Doull Family
StudentDowner Family
StudentDrew Dizon
Dunnigan Family
StudentDurand Family
StudentDuty Family
StudentE6 for April Faith
Grandparent ’32Earl Family
StudentEden Montalbo
Grandparent ’32Edward & Susan Smith
Student ’27Grandparent ’30Edward Goss
Grandparent ’33Egan Family
StudentEhindero Family
StudentElaine BARGER
Elaine Rich
Grandparent ’30Elaine Wade
Grandparent ’34Eleanor Eugenio
Grandparent ’32Elirose Hipolito
Grandparent ’32Elissa Heiner
Parent ’25Elizabeth Ellingson
Parent ’30, ’33Elizabeth Fergus-Jean
Grandparent ’31, ’32Elizabeth Snyder
Parent ’29, ’32Ella Sherman Family
StudentEllie Safavi
Grandparent ’32Ellingson Family
StudentElmer Family
StudentEloise Tacik
Emilio Gonzalez
Emily Favell
Parent ’32Emily Schiller
Emily Showman
Emmett Hunter Family
StudentEng Family
StudentEric & Lisa Nooyen
Parent ’27Eric Cho
Eric DuPont
Eric Nelson
Student ’30Parent ’26Eric Pokorny
Erick Roane
Erik & Kimberly Nakich
Parent ’30Erik Cutts
Parent ’31Erik Luchauer
Parent ’32Erin Coletti
Erin Lentz-McMahon
Erin Meland
Parent ’30, ’33Erin Meredith
Parent ’29, ’35Ethan Egan
Student ’34Eugene Thomas
Grandparent ’29Evelyn Abundo
Father Guido Sarducci
Fay Hanleybrown
Fen/Nona Anderson Family
StudentFergus-Jean Family
StudentFernando Martinez
Fessler Family
StudentFiler Family
StudentFilipinas Samson
Grandparent ’30, ’36Finley Hunter Family
StudentFitch Family
StudentFlajole Family
StudentFlatt Family
StudentFlorian Kuffel
Forgette Family
StudentFox Family
StudentFrancis Chaten
Grandparent ’27, ’30Francis and Julianne Santos
Parent ’29, ’31, ’33, ’35Frank Semith
Grandparent ’30, ’33Frankie Garcia
Parent ’32Franzen Family
StudentFrazier Family
StudentFred Friedmann
Fred Reuther
Friedman Family
StudentFriends of Lexi
Student ’32Grandparent ’32Gabe Smith
Gabor Aldassy
Grandparent ’28, ’33Gail Nichols
Student ’27, ’28, ’33Grandparent ’26Gail Studeman
Grandparent ’28Gangon Family
StudentGarcia Family
StudentGasca Family
StudentGeorgina Capron
Grandparent ’26Gianne Villanueva
Gianni Longmire
Giao Do Nguyen
Parent ’36Giaudrone Family
StudentGill Family
StudentGina "BeBe" Longmire
Gina Haines
Grandparent ’30, ’33Giuliana` Longmire
Glenn Delatte
Grandparent ’30Gloria Webster
Student ’29Parent ’27Grandparent ’32Faculty/StaffGloria and Al Perpuse
Godwin Family
StudentGolden Jaffray
Student ’25Gordon-Maclean Family
StudentGrace Frary
Graciela Monroy
Graham Gill
Parent ’33Graham Murphy
Graham-Kadushin Family
StudentGrand Father André for Moulon's family
Parent ’33Grandma Casey & Grandpa
Grandparent ’34Grandma Johnson
Grandparent ’28Grandma and Grandpa
Grandma johnson
Grandparent ’25Grandpa
Grandparent ’29Grandpa Greg and Grandma Sue
Grandparent ’29, ’32Graves Family
StudentGreg Henneman
Grandparent ’32Gregory Binford
Grandparent ’28, ’30Gregory J. Nickels
Alumni ’62Grandparent ’30, ’32, ’35Gretchen BLANCHETTE
Student ’32Grandparent ’35Gretchen Spear
Student ’31Gruner Family
