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Lafayette Catholic School System

Lafayette, IN

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ARKOR Architects & Engineers
Aaron Suppinger
Alumni ’92
Abby Hansen
Adam Dienhart
Alumni ’19
Adrdiana Rojas
Al Breyfogle
Alesa Dienhart
Alumni ’92Parent ’19, ’23
Alex Eros
Alexis And Scott Melbrod
Alumni ’01
Alice Prothero
Alicia Kuckkan
Alivia Gutwein
Parent ’23, ’25
Allen Aranas
Amber Brad
Parent ’26
Amber Brad
Parent ’26, ’30
Amber Drerup
Amber, Brian, Colby & Dawson Payne
Andrea Fisher
Parent ’31, ’33Faculty/Staff
Andrea Kerr
Parent ’93, ’28, ’30, ’33
Andrea Kerr
Parent ’28, ’30, ’33
Andrew Heath
Parent ’27, ’29, ’31
Andrew Weintraut
Parent ’31
Andy Bonner
Parent ’37
Angela Simmons
Parent ’24
Angie & Dave Schrader
Alumni ’78
Anita Foltz
Grandparent ’22, ’29
Anita Foltz
Grandparent ’29
Ann Hausladen
Alumni ’84
Ann McDonnell
Alumni ’84
Ann Shikany
Anna Brown
Parent ’27
Anne Marie Delgatto
Grandparent ’25, ’27, ’28
Anne Smith
Alumni ’16
Annette Rhymer
Grandparent ’24
Annette Wilson
April Stilwell
April Young
Parent ’29
Ashley Green
Parent ’34
Ashley Green
Parent ’34, ’36
Ashley Wright
Ashlynn Duffy
Alumni ’24
Aubrey Haddock
Audrey Frey
Grandparent ’26
Austin Griffin
Parent ’07
Auto Express
Alumni ’97
Autumn Brown
Parent ’24
Parent ’28, ’30
Alumni ’85
Barb Ahler
Barb Schummer
Barbara Schummer
Grandparent ’26
Barney Scheumann
Grandparent ’29, ’31
Beau Brothers
Parent ’32
Beck's Auto Center
Becky Frey
Grandparent ’26
Belinda Rachwal
Grandparent ’30
Belinda Rachwal
Bella Hancock
Grandparent ’28
Ben Beuchel
Ben Cramer
Alumni ’10
Ben Kriebel
Ben Rachwal
Grandparent ’30
Ben Zumdahl
Parent ’35
Bernard Scheetz
Beth Phillips Mallon & family
Betsy Spencer
Alumni ’73
Betsy Spencer
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Bill Gettings
Alumni ’74
Bill Gettings
Bill Uhles
Grandparent ’27
Billy Fusiek
Parent ’10
Blaise Moore
Blake Haan
Parent ’30, ’34
Blake Haan
Parent ’34
Bob Bouggy
Parent ’03, ’06, ’09, ’13
Bob Bouggy
Bob Cameron
Grandparent ’29
Bob Metzger
Grandparent ’69
Bob Ponto
Grandparent ’28
Bob Riddell
Bobby Riddell
Brad Penrod
Grandparent ’28
Braden Vorhees
Brandon Wagers
Parent ’36
Breanna Lippai
Alumni ’12
Brenda Bunton
Parent ’27
Brenda Milakis
Brian Carroll
Brian Henry
Parent ’25
Brian Henry
Parent ’21, ’24, ’25
Brian Robbins
Parent ’19
Brian Stout
Parent ’33
Brian Winstead
Brida Ricketts
Brida Ricketts
Parent ’26
BrieAnne Birge
Alumni ’01
Brittany Duso
Brooke Folkers
Brooklyn Riley
Parent ’34
Bryan Stapleton
Alumni ’95
Byron King
Grandparent ’33, ’36
Grandparent ’28
Parent ’32
Caitlin Becker
Parent ’25, ’28, ’38, ’39
Candy Penrod
Grandparent ’28
Carey Cox
Parent ’31
Cari Gothard
Alumni ’88
Carl Cole
Grandparent ’28
Carla Hicks
Carla Onken
Parent ’14, ’16, ’20
Carla Teso
Parent ’26
Carlos Diaz
Parent ’36
Carlos Rojas
Alumni ’24
Carmel Brand
Carmel Brand
Grandparent ’27, ’29, ’30
Carmen Gonzalez
Parent ’31
Carol Sprague
Grandparent ’25, ’29, ’31, ’36
Caroline Golja
Grandparent ’38
