THANK YOU! Giving Day 2025 was a phenomenal success. We are so honored that 956 Brooksians showed their love for Brooks with a gift. Thanks to you, we exceeded our original goal of 750 donors AND our stretch goal of 850 donors. We also met 5 challenges, securing an extra $130,000 from our generous community. Together, we raised $550,523 for the Brooks Fund! We appreciate the outpouring of support for the people, places, and programs that define Brooks School. Thank you for believing in Brooks! Don’t worry if you missed Giving Day, you can still visit to make your annual donation to the Brooks Fund.
Supporters across the USA
Supporters across the World
Supporters (956)
All (956)
Aaron Hsu
Abbey Charlamb
Abby Dawson
Abby Foley
Abby Hooper
Abigail Keene Magni
Adam Rousmaniere
Adam Smith
Adam Ziady
Adam and Nichole Feldberg
Addy Clements
Adrienne Roberto
Aidan Daniell
Aiden Moschella
Al Sinsheimer
Alan Patterson
Alan Redden
Alec D'Orio
Alejandro Woelper
Alessandro Uzielli
Alex Logan
Alex and Sheila Konovalchik
Year 32 and it just keeps getting better...THANK YOU Brooks School!!
Alex bryan
Alexander Hodges
In honor of William Dunnel
Alexander Skinner
Alexander Zaldastani
Alexandra Abbott
Alexandra Marietti
Alexandra Villa
In honor of Jake Miller, class of 2010
Alexis Voss
Alf Naman
In honor of Jack ErbanStill so many memories of Brooks as if it was yesterday!
Alison Lawler
Allen Schirmer
Allen Segal
Allie Barry
Allison Arrigg
Allison Beauchesne
Allison Jackson
Aly Abou Eleinen
Amairani Farias
Amanda Bodnar
Amanda Kaplan
In honor of Taryn King
Amanda Monahan
Amanda Novelline
Amanda Ranahan
Amy Broadhead
Amy Hanson
Amy Wang
Our school is home to extraordinary educators who are deeply committed to nurturing and empowering every student.
AnaSofia Rivera
Ando Hixon
In honor of Ox Kingsbury
Andrea Heinze
Andres Hurwitz
Andrew Bruno
Andrew Campbell
Andrew Graham
Andrew Iferenta
Andrew Konovalchik
Andrew Martin
Andrew Sadowski
Andrew Stevens
Angela Cox
Anne Brady
2 grads who are thriving!!!
Anne Zaccaro
Annie McClelland
Anoosha Barua
Anthony Burnett
Anthony Karamourtopoulos
In memory of Jake Miller, class of 2010
Aron Xie
Asa Beach
Ashely and Jason Bernhard
In honor of John Packard
Ashley Houlihan
Happy birthday Dean J!!
Ashley Hutchinson O'Connor
The most meaningful educational experience of my life.
Ashley Johnston
Go Brooks!
Atlee Quarrier
Audrey & Phil Huffman
Grateful for everything the Brooks community offers for our son and all students.
Avery Asherman
Aybike CROTT
Babette Wheelden
Bailey Martignetti
Barry Lohan
Becca Cami
Ben Pettorelli
Ben Woolverton
Benjamin Clapp
Benjamin Thoron
Bernardo Camino Garcia
Bernie Cohen
Beth & David Jackson
Beth Athanasoulas
Beth Gibson
For giving my daughter life-long friendships and the best educational experience.
Beth Gostanian
Go Brooks!
Beverly and Robert Schwartz
Bill Davis
Bill McMahon
In honor of Patrick CroweLet’s go Brooks
Bill Perocchi
Billy Whelan
Bini and Eric Egertson
Blake Davis
Blakely Dimeo
Bob Bedrosian
Booth and Colleen Kyle
Bradford Pheeney
Brendan McDonough
Brendan Peck
Brenna Kelly
Brett Shanaman
Brian & Erin Cronin
Brian Flanagan
Brian Hemenway
Brooks has been such a great place for Drew not only in his academic and athletic experiences but the entire community as a whole. We are grateful for the opportunities Brooks continues to provide for Drew!
Brian Luti
Brianna O’Neill
Bridget Simmons
In honor of Jake Miller
Briggs Kilborne
Great School
Brigitte Gorham
Brin Ferrone
Go Brooks!
