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Cardinal Hayes High School

Bronx, NY

2024 Hayesmen Rising!

The strength of the Hayes community shines through in the support of Hayes Giving Day. Alumni and friends, near and far, generously donate online and their companies provide Matching Gifts!

Join us for 24 hours of giving back to Hayes! Share your testimonials on how Hayes changed the trajectory of your life and encourage current Hayesmen to continue to rise up and achieve their goals!

raised of $650,000 goal
George Dawson Jr., Director of Alumni & Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (632)

All (632)
The fact that I was able to go to and graduate from Cardinal Hayes High School when my parents could lease afford to, and gained an excellent education that afforded me the opportunity to excel later in life personally and professionally. Thank you.
Al Groh
Albert T. DeQuinzio
Alexander J. McManus
Alexander and Jane Abela
Alfred Manganiello
In memory of Dwight doscher
For my college friend dwight Doscher who recently passed in December and has requested donations to his high School for his remembrance
Alfred R. Genkinger
Alfred Verlizzo
Alice McCafferty
In honor of Dwight Doscher ‘69
Alphonso Ibrahim
Amanda McNamara
Amy Hosseinbukus
Andre Zmurek
Andrea Olivera
Andrew Darryl McGee
Andrew DeMarco
Andrew Heaton
In honor of John “Jack” Hoare ‘63 and Nicholas “Nick” Contino ‘63
Cardinal Hayes was the foundation of my knowledge and faith.
Andrew Orlando
Andrew Potash
Angela T. Soccodato
Angelo J. Defilippo
Angelo M. Rollo
Ann Henry
Ann Tobin
Annalisa Weigand
Anne Sonnick
Anne Wynne
Anthony A. Campbell
In honor of Estela Campbell
Anthony A. Colangelo
Anthony Albano
Anthony Amalfitano
Beat the Mount football 🏈 rallies and games
Anthony Angilletta
In honor of Stephen L. Moor - for the Football Program
Anthony Baez
Anthony Breidenbach
Anthony Camello
Cardinal Hayes H.S. is a great school. I recall my many teachers, particularly Fr. Harry Heck who was my Physics teacher and inspired me to succeed in my chosen field of Engineering. Up Hayes and All It's Loyal Men!
Anthony Cerrato
Anthony F. Farrugia
Anthony J. Grassia
Anthony Montaruli
Anthony N. Corvelli
Anthony Naclerio
Anthony P. Cavanna
Anthony R. Moschetta
Anthony T. Rusciano
Anthony Vitale
Antonio Mojica
Up Hayes!
Antonio Seda
In honor of All amazing stewards and faculty during my years at Hayes
Arnold J. Miller
Arthur Corvo
Arthur DiSalvo
Arthur F. Strehle
Arthur J. Crowley
Arthur J. Mella
Augustine A. Capasso
Barbara Minihan
Barbara Stevens
Barry J. McCallion
Barry Kakos
Bartley F. Livolsi
Benedict De Bellis
Benedict T. Phillips
Benjamin Leopold
Benjamin Mathews
Benjamin Matthews
Beth & Gerry Wagner
In memory of Dwight Doscher
Betty Betz
Bill & Pam Howard
Bill Kelleher
all of the friends I made and Fr Brady, my History teacher.
Bob Triscari
Boston Scientific
Brendan Duffy
Dream Big- Brendan Duffy -the Sleep Coach!
Brendan J. Clarke
Brendan Murphy
Brendan O'Connor
Brendan T. Linehan
Brian Fitzpatrick
Just being a HAYESMAN
Brian Hunt
Brian Lynch
Brian P. Fox
Bright Funds
Bright Funds
Bruce Carlson
Bruce J. Pollack
Bruce P. Puleo
Camille Tanzella
Carl M. Schuh
Carl R. Bruckmann
Carl Savoia
In honor of Deseased Classmates of 1962
Living the life in St Augustine Florida.
Carlo Bracci
Carlo Bracci
GRADUATING FROM New yorks cathederal;
Carlos M. Antolin
Carlos Maldonado
Carlos Rivera
Carmine J. Coscia
Carmine Versaci
Great Education Atmosphere !!!
