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Albany Academy

Albany, NY

Stronger Together 2022-23

We’re creating our future as we build on our past.

Joanne DelCarpine, Manager, Annual Fund & Donor Relations (518) 429-2391

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (831)

All (831)
A. Russel Stevenson
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Aaron Nicholson
Adam & Lynn Collett
Adam LeFevre
Adam LeFevre
In honor of Rich Johnson
Akiyo Homma
Albert Hessberg
Alex and Aviere Crawford
Alexandra Pavlostathis Mitsios
Alexis & Matthew Clement
Alfred Guart
2023 Senior Gift
Alice Kim
AAG was the foundation for me to make me believe I can be a leader amongst my peers. I fondly reminisce of the many school traditions and continue to connect with lifelong friendships in our AAG sisterhood. Thank you ANN WENDTH for your leadership and commitment !
Alisa Serdyuk
Alison Cooper
Alison Cooper
In honor of Sherry Putney
Alison McLean-Lane
Alixandra Rutnik
Loved my time at AAG!
Allen Goodman
Allison & John Gavin
Allison Plante
Alton Mendleson
In gratitude and consideration for the AA!
Alydaar Rangwala
Amanda Boyd
Amy McDonald
Amy Peck
Amy Rosen Manchester
Anders Tomson
Andrea Hanley
Andrea Papandrea
Andrew Epstein
Andrew Fischer
Andrew and Julie Safranko
Andy Mann
Angela & Robert Sears
Angela Marathakis
Go Academy!!
Angela Sears
Ann & James Vartuli
Ann Gephardt
In memory of Joan Copeland Benson, and Mimi Sroka Ordway
Ann Gephardt
In memory of Dr. Paul Schultze, Jr. AA1924
Ann MacAffer
In honor of Kimmey Carnell Decker '54
In memory of Kimmey Carnell Decker '54
Ann Schultze Gephardt
In memory of Dr. Paul Schultze, Jr. AA 1924
Ann Wendth
SG 23 HC Pledge
Ann and James Vartuli
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Anne Conolly
I taught there for 17 years and my children attended both schools. It was an important part of my life and career - a talented faculty inspired me to be better.
Anne McEntee
Anne Olcott
In honor of John McClintock and Margaret Lamar King, archivists extraordinaire
I am grateful for the work of the current and former archivists in preserving the history of the school and I hope that the history will inform the future.
Annette Grajny
Love what this school has done for my daughter!
Antony and Jane Loupessis
April Van Denburgh
AAG Class of 2023 senior gift
Aquila Luncheon-Jemmott
Amazing teachers and 23’ college counselors!
Armen Garo
Joseph Henry, Herman Melville, Learned Hand, Rufus Peckham, Andy Rooney, Jane Stanford and all the rest…..they’re one of us and we’re one of them.
Asaf Elkayam
In memory of Joanne schaeffer
Barbara Hawn
Barbara Zory
Barnaby Bullard
Basak Ozgenc and Kasim Kurd
We made the right decision for our son. Go Academy!
Ben & Wendy Russell
Benjamin Chase
Bethany Mancuso
Betsey Coleman
In honor of Linda Dubins
Bettina Burke
In honor of Burrill Burke Class of '54
Senior gift class of 2023 Jackson Bissell
Bibs Mendleson Pankin
Bob & Theresa Puzier
In memory of Kimmey Carnell Decker ’54
Bob Green
Brendan & Robin Cooney
Brett Hayden
Brian Enright
Brian Lasky
Brianne Baggetta
Bridget Pectal
The best in education!!
Bruce johnson
Bryan & Stephanie Staff
Bryan Amedio
Bryan Staff
Burgess Family
Burton Wilcke
In memory of Clarke Burke
Cara Milde
We are proud to be a part of both the AA and AAG community! Thank you to our teachers and staff who do so much for our students!
Carl & Kara Becker
Carl Becker
Carmen Power
Carol Swyer
Caroline Baker Ribelin
Caroline Fenderson
Caroline Rielin
Carolyn and Erilk Hansen
Caron O'Brien Crummey
Cary Rice
Caryl Newhof
Catherine Werley
Charles Anderson
Charles Stewart
In honor of AA Class of 1963