Britt Hart
Brittany Lonero Wray
Brittanye Mackey
In honor of Faye A. Mackey
Bruce Fleming
Buck Clay
CJ Smith
Cailly Carroll
Caitlin Tamposi
Caitlyn Ingram
Camden Greenwood
Candice McVeigh
In memory of Anna Trustey
Carl Berni
Carly Churchill
Carol Cascio
Carol Cooper
Carol Geremia
Carol Valianti
Carolina Rosas
Caroline Cutter
Caroline Golja
Caroline Hartel
In honor of Anna Trustey
Caroline Janney
Caroline Montgomery
Caroline O’Shea
Caroline Trustey
Casey O'Donnell
Casey O'Neill
Casey Pellerin Westguard
In memory of Jillian Booty ‘99
Catherine Truman
Catie Pennoyer
Chad Piacenti
Chapin Dobbins
this is for my mom 🦅
Chapin Yates
Charles Brisbane
Always hoping new grads will be as lucky as I have been.....forged in the Brooks experience.
Charles Cornish
I believe in Brooks, because Brooks believed in me, supported me, and challenged me. Brooks gave me a safe place to grow and learn to believe in me too.
Charles Cottingham
In honor of Breck Denny
Charles Eaton
Charles Howard
Charles Klosson
In memory of Brad Perkins and Chris Kauders
Charles Pyle
Charles Walbridge
In honor of Mr. Nick Evangelos, Rev. Isaac Northrup, Coach Steve PerocchiGreat people, great experiences!!
Charles Walworth
Always happy to help a great school!
Charlie Davies
Charlie Kelsey
Charlie Lotane
Charlotte Garcia
In honor of Jake Miller
Charlotte Marks
Charlotte McCoy
Chelsea Clater
Chelsey Bettencourt
Cheng Zhuang
Cherie Hendrickson
In honor of Taryn King
Cheryl Duckworth
Go Brooks. So grateful for the education and experience Brooks gave my kids.
Chloe Leonard
Chris Beck
Chris Beede
Chris Dias
Chris Pope
Chris Rorke
Chris Slaby
Chris and Sylvia Perry
Christian Garner
Christian McVey
In honor of John M. McVey
Christina Ittleson Smith
Christina Metzmaker
Christine Maturah
Christopher C Abbott
In honor of Form of 1975 50th Reunion
Christopher Farr
Christopher Mercurio
In memory of Breck Denny
Christopher Mueller-Smith
Christopher Rupp
Christopher Volk
Christopher Wood
Please keep working to improve the experience of girls of color at Brooks.
Cieu lan Seherr-Thoss
Cindy Giordano
For all the generous and amazing support now and into the future!
Claire Golden
Claire Trustey
Claire Ziady
Clifford Hughes
Clifford Irons
In memory of Jim Rousmaniere, Tony Driggs & Tom Swithenbank
Coe Eldredge
Cole Goodman
Colin Burlingham
Colin Killilea
Brooks is awesome!
Colin Lahiff
Connie Blanks
Connor Breen
Connor Hendrickson
Cosima Pavoncelli
Courtney McKechnie
Craig Gorton
Craig Ziady
Cristina Antelo
Dale Schlather
Class of 1975!! 50 years of friends.
Dan Binder
Daniel Doherty
Daniel Dwyer
Daniel Smith
Danielle Dellovo
Daphne Lerner
Dariel McDaniel
David Bouchard
In honor of Patrick Harrington
David Clairmont
David Cohen and Lauren Cohen
In memory of Robbie Moore '90
David Freeman
David Hyun
David Popowitz
David Torrisi
David W. Sinclair
In honor of Mike KingA kind man, accepting of the ways of people even when the positions of others were not preferred. Accepting of the difficulties of life, and celebrating the joys that come our way, too. He taught us how to hang in there and see it through.
David and Caroline Parks
David and Carter Rountree
Dawn and Barry Greenwood
Debbie Wane
Deborah DeGraw
Deborah Lynch
Delia Johnson
Delia Rissmiller
Dennis Woodriff
In honor of Mr Morse
Deok Filho
I believe in Brooks because it changed my life
Derek Missert
Derek Stanley
In honor of Taryn King
Derek Yamatani
Devin Sullivan
Diana Balekian
Din Blankenship
In memory of Taryn King
Don Rose
Donald Brewster
Doohyun Park
Douglas Pheeney
Drew Elliott
In honor of Taryn King
Drew Myers
Duncan Will
Dusty Richard
Dylan Steele
E. Thomas Cain
Eben Dooling
Ed and Abby Johnson
Elan Kapadis
Eleanor Logan
Elena Mandzhukova-Wamboldt
Elena and Hugo Foster
Eli Adams
Elisabeth McCoy
Eliza Barker
Eliza Sullivan
Eliza Wehrle
Elizabeth DeSimone
Elizabeth Forbes
Elizabeth Packard
Elizabeth Ries
Ella Dooling
Ellie Berry Sarro-Waite
Ellie Ries
Emerson Rogers
Emilie Pratt
Emily Begen
Emily Breakey
In memory of Taryn KingThank Brooks for giving me lifelong friendships!