Caroline Sanders
Alumni ’09Parent ’37, ’39Faculty/Staff
Caroline Sanders
Alumni ’09
Carolyn Compton
Carolyn Kamp
Alumni ’84
Carolyn Pruitt
Alumni ’70Grandparent ’70, ’27, ’29
Carrie North
Casey Beardmore
Alumni ’12Parent ’36, ’39
Casey Prothero
Parent ’27
Cassandra Hancock
Parent ’28
Catherine Burton
Grandparent ’25
Cathy Conner
Centier Bank
Central Catholic Athletic Assoication
Chad Clisby
Alumni ’91
Charles & Jenny Rooze
Charley Vaughn
Chastity Robledo
Chelsey Riddell
Parent ’33, ’34, ’36
Cheryl Wykoff
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Chris Mills
Alumni ’10
Chris Shelmon
Alumni ’06
Chris Suckow
Parent ’93
Chris Weintraut
Alumni ’05
Chris Wykoff
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Christa Fischer
Parent ’35
Christina Mongold
Parent ’38
Christine Hack
Alumni ’14
Christine Howieson
Christine Poquette
Parent ’30, ’34, ’35, ’38
Christine Siemers
Christine Siemers
Christopher Altepeter
Christopher Lehe
Parent ’31
Christopher Weintraut
Alumni ’05
Christy McLaughlin
Parent ’26
Chuck Bunnell
Grandparent ’26, ’32
Claire Eberle
Alumni ’01
Class of 1985
Alumni ’85
Clay Koehler
Clint Brand
Parent ’26
Clint Brand
Parent ’27
Cody Christopher
Alumni ’11
Conner Hack
Alumni ’18
Connie Bogan
Grandparent ’65, ’26, ’29
Connie Terry
Grandparent ’28
Courtney FitzSimons
Craig Anderson
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Cricket Gurnick Rhoda
Alumni ’84
Cristin Cole
Parent ’28
Cyndy Shafer
Grandparent ’27, ’30
Grandparent ’28
Dan & Alesa Dienhart
Alumni ’92
Dan Crum
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Dan Dameron
Parent ’34
Dan Dowell
Parent ’08
Dana Jacob
Danesa Barba
Grandparent ’26, ’30
Danette Brown
Grandparent ’96, ’98, ’30
Danette Brown
Grandparent ’30
Danette Brown
Grandparent ’18, ’20
Daniel Roach
Alumni ’20
Darla & Jonathon Mazur
Parent ’21, ’23, ’25
Darren Hicks
Alumni ’84
Daryl Beck
Dave Adler
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Dave Early
Grandparent ’29
Dave Kovich
Dave Mecklenburg
Alumni ’78
Dave Mecklenburg
Dave Mills
Alumni ’69
Dave Rassel
Dave Rebmann
Parent ’28
David Brown
Grandparent ’30
David Cramer
Parent ’81
David Kovich
Alumni ’97
David Mills
Alumni ’69
David Nikolai
DeFouw Automotive
Alumni ’69, ’05
Deb Regich
Grandparent ’27
Debbie Crowe
Debbie Elsner
Grandparent ’29
Debbie Keyes
Debbie Keyes
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Debra Cavanaugh
Debra Cavanaugh
Grandparent ’94, ’98, ’23, ’26
Debra Charles
Grandparent ’28
Debra Wilson
Debra Wilson
Grandparent ’35, ’36
Delores Burton
Grandparent ’27
Denise Sullivan
Dennis Lashbrook
Parent ’25, ’27, ’30
Dennis Sturgeon
Grandparent ’27
Derek Mecklenburg
Alumni ’00
Diane Come
Grandparent ’28
Diane Schrader
Parent ’98, ’08, ’10, ’11
Diane Slaughterbeck
Grandparent ’30
Diane Teder
Grandparent ’27, ’28
Dianna Guard Hinesley
Alumni ’84
Dianna Stout
Grandparent ’29
Dianne Anthrop
Dianne Anthrop
Grandparent ’29, ’30
Dick Terry
Grandparent ’25, ’26
Dillar Ames
Grandparent ’29
Dominic Schweiss
Student ’25