Carol & Joey Tito
Carol Distefano
Caroline Golja
Carrie and Joseph Sindelar
In memory of John James Butler
Cas F. Stark
Catherine Kennedy and Vatherine Weber
Celeste Hughes
In honor of Fr. Tierney, Mrs. Fraleigh and Mr. Joseph
Charles Antwine
Charles Genna
Charles J. Hoffarth
Charles L. Martin
Charles P. Guarracino
Children's Aid Society
Chris Brauer
Some of the best friends till this day. Beat the Mount!
Christina R Flatley
In honor of Thomas J. Flatley, '46 and Chris R. Flatley
Christopher Angrisani
Christopher D. Morley
Christopher J. Mattura
Christopher Jimenez
Christopher Roduit
Church Of The Sacred Heart
Claudia Mayer
Cody Kuenseler
Col. Patrick McDonald USMCR (Ret)
Colin Flynn
Up Hayes !!! From Colin Flynn FP Class of 2007 - AMDG - in memory of Nana, Alex, Poppa, Poppa, Aunty Jo, Michael, Colin, Andre, Chris , Eleanor, Peggy, Bernie, Det Sullivan, Mr Moore, Steffi’s Mum, Mrs Bragaglia - GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Colin Watters
Concetta Angelino
Cornelius J. Higgins
Cornelius O'Leary
great education. Went from Hayes to USN (submarines) for four years, then Manhattan College and finally NYU grad business school.
Cornelius O'Leary
Courtney Moss
CrossBay Capital Parnters CrossBay Capital Partners
In memory of John James Butler
making baseball team coached by BILL KRIWICKI
Up Hayes And ALL It's Loyal Men!!!
Dan & Nancy Moss
Dan Evans
Go Hayes!
Daniel A. Sloan
Daniel Barile
Special Appeal -- "Close the Gap" for prospective Fall 2024 Hayes freshmen
Daniel Barile
Up Hayes!
Daniel Briscoe
Still a great school. Fond memories of the great ice cream sodas in the cafeteria and the crew in the camera club
Daniel Briscoe
e-mail contact only
Daniel Evans
Great friends/classmates and faculty/staff
Daniel J. Cosgrove
Daniel J. Harris
Daniel J. Spigai
Daniel Keenan
Daniel M. Henn
Daniel McKinney
Daniel Meyer
Daniel and Susan Cronin
Dante J. Cenci
Darnley E. Beckles
David P. Bray
David Almeida
David Lopez
David Reyes
David Romano
David Romano
Stage Crew & Manager (1953-56).
Deacon Sandy Sites
Playing trumpet in the band out front when Pope Pius VI stopped in front of the school on his way to Yankee Stadium to say mass
Deborah Wynne
Denis K. O'Connor
Denis McCann
Denis McCool
In memory of Jim Montoux Alumni 1977
Making great friends and playing hockey for Cardinal Hayes are my best memories. Teachers recognizing I needed a nudge in the right direction to stay out of trouble and get my work done. Cardinal Hayes is a very special school where you will learn to be a better person and a compassionate and positive member of society.
Denis P. Healy
Denise Christopher
Dennis Conroy
Dennis Donofrio
Dennis J. Conroy
Dennis J. Murphy
Dennis Milone
Dennis O'Connor
Dennis Panzer
Beat the Mount
Deryk Gilmore
Desmond J. Lawe
Dianne Franco
Dolores McCormick
Domenico Ciaccia
Don & Joan Roberts
Don DeLillo
Donald J. Bane
Donald M. Morgenstern
Donald McIntosh
Donald Napoli
Donald P. Grasso
Donald Senkewicz
Donald V. Almeida
Donna Sullivan
In honor of Joseph P Sullivan ‘53
My husband had all fond memories of his Cardinal Hayes experience. He was a faithful supporter.
Doug & Dorothy Machovic
Douglas Andrew
Douglas Feniello
Douglas M. Butler
Douglas Sanchez
Dr. Carlos J. Rivera
Dr. Clement DeMasi
Dr. Leo Pisculli
Dr. Nicholas Burriesci
Drydee and Dwight Stephens
In memory of John Williamson
Dwight Doscher
In honor of Class of 65
Beating Mount on Thanksgiving
In honor of Fr. Joseph O’Keefe
Thank you, Fr. Joe, for your commitment to St Luke’s Parish, to Cardinal Hayes, and to me!