StudentGwen Zaccaria
Grandparent ’30Haddock Family
StudentHall Family
StudentHanley Family
StudentHarris Family
StudentHart Family
StudentHatley Family
StudentHauber Family
StudentHayley Martin Hampton
Parent ’12, ’17Hazel VK
Heather Brincko
Parent ’27Heather Eagon
Heather Vinson Smith
Heidi Lenssen
Heiner Family
StudentHelen Rhymes
Hendrick Smith Family
StudentHengtgen Family
StudentHenning Family
StudentHerbig Family
StudentHereford Family
StudentHesch Family
StudentHeuer Family
StudentHilda Yee
Grandparent ’29Hillary Aldassy
Parent ’28, ’33Hindmarsh Family
StudentHolley Eisenbeis
Holly Christenson
Holly and Ryan Haines
Holmquist Family
StudentHoriuchi Family
StudentHotchkiss Family
StudentHoward Family
StudentHoward Goodman
Grandparent ’33Howell Family
StudentHuebner Family
StudentHuser Family
StudentIadonato Family
StudentIan Flatt
Parent ’30, ’33Ian Henry
Ibarra Family
StudentIda Anderson Family
StudentIdziorek Family
StudentIna Santos
Irene Lee
Irene Merz
Parent ’17Isaac Wastman
Iza Santos
J Keviin Lawler
Grandparent ’25, ’26JOAN WALSH
Jack Davis
Grandparent ’34Jack Perin
Jack/Sam Johnson Family
StudentJackie Doucette
Jacqueline Hipolito
Jacquelyn Duty
Alumni ’65Grandparent ’25, ’28Jaffray Family
Student ’25Jake Nickels
James Boswell
Parent ’25James Campos
James Nickels
James Russell
James Santee
Grandparent ’28, ’31, ’33James Stark
Parent ’30James and Marlene Brown
Grandparent ’28Jami Sollid
Jami Town
Jamie Crowe
Jamie Langford-Herbig
Jan and Larry Rust
Grandparent ’25, ’27Jane Weight
Janeen Morehead
Janet Hamilton
Alumni ’60Janet Perry
Grandparent ’28Janet Schaal
Janice Patterson
Janine Wallin
Janna Annest
Parent ’25Janssen Family
StudentJason Kadushin
Parent ’28Jason Little
Parent ’25, ’28Jasper Jacobs Family
StudentJaspy J’s Australian Fan Club
Jauhola Family
StudentJay Hindmarsh
Parent ’27Jean Wagner
Grandparent ’29Jean and Mike Gannon
Grandparent ’27Jeanette Krull
Parent ’26Jeannie Kupper
Grandparent ’32Jeff & Shannon Hotchkiss
Alumni ’94Parent ’28, ’30Jeff Anderson
Grandparent ’26, ’28Jeff Boswell
Jeff Hilton
Grandparent ’28, ’31Jeffery Bayles
Jen Buchanan
Parent ’27Jen Crisera
Parent ’27Jen Folse
Jenefar deLeon Cossey
Jenn Perez
Jenna Cohrn
Parent ’30Jennifer Chevchek
Parent ’33Jennifer Christenson
Grandparent ’27, ’31Jennifer Cox
Parent ’28, ’31Jennifer Hipolito
Jennifer Howard Kicinski
Parent ’28Jennifer Kim
Jennifer Lin
Parent ’34Jennifer Patano
Parent ’31Jennifer Topf
Jennifer Wade
Jenny & Mike Franzen
Parent ’29Jenny Goupil
Jenny Ibarra
Jeremy Kuhlmann
Parent ’27, ’29Jermain Steiner
Student ’33Grandparent ’28Jesse Martinez
Jessel Newton
Jessica Kurtz Pokorny
Jessica Nazario
Jill Oyer
Parent ’27Jill Pleasant
Grandparent ’31Jim & Linda McDonald
Grandparent ’31Jim and Paula Kuhlman
Grandparent ’33, ’35Jo & Kevin Lynch
Grandparent ’32JoAnn Clutcher
Grandparent ’33JoAnn Pisel
JoAnne Wannarachue Lord
Joan Martin
