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Albany Academy

Albany, NY

Exceptional Beyond Measure

We’re creating our future as we build on our past.

raised of $740,000 goal
Joanne DelCarpine, Manager, Annual Fund & Donor Relations (518) 429-2391

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (629)

All (629)
A. Stevenson
Ace & John Blackburn
Adam Cohn
Adam Collett
Adam LeFevre
In honor of James B. Colton
Afshin Yamin
Alan Fisher
Alexandra Pavlostathis Mitsios
Working at The Academies for over a decade has allowed me to grow professionally and challenge me as an educator.
Alexis and Matthew Clement
Ali DelVecchio
Allen Goodman
Allison Jones ‘85
Alydaar Rangwala
Amanda Dvorscak
Amelia Weir
Amy Buckley O'Brien
Amy Donovan
Amy McDonald
Anders & Mary Ellen Tomson
Andrea Robbins
Andrew Mann
Andrew Robison
Andrew and Julie Safranko
Angela Marathakis
Dedication to the scholar-athlete experience is the best in the region!
Angela Sears
Angie and John Graziano
Ann Carter Usher
In memory of Ceci Robb Pierce '69
Anne & Chris McEntee
Anne Connolly
Anne Olcott
In memory of Arvilla Cline
Gifted teachers like Arvilla Cline, beloved friends, family history
Annemarie Bean
Annette Grajny
Rigorous academics coupled with instilling confidence, as well as a sense of tradition.
Aria Patel
Arnold Fallon
In memory of Diane Christina Fallon Boylan '62
Barbara Bemis
Barbara DeGraff
In honor of Class of 72 Music Fund
In honor or Mary Carol Elmendorf
Barbara Schaefer Schwartz
Barbara Zory
I loved the sense of "sisterhood."
Barnaby Bullard
Barry Fischer
Bayly Reid
Benjamin Russell
Bert and Deb Trombly
Betsey Coleman
In memory of Linda Dubins
Bill Parks
Brenda Maloney
Brendan Chin
In honor of Darrin Martindale
Go Cadets!
Brendan Cooney
Brian Enright
Brian Lasky
Brianne Baggetta
Bridget Pectal
Bridgett Frary
Bruce Johnson
C.D. Alston
Class of 74 reunion gift
Caitlin Kelly
Caitlin Parrott
Campbell O'Keeffe
Candace Weir
Caren Kotlow
Happy Holidays!!
Carly Connors
Carmen Power
Carol Swyer
Caroline Crowell
Caroline Hessberg Taylor
Caroline Ribelin
In honor of Elizabeth Brown Baker '37
Carter White
Caryl Newhof
Catherine Stewart Werley
Charles & Janet Matthews
Charles & Nancy Liddle
Charles Anderson
Charles Anderson
Charles C Wing '56
Charles Stewart, Jr.
Charles Wing
Chris Lauricella
Chris Lauricella, Head of School
Christa Deno
Christian Gullott
Christina King
Christine Vaughan
Christine Vaughan
In honor of Wendy Muhfelder
Christopher & Jackie Falvey
Christopher Conway
Christopher Dascher
In honor of Paul Feeney
Christopher Fitzpatrick
Christopher and Natasha Bang
Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Cindy Urbach
In memory of Robin Spitalny '67
Claire Anderson
Senior gift class of 2024
Courtney McIlduff
Cristi Marchetti
Cynthia Dutton
Dan & Tricia Sheppard
Dan and Danielle Quigley
Dan and Danielle Quigley
Dan and Stephanie Hayward
Daniel Chandler
Daniel Fuchs
Daniel Horgan
Daniel Kohler
Class of 2024 Senior Gift!
Daniel Leinung
Daniel and Debra ODonnell
In honor of Daniel Hogan
please apply this donation to the Music Program in honor of Dan Hogan
Danielle Stokely
Darwin & Annie Cruz
David Attarian
In memory of Coach Dave Martin
David Collins
David Hayes
David Kibbe
David Lester
David Mochi
It's always great to see my classmates. Looking forward to the reunion.
David Nardolillo
David Pascone
Academy has been a great place for me to work and was a great school for my son.
David Ritz
Dean Geesler
Debbie Nelson-Russell
Deborah Freedman
In honor of Our 55th reunion
Deborah Oleisky
Deborah Ostrander
Deborah Tollefson
Dedbbie Freedman
In memory of Linda Dubins
Denise MacLeod
In honor of Riley Anderson
Dennis B Smith
In honor of Robert D Sidman '57
the Academy changed my life and secured my future
Dia Stein
Diane Grugan-Duvall
Dodie Motley
Doris Fischer Malesardi
Dorman Avery
I need to set the record straight on a couple of things (I did NOT invent Facebook) and probably turn in an overdue paper or two.
