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Anna Maria College

Paxton, MA

75th Anniversary Week of Giving

Week of Giving April 18-23 - $75,000 Board of Trustees Challenge for 575 gifts!

Bridget Leung-Rogala, Institutional Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (609)

All (609)
In honor of Molly Anne Bish
In the pursuit of social justice, may AMC support the search for truth and resolution in the unresolved cases of missing and murdered children and adults.
Adrianna Celeste
Ajani Parks
Alan Feltham
Alex Mowatt
Alice Lambert
Alicia E. Kerr
Allison Butler
Andrew Ethier
Andrew Klein
I want to see Coach Cox pay off that challenge!
Andrew Moore
Giving due to the persistence of Coach Burlas. Thanks Coach.
Anil Desai
Ann Carboneau
Ann LaPointe Krajewski
In memory of Sister Mary Rose Isabel, SSA
My aunt, Sister Mary Rose Isabel, was one of the Foundresses of Anna Maria College and the Marion Eagen for whom the Mondor/Eagen Library is named.
Ann Lavin Murphy
Ann Marie Mandeville
Ann Murphy
Ann O'Connell
Anne Dowen
Anne Durgin
Anne Gemme
Anne Marie Maynard
Anne Walsh
Annette Shaw
In memory of Carol Greenwood McGurn '61
Arlene Murray
Ashley Dickinson
Ashley Garcia
Ashley Gray
In honor of Thelma Rose
Ashley Rufo
August Bouveng
Bailey Nugent
Nice job!
Barbara Durost
In memory of Maureen Egan
Barbara Murphy
Barbara Seymour
Barbara Spugnardi
Barbara Warren
Bernadette Wyman
Betty Ann Warner
Beverly McKenna
Bill Hatten
Birgit Nelson
Bob Meomartino
I coached the Women’s basketball team for many years and was blessed to get to meet and coach so many wonderful young women and have so many great memories.
Bonnie Frederico
Brian Burlas
Brian Conrad
Brian Moody
Brian Richard
Brian Trefry
Briana-Allyn Amissah
Bridget Leung-Rogala
Brooke Brigham
Caleb Wu
Carol Andrus
Carol Clark
Carol Messina
Carol Vadenais
Carolyn Alzapiedi
Caryl Svendsen-Deiches
In honor of Samantha Deiches #19
Keep up the good work at Anna Maria College, we are proud of you!
Cassandra Micklesavage
Catie Verostick
Cecelia Fitzgerald
Cecile Quintal
Charlene Ferretti
Chayna Hendricks
Cherune Clewley
To help ensure Anna Maria is always educating future generations.
Cheryl Izyk
Cheryl Trimby
Chloe Giordano
Chris Lagasse
Christina Callahan Hayes
Christine & Donald Baril
Christine Cote
Christine Holmes
Christine Keenan
Christine LaRocco
Christine Lehane
Christine Martin
Thank you AMC for the opportunities you have given me!
Christopher Koretski
Proud to serve Anna Maria College on the Alumni Board and to continue to support this great Institution that I called home for 4 years!
Claire Lent
Claire Simpson
In honor of Esther's Dream
Claudette Rice
In honor of All deceased members of the class of 1971
Coach Mike Burlas Coach Paul Phillips Challenge
Go Team!
Colonel Ronald Senez
Constance Favreau
Constance Fugere
DJ Hager
Dan Briand
Dan McCarthy
Dan Mulrooney
Dan Mulrooney
Daniel Jachimczyk
Daniel Mulrooney
In honor of The AMCAT Football Alumni
Football Challenge was CRUSHED !! Great Work AMCAT NATION !! RING THE BELL & GO AMCATS
Danielle Abbott
Danielle Parisi
Happy to give back to a school that gave so much to me!
Dave Carboneau
Gramps wouldn’t leave me alone
Dave Flick
Dave Walker
David Gavin
David Trainor
David Warren
Deacon Joseph Baniukiewicz
Dean & Lynne Landry
Deborah Wolley
Great memories!