Don DeSantis
Grandparent ’28, ’30, ’33
Don Tanney
Grandparent ’28
Don Windler
Grandparent ’30
Don Windler
Parent ’07, ’10, ’12, ’18Grandparent ’30, ’33
Don Windler
Parent ’07, ’10, ’12, ’18Grandparent ’30, ’33
Donald Merk
Donald Puetz
Parent ’30, ’33, ’35
Donna Early
Grandparent ’29
Doris Minalga
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Doug Granlund
Dowell Automotive
Parent ’08
Drew Weintraut
Parent ’31
Dyane Roesel
Grandparent ’28, ’29
Ed & Jane Wiercioch
Ed Bogan
Alumni ’91Parent ’32, ’34
Ed Pearson
Eddie Parker
Alumni ’88
Eileen Gibbs
Elisa Sauseda
Elizabeth Bonner
Elizabeth Bordenet
Grandparent ’25
Elizabeth Pestow
Parent ’27
Elizabeth Presutti
Parent ’18
Elizabeth Rawles
Alumni ’06
Elizabeth Thiel
Parent ’31
Ellen Poquette
Grandparent ’30Faculty/Staff
Elsie Kerr
Grandparent ’83, ’84, ’87, ’97, ’13, ’16, ’28, ’30
Elsie Kerr
Grandparent ’28, ’30
Emmy Dowden
Parent ’29
Emmy Dowden
Parent ’27, ’29
Eric Davis
Erica Gray
Parent ’26
Erin Albregts
Parent ’22
Erin Cain
Parent ’27
Erin Ford
Erin Guevara
Erin Pullara
Parent ’34, ’36
Erin Seeley
Erin Seeley
Parent ’26, ’30Faculty/Staff
Erin Seeley
Parent ’26, ’30Faculty/Staff
Essential Homes The Courtyards at Belle Terra
Alumni ’00Parent ’33
Ethan Crowell
Eusebia Macias
Grandparent ’25
Evan Flueckiger
Parent ’34, ’37
Familia Ocampo
Felicity Dickerhoff
Parent ’30
First Financial Bank
First Merchants Bank
Fr. Andrew Dudzinski
Alumni ’84
Fr. Ted Dudzinski
Fr. William Summerlin
Franciscan Health
Frank Korchnak
Grandparent ’26, ’30
Gabriela Suckow
Gabriella Torres
Student ’33, ’36, ’38Parent ’33, ’36, ’38
Gail Gettings
Gayle Daning
Gene Hatke
Grandparent ’25
Gerri DeSantis
Grandparent ’28, ’30, ’33
Gettings Reed Financial Services
Ginny Windler
Grandparent ’30
Ginny Windler
Parent ’07, ’10, ’12, ’18Grandparent ’30, ’33
Grace Ann Beeler
Alumni ’18
Grace Cooley
Parent ’34
Grace O'Neil
Gracelyn Winstead
Greg Loyd
Parent ’38
Greg Loyd
Parent ’37
Greg Mikakis
Greg Ortner
Parent ’30
Greg Salazar
Gregory Bierck
Grandparent ’30
Gretchen Bannon
Parent ’27
Gretchen Bannon
Parent ’27, ’33, ’35
Alumni ’06
HMH Contractors, Inc.
Hal Johnston
Grandparent ’24, ’28
Hannah Vaughn
Heath CPA & Associates
Heather, Brad, Keaton Brooks
Alumni ’24
Hippensteel Funeral Service
Holly ONeil
Parent ’28
Horizon Bank
INOK Investments
Ian Kelly
Parent ’36
Irving Materials
J.R. Kelly Company
Alumni ’73, ’92
Alumni ’00
Alumni ’79
Jacie Saturne
Parent ’29
Jack Bogan
Alumni ’65Grandparent ’26, ’29
Jack Dimmitt
Grandparent ’26, ’27
Jack Hudson
Alumni ’18
Jackie & Tim Kraft
Grandparent ’27, ’30
Jackie Kraft
Jackie Kraft
Grandparent ’27, ’30
Jackie Vincent
Jackson Bogan
Alumni ’97Parent ’26, ’29
Jacky Wroblewski
Grandparent ’30
Jacob Cummings
Parent ’33
Jacob Page
Alumni ’17
Jake Milakis
Alumni ’10
James Britton
Parent ’28
James Mitchell Pickerill James Mitchell Pickerill
Alumni ’84
James Olesky
James Satterfield
James Seele
Jane Wilhoit
Janet Fields
Grandparent ’27
Janet Lanie
Grandparent ’29
Janet Lippai
Parent ’12
Janet and mike Stapleton