Grandparent ’31Joann Romischer
Grandparent ’31Joanne Chaten
Grandparent ’27, ’30Jodie & Todd Underwood
Jody Maas
Alumni ’17, ’20Joe Patry
Johanson Family
StudentJohn & Beth Waak
Grandparent ’31John & Kathleen Visich
Grandparent ’28, ’32John Bianchi
John Giaudrone
Grandparent ’27John Kennedy
John Pusey
Parent ’26, ’30Johnnie Wells
Grandparent ’29Johnston Family
StudentJoleen Canwell
Grandparent ’25Jon & Mary Kovarik
Grandparent ’31Jon Souza
Jonah/Silas Johnson Family
StudentJonathan Hipolito
Jonathan Wiese
Jordan Johnson
Jordan Pomeroy
Student ’31Parent ’29Jordana Foppiano
Parent ’33Josefina Reyneri
Grandparent ’24Joseph Hermosillo
Grandparent ’29Joseph Snider
Parent ’27Joshua Buchholz
Juan C. Reyneri
Juan Proaño
Judith Huebner
Grandparent ’31Judy Doyle
Judy Lentz
Grandparent ’33Julia Bosch
Parent ’31Julia Kim-Cutts
Parent ’31Julie Janssen
Julie Parisio Roy
Parent ’25, ’28Julie Thomas
Grandparent ’29, ’32Julie Wukelic
Justin Kress
Parent ’27, ’30Justin LANDRETH
Parent ’29Justin and Marie Kong
Kami Combes
Karen & Owen Sharp
Karen Bianchi
Grandparent ’31Karen Dimino
Karen Koutnik
Grandparent ’27Karen Secrest
Parent ’26Kariko Family
StudentKarla Lawson
Faculty/StaffKarr Family
StudentKarri Keller
Parent ’14Kate Poroszok
Kate and John Goodwin
Kathi Brincko
Grandparent ’27Kathleen Grohs
Grandparent ’32Kathleen Hockaday
Grandparent ’27Kathleen Ryan
Kathren Tranum
Kathryn Kingen
Parent ’01Kathy Coan
Kathy Colwell
Kathy Daw
Kathy Nastos
Grandparent ’33Kathy Nemeth
Grandparent ’32, ’35Kathy Voelker
Katie Bencsik
Katie Fergus-Jean
Parent ’31Katie Lynch
Parent ’32Katie Townsend
Katrina Moore-Yu
Katsandres Family
StudentKeen Family
StudentKeith Bickford
Keith Fabling
Grandparent ’24Kelly Brusa
Kelly Burke
Kelly Carpenter
Kelly Family
StudentKelly Lewis
Parent ’31, ’33Kelly Poirier
Alumni ’95Kelly Taylor
Kelly Warren
Alumni ’06Kennedy Family
StudentKennel Family
StudentKenner Family
StudentKenneth Stark
Grandparent ’28, ’30Keri Erving
Kevin Erwin
Kevin Essig
Kevin Haggard
Kevin Rice
Parent ’26Kevin Sherman
Khazaal Family
StudentKicinski Family
StudentKim Brenner
Kim Family
StudentKimberlee Spencer Ely
Kimberly Price
Kimberly Sheller
King Family
StudentKing Leonidas
Kipling Family
StudentKjersti Phillips
Parent ’32Klem Family
Parent ’21Knox Family
StudentKoch Family
StudentKoengeter Family
StudentKokkonis Family
StudentKolding Family
StudentKong Family
StudentKostanich Family
StudentKrejci Family
StudentKress Family
StudentKrista Gustelius
Kristin Bentler
Parent ’25Kristoffer Hall
Kristopher Smith
Parent ’29Kristy and Dave Bailey
Grandparent ’33Kuffel Family
StudentKuhlman Family
StudentKuhlmann Family
StudentKupper Family
StudentKurdzos Family
Grandparent ’30, ’33Lacey Family
StudentLandreth Family
StudentLange Family
StudentLarin Family
StudentLarisa Paige
Larry Grabler
Grandparent ’28, ’30Latimer Family
StudentLaura Franklin
Laura Heitritter
Laura Myers
Laura VanderGiessen
