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Albany Academy

Albany, NY

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Joanne DelCarpine, Manager of Annual Fund & Donor Relations

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (619)

All (619)
A. Stevenson
AG Gabriiels
Abraham Stephens
Adam LeFevre
In memory of Jim Colton
Adele Pickar
Alan Grant
Alan Klein
Albert Hessberg
Alex Koppel
Alex Li
Alexander Boggess
Alexander Jeoney
Alice Howard
Alice Kim
Alison Cooper
Alixandra Rutnik
Alixandra Rutnik
Allen Goodman
Allison Jones
Alton Steiner
Alydaar Rangwala
Anders Tomson
Andrea Craven
Andrea Hanley
Andrew Beaty, III
Andrew Fisher
Andrew Robison
Andrew Soldini
Andrew Stern
Andy Mann
Angela Marathakis
To support future Academy grads!
Angela Marathakis
Anita Harden-O'Hern
Ann Anito
Ann MacAffer
Ann Schultze Gephardt
Anne E Olcott
In honor of Arvilla Cline
I'm an only child. My AAG friends are my sisters.
Anne Olcott
In memory of Robert Olcott II
Nine years ago today my father died. Thinking of him naturally means thinking of the Academy, and so a gift to the school seems like a fitting way to honor him and his lifetime of service to the school.
Ashley Murphy
I carry tremendous gratitude and many fond memories of my years at AAG. Cheers to continued success!
Augusto Cardona
Ayodele Jones
Barbara Ranney Wilberg
In memory of Leslie Morgan Marvin '61
Barbara Schlang White
In memory of the members of the class of 1960 who are no longer with us
Barbara Zory
Bettina Mamone
Betty Ann Solinger
Bijan Chowdhury
Bill Barnet
Bill Picotte
Bob Hirsh
Bob Marks
I had a wonderful experience throughout my time as a student athlete there.
Brad Hollomon
Brad Kasselman
Bretton Sluyter
Brian Enright
Brian Lasky
Brianna Hart
Brianna Hart
Bridget Milot-Ren
Brittiny Belmonte Razzano, Esq.
Brittiny Belmonte Razzano, Esq. '04 P'34
Bruce Johnson
Bruce Posner
Burrill & Bettina Burke
Burrill Burke
Burton Wilcke
Carl & Kara Becker
Carmen Power
I am thankful for my experiences and education at AAG.
Carol Crummey McCardle
Carol Crummey McCardle
For three living generations of AAG alumna - my grandmother, Carol O’Brien, ‘51, my mother, Caron O’Brien ‘77 and myself; and hopefully making it four generations - Elizabeth McCardle ‘34.
Carol Johnson
Carol O'Brien
Carol Swyer
Caroline Fenderson
I am forever grateful for the education and educational environment I received my last two years of high school, and treasure being able to serve as senior class president. I know being an Academy student and graduate provided me the help to be able to go to Vassar for my college years. A good education and a quality educational environment are the most important ingredients to a successful life of learning and service! Caroline Houston Fenderson
Caroline Ribelin
Caron O'Brien Crummey
Carter White
Cary Rice (Mayberger)
Catharine McHugh
Catherine Rosenblatt
Catherine Stewart Werley
Cathie Werley
AAG enriched my life in so many wonderful ways for the 10 years I was a student and as an alumna.
Cathy Rosenblatt
Designate to dance dept.
Charles & Marcia Foresman
Charles Anderson
Charles Foresman
Chris Furlong
Christian Gullott
Christopher Fitzpatrick
Christopher Mills
Christopher Savo
Chuck Mason