Grandparent ’29
Janice Mercer
Grandparent ’27
Janice Popp
Grandparent ’27
Jared Smit
Parent ’98, ’32
Jared Smit
Parent ’32
Jason Aldridge
Alumni ’10
Jason Conley
Parent ’06
Jason Redinbo
Alumni ’02
Jay Miller
Jay Sweet
Jean Gaumer
Grandparent ’26, ’29
Jean Rhymer
Grandparent ’24
Jean Terry
Grandparent ’25, ’26
Jeannette Randall
Jeff & Mary Ann Haan
Parent ’76
Jeff Bapst
Parent ’23, ’25, ’28
Jeff Burks
Jeff Love
Jeff Nagle
Parent ’35
Jen Meyer
Parent ’24
Jenelle Rotar
Parent ’29
Jennie Hack
Grandparent ’24
Jennifer Anderson
Parent ’27, ’29
Jennifer Bohan
Parent ’24
Jennifer Dimmitt
Alumni ’84Parent ’18, ’19
Jennifer Haan
Parent ’30, ’34Faculty/Staff
Jennifer Haan
Parent ’30, ’34Faculty/Staff
Jennifer Hopkins
Jennifer Kerr
Parent ’18, ’23
Jennifer Lee
Parent ’27
Jennifer Page
Jennifer Page
Parent ’14, ’17, ’18, ’24
Jennifer Page
Parent ’24
Jenny Adkins
Jenny Rooze
Grandparent ’26, ’28, ’29
Jeremy Birge
Alumni ’99
Jeremy Spann
Parent ’34
Jerry Haan
Alumni ’73Grandparent ’30
Jerry Shafer
Grandparent ’27
Jessica Rebmann
Parent ’28
Jessica Richardson
Parent ’14, ’17, ’23, ’25, ’28
Jessica Stein
Grandparent ’28
Jill Hammons
Jill Long
Jill Starr
Jill Youngblood
Jillian Presutti
Alumni ’18
Jim Bush
Grandparent ’25, ’28
Jim Derringer
Grandparent ’25
Jim Elsner
Jim Freeland
Jim Greives
Jim Mintert
Parent ’14, ’16Grandparent ’38
Jim Mintert
Parent ’14, ’16
Jim Riehle
Alumni ’84
Jim Schrader
Alumni ’76
Jim Schrader
Alumni ’10
Jim Siemets
Parent ’26
Jimmy Parker
Alumni ’00
Joan Straber
Joan Straber
Joan Williams
Joan Zinn
Joanie Cameron
Grandparent ’29
Joann Anglin
Grandparent ’28
Jodi Justak
Parent ’26Faculty/Staff
Jody Williams
Joe & Stephanie Joyce
Alumni ’85Parent ’25Faculty/Staff
Joe McHugh
Grandparent ’30
Joe Seaman
Joellen Burgess
John & Carmel Brand
Grandparent ’27, ’29, ’30, ’32, ’34, ’36, ’37
John & Carmel Brand
Grandparent ’27, ’29, ’30, ’32, ’34, ’36, ’37
John & Nancy Loy
Grandparent ’25, ’27
John Brand
Parent ’26
John Brand
Grandparent ’27, ’29, ’30
John Friel
Grandparent ’27, ’29
John Gettings
Alumni ’06
John Glover
Alumni ’69
John Hack
Grandparent ’24
John Hack
Alumni ’87
John Herr
Grandparent ’25
John Lanie
Grandparent ’29
John McLane
Grandparent ’27, ’29
John Mercer
Grandparent ’27
John Schwartz
Parent ’26
John Wichman
Grandparent ’27
Jon DeSmet
Jonathan Fisher
Parent ’31, ’33
Jorge Paez
Parent ’27
Joseph Dougherty
Grandparent ’25, ’26, ’29
Joseph Yeaman
Alumni ’13
Josh Milakis
Parent ’07
Joshua Alexander
Parent ’24
Joyce McCoy
Grandparent ’26
Joyce Weintraut
Alumni ’68
Judy Glover
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Judy Ringle
Grandparent ’25
Julia Hack
Alumni ’19
Julie Boutelle
Grandparent ’26, ’27, ’29
Julie Foerg
Julie Smith
Parent ’31
Justin Brand
Student ’27
Justin Brand
Parent ’30
Justin Brand
Parent ’32
Justin Cooley
Parent ’04
Justyne Polgar
Parent ’24
Kaitlyn Lowe
Parent ’39Faculty/Staff
Kameron Brand
Karen McCarter
Grandparent ’27
Karen McKeever
Grandparent ’26
Karen Siemers
Grandparent ’26
Kari Schrader