Laura Weaver
Laurel Rabel-Waltier
Parent ’15, ’17Lauren McDonough
Parent ’31Lauren Seyfarth
Lauren Spears & Christine Roles
Laurie Russell
Grandparent ’31Lavin Family
StudentLawler Family
StudentLawrence Pallozola
Parent ’28Leah Heidenreich
Lee Quirk
Parent ’29, ’31Leigh Kenner
Parent ’27Lenora Liebertz
Lenssen Family
StudentLentz Family
StudentLeona Knox
Grandparent ’26, ’28, ’31, ’34Leslie Huston
Lewis Family
StudentLieu Family
StudentLilly/Henry Hansen Family
StudentLin Family
StudentLincicum Family
StudentLinda Crowe
Grandparent ’26, ’30Linda Kyrimis
Grandparent ’28Linda McCabe
Grandparent ’25, ’29Linda Tong
Linda and Gary Blair
Grandparent ’32Lindsay Family
StudentLindsay Hengtgen
Parent ’33Lisa Danforth-Lewis
Parent ’28, ’32Lisa Tollett
Lito Rufin
Little Family
StudentLiu Family
StudentLiwen Ho
Liz Bentler
Lonnie Lewis
Lori Patano
Grandparent ’31Louise Gill
Grandparent ’33Louise Valois
Grandparent ’30Lucero/Danilo Herrera Family
StudentLuchauer Family
StudentLucia Miller Family
StudentLucy Cahill
Grandparent ’32Lucy Keen
Grandparent ’32Luis Reyneri
Luke Jauhola
Parent ’30, ’32Lutomski Family
StudentLynch Family
StudentLynne Kress
Lynne Longmire
M J Wiehagen
M. Kumasaka
M/M Wayne & Teresa Lutomski
Grandparent ’24MIKE + DIANNE CHEN
Mac/William Miller Family
StudentMacario Ibarra
Mackenzie Jones Family
StudentMaddy Addicks
Alumni ’22Mahoney Family
StudentMaines-Pastor Family
StudentMallory Hall
Parent ’33Mallory Mostov
Maly Phouangpheth
Marc Ackermann
Marcus Deal
Margaret Quirk
Grandparent ’29, ’31Margaret Whetham
Faculty/StaffMargie and Mark Hanson
Mari Alvarez
Maria Koengeter
Parent ’27Maria Steppan
Grandparent ’27, ’30Marilles Dino
Marilyn & Dan Kuhlmann
Grandparent ’27, ’29Mario Gandara
Marisa Dizon
Marissa Aquino
Mark Grubbs
Grandparent ’27Mark Housman
Mark Lenssen
Parent ’29Mark Nazario
Mark P. McAndrews
Alumni ’60Martha Rickard
Martina Arce
Parent ’27Martinez Family
StudentMarty Wyse
Martyn & Nicole Mahoney-Chastain
Alumni ’91Parent ’31, ’33Marx Family
StudentMary & Bill Cook
Mary Bentler
Grandparent ’25Mary Caso
Mary Denure
Grandparent ’27Mary Frazier
Grandparent ’30Mary J Berger
Grandparent ’27Mary Kay Haggard
Grandparent ’28Mary Margaret Pless
Mary Metro-Pepka
Grandparent ’27Mary Pan
Mary Schlossin
Mary Simpson
Faculty/StaffMary Tomala
Student ’29, ’31Grandparent ’29, ’31Faculty/StaffMary and Dick LaFever
MaryAnn Vernarelli
Maryann West
Grandparent ’31, ’33Mason Family
StudentMatilda Untalan
Grandparent ’27Matt Arria
Matt Sandberg
Matt, Amanda & Amelia Bickford
Mattei Family
StudentMatthias O'Brien Family
StudentMaureen McCauley
Max Gangon
Parent ’32Maya Swanes
McAndrews Family
StudentMcAuliffe Family
StudentMcCabe Family
StudentMcCaela Carstens
McCormick Family
StudentMcDonough Family
StudentMcKenna Smith Family
StudentMcKinlay Family
StudentMcLaughlin Family
StudentMcNeely Family
StudentMeaghan McGregor
Meagher Family