Dena Silvia
Denise Brogna
Denise Cross
Dennis Vanasse
Diandre Doble
Diane E Capone
Diane Miers
Dianne Cummings
Dino Tarquinio
In appreciation of the commitment to the advancement of the Baseball Program.
Donald Giguere
Donna Shepard
Donnie Shaw
Doris R Brodeur
In honor of The Sisters of St. Anne
I am grateful to the Sisters of Saint Anne and Anna Maria College. I was an undergraduate, later an Education Department Head, and now, Adjunct Faculty in Theology. Who could have guessed this full circle?
Doris Troy
Education, especially for first-generation students, is worthy of everyone's support.
Dorothy Erickson
Doug Jackson
Dr. Lawrence Sasso
Please consider donating to Anna Maria College softball team to help us raise money. Without your generous support, we would not be able to have the opportunities to prepare for greatness!
Drew Dalton
Drew Sinclair
Ed Sullivan
Edward Connor
I am so happy to support the wonderful work being done at Anna Maria College !!
Edward Gardella
Elaine Ann Coffey
For ALL that it has given me ...
Elaine Szul
Eleanor Wasilak
Elijah Allston
Elizabeth DeFeudis-Zelch
Elizabeth George
Elizabeth Lagasse
Elizabeth McDonough
Elizabeth Sabaj
Elzbieta Manos
Emily Kropo
Emily Randall
Emily Williamson
Eric Boll
Eric Braxton
Eric Glover
Go amcats
Eric Guglielmello
Eric Gustafson
Erik Hollick
Alumni support
Erline Provost
Ernest Brooks
Evan Dunlop
Evan Flick
Evelyn LaDuke
Evelyne Battle
Everett Pierce
Frank DeSantis
Frank Niotera
In honor of Jake Whitaker
Gage Garcia
Noah Vinci Donated
Gary Gaskin
Gary Guglielmello
George & Lisa Drosidis
Gerald Latham
Gerard Dio
Gerard Proulx
Gift Kalombo
Gina Carbone
Gina Tarolli
Gloria C. Carithers
Grace Fitzjurls
Grace Kotoski
Griselle Abarca
Guillaume Coulombe
Hannah Moody
Holly McHale
Great memories made on and off the court at AMC!
Horace Pollard
Hunter Pappas
Irene Irudayam
Irene McCormick
Isabella DeBlois
Ivonne Moore
J. Ginnity
In honor of Patrick Oroszko MBA 2005
Jack Burlas
Jack Sitzman
Jacqueline Howlett
James Bidwell
James DiReda
James Dodge
James Hall
James Hubert
James Johnson
James McNamara
Jane Ellen LaCroix
Janet Gemborys
Janet McCarthy
Janice Silva
Jarrod Marifiot
Jasmin Powers
Jay Curran
Jean Desto
Wonderful students, faculty, and staff!
Jeff & Melissa` Paulhus
In honor of Coach Phillips and Coach Burlas - The Greatest coaches I've ever had!!!
Jeff Lagarce
Jeff Padula
Go Amcats
Jeff lubin
Jeffre Donahue
Jennifer Klein
Jesse Limanek
Jessica Eckstrom
Jessica Miranda
Jessica Salles
Jessy Eugene
Jill Pellegrini
Jillian Zeena
Jim Raith
Joan Dorothy Hauri
Joan Metivier Bertrand
Joan-Beth Gow
Joanne Engel
Joanne Szlyk
Joe Brady
Week of Giving and the 75th Anniversary. The Anna Maria community is a special place. This entire year our entire community has shown that Anna Maria is truly a family during these unprecedented times.
Joe Gemelli
Joe Powers
In honor of Anna Mary Cannon Powers
Anna Maria gave me more than an education.
Joellen Andrews
John Delaney
John Foster, Jr.