Emily DiAngelo
Emily Powers Grimes
Emily Prud'homme
My Brooks friendships run deep, after 40+ years!
Emily Shoemaker
Emily Walker
Emily Williams
Emma Crockett
Emma Dawson
Emma Fleischman
Emma Goff
Emmet Janney
Emmy Hays
Eric Amoroso
Eric Shah
Brooks taught me so much about life. I want other kids to experience that as well.
Erica Parthum
Erik Anderson
Erik Shaughnessy
Erin Beach
Erin Gregg
Erin McCarthy
Erin Wholley
Ethan Johnson
Ethan Roy
Eubene Sa
Evan Merriam
Evelyn Nellum
F Wisner Murray
Farah DiPasquale
Felicia Cafua
For unforgettable memories like these…
Felicia Hercules
Fenix Wheelden
Fern Senior
Ford Family
Foster & Emefa Kahu
Go Brooks School
Francis and Min Nagle
Fred and Julie Northup
In honor of Josephine and Isaac Northup and Peter Rathbone
Frederick Hollings
Do it for the Gym!
Friends at School Year Abroad
In honor of John Packard, who is a former trustee of SYAAll of us at School Year Abroad are grateful for our partnership with Brooks! Hope this small gesture helps you meet your goals on your giving day.
Gabriella Garozzo
Gabriella Hillner
In honor of Jays 40th Birthday
Gage Dobbins and Ryan Dobbins
Gail Hamilton
Gail Sunderland
Gary Saunders
In memory of Those members of the class of 1973 who have passed
Gary Witherspoon
Gay Nylen
Geoffrey & Vicki Gold
Brooks continues to provide young people with the essential building blocks to succeed.
Geoffrey Fulgione
Geoffrey M Smith
George Nicholson
Gerry Brewster
Giada Musto
Gina Sauceda
Gina Vicente
Ginger Pearson
Ginger Perry
Glenn Stewart
Glenn White
Congrats class of 75 50 and a win repeat
Gordon Abbott
Grace Schoelkopf
Grant Moore
Gray Dobbins
Gregg Marston
Gregg Moore and Erin Collins-Moore
Greta Lundeberg
Grier Torrence
In honor of Mike King
Hadley Sosnoff
Hannah Landsberg
Harding Mason
In honor of Eric Baade
Harriet Eldredge-Hindy
In honor of Margaret Rolley
Harriet Lang
Harry Hawkings
Helen Bernhard
Henry Hagemann
Brooks is in a league by itself when compared to other schools that I attended!
Henry Wagner
Holger Schubert
Hollie Foley
Hong Jiang
Hugh Warren
Ian Davis
Ian Speliotis
In honor of Mubeen Khan
Ian and Vicky Davis
Iris Bonet
It was an amazing experience. Lifelong friends, amazing mentors, and a career I love. Thank you, Brooks!
Isabel Killilea
Isabella Timon
Isabelle Quarrier
J. Owen Schmidt
J.R. Urbon
JT Grainger
Jack Breen
Jack Frimet
Jack Greata
Jack O'Connell
Jackson Robbins
Jacob Andrus
Jacob Dunnell
Jacob Hesse
Jacqueline Desautels
Jacqueline Vieira
Jaime Humphrey
Jake Callahan
James Begen
James Finley
In honor of John G.G. Finley, class of 1942
James Gottfried
James Hamilton
James Knott
James Medeiros
James O’Connor
Go Brooks!!
James Redwine
James Saltonstall
James Sparkman
Jamie Munroe
Go Brooks!
Jamie Waters
Jane Lin
Jane Schlueter
Janet Smith
Jason Gold
Jay & Jeanne Gould
Jay Baldwin
Jay Brooks
Jay Ouk Lee
So many unforgettable memories at Brooks. Thank you Brooks!