Doug Phelps
In honor of AA Class gift 2024
Class gift 2024
Dr. James Campbell
Dr. James Hindson
Dr. John Coffin
Dr. Joseph and Patricia Mundy
Dr. Karen Rosen
Dr. Lucy Ann Winters Sandler
Dr. Miguel & Diane Cabral
Dr. Nancy Barhydy Rutledge
Dr. Roy Myers
Dr. Stewart Myers
Drs. Richard & Kathleen Kendall
Edward DeBerri
In memory of Brian Hammersley
Edward Neiles
Edwin Segal
El Loco Mexican Cafe
Elaine Kusel
Elisa Haworth
Elissa Smith
Elizabeth Colton
Elizabeth Morley
Elizabeth Wild
In honor of Ed Swyer '67
Ellen Safranko
In memory of Stephen A. Safranko '58
Ellen Stein Tomlinson
In honor of AAG Class of 1969
Elsworth Pascoe
Emer and Matthew Taylor
Emily Dickinson Leete
In honor of Arlene Drake Dickinson
Emily Downie
Emma McNally
Emmett Gillen
Our family is so thankful for the Academies! Thanks to all the wonderful staff who make it possible!
Eric Lewis
Eric Moore
Eric and Theresa Lewis
Erik Rayno
Eugene & Susan Hengerer Sneeringer
Faith Pulliam Fogarty
Faraz Khan
Frances Morsillo
Frank & Sarah Slingerland
Frank Ciotoli
Frederic Rodgers
Frederick Grober
Frederick Guyer
Supportive of the recent changes and the board and leadership team, making difficult but necessary changes. I hope this can help the Academies survive stronger in the future.
Gabriella Uccellini
Galyna Abbruzzese
Gary & Jennifer Oberting
Gary Rosenbloom
Genevieve Anderson
Geoff and Laurel Plante
To support our great faculty and staff
Geoffrey Peck
Geoffrey Plante
George Chelius & Lynn Derry
George Harder
George Jordan
Gerald Eckert
Gerry and Jill Conway
Glenn and Lisa Rubin Johnson
In memory of David Boring "75
Gloria Cabaniss and David Cabaniss
Gregory and Rebecca Corso
Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Gretchen Aronowitz-Rubenstein
Gretchen Freihofer
H. Benjamin Bullard
Hannah Chaput
Hannah Minissale
Haritha Challapalli
He Lu
Heather Kleiner
Heidi Holder
Helen Harris
Helen Pellman Marsh
Herbert Rosen
Holly Sundquist
Hudson Flynn
In memory of Vincent Dehler '19
Hyacinth Mason
Ian McHugh
Ilene and Chip Stein
Great school
Ines Elaine Angel
In memory of Ceci Robb
Ira & Sue Mendleson
J Campbell O'Keeffe
J. Wesley Jakovic
Jackie Carpenter Rice
In honor of the Class of 1969
Jak Bestle
James & Lisa Sasko
James Homma
James McNaughton
James Morgenstein
James O'Connor
James Wood
Jamie Howard
Jan and Pandora King
Jana Bytner
Jane Ostroff-Lin
We are very pleased with The Academies amd happy to support and be part of such a wonderful school.
Jane Pioli
Janet Marshall Erickson
In honor of 70th year for AAG Class of 1954!!
Janet and Steven Tinkler
Janna and David Ross
Jason Ford
Jason Malikow
The values and skills that I learned at the Academy are as essential in my life now as they were 27 years ago.
Jean Pollak
Jeffrey & Kaari Stannard
Jeffrey Beaver
Jeffrey Bruner
Jeffrey Gulock and Catherine Moore
Jeffrey Sitzer
Jeffrey Waldin
Donating to the school is not just about an amount - it is about showing that as parents we are invested, and for whatever amount, we are willing to take the time to click on the link and make a statement of support.
Jen Poole
Jennie Heidbreder
Senior Gift 2024
Jennifer Fredrickson Hutchins
Jennifer Girvin
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Small
Jennifer and Pieter Barnett
Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Jessica Chen
This is a place where my children learn and grow. We love and appreciate the teachers’ hard work to make this place a better place for my own and other children.