EJ vellone
Ed Mcdonald
Edmund J. Hillery
Edward A. Hartmann
Edward Baranowski
Edward Baranowski
In honor of Father Harry Heck & Brother Alan Doerr
Go Hayes!!!!
Edward Fazioli
In memory of John Williamson Class of 1960
Edward Gillespie
Edward Gilmartin
Edward J. Farrell
Edward J. McEneney
In honor of Tom Grant, 1949
Tom Grant made sure every one know Cardinal Hayes High School is the best. He was a good friend and went out of his way help people.
Edward J. McEneney
In honor of Thomas Grant
Tom Grant was totally committed to Cardinal Hayes.
Edward J. Piwowar
Edward J. Rinaldi
Edward J. Tobin
Edward King
Congratulations to Hayes Football !
Edward King
Was football and basketball manager for three years
Edward P. Kenny
Edward R. Smith
Edward W. Santangelo
Edward Welch
In honor of John Quinn
Edward Welch
Edwin J. Johnston
Edwin Johnston
Great education. Jabo turned us the right way!
Edwin Mercado
Up Hayes!
Efrain Alvarado
Eileen C. Cupertino
Elaine Cunnane
Elias Abud Mechanical Technologies
Elisa Istueta
Elizabeth Hendler
Elizabeth Pizzuti
Elizabeth Tausz
Ellen M. McNally
Elwin Ford
Elwin Ford
Beating Mount and going to the Penn Relays
Emile J. Deveau
Emily J. Napolitano
Eric C. Theiner
Erle Ladson
In honor of Erle Ladson Sr
Up Hayes & All It’s Loyal Men
Ernest Gisolfi
Ernest- Rall
Eugene J. Miller
Eugene K. Cronin
Eugene McCormick
Eugene OCallaghan
Eugene P. Newburg
Eugene Sullivan
Eugene Sullivan
Evan McElroy
Shout out to Bobby Forrest, Tommy Carroll, Joe Lomascolo, Mark Germaine, Ray Cassidy (all '70), and all the members of the Hayes Concert and Marching Band and The Challenger!
Father Jack Cryan
In honor of Brother Arnold, CFX --Brother J Robert Holihan
Francis A. Sheridan
Francis C. Reehill
Francis Dorsey
Being on the swim team all four years. Getting 98 on World History Regents.
Francis Gildea
In memory of Fr. Edmond Totten and Br. Venardb
Francis Guerriero
Francis Kalten
Francis P. McGowan
Francis P. Purcell
Francis V. Paone
Francis W. Fleming
Francis lammers
In memory of Grandson Frankie Lammers
The spirit of all my classmates
Franco Mormando
In memory of Fr. Francis Principe
I received a solid education at Hayes, in a tranquil, orderly, well-run environment, which was a vital stepping stone to my future academic and career success
Francois Rivera
Frank & Chrissy Celletti
Frank Boughner
Up Hayes to all of our young Hayesmen out there. I know that our future is bright and our Alumni Association is going to always have our brethren in our giving plans!! 1990 Reunion soon for 35 years!
Frank Houston
Frank J. Dulmovitz
Frank J. Iamarino
Frank M. Slater
Frank Maddalena
Class with Father Totten was always entertaining.
Frank Magdits
In honor of Magdalen (Magdits) Janny
Frank Magdits
Frank P. Palazzo
Frank S. Bencivenga
Frank Sardo
Frank Vignali
Franklin E. White
Fred Michaels
Fred Owens
Fred V. Tola
Frederick B. Casey
Frederick Keller
Frederick T. Leute
Gary M. Crowley
Gary Roth
In honor of Our School
Preparing men for the rest of their life
George E. Di Russo
George F. Cotter
George J. Giersch
George J. Mazzarella
George J. Salamon
George Powell
George Scheidemann
George W. McQueen
George W. Murphy
George W. Scheidemann
Gerald J. Finnegan
Gerald M. Loughlin
Gerald T. Lowenwirth
Gerard "Rod" Walsh
In honor of Evelyn Ruth Walsh
Without Hayes I might not have been successful. Thank you, Hayes, and thank you, Mom.
Gerard Drumm
In memory of Henry Tobin Drumm
Gerard Drumm
In memory of Beatrice Lammlein
Gerard F. Moss
Gerard Heubel
Gerard Walsh
In honor of Evelyn Ruth Walsh
I was afraid that Monsignor Jablonski (Jabbo) would think I needed a haircut. As he would say "need." And, that meant you attended silent Jug the next Saturday morning. May he rest in peace.