StudentMegan Clark
Parent ’29Megan Earl
Parent ’30Megan Heuer
Parent ’28, ’30, ’33Megan Sherman
Megan and Jim Urbaitis
Meland Family
StudentMelinda Ellis
Grandparent ’34Melissa Anderson Fitch
Parent ’28Melissa Stark
Parent ’28Melissa Van Flandern
Melody Tsai
Mercedes Reyneri
Grandparent ’32Meredith Family
StudentMerian Droesch
Grandparent ’27Metcalf Family
StudentMeyer Family
StudentMia Martin Family
StudentMichael Blanchette
Student ’35Grandparent ’32Michael Elmer
Grandparent ’27, ’30Michael Grohs
Grandparent ’32Michael Loebe
Michael Mangapit
Michael McAndrews
Grandparent ’35Michael Petragallo
Michael Sherman
Parent ’34Michael Stein
Grandparent ’30Michael Zimmer
Michael and Mary Rose Blatner
Parent ’06, ’08, ’10, ’13Michael and Therese Killeen
Parent ’00Faculty/StaffMichele Bleser
Parent ’33Michele Mattoon
Michele Nikula
Michele Zinski
Parent ’27, ’29Michelle Castro
Michelle DeFeo
Faculty/StaffMichelle Hunter
Parent ’26Miguel Santo Domingo
Parent ’31Mike Dey
Mike Fairchild
Misty Cervantes-Kim
Parent ’30Mitch and Juanita Sandberg
Mitsuko Russell
Grandparent ’25Molly Schaber
Parent ’25Monica Enciso
Morris Family
StudentMoulon Family
StudentMullen Family
StudentMyrna Secretario
Nai Nai for April Faith
Grandparent ’32Nakich Family
StudentNancy Lawson
Nancy Stewart
Naomi Sherman Family
StudentNartker Family
StudentNatalia Beran
Parent ’24Natalie Frazier
Parent ’30, ’31Natalie Zier
Nathan Bickford
Nathan Wannarachue
Nel Taylor
Grandparent ’25, ’28Nelson Family
StudentNessa Garcia
Parent ’32Nguyen Family
StudentNia Millington
Nicholas Berger
Parent ’27Nicholas Valiante
Nick & Jennifer Kokkonis
Parent ’25Nick Gasca
Parent ’25Nicole Drumheller
Nicole Henning
Parent ’28Nicole Lund
Nicole Lutomski
Parent ’28, ’30Nicole Resch
Parent ’27Nicole Wallace
Student ’27Grandparent ’31Nicole Warren
Nicole Yount
Parent ’33Nikom Wannarachue
Grandparent ’33Ninona Boujrada
Student ’30, ’32Noel Vennes
Nojaim Family
StudentNooyen Family
StudentNorah Timmons
Parent ’27Norman Hall
Grandparent ’33Nowell Family
StudentOesterwinter Family
StudentOlmsted Family
StudentOrville Keller
Grandparent ’25Otey Family
StudentOyer Family
StudentPallozola Family
StudentPam Anderson
Grandparent ’27, ’31Pamela Swanes
Grandparent ’28, ’30Papa and Grandma Yi
Grandparent ’30Pat Alexander
Pat Angulo
Pat Ellis
Pat Kirk
Grandparent ’33Patricia Chhee
Grandparent ’29Patricia Friedmann
Grandparent ’29, ’32Patricia Friedmann
Grandparent ’29, ’32Patrick Barredo
Parent ’26Patrick Lawler
Parent ’32Patrick Phelan
Patrick Pomeroy
Grandparent ’29Patrick Woodke
Patti Centeno
Grandparent ’27Patti Gallegly
Grandparent ’32Patti Rathbun
Grandparent ’30, ’33Pattryse Martinez
Paul Cahill
Grandparent ’32Paul Toth
Grandparent ’31, ’33Pauling Family
StudentPeggy Cohen
Peggy Mickelson
Peggy Sandberg
Grandparent ’27, ’30Perry Family
StudentPhelps Family
StudentPhil Marcella
Philip Lynch
Phillips Family
StudentPhyllis Hall