Jessica Lansing
Jiannan Wei
Jill Kilkelly
Jim & Laurie Tacy
Jinrong Li
Joachim & Shelly Fiebich
Joan Courtney Murray
In memory of Our deceased classmates
Joanne Brooks
Joanne DelCarpine
Joel & Wendy Headley
Joel Donato
John & Carolyn Assini
John & Marjorie Waldman
John & Sally Ten Eyck
John Allen
John Benson & Catherine Baker
John Carroll
John Hawn
John Hofgesang
John Johnson
In honor of Todd Van Derzee and Joyce G. Johnson for the 1984 Class Scholarship Fund
John Jones
John Law
John McNally
John Nigro
John Palmer
John Peter Garvey IV
John Scicchitano
John Seaman
John T. McClintock
John and Serena Pupons
John kerr
Jon Berkey
Jonathan Catlett
Jonathan Drew
Jordan Lamberson
Joseph Bonavita III
Joseph Cheeseman
Joseph Fitzgerald
Joseph Gold
Joseph Gravini
Class of 2024 Senior Gift The Gravini Family
Joseph Martin
In memory of John and Carol Martin
Joseph Moscatello
Joseph and Dudek
Josh & Kate Rosenthal
Josh Narode
Joshua Muhlfelder
Joyce Brooks
Judith Anderson Prividera
Judith Fillion
Judith Fillion
In honor of Christine Moore Wheatley '30
Judith Grosvenor
Judith McIlduff
Judith Rogers
Judy & Kevin Soukup
In honor of Class of ‘24 gift
Judy & Kevin Soukup
Judy Keller
Julianne Jones
Justin and Elissa Smith
Justine Franklin
Kanika Johar
Karen Leach
In gratitude at the time of our 50th reunion!
Karen Swedick
Karen and Harry Rosenstein
In honor of Arnold Rosenstein '39
In memory of Arnold Rosenstein '39
Karin Epstein
Kat and Frank McCleneghen
Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Kathleen Brown
Kay Kirkland Schmidt
Keenan Nix
Keith Barnaby
Keith Kitchen
Kella & Dino Kacani
Thank you for the incredible work you do every day !!
Kellie Gorton
Kelly McCready
Ken Moore
Kendall Drew
Kenneth Aufsesser
Kenneth Grey
Kenneth Hawkins
Kenneth Weafer
Kent Brown
Kent Jenkins
Kernan Oberting
Kerri Killian
Kevin Maney
Kevin Murphy
Kevin P. Maney
Kimberly Goldberg
Kimberly Russ
Kirk Harbinger
Kirk Harbinger
In honor of E. Wayne Harbinger and Ernest D. Steck
Kyle Kotary
In honor of Willem Kotary, class 2024
Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Larry & Barb Czech
Larry & Denise Becker
Laura Hotaling
Laura Hotaling & Gregory Gerling
Thrilled to be a part of The Albany Academies community.
Laura Kessler
Laura Rosenstock
Laura Sekellick
Laura Stevens
Laura/Sanjay Samy
Lauree Hickok
Laurel Downie
I have so much to thank AAG for, just doing my part to make sure it sticks around for the next generation of girls.
Lauren Catlett
Laurie Miroff and Sean Rafferty
Senior Gift 2024.
Laurie Stein
In memory of Arvilla Cline
Lawrence Marwill
In Celebration of the 70th Reunion - Dr. Lawrence Marwill '54
Layne Avveduti
Lee Rosen
Leila Dutton
In honor of Sally Auchincloss
Leo Pulcher
Leroy Lewis
Linda Casertano
In memory of Carola Sautter '74 & Claudia Lewis '74
Linda Furlong
Lisa & Kelly Walters
Lisa Blue
Lisa Schilling Hatch
Lisa Strain
Loren Roberts
In honor of The lost parking spaces.
Lou & Melissa Faiola
The Academies is a wonderful learning institution. Our son is thriving in a positive academic and social environment. Thank you!
Louis Cioffi
Appreciate being an alumni scholarship recipient and getting a great education and athletic program.
Louise Marks
Lucy Larner
In memory of Mary Carol Elmendorf ‘72
Lureen Cardish
Lydia Littlefield
The one thing about which I allow myself to pontificate in the presence of younger people is this: old friends are the most valuable form of currency. I consider myself rich in old friends, and I look forward to seeing many of you at reunion!
Lynn Collett
Marc Rosen
Marcia Dudden
Marcia Sutherland
In honor of AAG Class of '62
Marcia Sutherland
In memory of William Platt Sutherland AA class of 1916
Marcus Cavanagh
For Alumni Association Activities
Margaret King
Margaret Lamar King
I have loved AAG since 1962 when I started there as a sophomore. I've continued to be active since...