Jeff Barrett
Principle driven school where people and excellence are imprinted on every community member.
Jeff Preston
Jeff and Belinda Gower
Jeffery Hudson
Jeffrey Berry
Jeffrey Kaplan
Jeffrey Longnecker
Jenelle Ries
We Believe in Brooks!
Jennie Macallister
Jennifer DiFranco
In honor of Kevin Breen
Jennifer Donahue
Jennifer Goodwin
Jennifer Jones
Jennifer ONeill
The opportunities Brooks gives students, and the support the school provides its employees, are transformational. I'm proud to be a small part of it. Go Brooks!
Jennifer Pagliuca
Jennifer Pettit
Jennifer Russell
Jennifer Strong and Robert Munger
Jennifer Walton
Jennifer Wilber
Jennifer Yuil-Steinberg
Close bonds and amazing friendships created at Brooks. Truly an everlasting experience.
Jenny Foraker
Jeremy Emch
Jess Kapadia
In honor of Maureen Perkins
Jesse McKallagat
Jessica Betts
Jessica Cohen
Jessica Duryea
Jessica Galica
Jia Jia
Keep up the good
Jill Bockmann
Jill Doherty Kendall
Jillian Maher
In honor of Eric Vachon❤️
Jillian and Naveed Ihsanullah
Jim Pettorelli
Jim Wellington
Jim and Linda Sanders
In honor of Will SandersThank you for all that you do!
Jo-Ann Bevis
Joanna McDonough
Joe & Gaelen Yannetti
John "Jack" McCune, Director of Security
My mother "Mary".
John & Claudia Cogan
In honor of The Reverend Timothy B. Cogan
John Barker
John Bowen
John Connolly and Leslie Connolly
John Cunningham
John Donahue
John Doyle
John Dupont
John Fritz
Go Brooks!!
John Gutkoski
John Han
Thank you Brooks!
John McVeigh
In memory of Jake Miller
John OKane
John Packard
John Tew
John and Bonnie Olsen
Jolie Tuozzolo Johnston
Jon Plexico
Jonathan Carafotes
Jonathan Clark
Jonathan Crocker
Jonathan Dean
In honor of Ruth Dean
Jonathan Filley
Jorey Hurley
Joseph Burns
In honor of Mark McCormickAn education that lasts a lifetime.
Joseph Malarney
Joseph Sherer
Josh Kirkman
Josh Wallace
Joshua Pacheco
Judith Beams
A Great school--love it! Very caring, challenging and innovative. John Packard an excellent leader
Julia Brennen
Julia DeMoulas
Julia Haley
No better place to learn, try new things, and connect with friends and teachers.
Julia Saravalle (Caffrey)
Julie Atwood Drake
Julie Clark
Julie Petralia Derderian and Christian Derderian
Justin Freeman
MY granddaughter is thrilled at Brooks with the professors, the options available, friends, and the beauty of the campus.
Kaitlyn Kreatz
Kamron Bradley
Kandace Kukas
KangWoo Lee
Go Brooks!
Karina Moltz
Karl Schwarz
Kate Coughlin
Kate Lombard
Kate Losee
Kate Packard
Kate Sullivan Edge
Katerina Sheerin
Katharine Sullivan
Katherine Mullaney
Katherine Saunders
Kathleen Tournas
Kathleen Weiss
Kathleen Yannetti
Kathryn Nightingale
Kathy Roche
Katie Barrow McGauley
Katie Decarlo
Katie Keating
In honor of Jack Keating, 1950I believe in Brooks because Brooks believed in me!
Katie Taylor
Kaylan Alderson
In honor of Taryn King
Keith & Attessa Bradley
Keith Barbera
Keith Wilcoxen
Kelly Sheehan Plaisted
In honor of Taryn King
Kelsey LaGross
Ken & Nelia Bixby
Ken and Maki Bara
Kendall Eddy
Kendall Ziady
Kenya Jones
Kerr Sjostrom
Kevin Breen
Let's go Class of 2001!
Kevin Crowley
Kevin Izzo
Kevin Jacobs
Kevin and Emma Hendrickson
Kihak Nam
Kim O'Neill Packard
Kim Pugh
In memory of Aunt Elaine
KimChi Vu
Kimberly Cratty
Let's go Brooks!
Kimberly Dobson
Kimberly Gallagher
Kris Leetavorn
Kristen Sullivan Joseph
Kristene Pierce
Kristin Homer -Small
In memory of Taryn L. King
Kristin Moody
Brooks School imparts meaningful lessons in school and for life, and I give for the people who share so much with the students each day!