Gilbert Ortiz
Jabbo waiting at the side entrance every morning to catch late comers.
Glenn Russo
Glenn Staub
Gregory A. Gorges
Gregory G. Rapawy
Gregory Puchalski
Gustav A. Carle
Harold M. Melnichuk
Heather Brown
Hector Agostini
Hector Arocena
Hector Jimenez
In honor of Ana Sanchez PIF Scholarship Cycle 1
Helen Walsh
In honor of James F. Walsh - class of '54
Henry J. Anderson
Henry Soto
Hilda Macejka
In memory of John Macejka '52
Hugh C. Mordecai
Hugh F. McCay
Hugh Greiner
Hugh J. Gallagher
Hugh Lennon
Being a member of the 1962 Baseball Team
Hugh Malloy
Hunts Point Alliance
Ian Leibowitz
Irma McDarby
In honor of John G. McDarby
Ivana M. Washington
J. James Lewis
J. Timothy Shea
Caring, disciplined faculty especially when they were sharing principles I did not care for at the time but value beyond measure now.
Jack A. Jaimes
James A. Hernandez
James Bowler
James Capuano
Father Totten's tough encouragement (4K)
James Connors
James Corbalis
James Cowan
James Creighton
James D. Wynne
James Dougherty
James E. Tolan
James F. Gannon
James Guerci
James Hartnett
James Hill
Jug. Spent a lot of time there building character. And I spent less time on the track because I was too fast.
James J. Creighton
James J. Dougherty
James J. Edmonds
James J. Hick
James J. Keane
James J. Raymer
In honor of The 4 Young Hayesmen who won the in class Stock Challenge
James Kenny
James Kiernan
I was thrilled to be able to join the Hayes Swing band, or as it was called then "The Social Orchestra". Many fond memories came of it and great friendships were formed.
James LaPerche
James M. McNamara
James McCauley
James McCullough
James McKinley
Lunch. Although we had little time to eat, I always found enough for a piece of chocolate cake. Still the best.
James N. Guerci
James P. Connors
James P. Hynes
James P. Nash
James S. Johnson
James T. Emerson
James W. Tobin
James W. Wray
Janet Canepa
Janice Lenihan
Jason G. Olivo
Jason Torres
Jean Lavin
In honor of James Peter Lavin
In memory of James P. Lavin
My father was proud to be from The Bronx and a Hayes Man - 1957. He passed away this year and this is in honor of him. He spoke of "Jabo" often over the years...and the George Carlin tape of him toasting the Dean of Discipline on his retirement made my father laugh more than anything else. Many fond memories
Jean W. Herlihy
Jeans Santana
In honor of Ana B. Pimentel
Jeffrey Boone
Jeffrey Walker
Cardinal Hayes means the world to me as my education foundation was further strengthened and contributed to where I am professionally. In addition, the brotherhood of men I developed in my fours years there still exists. Up Hayes and all its LOYAL MEN...
Jeremiah T. Murphy
Jermie Cozart
Jerome P. Coleman
Jim P. Walsh
Jim Walsh
In honor of Bill Hourigan and John Timoney
Joan Carmody
In memory of My husband Bart D. Carmody, Hayes '57
Joan Carmody
Joe Ciliano
Joe Lomascolo
Up Hayes and All Its Loyal Men! Proud to be a Class of 1970 Alum!
Joe Lomascolo
Up Hayes! Beat Iona Prep!🏈
Joel Barczak
John A. McGuire
John A. Rahilly
John B. Prevedello
John B. Zurell
John Bivona
John Bivona
In memory of Ignatius Russo Alesi
John Buckley
John C. McIlwee
John Calvo
John Cebollero
John Cifu
John Clyne
John Coyne
John Crapanzano
John Cutter
John D. Babyak
John D. and Catherine C. McMahon
John Dalton
Up Hayes and all it's loyal men
John Dalton
John E. Hogan
John E. Lennon
John E. McCarthy
John F. Daly
John F. Fallon
John F. Flynn
John Flocco
Up Hayes
John G. Rossi
John Gearity
John Graviano
John H. Reape
John Harvey
The teachers and my classmates and the swimming team
John Healy
Almost too many to list. Editing the yearbook, working in the camera club darkroom, just to name 2.
