2017 Back-to-School Fundraiser
Alumni leaderboard
Update #1 - 7 years ago
Thanks to you — and 122 other donors — BookBooster reached its $9,000 goal this week! In the coming months, your donation will help provide 3,000 books for Bay Area students in need. We can’t thank you enough.
Next, we’ll work with FirstBook.org to identify the highest need schools in San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and San Jose. After we’ve identified recipient schools, BookBooster will award them Book Grants, and help principals, teachers and librarians purchase thousands of new books using the First Book Marketplace.
Posted on Friday, September 29th, 2017, 8:27 am HST
Through a partnership with nonprofit First Book, BookBooster awards Book Grants to under-resourced public schools in the Bay Area. For every $3 donated, a student in need receives a brand new book.
During the 2017-2018 school year, BookBooster will help provide thousands of new books to high-need schools in San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and San Jose. Read more about why BookBooster was started, and give today.