Kyle Helfrich
Kyle Martin
LJ Harrington
In memory of Patrick J Harrington '82
Laila McCain
Go Brooks!
Lance Latham
Larissa Davis
Laura Hajdukiewicz
I'm a proud parent of 3 Brooks grads and a Brooks teacher - I am so happy to be a part of this community!
Laura Morris
Lauren Marquis
Lauren Marquis
I believe in Brooks because the community has given me such a warm welcome as a new employee! I'm proud to be a member of the Brooks team.
Lauren Young
In honor of Taryn King
Laurie Fabbo
In honor of Angela Fabbo
Lawrence Stuart
LeBlond Family
Leo Lafond
Leonard Richards
Leonard Wyeth
In honor of William Dunnell
Les Bernal
Lexi Caffrey
Liam Carey
Lila Leonard
Lillian Miller
In honor of Anna Trustey
Lily Niles Wagner
Lily Nuamah
Lily Pflaum
Lincoln Ying
Linda and Bruce Campbell
Lindsay Davis
Lindsay Wagner Turner
Lindsey Theriault
I am so grateful for my Brooks experience. Truly a beautiful place and community!
Lisa Bottomley
Lisa Mroczek
Go Brooks!
Lisa Petzold
Lisa Torrisi
Lloyd Dahmen
Lorenzo Johnson
Lori Petersen
Lori and Dean Charpentier
Go Brooks!!
Loubna Garozzo
Louis Clark
Lowell Abbott
Thanks to Brooks for the best friends!
Lucas Walsh
Lucinda Caldwell
Lucy Donahue
Lucy Verdone
Luke Ferrone
Love Brooks!
Luke Muther
Lydia Barker
Lynn (Ely) & P. Brooke Dixon
For the amazing experience that it provided both of us as students, and now for our daughter, Emme.
Lynne Jones
In honor of Packy and Mitchell JonesThank you for all you have and continue to do!
Maddy Dombal
Madison Dunn
Malcolm Stone
Marc Cooper
Marc Shaughnessy
Margaret Carey
Margaret Klein
Margaret and Ted Lyon
Margot and Gerry Pearce
Go Brooks!!
Maria Moeller
Mariel Gilbert
Mark DelGiudice
Mark Saba
Marshall Norton
Marshall Rogers
Martin Lingnau
Mary Adams
Mary Anne Wood
In honor of Elsa Wood and Hudson Wood
Mary Farrington
Mary Jo Carabatsos
Mary Merrill
Maryna Hajdukiewicz
Mathew Costantino
Mathias Tankersley
Matt & Jenny Carroll
Matt Geremia
In honor of Willie & Susanna Waters
Matt Maley
Matthew Lawton
Matthew Mues
Matthew O’Neill
Matthew and Allison Godoff
In honor of Brant, Trevor and Madison Abraham
Matty Nash
Max Charlamb
Max Nagel
Max Rand
Megan Malo
Meghan & Owen Nichols
Mehrdad Dehpanah
Brooks community is second to none..
Miao Xin
Michael Brightwell
Michael Burbank
Michael Dixon
In honor of Chuck JonesIn memory of Charles Jones ('94?)He Died in 2020, Just wanted to Remember him.
Michael Giampa
Michael Gibbens and Julie Lassonde
Michael Haskell
Michael Lobach
Michael Martignetti
Michael McCahill
good luck
Michael McDonough
Michael Misci
Michael Nahill
Bleed Green!!
Michael Porrazzo
Michael Reed
Michael Sheets
In honor of Tim Meyer
Michael Smith
Michael and Katie Bruno
In memory of Eric Vachon
Michele and Pascale Musto
Michelle Doran
Michelle St Cyr
Mike English
Mike and Dawn Puglia
Miles Cratty
Molly Alvino
Monique & Norbert Johnson
Monique and Norbert Johnson
Morgan Roberts
Nadine LeBranti
Nancy Perkins
Naomi Schlossberg
In memory of Jake Miller
Natalia LaLiberty
The life changing opportunities they offer.