Cheryll Slater-Schampier
Chloe Derosia
In memory of Betty Sonneborn
Chris Dascher
In honor of Paul Feeney
Chris Fitzpatrick
Chris Lauricella, Head of School
Christian Diefendorf
Christian Gullott
Christopher Bang
Christopher Conway
Christopher Ellis
Christopher Furlong
Christopher Lauricella
In honor of Ann Wendth
Claire Anderson
Clark Daggett
Clifford D. Fordyce, Jr.
Colleen Kohler
Colleen and Greg Raczkowski
Cornelia Boynton Ochsenbein
Cornelia Ochsenbein
Cornelius Murray
Cristi Marchetti
Crystal Rogers Freidenberg
Cypriana McCray
In honor of Arvilla Cline
May this donation support the educational goals of future emerging leaders at The Albany Academies. Onward!
Dale Mintzer Raisig
Daniel Chandler
Daniel Horgan
Year End Donation
Daniel Kohler and Leslie Albright
Daniel Tomson
Daniel and Danielle Quigley
Danielle Stokely
Dave Rider
David Cabaniss
David & Cherie Chin
David & Lisa Henkel
David Clifford
David Driscoll
David Evans
In honor of all the students and alumni from the Albany Academy for Boys!
David Kalinski
David Kibbe
David Nardolillo
David Picotte
David Titus
Dean and Annie Gangapersad
Love the progress my daughter has made and look forward to the adult she will become with the guidance due received from AAG.
Debbie Gordon
Debbie Meckler Freedman
Dr Linda Dubins. AAG ‘69
Debbie Russell
Debora Mitchell
Deborah Fischer Oleisky
Deborah Lee
In memory of Charles Liddle III
Deborah Lee
In memory of Dr. E. Wayne Wilkins
Deborah Tollefson
Debra & Adam Neubart
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Deirdre Berger
In the thanks of L. Giombetti and C. Teitelbaum .
Deirdre Hudnut
Demetra and James Vann
Dennis B Smith
In memory of Robert D Sidman '57
The Academy gave me the gift of lifelong friends, and the foundation for success
Dennis B Smith
In memory of James Colton, Humanities teacher
Dennis Smith
Dolly & Neerav Patel
Dolores Bedell
In memory of Wallace C Bedell MD
Donald Whiting
The Albany Academeis has been the best gift our family could ask for. The professional energy, leadership and the students are providing an outstanding educational opportunity for the all. Thank you!
Doug Kimbler
Douglas Carnahan
Douglas Hibbard
Douglas Underhill
Dr. Douglas North '58 & Dr. Ellen Cole
Dr. Douglas S. Langdon '49
Dr. John F. Assini '65 and Dr. Carolyn M. Jones-Assini P'99, '03
Dr. John H. Gordon '68
Dr. Josephine Pashler Briggs '62
Dr. Julie Dessloch and Mr. Ten Eyck B. Powell III '74, P'05, '07, '09
Dr. Nancy Barhydt
Dr. Stewart C. Myers II '58, Trustee
Dr. Thomas C. Carrier '51
Dr. Zhiqiang Wang & Ms. Vicky Wu
In honor of Sam Wang '27
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Smith '57
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Campbell '62
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Bourke '53
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Waldman '65, GP '23
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Coffin '62
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Morrison '62, P'98, '02, GP'22, '28
Drs. Douglas North and Ellen Cole
In honor of The classes of 1958
Hail Dear Academy, school that we love.
Dzifa Kpodzo Bennett
E. Stewart Jones
In memory of Kimmey Decker '54
Edward & Margaret Neiles, Jr
In honor of Bridget Neiles Auger '21
Edward DeBerri
An unbelievable opportunity. An awesome education. Wonderful, life-long friendships.
Eileen Considine
Eileen Tucker Spiro
Elaine Kusel
Elena McCoy
Elisa Haworth
Elissa Smith
The most INCREDIBLE Faculty and Staff!
Elissa Smith
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Elissa Smith, Trustee & Justin Smith '96, P'23, '25, '26
For our Incredible Teachers and Students!