Margaret and Hugh Quigley
We love the education our grandchildren are receiving at AA!
Maria Holden
Marie & Geoff Zimmerman
The school’s core values are being instilled into our children’s life’s setting them up for success. Thank you all for everything you do each and every day!
Marina Vaisman
Senior class gift 2024
Marion Harcourt
Mark Attarian
In memory of Mr. Frank (FN) Nash
Mark Spiers
Martha Bedell
In memory of Linda Ann Dubins
Martha Thomas
Martha Voorhees Blackman
Mary Ann Randall
Mary Bischoff
Mary DiSanto-Rose
Grateful for the fine education our son Matthew received!
Mary E DeNure
I still have lasting friends from my year and others. And for me, a single sex education was just what I needed in those formativie years. Thank you!
Mary Farley
In memory of Linda Dubins and Ceci Robb Pierce
I'm proud to have gone to what had been the oldest girls' school in the country and am sorry the opportunity for a single-sex education no longer exists at AAG.
Mary Harowski
In memory of Adelaide Muhlfelder and James Leo Muhlfelder
Mary amd Peter Burgess
MaryLouise "Chick" LedDuke
Matt Cillis
Matt McCauley
Matthew Essery
My oldest daughter thrives in the Upper School. She has a voice and is known.
Matthew Falvey
Matthew Murnane
Matthew Smalls
Matthew Streifert
Matthew and Diane Lerner
Maurisa Rathwell
Meaghan See
Meghan and Marc Russo
Melinda Putney
In honor of Sherry Putney
Sherry was my mother, Jonathan Farbman’s grandmother. She taught at AAG from 1969–1980. She was proud of her daughters and her grandson, all who attended and/or graduated the Academies. About one year since her passing, Jonathan graduates, and she would be proud of that. Go cadets! We’re Academy Girls!
Melony Spock
Michael & Emily Casale
Michael Call
In memory of Sali Slocum
Thirteen years of an unsurpassed education as well as many life-long memories and friendships.
Michael Camoin
In honor of Academy
Love for Academy
Michael Criscione
Michael Frank
Michael Hanley
Spring gathering pledge payment Upper school parking spot
Michael Hayes
Michael Hirsh
Michael J Strianese
This is for the 4-event Honorary Committee
Michael Lasch
Michael Picotte
Michael Uccellini
Michael Vaughn
Michelle Reid
Morris Massry
Mr and Mrs Michael Miorin
Nadine Apkarian
In honor of In memory of the six
Nadine Apkarian
In honor of In memory of the six
Nancy Carey Cassidy
Nancy Iannucci
Nancy Jones
For renovation of the drawing room
Nancy Meislahn
In memory of Findley Meislahn
Nancy Palluti
Nancy Wekselbaum
Neerav Patel
Neil & Martha Murray
Neil Spitalny
Nicholl Lockwood
Nicole Fisher
Nicoleta Augustin
Niki Hamric
Noel Fleischman Zirpolo
Norm Zeyak
Pamela Jackson
Patricia Mann
Patrick Kauth
Paul Powers
Paul Ventosa
Paul Williamson
Peter & Jean Maloy
Peter & Susan Herman
In memory of Rear Admiral H. James T. Sears, MC, USN (Ret.) '55
Peter Aufsesser
Peter Campito
Peter Hansen
Peter McManus
Looking forward to catching up with old friends.
Peter McManus
Peter Mebel
Peter Sneeringer
Peter Swire
Peter Trowbridge
Philip Picotte
Phyllis L Berk
Hope you reach the June 30 goal!
Pinlei Chu
Pooja Chaukiyal
Ray and Tammy Moran
Senior Gift 2024
Raymond Endres
Rebecca Toseland
Rebecca Trainor
Rebekah Alexis
Rex & Elisabeth Ruthman
Rhea Stathatos
Everything a school should be.
Rich Johnson
Proud to have started as a faculty member in 2003 and even more proud to have my son attend!
Richard Anderson
Richard Ladd
Richard Laufer
Richard Rowley
Sure it will be a great reunion. I am so disappointed I will not be able to make it. I remember watching the 50th reunion class march on the field at the end of Competitive Drill. They seemed ancient...are we really that old? Have a great time together. Be well everyone. Hope to catch up with folks in the future.
Richard Weiss
Richard and Susan Ward
Rick Coupe
Ricky Vincent
Robert & Estelle Hawkins
Robert Bischoff
Robert Gibbs
Robert Jones, Jr.