Clarence McDonough
Clark Daggett
Conor Stewart
Cornelia Boynton Ochsenbein
In memory of Agnes Toth Simpson '73
Cornelius Murray
Cornelius Murray
In memory of Ernest Steck
The Albany Academies is/are a special place!
Craig Wander
Crystal Fox
D Scott Momrow
Dale Mintzer Raisig
Dan Burgess
Dan Horgan
Daniel Fuchs
Daniel O'Brien
Danni Douglas MacClure
David Kalinski
David Meckler
David Morey
David Nardolillo
David Nardolillo
In memory of Carolyn Nardolillo
David Ormsby
David Picotte
Deane Pfeil
Debbie Gordon
Debbie Meckler Freedman
Debbie Russell
Deborah Acton Tollefson
Deborah Allamena
In honor of Reunion 2022 - 50 years!
In memory of Mary Carol Elmendorf Dunn
Deborah Oleisky
Deborah Tollefson
Deni Auclair
Dennis Smith
Deonie Bates Finkbeiner
Devon Wimberly
Diane Rowley
I'll so miss seeing everyone at the reunion! Best wishes to all of '72!
Dirk Sonneborn
Dolly & Neerav Patel
Doug Langdon
Douglas Olcott
In memory of Robert Olcott II '44, my brother and former teacher and coach at The Albany Academy
E. Stewart Jones
In memory of Leslie Morgan Marvin
Eddie Habeck
In honor of Jim Poole
Eileen Tucker Spiro
Elissa Mueller Stevens duPont
Elissa and Justin Smith
Elizabeth Chabot
In memory of Marcy Elmendorf
Elizabeth Coleman
Impacted my life career and friendships
Elizabeth Hamel
Elizabeth Manning
In memory of Mary Carol Elmendorf Dunn
Elizabeth Sands
Elizabeth Sonneborn
Elizabeth Sonneborn
Ellen Falls
Ellen Stein Tomlinson
In honor of AAG Class of 1969
Ellen Walsh McMahon
Elon Johnson
Emily Downie Myzia
Emily Miller
Emily Schwartz Tufeld
In honor of Marcy Elmendorf
Emily Tufeld
Eric Moore
Eric Moore
For the Charter Day Head of School Challenge
Eric and Theresa Lewis
Erica Eglow
Ethan Gulock
Eugene Sneeringer
In honor of Our 50th Reunion in 2022
Evril Clayton
Faith Fogarty
Frances Phillips
Frank Blake
Frank Ciotoli
Franklin Tuttle
Fred Rodgers
Frederick Grober
In memory of Walter Jaworski, Class of 1968
A good man dedicated to family and the pets we love.
Frederick Guyer
Gabriella Uccellini
Garrett Smith
Geoffrey Plante
To Class of 22
George Chelius
George Harder
George Jordan
George Stephenson
Gerald Fassett
In honor of Dave Anderson and Jim Lowe
Gerard Conway Jr
Gerry and Jill Conway
Giulietta Nitido
Glenn Johnson and Lisa Rubin-Johnson
Greg Clifford
Gregory Tobin
Gretchen Freihofer
Gretchen Rubenstein
H. Benjamin Bullard
H. Kudon
Haley Martin
Harpal Khanuja
Harry Meislahn
Harry Odabashian
In memory of Mr. Steck
A great teacher,coach,and role model.
Heather Stein Kruse
Heidi Holder
Helen Alpert Goldenberg
Helen Bouloukos Fallon
Helen Harris
Helen Pellman Marsh
Helene Haven
Herbert Rosen
Holly Sundquist
I. Woodroe
Ian Dennis
Ira Mendleson
J Wesley Jakovic
Jack Dorr '62
60th Reunion!
Jack Gordon
In memory of Walt Jaworski, Class of '68
Jack Gordon
In honor of Deceased classmates and faculty.
Pray for Peace!
Jacqueline Busingye
James C Moore
James Campbell
James Hindson
James Moore
James OConnor
James Poole
James Pulaski
Excellent school. Many good memories of teachers and friends.
James Ryan
James Tacy
Jane and Tony Loupessis
Jared Novotny
Jason Malikow
Jean Pollak
Jeannine Blanco
Jeff Levine
Happy to help my great school .
Jeffrey Beaver
Jeffrey Bruner
Jeffrey DeTeso