Elizabeth Bissell
In honor of Burrill Burke 1954
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Elizabeth Carroll
Elizabeth Colton
Elizabeth Hemstead
Elizabeth Sonneborn Hamel
Elizabeth Walsh
Ellen Stein Tomlinson
In memory of Linda Dubins
Ellen Walsh McMahon
Elon D. Johnson
Elsworth Pascoe & Marie Lingat
Elvira Valenzuela
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Emily Litten
Emily Steiner
In memory of Dr. Alton L. Steiner '54
Emily Steiner
In memory of Mr. Alan E Steiner '55
Emily Tufeld
In honor of Marcy Elmendorf
Emily and Suraj Kunchala
Emma McNally
Emmett Wotkiewich
Eric Besch
Eric Moore
Eric Moore
In memory of Dr. James A. Moore AA ‘26
Eric and Theresa Lewis
Erica Eglow
Erik Rayno
Faith Pulliam Fogarty
Frances Morsillo
Best school experience I had in my life
Frank & Melissa Nigro
In memory of Dr. James G. Hoehn P'90, GP'18, '21, '23 and Mrs. Kimmey Carnell Decker '54, P'78, '81, GP'12, '14, '17
Frank Ciotoli
Recognizing all the parents who support their daughter's and son's educational journey.
Frank E. O’Brien III
In honor of Frank E. O’Brien III
Frederick Grober
Frederick Guyer
Galyna Abbruzzese
Garrett & Meredith Smith
Gary Rosenbloom
Geoffrey Plante
Best school in Town!
Geoffrey Plante
Best school in town
Geoffrey Plante
Best school in town and we need to make third century greater
Geoffrey Plante
Great team and best education in the area!
Geoffrey Plante
George Harder
George Mahoney
Gerald Eckert
Gerard Jeong
Gerard and Jill Conway
Gerry & Jill Conway
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Gerry ‘82 and Jill Conway
Glenn Johnson
In memory of David Ford Boring
Gord Kuhar M.D.
In honor of Vincent Zabinsky
Eternally grateful to AAG & AA for the attention, devotion & love given the Kuhar children & all the students under their care…
Gregory Clifford
In honor of Jack Dehler
Gretchen Freihofer
Gretchen Greisler Corbett
Gus and Lisa Ribeiro
H. Benjamin Bullard
H. Margret Paticopoulos Poole
In memory of the deceased members of AAG '73
Haritha and Robert Adelson
Hascy Alford
Heather Alderman
‘23 Senior gift
Heather Stein Kruse
Heidi D'Andraia
Heidi Holder
Helen Alpert Goldenberg
Helene Goldblatt Haven
Hilary Sunkin Wander AAG '02 and Seth Wander AA '02
Holly Briggs
Holly Fox Sundquist
Hon. Frederic Rodgers
In memory of Gabriel Moore Rodgers
Hon. and Mrs. Thomas J. Frawley '65
Hunter McCarthy
Hyacinth Mason
In honor of Dr. Susannah Brower
I. Marc Woodroe
Ian Dennis
Ilene and Chip Stein
Isidro Borboa
Go Academies! Keep up the good work.
J Campbell O'Keeffe
In honor of O'Keeffe Family Fund
J. Eric Reed
J. Scott Lamberson
J. Wesley Jakovic
I support the mission of the Albany Academy!
In honor of AA Faculty, 1970s
Jack M. DeSanti
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Jamar Ballard
Wonderful people. Family environment!!
James C. Moore
James Hindson
James McMahon
James McNaughton
James Moore
James O'Connor
James Poole
In honor of Ahmad Praelieu
James Sidford
Jamie Howard
Jane Ostroff-Lin
Keep up the great work 👍
Jane Piatelli
In memory of Larry Piatelli
Jason Malikow
Jean deBeer Pollak
Jeanine & Andy Millar
Jeannine Spade
Jeff Levine
Jeffrey Bruner
Jeffrey DeTeso
Jeffrey Gulock and Catherine Moore
Jeffrey Waldin
Jen Poole
Jennifer Amstutz
Jennifer Amstutz
Jennifer Levy
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Sperry
Jeremy Blocker
In memory of Kimmey C. Decker ’54
Jessica Epstein
Jessica Lansing
Jessica Marshall
Jessica Snyder
Jessica Sweeney
Jessica and James Gray
Jiannan Wei
Jill Kilkelly
Jim Mills
Jim Sasko
Jina Mao
Keep up the good work.
Jodi Stein Emmott ‘05 and Peter Emmott
Joe Gold
Joe Halek
Joe O'Connor
Joel Middleton