Parent ’86, ’14, ’16, ’17, ’20
Kate French
Parent ’27
Kate Roetker Nikolai
Alumni ’84
Katherine Eberle
Alumni ’74
Katherine Pickerill
Kathleen Dienhart
Alumni ’68
Kathleen Hoey
Parent ’27
Kathryn Cain
Kathy Buche
Kathy Buche
Grandparent ’26
Kathy Cahoon
Alumni ’89Parent ’19, ’25, ’26
Kathy Derringer
Grandparent ’25
Kathy Heath
Kathy Heath
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Kathy Hudson
Kathy Seeger
Grandparent ’30
Katie Christopher
Alumni ’10Parent ’35, ’36, ’39Faculty/Staff
Katie Cornelius
Parent ’38
Katie Delgatto
Parent ’27
Katie Kidd
Alumni ’97
Katie Wiley
Katy Eberle
Alumni ’74
Kellye Coldiron
Grandparent ’28
Kelsi Wilson
Parent ’39
Kenia Waibel
Keri Siemers
Parent ’26
Kerry Hamilton
Alumni ’78
Kettelhut Construction
Kevin Hamilton
Kevin Wentworth
Kevin Wolford
Alumni ’69
Kevina Hamilton-Schumaker
Alumni ’79
Kim Granlund
Kim Haan
Grandparent ’30
Kim Roswarski
Parent ’27, ’28
Kim Switzer
Parent ’28
Kim Walter
Parent ’25, ’26, ’29
KimDiep Pham-Ly
Alumni ’77Grandparent ’27, ’30
Kimberly Granlund
Kimberly Hoebel
Kimdiep Pham-Ly
Alumni ’77
Kirk Hamilton
Alumni ’81
Kirstin McCarthy
Kit Minnich
Parent ’22, ’24, ’27
Kris Robbins
Parent ’24
Kristen Nagle
Parent ’30
Kristen Weintraut
Kristie Dowell
Parent ’08
Kristin Stapleton
Alumni ’95
Kristine Campbell
Parent ’34
Kristy Korchnak
Parent ’26, ’30
Krysten Ebert
Kurt Jungels
Parent ’31
Kurt Wilson
Alumni ’72Grandparent ’35, ’36Trustee/Past Trustee
Kurt Wilson
Alumni ’72
Kyle Long
Parent ’32
Parent ’26
Lara Weeks
Parent ’26
Larry & Cathy Weishaar
Larry Anthrop
Grandparent ’29, ’30
Larry Delp
Laura Glover
Alumni ’99Parent ’27, ’29
Laurie Suppinger
Lawrence Anthrop
Leah Fuller-Friel
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Leah Kopetski
Parent ’26
Leigh Anne King
Parent ’12
Lela Smith
Leonel Santiago-Tinoco
Alumni ’24
Leslie Avila
Grandparent ’30
Leslie Bentinganan
Levi Rouch
Parent ’37
Lewis Motor Sales
Linda Adler
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Linda McHugh
Grandparent ’30
Linda McNeal
Grandparent ’30
Linda Stein
Grandparent ’28
Lindsay Roberts
Parent ’26
Lindsay Roberts
Parent ’26, ’29, ’34
Lindsey Eggold
Parent ’33
Lindsey Jones
Parent ’27
Lindsey Kilty
Lindsey Mills
Parent ’38
Lisa Decker
Liz Rosebraugh
Parent ’27
Liz Rosebraugh
Alumni ’89
Loan Ly-Pham
Parent ’27
Logan Hack
Alumni ’15
Lois Rausch
Grandparent ’25
Lorayne Cupero
Parent ’26
Lori Schafer
Lori lorenz
Lorissa Finney
Alumni ’80
Lou Fenoglio
Louis Fenoglio
Louise Tragesser
Grandparent ’25
LuAnn Boggess
M.P. Baker Electric
MacAllister Machinery
Parent ’24
Madonna Compton
Maggy Leitch
Parent ’32, ’36
Majestic Homes
Alumni ’79, ’07, ’10
Malcolm Stair
Grandparent ’28
Mallory Muinzer
Parent ’95
Marcia Berryman
Grandparent ’26
Marcia Berryman
Grandparent ’28
Maria Cruz
Grandparent ’28
Maria Gonzalez
Alumni ’24
Maria Ly-Pham
Maria Metallic
Maria j Romero
Parent ’28
Marilyn Metzger
Grandparent ’71
Marilyn Mills
Grandparent ’26, ’29
Marion Landrum
Grandparent ’26
Mark & Ginger Andrews
Mark Buche