Nate Smith
Nathan Gibeley
In honor of Alex Konovalchik
Nathaniel Geremia
Nathaniel Jackson
Nelson Holland
Nelson Tracey
Nicholas Konovalchik
Roll Bishops
Nicholas Mauritz
Nick Carabatsos
Nick Childs
In honor of Edith Nordblom
Nick Dias
Nick Li
Nick Miller
Nick Sumner
Nick Ziebarth
Nick and Sarah Potter
Nicole Kisner (Mills)
Nikolas Price
Nina Bowman
Nina Freeman
Noah Humphrey
Noah Rivera
Noelle Brussard Levis
Nordo Nissi IV
Norma Delaney
Brooks brings out the best in every student.
Oliver Harris
Oliver Parker
Olivia Johnson
Olivia Rivera
Ovidiu “Dan” Ilincaru
In memory of Dumitru Ilincaru“Ever Tried. Ever Failed. No matter. Try again . Fail again. Fail better.” Samuel Beckett
Owen Brown
Owen Rosenberger
Packy Jones
Brooks changed my life in all the best ways
Parke Spencer
Patricia Hebert
Brooks has been a great fit for our son. We are grateful for the education and friendships he has received in his short time at the school.
Patricia Mack
Great school and great students.
Patricia Wholley
In memory of Mary and Charles Dowd
Patrick Ahn
Patrick Foley
Patrick Lahey
Patrick McCoy
Patrick and Jen Sullivan
Paul & Liz Griffin
Paul Lazdowski
Paul Lee
Paul Minden
In honor of Eric Baade
Paul O'Neill
Peter Cross
Peter Doyle
Peter Field
Peter Kuechle
Peter Moccia
Peter Shaheen
Peter and Alanna Rathbone
Phillip Field
Phips Smith
In honor of Breck Denny
Phoebe Briggs
Phyllis Allen
Pierre Stroh
Porter Hovey
Praveen Tailam and Amrita Reddy
Quentin Warren
In honor of William Dunnell
Rachael Burke
In honor of Jake Miller
Rachel Saint-Firmin
Ralph Wolfendale
Randall Mayer
Randy Hart
Go Brooks!!!
Rayden Waweru
In honor of Preston SettlesHis memory will live forever Preston Settles ‘25
Raymond Janney
Rebecca Binder
Rebecca Murray
I believe in the amazing educators who fostered a love of learning and challenged us to be our best versions.
Rebecca Poulo
Reed Bundy
Renee Anderson Bertos
Truly the best place for your high school years!
Renuka Singh
Rich Carroll
Rich Plum
Richard A Farrer
I believe in Brooks because of what the school stands for.... higher education, connections that are made last forever, and a campus unlike I have ever seen.
Richard Jenkins
Richard Moynihan
Richard Nissi
Richard Payson
Riley Baker
Rob Bromley
Rob MacColl
Robert Bonnie
Robert Davis
Robert Edmunds
In the memory of Steve Bowers '83
Robert Kelley
Robert Tamilio
Robert Walker
In memory of Frank D. Ashburn and F. Fessenden Wilder
Robin Malouf
Thank you to Brooks for everything you have done for our kids!
Rodney Rowland
Rodrigo Jimenez
Rory McCain
So happy our daughter is able to teach at this great school... love Brooks!
Rose Murphy
Roy Yang
Roz Mays
Rudy Dicks
In memory of Charlie Coxe '70
Russell Bingham
Ryan Beltramini
Ryan Kelleher
Ryan Kizielewicz
Ryan Riffe
SEAN Nagle
Let's go '85!!!!!!!!
Sajith & Meera Vijayan
Sakkanon Chirathivat
Sally Milliken
I give every year in support of the amazing faculty who go above and beyond every single day. They did when I was a student and they still do.
Sam Milbury
Sam Oblak
Samuel Eisenman
Sang Woong Choi and Nam Yeon Kim
Sara Bird
Sara Sheckells
Brooks has been the perfect fit for our student!
Sarah Atwood
Sarah Crockett
Sarah Fleischman
Sarah Freeman
I’ll always look back on my time at Brooks with love!
Sarah Martin
Sarah Shepard McGuinness
Sarah Spollett
Sarah Visagie
Sarah Wilkinson
Sarah Wolfgang
Sasha Weinreich
Sathvik Sudireddy
Scott Rennie
Scott Salazar (Hendrickson)
Scott Thoms
Sean Leonard
Seho Min
Semin Chung
Serenity Benjavitvilai
Seth Reilly
Shana Greene
Shane King
Shane Maguire
Shawn Hayden
Go class of 1975!