Thank you Academy for all that you do for your students!
John & Emma McNally
John & Sally Ten Eyck
John & Sherrie Cevera
John & Yuan Bryant
John Allen
John Bestle
Reunion 23 Athletic HOF Ticket
John Bryant
John Carroll, III
John Dolven '61 and Judith Allen Dolven '60
John Hawn
John Hawn
John Hayes
John Hopkins
John Johnson III
In memory of In memory of Todd Van Derzee '84 and Joyce G. Johnson
In memory of Todd Van Derzee '84 and Joyce G. Johnson for contribution to the Dearstyne History Scholarship Fund
John LaBoda
John Peter Garvey IV
John Phillippe
John Rich
John Seaman
John T. McClintock
In honor of Harry E. P. Meislahn and Amy Kermeth
May the dreamers, the founders, the builders, the teachers and coaches, all be praised for their vision and persistence.
John Van Orden
John and Yuan Bryant
In honor of ANN WENDTH
Jonathan Drew
Jonathon & Kimberly Russ
Joseph & Marilyn Dudek
Joseph Bonavita
Joseph Burke
In memory of Christine M. Burke
Joseph Gulli
In honor of Dr. Melba Antonetti Gulli (my wonderful mother) and Joseph M. Gulli (my dear father)
The Albany Academy is an excellent academic institution. The teachers and students had a great influence in my development. I'll always be grateful to them and the Academy!
Joseph Moscatello
Joshua & Kate Rosenthal
Judith Fillion
In memory of Christine Moore Wheatley '30
Judith McIlduff
Judith Rogers
Much success for a good cause!
Judy & Stu Madnick
In honor of the Birthday of Jeff Hyman P'26
Judy Prividera
Julia Camarco
Julie Pasquini
In honor of Frank E. O'Brien, Jr. '53
Julie and Andrew Safranko
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Justin Smith
Thank you Academy Teachers!
Justin Smith
I value how The Albany Academies prepared me for my future and I am proud to give that same opportunity to my three children.
Justin Smith
Justine Franklin
In honor of Sherry S. Putney
Kaari & Jeffrey Stannard
Kaari Stannard
In honor of 2023 senior gift
2023 senior gift
Kanika Johar
Karen Avery
Here's to the great AAG Class of '83! A fantastic group of women and wonderful community of friends!
Karen Avery
AAG provided me with the closest and dearest friends in my life.
Karen Chave
Karen Cummings
The class of 2023 senior gift
Karin Epstein
Katherine Pausley
In memory of Elizabeth Sonneborn
Katherine VanWormer Howard
Kathleen Stewart
Kathryn Sundwall
The teachers!
Kathryn Sundwall
This donation is for the Class of 2023 Gift
Katie Yarbrough
Katie and Philip Iovieno
Keenan Nix
Keith and Stephanie Payton
This amazing school prepares our kids for college and beyond…thank you to the wonderful teachers and staff!
Keith and Stephanie Payton
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Kella, Dino Kacani
Kellie Gorton
Kellie Leinung
Kelly McCready
My daughter tells me that she loves her school and her teachers.
Ken & Cherie Grey
In memory of Billy Grey '06
Ken Hawkins
Ken Levison
Ken Moore
Kendall Drew
Kenneth Lyons
Kennth C. Weafer
Kent Brown
Kent Jenkins
Kevin Daniels
Kevin Hornberger
Kevin Murphy
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Kevin Murphy
Kimberly Russ
Kimberly and Barry Goldberg
Our children had many amazing teachers and classmates. We are grateful for the teachers who created opportunities for our children to be challenged and supported throughout their middle school and high school years.
Kirk Harbinger
Komron Ostovar and Renée Wellenstein (parents of two ‘25s)
Kristen Levenson
In memory of Geraldine Brooks
Kyle Flik
LCDR Luke Lazzari
Lakesia Randolph
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Lana Hower
Larry Chase
Larry Chase
Laura Blake
Laura Braunstein-Freiberg and Scott Freiberg
Laura Samy
Laura Sekellick