John J. Browne
John J. Crapanzano
John J. Cullen
John J. Delionado
John J. Doyle
John J. Gleeson
John J. Grosso
John J. Hannigan
John J. Hayes
John J. Hill
John J. McLaughlin
John J. Randolph
John Jaeger
John K. Graham
John Kopchinsky
John L. Will
John Lally
John Leonard
John M. Flynn
John M. Hanna
John M. Riedl
John M. Weichel
John McGarry
John P. Brennan
John P. McGuinness
John P. Rivera
John P. Tierney
John P. Trotta
John Paul J. Keon
John Quinn
John R. Crotty
John R. Tringle
John Ranieri
John Reape
John S. Meekins
John Sassi
John Schuster
John Slevin
John Stringer
John Stringer 1970 thanks for a Great Education
John T. Fay
John T. Lautner
John Tangredi
In memory of Dwight Doscher '69
John Thomas
John Torell
For my classmates in 2-O; 3-D and 4-D; Class of 1960
John Torell
John Twohig
In honor of Dr.James White Fund
The comraderie.
John W. Kirby
John Will
John and Elizabeth Suchy
In honor of John Robert Barbera
Jorge Troche
Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men!! ‘91
Jose A. Leites
Jose Delgado
Jose Santos
Joseph A. Lomascolo
Joseph A. Sinicola
Joseph Andreana
Besides getting a great education and Catholic foundation, my years in the Marching Band, Orchestra and Swing Band were memorable and enjoyable.
Joseph C. Scarpelli
Joseph Campisi
Joseph Casola
Joseph Danek
Prepared for Bs Physics CCNY, 30 years IBM great family and. 9 grand children all top students and great athletes. I was blessed.
Joseph Durning
Joseph F. Marrone
Joseph Gardella
Joseph Gregorio
Joseph H. Eaione
Joseph H. Maguire
Joseph J. Puglia
Joseph J. Reilly
Joseph K. Kennedy
Joseph L. Tito
Joseph Massaro
Joseph Messa
The Hayes Years prepared us for life in every aspect possible. So many years ago but vivid memories still linger in my mind. Brother Dugan in the Student Government office teaching us TRUE DEBATE. Father Ansaldi’s German class was one of the best educational experiences imagine able. Brother O’Toole’s math classes were without equal. Father McCormack terrorizing me for the length of my hair!!! I can honestly say that I would not have become the person I am had it not been for my years at Hayes. God Bless the School and May God Bless All the students and faculty. Joe Messa ‘75
Joseph Morda
Joseph Nagle
Joseph P. Durning
Joseph P. O'Reilly
Joseph P. Pantano
Joseph P. Sheehan
Joseph P. Tierney
Joseph Placide
In honor of The next Global Leader for Equality from Cardinal Hayes
Joseph Puglia
Excellent teachers, and the Hayes spirit.
Joseph R. Potenza
Joseph Ruzzi
Joseph S. Brickman
Joseph Savino
Joseph Shafranek
In honor of Thomas F Hickey
Joseph Spillane
Joseph T. Meehan
Joseph Trapani
Joseph V. DeRuvo
Juan J Martinez
Juan M Alamo
Graduating from St Patrick's Cathedral and receiving my diploma from the hand of Cardinal Spellman in 1956. A moment never to be forgotten.
Jude Heaney
Jude T. Keneally
Judith and Tarleton Gillespie
Julius C. DiFiore
Julius DiFiore
K C Castelbuono
Kathleen Dineen
Kathleen M. Redmond
Kenneth Gilbride
Kenneth Hicks
Kenneth J. Gorman
Kenneth J. Murray
Kenneth McGowan
Kerry Walkin-Soloway
Kevin Cudney
Kevin Finnerty
Kevin G. McMorrow
Kevin Hickey
In honor of Timothy Dineen in memory (Our Lady of Fatima)
congrats on being State champs as well!!!
Kevin J. Ganns
Kevin M. O'Hanlon
Kevin M. Woods
Kevin O'Connor
Kevin P. McEnery
Kevin Reed
Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club, Inc.