John Kelly
John Lamothe
John Losapio
John Monahan
John Murray
John O’Malley
John Patraitis
John Pratico
John Reno
John Shliapa
Jonathan Hardy-Lavoie
Jordan Turner
Jose Gonsalves
Joseph D'Andrea
Joshua Alexander
Gotta help everyone live their best life
Joshua Alexander
Joshua Otero
Judith Medeiros
Julia Piscione
Julie Buck
Julie D'Andrea
Julie Ledoux Nolan
Justin McLeod
Karen Chelotti
In honor of Ryan Leary
Karen Healey
Karen Hubert
Karin Ciance
Karoline Ciance
Kasir Henry
Katherine Byrne-Begin
Kathleen & Michael Maresco
Kathleen Blake
Kathleen Davidson
Kathleen Gallagher
Kathleen Rowe
Kathryn Pisk
Kathy Derzius
Kay Flick
Kay and Dave Flick
Kayla McGrady
Kelly Champagne
Kerri Hassett
I am looking forward to you having a real volleyball season!!
Keturah Sbrega
Kevin Gilmore
Kevin Grey
Kevin Hayes
Kevin Kaufman
Kevin Smith
Happy to support this great school. Congrats on 75 years.
Kimberly Kennedy
I am a Trustee and since I joined the Board, I make annual gifts. Please consider this as such. Unfortunately, I cannot participate in the employer match this year as I am in the process of moving from one company to another. Thank you! Kim
Kristen Kaufman
Kylie Dalbec
LaWanda Manor
Lamar Wilkes
Laurence Aucella
Laurie Hickey
Lawrence Dziergas
Keep working hard on and off the ice.
Lawrence Ohs
Lenore Rust
Leocadia Pietrewicz
Leonita Bytyqi
Lesley Gustafson
I got my degrees there. I have fond memories.
Liam Stone
Linda Hamm
Linda Norman
Lisa Saverese
Lisa Summer
Music therapy graduates and program director celebrating the 2019 graduation (L to R): Kayla McBrien, Dr. Lisa Summer, Emily Hawley, Paul Schwarz
Lisa Williams
Litzy Torres
Liz Martin
Lizbeth Luna
Lloyd Hamm, Jr.
Lois Mason
Lorraine Bachand
Lorraine Cetto
In honor of Kathy Dorman
Lorraine Vrionis
Luid Frias
Lynn McCarthy Butler
In honor of Shawn Conway & Alumni Council
Thanks for all you do!
Makenzie O’Connor
Margaret Briand Como
Margaret Dieringer
Margaret Roffee
Margaret Zytkiewicz
Marguerite Houde
Marguerite Ranucci
Maria Acquaah
Maria Scandalito
Marian Purington
Marie Neulieb
Marie Remillard
Marie Remillard
In memory of Claire & Roland Remillard
Marilyn Atchue
Marilyn Markarian
Marisa Carbone
Marisa Phaneuf
Marjorie Ohs
Marjorie Sullivan
Marsha Lavoie
In honor of Meaghan Hardy-Lavoie (employee) and Jonathan Hardy-Lavoie (student)
Marta Smith
Martha Chiarchiaro
In honor of Joe Wilson, my academic advisor
Much of the success of my career is because of the foundational education I received from Anna Maria for my BA and MBA. I certainly benefited from the "school with the personal touch."
Martha Waite
Mary Ellen Kroll
Mary Faddick
Mary Fallon
Mary Joan Bellino Mastrangelo
Class of ‘71 celebrating our 50th anniversary the same year as AMC is celebrating the 75th anniversary!
Mary Lou Anderson
Mary Lou Retelle
All in for our 75th Anniversary! Thank you all for your support...
Mary Mcmahonchappell
In honor of Claire McMahon
Mary Moran
Mary O'Connell
Mary Ziccardi Farrell
Maryanne Stewart
Maryclare Forry
Matt Landry
Matthew Denham
Happy 75th!
Matthew Moquin
Matthew Waite
Maureen Caplette
Maureen Coghlin
Maureen Grandmont
Maureen Halley
It is my great pleasure to support Anna Maria College, an institution that has made -- and will continue to make -- a huge difference in the lives of many. Happy 75th Anniversary!