I am a proud alumna and I like to give every year.
Laura and Edward Stevens
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
In honor of ANN WENDT
Happy to honor Ann Wendt who led the Class of 1962 through a 50th Anniversary celebration.
Lauren Catlett
Lauren Catlett
Proud to be an Academy family!
Lauren Welles
Laurie Fassett Savage
Lawrence James
Leila Dutton
Leo Farley
In honor of Ross Kellas
Leo Yin
Lihua Luo
Go Academy!
Linda Casertano
In memory of Claudia Lewis '74, Carola Sautter '74
Linda Fennelly
Linda Furlong
In honor of AAG Class of 1960
Linda Furlong
In memory of deceased members of 1960
Linda Goodman Pillsbury
Great reunion last weekend!
Linda Hlavacek
In memory of Kimmey Decker '54
Linda Hlavacek Silver
In memory of kimmey Carnell Decker 1954
Linda Pillsbury
Lisa B Furlong
Lisa S Rome
Lisa Sasko
Lisa Walters
Liz & Ari Ilan
Lt. Colonel Seford Olsen USA(Ret)
Lt. Colonel Seford R. Olsen, USA(Ret.) '66
Luke & Margarita Potoski
Lynn Barhydt
Lynn Boler
Class of 2023 senior gift
Lynn Colucci-Mizenko
Lynne W Kimball
Lynne Wright Kimball
M. Angelica Gana
Senior gift 2022
M. Angelica Gana
2023 senior gift
M. Jacob Miorin
Marc Champigny
Marcia Anderson Dudden
In memory of Dr. Linda Dubins '69 and Mrs. Arvilla Cline
Marcia Sutherland
In honor of Diane Fallon Boylan AAG '62
Marcia Sutherland
In memory of William Platt Sutherland - AA 1916, Linda Platt Sutherland AAG '59
Marcia Sutherland
In memory of Suzanne Sutherland Ninabuck - AAG 1954
Marcus Cavanagh
Margaret DerOhannesian
Margaret Holbritter
In memory of my sister Eleanor Holbritter Nasner '64
Margaret Lamar King
Margaret Lamar King
In memory of Kimmey C. Decker '54
Margaret Quigley
Marie Zimmerman
Marina Vaisman
Mark & Pam Desrosiers
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Mark Attarian
In memory of Ernest D. Steck
Mark Lasch
Mark Murray
Mark Spiers
Mark Woodward
In honor of Reunion 2023 and the Class of 1973
Martha Bedell
In memory of Linda Dubins
Martha Voorhees Blackman
In memory of Kimmy Decker '54
Martin Seligman
In honor of Frank Nash
Mary Ellen Ehlers & Ferdinand Venditti
Mary Farley
In memory of Linda Dubins
I’ll miss Linda .
Mary Lou Beck Hiatt
Mary Muhlfelder Harowski
In memory of Adelaide Muhlfelder and Jim Muhlfelder
Matt McCauley
Matthew & Alana Streifert
Matthew & Amy Buckner
Matthew Murnane
Matthew and Diane Lerner
Maureen Frazier
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Maurisa Rathwell
Max Hass
Meaghan See
Megan Plante
Meghan Frazier
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Melissa Nigro
Melissa Reohr
In honor of David A. Reohr
Melony Spock
Meredith Gerdeman
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Meredith Hartley
Michaei & Leslie Braun
Michael & Alicia Lasch
Michael & Elizabeth Hayes
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Michael & Evelyn Hanley
Michael & Karen Rosen
Michael & Pamela Rabbia
Michael Brady
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Michael Call
13 years of great memories and a great education.
Michael Call
In memory of Sali Slocum ‘68
Michael Camoin
Donating for the Class of 2023
Michael Camoin
Love the AA community of educators!
Michael Camoin
Everyone plays at Academy is a life changing motto. Thank you, Academy!
Michael Criscione
Michael D'Amelia
In memory of Gerald D. D'Amelia, Jr. '82
Michael D'Amelia
In memory of Gerald D. D'Amelia Jr.
Michael Frank
In memory of Peter C. Van Aernam '70
Michael Hanley
Michael Hirsh
Michael Mullaney
Class of 2023 Senior Gift.
Michael Murphy
Michael Murray
Michael Obel-Omia
Michael Peruffo
Michael Picotte
Michael Shollar
Michael and Emily Casale
Michael and Jessica Dailey