Robert Leonard
Robert Neudel
In honor of In memory of Susan Neudel
Former after school director, mother of Joshua’97 and husband to Bob Neudel
Robert Pfenning
Robert Towse
Robin Cooley Krivanek
Robin and Gary Siskin
Senior Gift 2024
Rolland Peacock
Rong Huang
so many exciting activities and teach good values & life perspective to students.
Rory Flaherty
Ruth Malloy
In memory of Harry K Tebbutt, III
Ruth Uchtman
Ryan Uccellini
Sally Burkhart Haddad
Sally Lethbridge Hunsdorfer
In honor of Ceci Robb and Linda Dubins
Sandi and Dan Hanifin
Sandra Hanifin ‘92
Sandra Morris
In memory of Gordon and Lee Morris
Sandra O’Connor
In memory of Ceci Robb Pierce AAG ‘69
Sandra and Steven Doellefeld
In honor of Class of 2024 Senior Gift
Sandra and Steven Doellefeld
In honor of AA Class of 2029
Sara Strope
Sara Strope
Sarah Loya
Sarah Pellman
Scott McGowty
Sean Barrett
Honored to be a member of the Great Class of 1983!
Seford Olsen
Seth Polen
Shellie Carr
Shelly Reid
Sherrie Cevera
Shirley Billings Flierl
Shirley French
Stacey Muscato
Stephanie & Chris Roberts
In memory of Hank Haase '61
Stephanie Collins
Stephanie and Lewis McCauley
Stephen Brown
Stephen Marks
In memory of Richard Horan '65
Stephen Wallace
In honor of Dick and Betsy Wallace
Steve Turner
Steven Stain
Sue Gibbons
Suraj Kunchala
Susan B. Anthony
Susan Bennett Scofield
Susan Brownell
Susan Holmes
Susan Pausley
Susan Pausley
Susan Picotte
Susan Reese
In honor of AAG Class of 2004 on their upcoming 20th reunion year
Suzanne Gardner-Clarkson
Suzanne Walsh
Taeim Bang
Tamara Wrzesinski
Tanya L MacLeod
Teresa Hebert
The Gerling Family
In memory of Donald Partyka ‘99
In loving memory of our friend Don. May his unwavering commitment to Albany and his selfless pursuit to serve his community be an inspiration to us all.
Theodora Lois
Theodore Bouloukos
In memory of Charles T. Bouloukos ’49
Theresa Hobbs
Theresa Myers
Thomas & Barbara Harvey
In honor of Ellen Harvey '16
Thomas Evans
Thomas Fori
Thomas Gordon
Thomas Laquidara
Thomas Mottolese, Jr.
Tim & Jessica Meigher
Tom Frame
Tracey Rouault
Trevor Wheelock
Trina and Dave Lucas
Trudy Calabrese
Veronica Puente-Windle
Love my students!
Veronica Windle
In memory of Mrs. B Carter
Wonderful teacher
Vicky Yu
Vicky Yu
Vikram and Sarika Agrawal
Class of 2024 Senior Gift!
Vincent Zabinski
Virginia LuPone
Walt and Cheryl Davies
Walter Keeley
Wayne Franklin
In honor of James Colton
I received a life-changing education during my four years at AA.
Wayne Freihofer
Wayne Simpson
Wen Cao
Wen Li
Wendy Cohen Summer
In memory of Ceci Robb and Linda Dubins
Wendy Gaylord
Wendy Muhlfelder
Wenjun Shao
From Amelia Bao and Adam Bao's family
William & Bette Oppenheim
William Desormeau
William Dorr
William Durden
William Kostun
William Pausley
William Samuels
Wu-Chang Tsai & Hsiao Han Chen
Yin's Family
Yuliya Kopychko
Be the best, Academy
Yvonne Sroka McCredie '59
Zachary Kendall
Zachary Widbin
Bruce Barach
Cara milde
Elizabeth Tierney
Cheers to the class of 1969
Judith serling-sturm
Linda carnell hlavacek
Obo Ruby Hassey
Robert higgins
In honor of Patricia J Higgins
For all that the AA did for me and my family-our support is needed now more than ever!
Robert higgins
In honor of John Higgins
In memory of our dear departed Brother John
Steve panawek
In honor of Mrs. McNulty
My daughter thrives here, and I love teaching here. Mrs. McNulty was the finest of very fine teachers that she had here.
Senior Gift 2024
The Academies is a wonderful learning institution. Our daughter is thriving in the positive academic and social environment. Thank you!
The academics and education of the whole child is unmatched!
Senior Gift

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