Pia VanHanen
Parent ’25, ’27Pignatelli Family
StudentPoirier Family
StudentPomeroy Family
StudentPriscilla Hanley
Priscilla Rodeyro
Procopio Family
StudentProud HRS Grandma
Grandparent ’32Pusey Family
StudentQuirk Family
StudentR&J Tyree
Rachel Keen
Parent ’32Rachel Maney
Radick Family
StudentRafael Reyneri
Ramie Esquivel
Ramirez Family
StudentRanzie Barney
Raquel Eugenio
Ray Buckley
Grandparent ’33Rebecca Aaron
Rebecca Bicknell
Parent ’25Rebecca Dollman
Rebecca Lange
Rebecca Locke
Rebecca Morris
Parent ’31, ’33Rebecca Peterson
Rebecca Randall
Rebecca Wallace
Parent ’27Reed Family
StudentRenee & Kevan Kurdzos
Parent ’28, ’32Resch Family
StudentRex Nikula
Parent ’24Reyneri Family
StudentRhonda Wood
Grandparent ’25Rice Family
StudentRichard Damien Ross
Parent ’26, ’30Richard Holzer
Grandparent ’28, ’30Richard Johnston
Parent ’32Richard M. Wieland
Grandparent ’25, ’29Richard del Fierro
Richman Family
StudentRick Ellingson
Grandparent ’30, ’33Rick Sandberg
Grandparent ’27, ’30Ricki SchubergMyers
Ricky Martin
Riley Clark
Riojas Family
StudentRob Kupper
Parent ’32Rob Wastman
Parent ’02Grandparent ’30Robert Huebner
Robert Orton
Grandparent ’35Robert Rice
Robert Robbins
Robert Vadakin
Robert/Peggy Alston
Grandparent ’28, ’32Roberts Family
StudentRobyn Spilker
Rodermund Family
StudentRojanapradit Family
StudentRoland Gueco
Grandparent ’29Romischer Family
StudentRon Cerniglia
Ron Vennes
Grandparent ’32Ron and Tammy Zitzer
Grandparent ’31Ronald Essig
Grandparent ’25Ronald SAMPSON
Roni Bickford
Rosalie Roque
Rosalind Howe
Grandparent ’25Rose Amurao
Grandparent ’24Rose Nemeth
Rose Nichols
Parent ’26, ’28, ’33Rosemary Burch
Grandparent ’29Ross Family
StudentRoss Swanes
Rowen Hansen Family
StudentRoy Family
StudentRussell & Hansen PLLC
Russom Family
StudentRyan Binford
Alumni ’96Faculty/StaffRykiel De Guzman
Parent ’29, ’33SANDY HOSKINSON
Grandparent ’30, ’33SUSAN HENGTGEN
Grandparent ’33Sachin Phadke
Sadie (kimora) Siu
Parent ’31Salina Liu
Sallie Snyder
Grandparent ’29, ’32Sally Fallow
Sally Sanchez
Sam Poyser
Sammie Alizadeh
Parent ’34Samuel Fang
Grandparent ’28Sanders Family
StudentSandoval Family
StudentSanto Domingo Family
StudentSantos Family
StudentSantosh Family
StudentSara Kariko
Parent ’27Sara Montrone
Sara Phelan
Parent ’34Sara Salz
Sarah & Matt Solari
Sarah Blanchette
Sarah Grubbs
Parent ’26, ’32Sarah Grubbs
Parent ’26Sarah Johnson
Parent ’25Sarah Lenssen
Parent ’29Sarah Rodermund
Parent ’29, ’31, ’33Scamehorn Family
StudentSchaber Family
StudentSchilz Family
StudentScott Corvino
Scott Jamieson
Sean Larin
Parent ’31Secrest Family
StudentSecretario Family
StudentSelena Smith
Student ’33Serabia Family
StudentSerah Ombongi
Serena Wastman
Parent ’01Grandparent ’32Sergio Herrera
Parent ’27, ’30, ’32Service Pro
Sexauer Family
StudentSeyfarth Family
StudentShafi Family
StudentShannon Abrams
Shannon Daniel
Parent ’30, ’33Sharon Aylesworth
Grandparent ’30Sharon Nickels