Grandparent ’26
Mark Bunton
Parent ’21, ’24, ’27
Mark Charles
Grandparent ’28
Mark Elsner
Alumni ’96
Mark and Ginger Andrews
Alumni ’73
Marti & Eric Burns
Martin Smith
Alumni ’69
Mary Ann & Tom Burns
Parent ’04, ’07, ’10
Mary Ann Burns
Mary Ann Burns
Mary Ann Vawter
Alumni ’80
Mary Dougherty
Grandparent ’25, ’26, ’29
Mary Farrell
Mary Freeland
Mary Hancock
Grandparent ’28
Mary Herr
Grandparent ’25
Mary Ilu Altman Corgan
Mary Ortner
Grandparent ’30
Mary Riehle
Alumni ’84
Mary Smith
Mary Stair
Grandparent ’28
Maryann Buczkowski
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Marybeth Fabian
Marybeth Fitzgerald
Marybeth Fitzgerald
Matt Buche
Alumni ’95Parent ’17, ’20, ’22, ’23, ’26
Matt Buche
Matt Buche
Alumni ’95
Matt Green
Parent ’34
Matt Simmons
Parent ’24
Matt Spencer
Alumni ’02
Matt and Julia Tanney
Parent ’28
Matthew Jakupko
Matthew Stephens
Parent ’25
Mayor Roswarski
Parent ’14
Mayor Tony Roswarski
Mecko's Heating & Cooling
Alumni ’78Grandparent ’33, ’36, ’39
Megan Smiljanich
Megan Thompson
Alumni ’14Parent ’37, ’38
Melanie & Eric Davis
Melanie Davis
Melinda Bombaro
Parent ’27
Melinda Peterson
Alumni ’84
Melissa Dwyer
Melissa Jablonski
Parent ’28
Melissa Pestow
Parent ’27
Michael Allen
Alumni ’10
Michael Beardmore
Alumni ’19
Michael Dahm
Parent ’34
Michael Dimmitt
Parent ’18, ’19
Michael Ringle
Grandparent ’25
Michael Seeley
Parent ’26, ’30Faculty/Staff
Michael Seeley
Parent ’26, ’30Faculty/Staff
Michel Serrano
Parent ’37
Michelle Brand
Parent ’27
Michelle Roetker
Michelle and David Roetker
Mike Dwyer
Parent ’32, ’33, ’36
Mike Fields
Grandparent ’30
Mike Minalga
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Milestone Contractors
Milestone Contractors LP
Milestone Contractors, L.P.
Milton Diaz
Mimi Melville
Grandparent ’26, ’28
Mitch Pickerill
Alumni ’84
Molly Milcarek
Molly Milcarek
Morgan Stanley
Alumni ’76, ’95Parent ’04, ’05, ’07, ’08, ’10, ’12, ’23, ’28
Morgan Stanley
N Richard Morrissey
Grandparent ’26
Nancy Boyer
Grandparent ’29
Nancy Loy
Nancy Stortz
Natalie Stevens
Parent ’26
Nathan Lippai
Alumni ’12
Nick & Sara Adler
Parent ’22, ’25, ’27
Nick DeBoy
Alumni ’19
Nick Scheumann
Nicki McLain
Parent ’25
Nicole Anderson
Alumni ’11
Nicole Choate
Nikki Fisher
Parent ’31, ’33Faculty/Staff
Ortho Indy
Ortho Indy
OrthoIndy Lafayette
Parent ’24
Owen Munn
Alumni ’23
Pam Andrew
Grandparent ’29, ’31
Pam Oplawski
Alumni ’60
Pam Smedley
Parent ’09, ’13
Pam Stortz
Pam Woodhouse
Grandparent ’25
Pamela Dutton
Parent ’27
Pat Bush
Grandparent ’25, ’28
Pat Foerg
Pat Korchnak
Grandparent ’26, ’30
Pat Kovich
Alumni ’01
Pat Nauyokas
Grandparent ’27
Pat Potts
Grandparent ’28
Pat Riley
Parent ’27
Patricia Ames
Grandparent ’29
Patricia Bierck
Grandparent ’30
Patricia Korchnak
Patricia Parente
Patricia Potts
Trustee/Past Trustee
Patrick Knable
Parent ’08
Patrick O'Neil
Parent ’94
Patrick Poquette
Grandparent ’30
Patrick Sullivan
Patty Furrer
Grandparent ’26, ’29
Paul Frey
Grandparent ’26
Paul Hunckler
Alumni ’84
Paul Wilson
Parent ’39
Pawel Zajac
Parent ’27