Class 0f 2023 Senior Gift
Michael and Jessica Dailey
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Michele Praileau
In memory of Ahmad A. Praileau
Michele Praileau
In honor of Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Michelle Reid
Mike & Julie Koenig
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Mike Damelia
In honor of Jerry D'Amelia Jr.
Mohammed & Syeda Zaki
Mona Dudek
Morgan McKenzie
In honor of A.R.McKenzie III - father and Alumni
Please continue to inspire the desire to learn. I am constantly reminded of the importance of this gift.
Mr. Abraham J. Stephens '99
Mr. Alan D. Fisher '69
Mr. Bobby F. Witko '84
Mr. Carter A. White '52 and Ms. Rebecca Christner
Mr. Charles E. August '48 and Mrs. Lois Abramson August '53
Mr. Eugene M. Sneeringer, Jr. '72 and Mrs. Susan Hengerer Sneeringer '72, P'01, '04, '08
Mr. Herbert H. Rosen '56
Mr. John B. Hintermaier '60
Mr. John C. Law '75
Mr. John J. Nigro '60, GP'23
Mr. John LaBoda ‘98 and Mrs. Aubrey LaBoda
Mr. John S. Jones '68
Mr. John S. Kerr II '56
Mr. M. Christian Bender '78, P'15, '20 and Ms. Elizabeth O'Haire P'20, '21
Mr. Matthew R. Smalls '93
Mr. Morgan McKenzie '63 and Mrs. Ruth Glass McKenzie
Mr. Richard B. Ward '85
Mr. Richard M. Weiss '64
Mr. Thomas D. Evans '63
Mr. Thomas J. Fori '60
Mr. Zachary R. Kendall '93
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander S. Walter '68
Mr. and Mrs. Anders M. Tomson '85, P'14, '19
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Robison '78
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius D. Murray '62, P'99, '05, '06
Mr. and Mrs. H. Kenneth Kudon '60
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mendleson III '61, P'93
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Rosenstock '61
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Uccellini '84, P'15, '17, '18
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Vaughn '63
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Maloy '78, P'08, '09, '14, '20
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Trowbridge '62
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Laufer '65
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Towse, Jr. '59
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Dorr '58
Mrs. Alice Van Loon Howard '45
Mrs. Amy Buckley O'Brien '85
Mrs. Caroline Hessberg Taylor '71 and Mr. James Taylor
Mrs. Deane Pfeil '66
Mrs. Gretchen Aronowitz Rubenstein '53
Mrs. Heather S. Kleiner '57
Mrs. Janet Marshall Erickson '54
Mrs. Judith Carpenter Rice '69
Mrs. Margaret MacClarence '82
Mrs. Marion Harcourt '44
Mrs. Martha Thomas '73
Mrs. Noel Fleischman Zirpolo '55
Mrs. Ruth Uchtman '51
Mrs. Sally Burkhart Haddad '61
Mrs. Susan Bennett Scofield '66
Mrs. Susan C. Gibbons '59
Ms. Allison E. Jones '85
Ms. Caryl M. Newhof '44
Ms. Christine L. Standish '83
Ms. Justine C. Franklin '82
Ms. Laura Braunstein-Freiberg and Dr. Scott Freiberg
Ms. Lenna C. Gordon '63
Ms. Lynne Robbins Greene-Karlan '56
Ms. Sydney Wright Foley '92
Ms. Virginia Creighton '65
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Najiib Azad
Nan Meneely
Great years Kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Nancy Carey Cassidy
Nancy Meislahn
Nancy Palluti
Nancy Slowe
Nancy Wekselbaum
Natalie Squillace
Nathan Bruschi
Nazli Ahmad
Neil Johanning
In honor of In memory of the '73 Alumni that have died.
Neil Spitalny
Nicole Borisenok Krasodomski
Nicole Borisenok Krasodomski
Nicole Van Slyke
2023 Reunion
Niki Hamric
My son, Hencil, and I both love this school and all the people here!
Nina Loewenstein
This is for the Class of 2023 Senior Gift.
Nora Flaherty
Oliver Rattigan
Oliver Rattigan and Karen Chave