Jeffrey Levine
Jennifer Girvin
Jennifer Stevens Girvin
Jenny Levy
Jill Pearlman
Jim Mills
Jim Wood
Joan Brennan
Joann Skinner
Joanne DelCarpine
In honor of Roberto Barron '21
I support the Academies because my son got a great education there!
Jodi Stein Emmott
Joe O'Connor
John & Jennifer Hayes
John And Pam MacAffer
John Assini
In memory of Deceased classmates of ‘65
John Carroll
John Coffin
John Delarge
John Dorr
John Graziano, Sr
In honor of the class of 1962 and our 60th reunion!
John Griffin
John Hawn
John Hawn
In memory of Charles Liddle '48
John Jones
John Kerr
John Law
John McClintock
John McNamara
John Nigro
John Palmer
John Peter Garvey IV
John Phillippe
John Scicchitano
John Seaman
John Van Orden
John Waldman
Jonathan Drew
Jonathan Peacock
Jonathan Rodgers
Joseph Fitzgerald
Joseph Gold
Joseph Gulli
Joseph Shulan
Josephine Briggs
Joshua Nelson
Joshua Riitano
Joyce Berman Brooks
Joyce Brooks
Judith Carpenter Rice
Judith Fillion
In honor of Christine Moore Wheatley '30
My mother Christine Moore Wheatley was a 1930 graduate as well as AAG Faculty member
Judith Giuliano
Judith Prividera
Judith Rogers
Judith Rogers
I hope my gift will be included in the Head of School Challenge to our Alumnae. I am class of 1953.
Judith Serling-Sturm
Justine Franklin
Katherine Pausley
Katrina VanDerzee Barr
In memory of Leslie Morgan Marvin '61
Keenan Nix
My alma mater will always have a special place in my heart.
Keenan Nix
Ken Hawkins
Ken Lyons
Kendall Drew
Kenneth Aufsesser
Kenneth Blass
Class of 76
Kenneth Hawkins
Kenneth Weafer
In honor of the Faculty, past and present
Kenneth Weafer
Kent Brown
Kent Jenkins
Kernan Oberting
Kevin Daniels
Kirk Harbinger
Kirk Leach
In memory of LTC Robert W. Leach
Kirsten Christianson
Kyle and Anna Flik
Laura Braunstein-Freiberg
Laura Hollander
Laura Rosenstock
Laura Sekellick
Lauree Hickok
Laurie Stein
Lawrence James
Lawrence Rosenstock
Lee and Donna Rosen
Lee Rosen
Leo Farley
In memory of Ross Kellas
Linda O'Connor Casertano
In memory of Dr. Claudia J. Lewis '74
Linda Pillsbury
Lindsay Li
In honor of Delia Blatner
Delia Blatner had just the right approach to teenage girls. She set a wonderful example of strength, kindness and humor that I will not forget.
Lindsay Li
Lisa Blue
Lisa Furlong
In memory of Classmates we have lost
Lisa Furlong
Lisa S Rome
Liz Feibusch
Liz G Friedland
Lucy Larner
Lucy Sandler
So grateful to have been an AAG N-12 grader and a graduate of this BEST school!!
Lydia Littlefield
Lynn Barhydt
Lynn Krouner Applebaum
In memory of Mary Carol Elmendorf '72
Lynne Kimball
Lynne Robbins Greene-Karlan
Madeleine Chao
MangHarry Mang
Marcia Dudden
Marcia Sutherland
Marcia Sutherland
In honor of AAG Class of 1962 and in memory of those classmates who are no longer with us in body but remain alive in our memories
Marcus Cavanagh
Marcus Cavanagh
Margaret Der Ohannesian
Margaret Hawn
Margaret King
I am a very proud alumna of AAG-
Margaret King
Margaret King
I love AAG- and all it means to so many. I am happy for our association with AA. Our 2 schools are tremendous institutions.
Margaret MacClarence
Margaret McGoldrick
Marie Paticopoulos Needham
Marion Harcourt
Mark '80 & Caroline Mayone '81 Distefano
Class of 2022 Senior Gift