Payne Family
Parent ’24, ’28Faculty/Staff
Peg Anthrop
Alumni ’74Grandparent ’25
Peg Ponto
Grandparent ’28
Perri Fultz
Pestow Family
Parent ’22, ’24, ’25, ’27, ’28
Pete Zeese
Parent ’38
Phil Meyer
Parent ’24
Place Holder
Placeholder Attendee
Placeholder Attendee
Placeholder Attendee
Student ’39
Placeholder Attendee
Student ’25
Placeholder Attendee
Alumni ’14
Placeholder Attendee
Placeholder Attendee
Placeholder Attendee
Polly Management
Parent ’27
Purdue Federal Credit Union
Alumni ’80, ’84, ’92
Rachel Anthrop Linder
Alumni ’11
Rachel Shaffer
Rachel Stewart
Rachel Tillman
Raina Stewart
Alumni ’95
Ray Brown
Grandparent ’26, ’29
Rebecca Franklin
Grandparent ’27, ’29Faculty/Staff
Rebecca Martin
Parent ’22, ’25
Rebecca Martin
Parent ’25
Rick Parker
Parent ’86, ’88, ’91, ’00
Ricky Parker
Alumni ’86
Rita Johnston
Grandparent ’24, ’28
Rob & Kristin Meister
Rob Hancock
Alumni ’95Parent ’28, ’32
Rob Reuzenaar
Alumni ’72
Robert Burton
Grandparent ’25
Robert Laszynski
Parent ’00, ’02
Robert Lueken
Grandparent ’30
Robert Novak
Parent ’18
Robert Weeks
Parent ’98
Robert Weeks
Parent ’26, ’32, ’34
Robert Weeks
Parent ’26
Roberta Kennedy
Alumni ’73
Roberta Wichman
Grandparent ’27
Ron Alting
Ron Bollock
Ron Brown
Ron Burgess
Ron Klinker
Alumni ’84
Rose Loser
Alumni ’71Faculty/Staff
Roseanna Hatke
Grandparent ’25
Roseanna and Gene Hatke
Alumni ’68Faculty/Staff
Ross Larimore
Rowland Friebely
Russ Hendrickson
Grandparent ’25
Ruth Winstead
Ryan Campbell
Parent ’29, ’36
Ryan Campbell
Parent ’31
Ryan Finfrock
Ryan Gerkey
Parent ’25, ’27
Ryan Linder
Parent ’38
Ryan Martin
Parent ’25
Ryan Scheumann
Alumni ’86
SDI Innovations
Alumni ’88, ’96Parent ’23, ’25, ’28
Sally Fultz
Sally Landrum
Grandparent ’26
Sally Timmons
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Sam Burns
Sam Windler
Alumni ’18
Sandra Schwartz
Parent ’19, ’21, ’24, ’26
Sandra Valle
Sandy Booker
Sandy Tyrie
Sara Delaney
Sara Thieme
Alumni ’86Parent ’11, ’14, ’18, ’21, ’23
SaraBeth (Junius) Vaughn
Alumni ’84
Sarah Beth Kinate
Parent ’01
Sarah Emerson
Parent ’27
Sarah Fassnacht
Sarah Fitzgerald
Scott Cochran
Scott Pridemore
Sean Rotar
Parent ’29
Senator Ron Alting
Service Masters
ServiceMaster by Clean Air Management
Parent ’27
Shannon Bordenet
Sheila Klinker
Shelia Klinker
Sheryl Spencer
Grandparent ’29
Sirena Conway
Spann Group Realty
Parent ’34
Spencer King
Parent ’33, ’36
Stacey HACK
Parent ’28
Stacey Hack
Parent ’87
Stacey Hack
Parent ’24
Stacey Hall
Stacey Hall
Parent ’29
Stacey Stanton
Stacy DeBruyne
Parent ’27, ’30
Stacy Muinzer
Stacy Muinzer
Grandparent ’24, ’27
Stacy Muinzer
Grandparent ’27
State Representative Shiela Klinker
Stephanie Bullock
Alumni ’88Faculty/Staff
Stephanie Lueken
Grandparent ’30
Stephanie Sweet
Parent ’30
Stephannie Smith
Parent ’36
Stephen Leitch
Parent ’32, ’36Faculty/Staff
Stephen Leitch
Parent ’29
Stephen Leitch
Parent ’32
Stephen Tragesser
Grandparent ’25
Stephen Weintraut
Grandparent ’31, ’33, ’35
Steve Arthur
Steve Royer
Parent ’25
Steve Sanders
Parent ’37, ’39