Maureen Havey
Maureen Siedlecki
Meaghan & Jonathan Hardy-Lavoie
Melissa Guglielmello
Melissa LaNeve
Melissa Whitaker
Go JAKE Whitaker and AMCAT Football
Michael Belmont
Michael Burlas
Michael Cox
Michael Cox
Women's Hockey supporters I know we can raise $500. Let's do this!
Michael Gerry
Michael Gerry
Michael Kelley
Michael Morgan
Michael and Brianne
Michele DeForest
Micheline Sonia
Michelle Randall-Berry
Happy 75th Anniversary to AMC!
Michelle Shea
Burlas/Phillips Challenge
Mik Smith
Mike Brunstetter
Mike Burlas & Paul Phillips
Mike Ofcarcik
Millie Zweir
Miriam Boaheng
Mona Heffernan
Nancy Charon
Nancy Connor
Nancy Donohue-Berthiaume
Nancy Dowd
Nancy Wegimont
Natalie Smith
Niamh Cote
Nicholas Pappas
Nicholas Rempp
Lets go AMC
Nick Lawrence
Nick Stagias
Nicole Beale
Noah Vinci
Noreen Christie
Olivia Leger
Onajeh Warden
Pam Brunelle
Pamela Cole
Pamela Graves
Pamela Sigel
Pat Manning
Patricia Lynch
Patricia Swistak
Patrick Kennedy
Patrick Teixeira
Patty Shaffer
Paul Ciance
Paul Lacava
Paul Phillips
Paul Vaccaro
Paula Jean Alexandrowicz
Paulette Bedard
Pauline Gagne
Pauline Zaleska
Peter Miller
Continued success under the leadership of President Retelle.
Priscilla Farnsworth
Help Anna Maria ensure educating future generations
Raissa Mapinduzi
Ray& Kathy Le Boeuf
Rebecca Colello
Go Jake 🏈
Regina Boisclair
Renee McCue-Hall
Renee Merolli
In memory of Elizabeth Merolli Gaddis (my daughter)
She also graduated from Anna Maria in Masters program.
Rich Rosen
Richard Braney
my time at AMC as both a student and an employee were memorable
Richard Carpenter, Jr
Richard Laracy
Richard Newton
Rick Arseneault
In honor of Jeffrey Paulhus (Fantastic son-in-law)
Go Lady Amcats
Riley Cote
Robert Atwood
My son Casey will be attending Anna Maria and playing football starting in September and our family has quickly come to care greatly about the people and the College!
Robert Carroll
Robert Desto
Robert Greiner
I am happy to support an institution that serves to create leaders who will improve societal values. Keep up the effort!
Robert Paulsen
Robert Pijewski
Rose Bellahalea
Keep up the good work
Rose DiPietro
Rose Nagelschmidt
Rose Young
Rosemary Foley
Ryan Warren
SSA Agnes Marie Hanks
SSA Ann Marie Boudreau
SSA Annette Bibeau
SSA Annette Boyer
SSA Barbara Flynn
SSA Betty Ann Giumond
SSA Carolyn Plante
SSA Constance Bayeur
SSA Diana Chasse
SSA Doreen Scott
SSA Elaine Caron
SSA Elaine Potvin
SSA Helene Chevrette
SSA Jacqueline Dubois
SSA Jacqueline LeBoeur
SSA Joyce Snyder
SSA Kateri Mitchell
SSA Marie-Judith Dupuy
SSA Mary Ellen Ward
SSA Michele Jacques
SSA Muriel Audette
SSA Norma Ethier
SSA Patricia Bassett
SSA Paulette Gardner
SSA Pauline Laurence
SSA Pauline Marcotte
SSA Pauline Weldon
SSA Rita Blais
SSA Rita Carrier
SSA Rita DeRoy
SSA Rollande Quintal
SSA Rose Robillard
SSA Therese Demers
SSA Therese Gosselin
SSA Therese Noury
SSA Yvette Beford
SSA Yvette Bellerose
SSA Yvette Dargy
Sabrina Carreira
Sabrina Liston
Sally Loman
Sam Cyr-LeDoux
Sam Dahill
Sam Jakana
Sam Mucho
Samantha Burgess
Samantha Tennaro
Sandra Duguay
Sandy Whitaker
Honor of freshman jake Whitaker.