Shelley Grant
Shuiyan Zhu
Shujin Liu
Shumi Hisamura
In honor of Jill Booty
Skip Flinn
Stacey Moore
Stacey White
Stacy Leonard
Steph Holmes
Stephanie Kacoyanis
Stephanie Savarese
Stephanie Wilson
Stephen Jay
Sterling Doster
Steve and Adrienne Principe
Steve and Tanya Oblak
Steven Domoracki
Steven Gorham
Steven Ives
Stow Walker
In honor of Daniel And Rob Walker
Sung Hwan Hong
Thank you!
Susan Ludi
Susan McSwain
Susan and John Haile
Susanna Waters
Always in my heart, I love you Brooks!!
Suzanne Falcon
Sylvia Marks
T. Parker Gallagher
In memory of Peter T Nicholson
TJ Howley
Tate Moody
Taylor DiGloria
Ted Lord
Terrence Ronan
In honor of The Three Amigos Nicholas J. Evangelos, William K. Poirot and Leonard S. Perkins
Thayer Frechette
Thayer McClintock
The Shovan Family
In memory of E. Graham Ward, William W. Dunnell, Jacob Dunnell
The rev Mark K J Robinson
In honor of Brad perkins'74
Thom Ingram
In honor of Naomi Pardo
Thomas Barr
Thomas Burgess
In honor of Bart Burgess
Thomas Caron
Thomas Killilea
Thomas O'Connell
Thomas Phipps
Thomas Walker
Tianshu Wang
In honor of John PackardThank you Mr. Packard for serving the Brooks School for so long and for being an inspiring, insightful, and inclusive headmaster!
Tiffin Tebodo
Tiger Zengyi Li
Tim Benson
Tim Coburn
In honor of Great Uncle Tim Coburn
Timothy Ives
Timothy McCoy
Tobias Dean
In honor of William DunnellI learned a lot about thinking and writing
Todd Hanna
Tom Mullarkey
Tonia Chu and Tong Wen
Torie von Alt
Tory Brainard
Tory Trotsky (Gardiner)
Tote and Kathy Smith
Trippe Duke
Trish Anderson Sherman
Tuey and Kiki Connell
Tyler Bodette
Tyler Finnegan
Tyler Powell
Valentine Hollingsworth
Vandy Woods Boudreau
Victoria Gribbell
Vivian Ng
Walter Demers
Walter Raleigh, Jr.
Wendy Cutler
Wendy Petersen
Wendy Witherspoon
In honor of Willard Witherspoon c/o 1969For without him Gary and I wouldn’t have been able to have had the opportunity to even think about a place like Brooks…
Wendy Witherspoon
Brooks is near and dear to me. I met one of my best friends here. I hope it continues to be that for many others in the future.
Wes Bernier
Wickie Rowland
Will Adie
Will Stockwell
William Booth
William Collier
William Ferris
Brooks transformed my life in more ways than I can count. My years there are a gift that continues to enrich my world and for which I am forever grateful.
William Haughton
In memory of Kurt Muther
William Nahill
William Ray
William Werner
Willie Waters
I believe in Brooks because it is where I formed lasting relationships that helped shape my life. From my friends, teachers, coaches, and mentors to the students, players, dorm residents, and advisees that I had the privilege of meeting on that beautiful campus, they all had a major impact on me."
Win Franke
Win allen
Xueting Gong
Yi Zheng
Yuhan Dong
My son George Gao loves brooks community.
Yuyuan (Victoria) Liu
Zac Gordon
Zach Amato
Zahid Rathore
In honor of Alexi Whitney
Zeke Cohen
Abigail harris
Circe dunnell
Coley collins
Connor galligan
Elizabeth morse
George reithoffer
John hooker
Mary robbins
Michael foresta
Peter mclaughlin
Peter stephaich
Tracy kinney
Weld butler
50th? ouch!
Zhe liu
Wishing the Brooks community continued success and prosperity
Zhe liu
Wishing the Brooks community continued success and prosperity
In memory of Robby Moore '90
My best educational experience both getting, giving and for my daughter!
In honor of George Whitney ‘96
In memory of Jake Miller
In honor of Kurt Muther '02Given in loving memory of Kurt Muther who is sorely missed by all of us from the class of 2002.
In honor of Brooksians who also participated in SYA!
In honor of WWD
In honor of Jillian Booty 99'
Supporting the most meaningful education we will have in our lives.
Thank you Brooks team for creating such a wonderful experience and environment for our kids! We appreciate all of your efforts!