Kurt Bielefeldt
In memory of My mother, Roberta Bielefeldt, who sacrificed so much so I could go to Cardinal Hayes High School
Kurt Bielefeldt
In memory of My mother, Roberta Bielefeldt
Kyle Munoz
LTC Jose A. Delgado
Larry Concepcion
Laura Deluca
Lawrence Cosey
Up Hayes!
Lawrence Keyser
In honor of Louis Keyser
Lawrence Keyser
In honor of Louis Keyser
Lawrence Keyser
God Bless all the young men that pass through Hayes
Leo Pisculli
Leonard A. Grilletto
Leonard Santorelli
Leonard Vecchio
In honor of Mary & Vincent Vecchio
Leopold J. Tapler
Leopoldo Bellon
Lester Lugo
Lincoln A. Pascal
Linda & Rich Wilkie
Linda Clavin
Linda D. Pohlmann
Linda Delgado
Linda Hussey
Lisa and Lynn Collings
In memory of John Williamson
Loretto Glynn
In honor of Mary Ellen and William Glynn
I saw a news piece on the success of this year's football team. I was moved so much by their resilience and dedication to their team's success, with limited resources. The team truly inspired me. I am happy to donate to the athletic program to increase opportunities for more young athletes.
Loretto Glynn
Louis A. D'Angelo
Louis A. Perutti
Louis Gagliardi
Louis J. Zapata
Louis M. D'Agostino
Louis M. Lavoie
Louis Sartorio
Louis Williams
Up Hayes and all Its Loyal Men
Louis Williams
Thank you for the education that you have given me! It has served me well my entire life
Luis H. Sanchez
Luis Martos
Maggie O'keeffe
Manuel A. Alarcon
Marc A. Medico
Marco P. Minasso
Marco T. Oliveri
Marcos Chase
Margaret A. Brue
Margaret Arcangeli
In honor of John H Williamson
Margaret Ruiz
In support of the dedication, amazing accomplishments and achievements of your students, teachers, and coaches. Keep soaring! Best wishes from a Cardinal Spellman alumnus, class of 1969
Margherita Scannell
Maria A. Swanson
Marianne Duggan
In memory of Timothy F. Duggan, Class of 1947
Marie Weller
Marilyn Rooney
Marion Driscoll
Mark Lugo
In memory of Vincent DeGregorio
Mark W. Gorges
Martin Ford
Martin J. Kelly
Martin L. Spottl
Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja
Mary Cioffi
In memory of Stephen Keiser '81
Mary Dori
Mary Ellen Love
In honor of Martin "Peter" Mellett Class of 1955
Mary Ellen Mellett Love
In memory of Martin "Peter" Mellett Class of 1955, a wonderful man and proud alumnus of Cardinal Hayes
Mary Ellen O'Connor Shyne
Mary Jane Rooney
Matt & Jenna Curran
Matt Kilcullen Jr
Happy to support our Alma Mater! Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men!
Matt Kilcullen Jr.
I do not my memory of spending a lot of time in "jug" but the hair cut inspections by Fr. McCormack I can still visualize!
Matthew A. Tomasulo
Matthew Carr
Maura E. McGuinness
Maureen Tighe
Maurice Masson
Mbemba Ben Sylla
McQuade Family Foundation
Melvin Washington
Up Hayes...class 1997
Mercedes Maldonado
Mercedes Maldonado
Merrill & Elizabeth Turnbull
Michael A. Shershanovich
Michael Andriani
Michael B. McNamee
Michael Bladel
Michael Buonocore
excellent learning
Michael Butler
In honor of Bud & Amelia Butler
Michael Byrne
In memory of Monsignor Raymond J. Byrne
Fond memories of Father Jabo especially the case of the missing light bulb.
Michael C. Alcamo
Michael C. Loughran
Michael Carey
Michael Criscuolo
Michael Cussen
Michael D. Harkins
Michael Dryden
Michael E. Barrow
Michael F. Fitzpatrick
Michael F. Manzulli
Michael Forner
Michael G. Reilly
Michael Garrihy
In honor of Dwight Doscher
In memory of Dwight Doscher
Dwight was an example of the fine people that Cardinal Hayes helped to educate and send out into the world to make it a better place. He was a true Christian gentleman.