Grandparent ’30, ’32, ’35Sharon Whiting
Grandparent ’33Sharon Woodke
Grandparent ’26, ’32Sharron Gill
Shaun Grubert
Shawn Lim
Shayna Eskew
Shea Nemeth
Sheila Balloffet
Sheila Crego
Grandparent ’25, ’28Sheila Giaudrone
Grandparent ’27Sheila Mendoza
Shelby Hamilton
Alumni ’21Shelby McGrain
Parent ’25, ’27Shelby Reed
Parent ’25Sherrill Ramaglia
Grandparent ’31, ’33Sherwood Family
StudentShirley Wilson
Shu Family
StudentSilvia Castillo
Grandparent ’32Sizemore Family
StudentSluyter Family
StudentSmita Das
Parent ’34Smutka Family
StudentSnell Family
StudentSnider Family
StudentSnyder Family
StudentSoderquist Family
StudentSofia Kennel
Parent ’33Solomon Family
StudentSolomon Family
Parent ’25, ’27Sony Todd
Grandparent ’82Sonya Luchauer
Parent ’32Sothera Chhee
Soy Chhee
Spear Family
StudentSpencer and Tora Anderson
Parent ’27, ’31Stacey Gasca
Parent ’25Stafie Family
StudentStan Pollman
Grandparent ’29, ’33Stark Family
StudentStasha Millet
Student ’26Parent ’30Faculty/StaffSteffanie Zazulak
Parent ’29Stein Family
StudentStephanie Combes
Parent ’28, ’32Stephanie Doull
Parent ’26, ’27Stephanie Grubert
Stephany Anderson
Grandparent ’26, ’28Stephen Lenssen
Steve & Brenda Charlston
Grandparent ’29, ’31Steve & Carolyn Rice
Grandparent ’24Steve Kostanich
Grandparent ’32Steve Mitchell
Steve Nemeth
Grandparent ’32, ’35Steve Smutka
Grandparent ’29Steven Yeo
Grandparent ’30Stevens Family
StudentStratz Family
StudentSue Bicknell
Grandparent ’25Sue Chantorn
Sue Reed
Grandparent ’31, ’33Suhad Abdallah
Suing Family
StudentSunidja Family
StudentSusan Claus
Susan Daves
Grandparent ’33Susan Ericson
Alumni ’64, ’72Grandparent ’27Susan Horiuchi
Susan Howe
Susan Lavin
Grandparent ’30Susan Meland
Grandparent ’30, ’33Susan R Crum
Susan Williams
Grandparent ’30, ’32Susan Wintermute
Grandparent ’28Susan and Brian Vaughan
Tadd Carroll
Parent ’26Tam Nguyen
Parent ’24Tamara Sonn
Tammy Phelsn
Grandparent ’34Tana Avellar
Parent ’31Tanya & Hamilton Gardiner
Tanya Jones
Student ’27Tara Colagrossi
Parent ’27Tara Dailey
Taylor Family
StudentTaylor Kuhlman
Parent ’33Teasley Family
StudentTed Landreth
Grandparent ’29Temple Family
StudentTemple Family
Parent ’27Teresa Buchholz
Parent ’34Teresa Hermosillo
Grandparent ’29Terrance Costello
Grandparent ’25Terry Wastman
Tesi Klipsch
The Dunlaps
The Foppiano Agency
The Hiroshiges
Theresa Samways
Therese del Fierro
Thomas Anderson
Thomas Family
StudentThomas King
Grandparent ’27Thomas Sanders
Parent ’34Thomassen Family
StudentTiffany Garcia Ardales
Tiffany Hawkins
Parent ’29, ’32Tiffany Hawkins
Parent ’29, ’32Tiffany Jones
Parent ’31, ’33Tim Lavin
Grandparent ’30Tim Lynch
Tim McKee
Grandparent ’27, ’31Tim Y
Grandparent ’32Timmons Family
StudentTimothy Herritz
Tina Gabell
Todd Waltier
Tom & Laura Alston
Tom Thomas
Parent ’26, ’33Tom and Linda Tomala
Grandparent ’29, ’31Tomala Family
StudentTommy Clarke
Alumni ’08Toni Azizov