Sarah Burt
Sarah Hall
Sarah Lathrop
For my AMCATS🏐🐾
Sarah pappas
Sean Mensah
In honor of The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA)
Sean Walsh
Serena Noinala
Serge DeBari
In honor of Mr Lenny Smith
Seth Zolda
Seth Donated!
Sharon Davenport
Sharon Mallach
Sharon Zenevitch
Wishing the ABSOLUTE BEST to ALL my former Field Hockey and Softball players — I’m truly blessed , grateful, and thankful for ALL your efforts — miss you guys !!!
Shawn Conrad
Shawn Conway
Let's meet the Burlas/Phillips Challenge!
Shawn Conway
1 donation closer to the Burlas/Phillips challenge
Shawn Conway
Let's finish off the Burlas/Phillips Challenge!
Shawn Conway
Shawn Conway
Even closer to the Burlas/Phillips Challenge being met
Shawn Davis
Shawn E Bracebridge
Shay Savoie
Sheila C. Koot
In memory of Jeanne Tetreault Gibbard
Sherri DiReda
Simran Jakhu
Srah Rowell
Stacey McCorison
In memory of John F. Kane
Stacy Lord
In memory of Joseph Charles Edward Lord
He was a man strong in his convictions, stronger in his belief in God, and a passion for instilling the importance of a great education. AMC was that for me many years ago (Class of 92'), and now my nephew is carrying on the tradition!
Stephanie Nichols
Stephanie Register
Go Amcats softball!
Stephen Hughes
Stephen Washkevich
Steve Dowling
Steve Yerdon
Steven Grenon
Go AMCATS Basketball
Suellen Beeman
Susan Harte
Susan Kelly
Susan Piqueira
I had many wonderful experiences at Anna Maria College and look at those four years as very formative in my life. I'm proud that the school continues to grow and build on its strengths. Happy 75th Anniversary!
Susan Trefry
Susan Wojtas
In honor of Sisters of St. Ann
Susana Garcia
Suzanne Barnicle
Swavaughn Small
Tabitha Franceschet
Tara Bond
Tara Nawrocki
Taylor Hoffstedt
Because Sammy asked me to
Terry Clark
The Knapp Family
In honor of Jake Whitaker
Always an Eagle in my mind! Way to represent...
Theresa Morin-Doyle
Therese Gerhardt
Thomas Beers
Thomas Cullinane
Tiara Smith
Tim O'Brien
Timothy Benison
Timothy Gillespie
Tina Robinson
Todd Matta
Tyler Benjamin
Tyler Bulinski
Tyler Lyewski
You are great
Tyler Pappas
Ursula Arello
Go AMCats!
Vathsana Marques
Victor Champagne
Victoria Hammond
Victoria Leger
Victoria Orlandi
Good luck!
Village House of Pizza Whitinsville, MA
Virginia Heslinga
AMC is a caring community that I am glad to support especially in this special anniversary year.
W. Lee Blackburn
Walter and Judith Lesiak
William Maradei
Wishing best of Luck to the Football Team - i miss the old days and hope we can have a winning season!!
William Sutherland
Yannoula ThAnas Ballassi
Yole Morocco-Foley
Yvette Pietrangelo
Zachary Lavoie
Elaine barbosa
keep up the good work
Gail drake
In honor of Marguerite B. Cole
AMC was a positive influence on my life. It gave me self-confidence and a wonderful campus in which to grow. and some great friendships.
Haylee walker
thanks gina
Michelle usenia
Our son, Jake Usenia is a freshmen pitcher. He loves baseball and we love to have him play for the Amcats and Coach Briand.
In honor of Kymani Pitter
Go amcats
Happy to be at AMC
Good work!
In honor of George Floyd
Anna Maria College has had a great impact on my life and career.

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