Class of 2023 senior gift
Pamela Carroll
Pamela Jackson
Pandora and Jan King
Paolo LaPietra
Patricia Mann
Patricia Nguyen
Patricia and Dan Sheppard
Patrick Bryant
Patrick Crowe
Paul & Susan Powers
Paul Reinhardt
Paul Ventosa
Paul Williamson
Peter & Emily Hansen
Peter Aufsesser
Peter Burke
Peter Campito
Peter Green
Peter O'Keeffe
Peter Pfaff
Peter Spitalny
Happy to be able to donate to The Albany Academy Annual Alumni fund
Peter Swire
Peter Trowbridge
The Albany Academy was the most rewarding experience. I owe a deep sense of gratitude to the faculty, coaches, and the military leadership made available to me. Thank you!
Peter Trowbridge
Albany Academy continues to prepare their students for future success at the colleges/universities they eventually will attend. An outstanding educational experience is assured to all those who attend. Go cadets!
Peter Walsh
Philip & Katie Iovieno
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Philip Kerr
Philip Picotte
Phyllis L Berk
Polly Grey
Pooja Chaukiyal
Prentiss Carnell
In memory of Kimmy Decker '54
Rabia Shinaishin
Rahel Hahn
Thank you -- every day!
Raymond Endres
Renee and Kirk Hohensheldt
Thank you to all donors.
Rich Johnson
In honor of Dan Hogan ‘08
Rich and Trish Craig
Richard & Mary Flaherty
Richard Ladd
Keep up the good work
Richard Puccio
Great place for kids to have a well rounded education and prepare them for life! I enjoy working here.
Richard Ward
Rick Coupe
Ricky Vincent
Rob & Gert Doriot
Go AAG !!!!!
Rob Leonard
Robert & Nancy Bielawa
Robert Hirsh
Robert Janeski
Robert Lasch
Robert Marks
I had a wonderful experience throughout my time as a student athlete there.
Robert Neudel
Robert P. Jones
Robert Sears
Spring Gathering Paddle Raise
Robert Tobin
Robert Verstandig
In honor of Reunion 2023
Robert and Courtney Wilson
Our daughter has never been happier since joining the AAG family!!
Roberto Barron
Robin Bertram
Robin Cooley Krivanek
Robin and Gary Siskin
Rolly Peacock
Rory Flaherty
Rudd Young
In memory of David Young
Thank you Albany Academy.
Rufus Burlingame
The Academy gave me a wonderful school experience with an excellent education and the opportunity to have lifelong friends. Hopefully it is continuing with those traditions.
Ruth Malloy
In memory of Harry K Tebbutt, III
In honor of Outstanding faculty, staff, and classmates at AA/AAG
Thank you!
Sally Peebles Stern
Sam Kauffmann
Sam Kauffmann
In memory of Bruce Kauffmann
Sam Wang
Sandi and Dan Hanifin
Sandra D. O'Connor
In honor of Linda O'Connor Casertano AAG '74
Sandra Miorin
Sara & Michael DeLeonardis
Sara Murray
Sara Strope
Sarah Atkinson
Sarah Loya
Sarah McLaughlin
Sarbjeet Sahota
Scott & Lisa Ledduke
Scott Lamberson
Scott Lethbridge
Scott Strohecker
Sean Austin
Looking forward to seeing amazing growth in 2023!
Seth Polen
Shannon Older Amodeo & Matthew Amodeo
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Shellie & David Carr
Shelly Fiebich
Shelly Reid
Stefan Kuhar
Stefan Kuhar
Go AA!
Stephanie Martell
Stephanie Roberts
In memory of Hank Haase ‘61
Stephanie Stoltzfus
Looking forward to Reunion 2023!
Stephanie and Lewis McCauley
Thank you to everyone at this amazing school
Stephen Marks
Stephen Wallace
In honor of Richard and Betsy Wallace
Stephen Wrzesinski
Stephen Young
Steven Ranney
Steven Sorensen
Steven Stain & Hyacinth Mason
Steven and Janet Tinkler
Thanks AAG!
Stewart Myers
Susan & Kevin Magaletta
Susan Cornelius
In honor of Zooey Halverson
Keep up the good work Zo and AA!
Susan Magaletta
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Susan McKay
Susan Moya
Susan Picotte
Susan Pioli
Susan Rockmore
In memory of Kimmey Decker '54
Suzanne Walsh
