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Cardinal Hayes High School

Bronx, NY

The Stephen L. Moor Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is in memory of Stephen L. Moor ‘72 who passed away in 2024.

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George Dawson Jr., Director of Alumni Engagement

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Alex Cuesta
Andrew DeMarco
In memory of a friend and classmate Steve Moor and all the deceased members of the Class of '72
Billy Hill
Love you, miss you my friend
Bob Criscuolo
In honor of Mount Class of 72
Mount Class of 72 honors our our Hayes brothers who so valiantly competed on the court and field of play
Bob McCord
Mount St Michael class of 1972
Bobby Santini
Mount '72
Christopher Combe
In honor of Steve Moor
Denis Ponte
In honor of Stephen Moor Class of 1972
Dennis McNulty
Edward King
In honor of Ed Robinson
As manager of football and basketball from ‘72-‘74 I am honored to support student athletes of Hayes. Rest in peace Mr. Robinson, an excellent teacher.
James Buckley
James McKinley
In memory of Steve and our fellow classmates who have passed. May all rest in peace.
Joe and Carl patrnchak
In honor of Steven Moor
Steve, Rest in Peace. Oure Brother in the Bond. Joe and Carl Patrnchak
John DeBenedetti
In memory of In memory of Steve Moor...RIP Steve
John Healy
In honor of Steve Moor
I was a classmate. Sorry we didn't keep in touch better. I was the editor of the yearbook so I recognize all the pictures that were posted. On to the next big game Steve! Thoughts and prayers with his family and close friends.
John Ranieri
To a good friend, classmate and teammate. RIP Steve.
Kevin Jenkins
Steve was not only a great athlete and friend but a wonderful human being. Steve was one of the most modest men I have ever met. He is with the angels.
Lawrence Duignan
RIP Steve
Louis Giannini
In honor of Mount Saint Michael - Class of 1972
Steve Moor -Great competitior - All City Teamate Lou Giannini - Mount Saint Michael - Class Of 1972
Matt Kilcullen
In honor of a terrific Hayesman, RIP Steve🙏
Michael Leal
Patrick Ryan
Robert Hanna
Miss you dearly my friend may your legacy live on.
Sam Locatelli
RIP, Steve...
Stephen Richter
In honor of Steve Moor
Rest in peace
Stephen Youlios
In honor of Stephen Moor
Thank you for 50 years of memories
Thomas Diffily
RIP to one of the very best! Mount '72
Tim Rehm Mount 72'
RIP Steve - It was an honor and pleasure to know you!
Victor Fontana
Rest in peace Steve
William VAN RIPER III, Mount ‘72
Rivals but friends. Mt. St. Michael Academy, Bronx, NY
John meekins
Joseph patrnchak
In honor of Steven Moor
Steve. Rest in Peace Our Brother in the Bond!
Randy marash
In honor of Class of 1972
In memory of Steve Moor and all departed members of the Class of 1972.
RIP Steve. You were the best of us!
William marengo
In memory of Steve Moore

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Cardinal Hayes High School
650 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451
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