Parent ’29, ’33Tony Secretario
Parent ’29, ’31Topf Family
StudentTorcasi Family
Townsend Family
StudentTracey Seyfarth
Grandparent ’31Tracey Ward
Parent ’32Traci Lucku
Tracy Honner
Tracy Witkowski
Travis Vickers
Trefim Andrew
Grandparent ’24Trevor Kostanich
Troy Aylesworth
Parent ’30Tucci-Ringstad Family
StudentTuttle Family
StudentTyler Welch
Student ’25Parent ’28Ulmer Family
StudentUncle Dan & Auntie Nikki
Uncle Danny
Uncle Jeff
Uncle Joe and Aunt April
Uncle Mark and Aunt Mary
Uncle Mike
Underwood Family
StudentUnger Family
StudentVanessa Dunnigan
Parent ’25Vennes Family
StudentVeronica Cotto-Torres
Parent ’32Vickers Family
StudentVictoria Radick
Grandparent ’26, ’29Vidara Kwon
Vidya Mohan
Virgilio Hipolito
Grandparent ’32Virginia Phillips
Voelker Family
StudentWS Granny
Grandparent ’27Walker Family
StudentWallace Family
StudentWashington Family
StudentWatts Family
StudentWe love you Elsie and Abby, Uncle Dan and Aunt Chris
Webb Family
StudentWebster Family
StudentWeidner Family
StudentWelch Family
StudentWells Family
StudentWendy Vickers
Grandparent ’27Wesolowski Family
StudentWharton Family
StudentWhiting Family
StudentWick Family
StudentWidad Abdallah
Wilkins Family
StudentWill Wharton
Parent ’27William Parisio
Grandparent ’25, ’28William and Jeananne Bloudek
Grandparent ’28Winnie Martinez
Wintermute Family
StudentWittmann-Todd Family
StudentWyatt Bragdon
Yashar Shain
Yeatman Family
StudentYee Family
StudentYeo Family
StudentYeye for April Faith
Grandparent ’32Yi Family
StudentYount Family
StudentZ Fuentes
Zinkel Family
StudentZinski Family
StudentZyd Roa
Alexis barry
Bill romischer
Grandparent ’32Jason ogaard
Karen anderson
Kayla samieenejad
Kristy Clay
Parent ’27Lauren tomala
Student ’29Parent ’31Lauren tomala
Parent ’29, ’31Nancy Allen
Sadie siu
Parent ’31Valerie and Jim mullen
Grandparent ’30, ’33Anonymous
Grandparent ’24Anonymous
Parent ’26Anonymous
Parent ’25Anonymous
Student ’31Anonymous
Parent ’31Anonymous
Parent ’29, ’32Anonymous
Grandparent ’63Anonymous
Grandparent ’32Anonymous
Parent ’32Anonymous
Student ’29Parent ’32Grandparent ’27Anonymous
Parent ’28Anonymous
Parent ’21, ’24Anonymous
Parent ’29Anonymous
Parent ’34, ’35Anonymous
Alumni ’00Parent ’27Anonymous
Parent ’28, ’31Anonymous
Parent ’34Anonymous
Grandparent ’26, ’30Anonymous
Parent ’27, ’30Anonymous
Parent ’31, ’33Anonymous
Parent ’30, ’35Anonymous
Parent ’30Anonymous
Parent ’26, ’30Anonymous
Parent ’27, ’29Anonymous
Parent ’30, ’32Anonymous
Grandparent ’31Anonymous
Grandparent ’33Anonymous
Parent ’33Anonymous
Parent ’30, ’33Anonymous
Grandparent ’28, ’29Anonymous
Parent ’31, ’33Anonymous
Grandparent ’28, ’30Anonymous
Parent ’27, ’29Anonymous
Grandparent ’27, ’29Anonymous
Parent ’25, ’29Anonymous
Parent ’28, ’30, ’32Anonymous
Alumni ’95Anonymous
Parent ’27Anonymous
Alumni ’04Anonymous
Student ’28Anonymous
Parent ’25, ’30Anonymous
Grandparent ’27, ’30Anonymous
Grandparent ’26Anonymous