Sven W Edlund
In memory of Edna W Edlund
Stay Ahead for every student always.
Taeim Bang
For my Grandkids, Alex, Nick & Juliana Bang
Taeim Bang
Taeim Bang
Keep up the good works!
Tanvir Singh
Great institution!!
Taslima Khatun
Keep up the diversity!
Teresa Halverson
Tevis Bowden
What an amazing community! So thankful our kids were able to spend their formative years here!
The Academies Young Leaders Chairs
The Albany Academies AAPA
The Delaneys
The Lawlor Family
Theodore Bouloukos
In memory of Kimmey Carnell Decker ’54
Theodore Bouloukos
In honor of Johanna Bouloukos
I am so excited for the school’s future!
Theodore Bouloukos
In honor of Ann Wendth
So grateful for your years of immaculate leadership and love for this school. Thank you!
Theresa Bronner
Theresa Hobbs
Thomas Barnet
Thomas Devlin
In honor of Guido Bida
Thomas Mahon
Thomas McDonough
In honor of Susan McDonough P’86
Thomas Mottolese, Jr.
Thomas Norton
Thomas R Gordon
Thomas Scheib
Thomas Selfridge
Thomas Selfridge
An institution built on opportunities and valuable lifelong friendships!
Thomas W. David
In memory of Aaron Goldberg '72
Aaron Goldberg Fund
Tien Tran
Love AAG
Tim Fitzmaurice
Tim Meigher
Timothy Harris
Tod Wing '56 & Judith Ghormley Wing '56
Tracey & Keith Nussbaum
Trina Lucas
Trudy Calabrese
My best to Chris Lauricella and Ann Wendt for the dedication on behalf of The Academies. Best, Trudy Calabrese
Trudy Calabrese
Ty Headley
Veronica Windle
Wardell Robinson-Moore
Wayne Franklin
In honor of Frank Nash
Because I learned how to think and write there!
Will Golden
William Barnet, III
William Cross
William Durden
William Kostum
Reunion 2023 payment
William Marks
William Parks
William Samuels
William Serafin
In memory of Robert Olcott II '44, former Teacher and Coach
Wunderly Rich Stauder
Yile Fu
let's go 2023
Yuliya Kopychko
Keep up the good work!
Zachary Hollander
Zhiyi "Ashley" Zhang
Anna flik
Bruce barach
Jeff davidoff
Jennifer girvin
Martin pavelka
2023 senior gift
Robert higgins
In honor of Patricia Jennings Higgins
This is a second installment to our previously committed pledge to honor our mother and the Higgins Family
Xi li
Yvonne Sroka McCredie
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Class of 2023 Senior Gift
I am a gradute of the Albany Boys Academy (Valedictorian Class of 1962). My brother Robert Olcott was also a graduate and a teacher and coach there, and my father also a graduate.
In honor of Carolyn Nardolillo
Keep up the good work
The Class of 2023 Senior Gift
Continue to inspire and enhance students education!
In honor of the legacy of Thomas Cassidy and Nancy Carey-Cassidy
The Academies are better due to the myriad of contributions of Thomas and Nancy to the life of our school.

Giving options

Academy Road Society

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Academy Road Society

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Academe-Cue Society

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Lafayette-Montgomery Society

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Allen-Greeley Society

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Midgley-Decker Society

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Harris-McCormick Society

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Caroline Mason Society

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Van Rensselaer-Foote Society

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Head of School Circle

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Albany Academy
135 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208
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