Mark Attarian
Mark Lasch
Mark Murray
Mark Spiers
Mark Spiers
Martha Bedell
Martha Blackman
Martha Thomas
Martin Seligman Seligman
Mary Anito
Mary Bischoff
Mary Farley
In memory of Martha Decker - former teacher
I wish you hadn't given up AAG's charter - it was a sad day for the oldest girls' school in the country.
Mary Lou Hiatt
Mary McDonald Merriam
From the estate of Mary McDonald Merriam '49
Mary Muhlfelder Harowski
MaryAnn Hensley
Matt McCauley
Matthew Falvey
Matthew Murnane
Matthew Orenstein
Matthew Smalls
Meg MacClarence
Megan Hague
Megan Tucker Petersen
In memory of Amanda Morrison
Melinda Putney
Melissa Nigro
In honor of James G Hoehn MD
Melissa Pugliese
Meredith Gorman-Smith
Meredith Hartley
Michael Berkowitz
Michael Braun
Glad to pay it forward. Thanks for the challenge Chris.
Michael Call
Michael Casagrande
Michael Cooley
Michael Criscione
Michael D'Amelia
Michael D’Amelia
Michael Hirsh
Michael Kelley
Michael Maguire
Michael Marvin
Michael O'Brien
Michael Picotte
Michael Rome
Michael Rosen
Michaila Stevens
Mikas & Andrius Kulbis-Marino
Mimi Evans
In memory of William S. McEwan '30
Mo Ahmed
Mona Dudek
Morris Massry
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius D. Murray '62, P'99, '05, '06
Nancy Barhydt
Nancy Cohen Wekselbaum
Nancy Jones
In honor of Mrs. Sherry Putney
Nancy Jones
Nancy Meneely
Nathan Bruschi
Neerav Patel
Neil Brockwehl
Neil Johanning
Nicholas Conger
Nicholas Faso
Nicole Borisenok Krasodomski
Nicole Borisenok Krasodomski
Nicole Katz
Nikki Borisenok Krasodomski
Noel C. Zirpolo
Norman Dascher, Jr.
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dascher, Sr.
Oliver Tassinari
Pamela Carroll
Pamela Morgan Marvin
I think it's wonderful that the Head of School is making this donation in honor of Founders' Day.
Patrick Crowe
Paul Amedore
Paul Williamson
Peter Aufsesser
Peter Campito
Peter Grenfell
Peter Herman
Peter O'Keeffe
Peter Pfaff
Peter Pfaff
Peter Shields
Peter Spitalny
Peter Swire Swire
Peter Ten Eyck
Peter Trowbridge
Peter Trowbridge
Great education at AA. Always fond memories of the dedicated faculty, coaches and curriculum. 🏒🥅🏉⚾️
Peter and Jean Maloy
Petet Trowbridge
The Albany Academy forever.
Philip Kerr
Philip Picotte
Phyllis Kallman
Phyllis Lavine Berk
Pierce Ceci
Prentiss Carnell
R. Cannon Bailey
RIchard Weiss
Rajeev Balakrishna
Randy Peabody
Raymond Endres
Reginald Anadio
Richard Gray
Richard Ladd
Richard Laufer
Richard Schrade
Richard Ward
Rob Leonard
Robert Higgins
In honor of John Higgins '77, Patricia J. Higgins P'77, '79, '80, and John Jennings
Robert Jones
Robert Leonard
Robert Massimilian
Robert McCarthy
Robert McCarthy
60th Class Reunion!
Robert Morehouse
In memory of James B. Morehouse '48
Robert P Jones, Jr
Robert Pfenning
Robert Salzer
Robert Towse
Robin Cooley Krivanek
In memory of Mrs. Anne Gilbert Curtin '47
Robin Siskin
Robin Spitalny
Rolland Peacock
Rory Flaherty
Roy Myers
Russell Stevenson, III
Ruth Uchtman
S. Lyman Munson IV
It was great to be back for our 55th reunion with my wife Jocelyn and our son Sammy, Class of 2025 (Heathwood Hall Episcopal School in Columbia, SC). I was especially pleased that Sammy was able to shadow an Upper School day at the Academy, as he did five years ago as a fifth-grader. All of us listening to Chris Lauricella present his head-of-the-school address were interested to hear his thoughts regarding the future directions for single-gender education in a 2-campus environment. The times they are a-changin’ (always!).