Steve Sanders
Parent ’37, ’39
Steve Stout
Grandparent ’29
Stuart Gutwein
Parent ’23, ’25
Sue Crum
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Sue Lamar
Sue Suppinger
Grandparent ’28
Susan Anderson
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Susan Bogdanowich Knipp
Susan Mintert
Parent ’14, ’16
Susan Schmitz
Alumni ’76
Susi Williams
Susie Eros
Alumni ’84
Suzette Weeks
Parent ’26, ’32, ’34
Alumni ’06
TBIRD Design
TIPP-MONT Concrete Pumping
Tabi Perior
Tabitha Bellman
Tammy Laudicina
Alumni ’84
Tanner Brand
Alumni ’08
Tempest Homes
Teresa Cramer
Parent ’83
Teresa Evans
Terry Bordenet
Parent ’25
Terry Bordenet
Grandparent ’25, ’28
Terry Bordenet
Grandparent ’28
Terry Timmons
Grandparent ’25, ’27
Terry Wilson
The Brown Family
The Burton Family
Parent ’23, ’27
The Carpenter Family
Alumni ’24
The National Group
Thelma Rhymer
Grandparent ’24
Theresa Thieme
Thieme & Wagner Brew Pub
Alumni ’86
Thieme and Wagner Brewery
Thomas Delgatto
Grandparent ’25
Tim Balensiefer
Tim Bordenet
Alumni ’87Faculty/Staff
Tim Cahoon
Grandparent ’25, ’26
Tim Poquette
Parent ’30, ’34, ’35, ’38
Tim Powers
Alumni ’88
Tim Powers
Alumni ’88Parent ’16, ’17, ’21, ’25
Tim Schooler
Timothy Powers
Alumni ’88
Tina Eversman
Parent ’26
Tod Presutti
Parent ’18
Todd and Kelly Smith
Alumni ’86Parent ’23
Tom Arth
Tom Boyer
Grandparent ’29
Tom Delgatto
Parent ’25
Tom Pruitt
Alumni ’70Grandparent ’70, ’27, ’29
Tom Raver
Parent ’38
Tom Switzer
Grandparent ’26, ’27, ’29
Tony Graham
Tony and Susan English and family
Traci Puetz
Parent ’04
Tracy Page
Parent ’11, ’12, ’14, ’16Grandparent ’37, ’38
Tracy Page
Parent ’11, ’12, ’14, ’17Grandparent ’37
Tressa Heath
Parent ’79
Troy King
Parent ’12
Ty Hartlep
Alumni ’10
Tyler Schofield
Parent ’36
Valerie Titus
Van Harper
Vicki Cahoon
Grandparent ’25, ’26
Vicki Hendrickson
Grandparent ’25
Vicki Metzger
Parent ’96
Vicki Muller
Grandparent ’30
Victor Soon
Parent ’29
Violet Butler
Virginia Gordon
Grandparent ’25
WINCO Construction
Warren Foltz
Grandparent ’22, ’29
Wendell Wiley
West Side Tractor
William Hammel
Willliam Gettings
Alumni ’74
Wynne Zehring
Student ’32
York Pollert
Parent ’28, ’30, ’33
Brant baumann
Parent ’35
Cari gothard
Alumni ’88
Janet Stapleton
Grandparent ’27, ’29
Janet stapleton
Student ’26, ’29Grandparent ’27, ’29Faculty/Staff
Linda wilson
Marcia Berryman
Grandparent ’28
Marxa figueiredo
Parent ’29
Trish wozniak turner
Parent ’36, ’37
Parent ’26
Parent ’27
Parent ’30
Alumni ’70
Parent ’29
Parent ’25
Parent ’26, ’29
Parent ’95
Alumni ’14Parent ’38
Grandparent ’30
Grandparent ’26, ’32
Grandparent ’27
Grandparent ’25, ’29
Parent ’32, ’34, ’38Faculty/Staff
Grandparent ’29
Parent ’23, ’25
Alumni ’24
Alumni ’12
Alumni ’22
Grandparent ’36, ’38
Alumni ’22Parent ’29
Parent ’23
Alumni ’21
Alumni ’91Parent ’21, ’23, ’24
Alumni ’86, ’26
Parent ’33, ’36, ’38
Grandparent ’27, ’28
Alumni ’14
Parent ’28
Alumni ’77Parent ’99, ’01, ’05, ’08Grandparent ’27, ’30, ’35, ’36
Parent ’38
Parent ’37
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