Sadie Rinehimer
Sally Haddad
Sally Shannon Burkhart Haddad
Sam Kauffmann
In memory of Bruce Kauffmann
Samantha Miorin
Sandra D. O'Connor
Sara Noble
Sarah Arnold
Sarah Hawn
Sarah McLaughlin
Sarah Toledano
Satu Parikh
Scott Lamberson
Scott Steinhardt
Sean Barrett
Seford Olsen
Seth Polen
Seth Wander '02 and Hilary Sunkin Wander '02
Shirley French
Silvia Edmonds
Slade LedDuke
Stanley Miller
Stephanie (Bortis) Stoltzfus
Forever an Academy girl!
Stephanie Murray
Stephen Wallace
Stephen Young
Steve Ranney
Stewart Myers
Suraj & Emily Kunchala
Susan Earle
Susan Gibbons
Susan Green
Susan Krampitz
In honor of Mary Carol Elmendorf / Class of 1972
Susan McKay
In honor of AAG Class of 1972
Susan Rockmore
Susan Schreiber Hopkins
Susan Scofield
Susan Sneeringer
In honor of Our 50th Reunion in 2022
Susan Sneeringer
Suzanne Horn
Suzanne Walsh
Sven Edlund
Sven Edlund
In honor of Edna's W Edlund
Fund more scholarships to AA & AAG.
Sydney Jones
Sydney Jones, III
Taibeen Khandaker
I felt very old scrolling down to 1999. Please let us just type in our class year.
Ten Eyck Powell
The estate of Mary Gray Rosenfeld '43
Theodore Bouloukos
Theodore Bouloukos
In memory of Charles T. Bouloukos '49
Theresa Bronner
Thia Howard
Thomas Carrier
Thomas Evans
Thomas Frawley
Thomas Gordon
Thomas McDonough
Thomas R. Gordon
In honor of Bruce Kaufman
Most important influence in my formative years.
Tim DiStefano
Tim Harris
Tim Hinckley
Timothy Esmay
Timothy Steiner
Tom Barnet
Tom Besch
Tom David
Trudy Calabrese
Vicki Capel
Virginia Creighton
W MERRILL Sanderson
Walter Jones
Wayne Freihofer
Wayne Simpson
Wendy Gaylord
Wendy Muhlfelder
William A. Parks
William Cross
William Dorr
William Durden
William Kostun
In honor of Chase Connor Carter
William Pausley
William Samuels
William Serafin
In memory of Robert Olcott II '44 and Ernie Steck H'63, '77, P'77, '79
Wunderley Stauder
Zacchary Filanova
Zachary Kendall
Zachary Nelson
Zahirah Washington Mann
Allen schade
In honor of Walt Jaworski, class of 68
Amelia weir
Bruce barach
James D'Agostino
Jeff davidoff
Jennifer girvin
Jennifer girvin
In honor of Marcy Stevens Kimball
Linda carnell hlavacek
Margaret hawn
Steven rosenstein
Hail dear Academies, schools that we love.

Giving options

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100 gifts of $100 would fund $10,000 for needed equipment, resources, and technology like Chromebooks for classrooms.

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50 gifts of $500 would provide $25,000 in upgrades to the campus like new desks and painting classrooms.

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20 gifts of $2,500 would provide $50,000 for resources in the arts and athletic programs like lighting equipment for plays and maintaining the playing fields.

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Albany Academy
135 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208
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