Michael Gobbo
Michael H. Grieco
Michael J. O'Connor
Michael Johnson
Michael Leal
Michael Lynch
I was in stage crew for plays.. memorable > West Side Story. Recently I have looked back and realized I had a fantastic time...Hayes gave a great rounded out education, And a conscience
Michael Mcpherson
Michael Mcpherson
In honor of Frank Bugdon
Michael P. Baione
My favorite memories..., Being able to there for four years... Being able to participate as an alumnus... Being able to carry that experience in my life each and every day... Up HAYES an d all it's loyal men...
Michael P. Dunphy
Michael Palmieri
Michael Piccolino
Cardinal Hayes was and continues to be a special place to obtain an education. The Hayes community endures through the decades; memories of playing football all four years (and the coaches); teachers; and instilling discipline that becomes a part of your being through the years. Up Hayes and all its loyal men!
Michael Piccolino
From a former football player, Go Hayes!
Michael Putnick
Michael Putnick
Cardinal Hayes Hockey Championships 74-75
Michael R. Rotunno
Michael Smolak
In honor of Smolak Family
Michael Strutt
Michael Swiatocha
Michael T. Ridge
Michael Tighe
Michele Travolino
Many blessings to the Class of 2027 and their journey to becoming humble, educated Men
Microsoft Rewards / Give with Bing
Miguel A. Perez
Miguel Guerrero
In honor of Maria De Los Angeles Guerrero
Up Hayes !
Mike Allen
Thanksgiving Day football at Randall’s Island. Beat the Mount!
In honor of Fireman Nelson Roman
My dad took on an extra part-time job to pay my high school tuition.
National Financial Services LLC
Neil Brownlee
Neil McCaffery
Newville Roberts
Nicholas Burriesci
Nicholas F. DeVito
Nicholas J. Corvelli
Nicholas J. Darby
Nicole Welch
Hayes versus St. Anthony 2015- JCov 5 touchdowns! UP HAYES! Thank you for all you do for our community and young men.
Nigel Brown
Niurka Padilla
Thank God was able to put both my sons through Hayes! Forever grateful! May God continue to bless everyone involved with Hayes!
O'Connell Family Foundation, Inc.
Owen O. McDonnell
Pat & Vinnie Curtin
Pat Carlucci
In honor of Dwight Doscher '69
Patick T. Deluca
Patricia Cecere
In memory of James J Beirne
Patricia Doyle
Patricia McDermott
Patrick Brennan
Patrick DiMichele
My mom dragging me by the ear to enter Hayes as a freshman.
Patrick G. McDonald
Patrick J Cahill
My classmates called me the Farmer because I lived outside the Bronx.
Patrick J Cahill
Patrick J. Curran
Patrick J. Dudgeon
Patrick J. Mackin
Patrick J. McLaughlin
Patrick J. Quigley
Patrick J. Rooney
Patrick Racioppo
Patrick Ryan
In honor of Jim Bierne
Patrick Scutero
Patrick T. Leahy
Patrick and Kathleen McGannon- Mustard Seed Foundation
Paul Addieg
In memory of William C Addieg /class of 1945
Paul Addieg
In memory of William C Addieg class of 45
Paul Addieg
In memory of William C Addieg Class of 45
Paul C. Reynolds
Paul Galvin
Paul Italia
Paul J. Ortiz
Paul J. Squillante
Paul La Rosa
Paul La Rosa
Thanks to all the teachers and classmates who expressed kindness in the years I was there.
Paul M. Kuveke
PayPal Giving Fund
Pedro Medina
Peggy J. Bia
Peter Byrne
Peter D. Fedorchak
Peter Gagne
In memory of Frank Gagne
My favorite memory was Fr. Harry Heck, my Physics teacher, and the wonderful Library.
Peter H. Berasi
Peter Ho
In memory of Jimmy C.M. Ho
Peter J. Byrne
Peter J. Curran
Peter N. Oreckinto
Peter OHare
Peter P. McNally
Peter Timlin
Philip A. Griffith
Philip Doesschate
Philip Doesschate
In memory of Dale Doesschate '76
My brother Dale passed away in July of 2022.
Philip G. McGuire
Philip J. Crepeau
Philip J. Sommers
Philip Mitchell
Philip Wax
In memory of My '62 football teammates John Supple, Richie Stephans and Tony Keneally
Pledgeling Foundation
In memory of Bernadette Petit
I treasure the memories of my time at Hayes.
I will never forget and will always consider Cardinal Hayes HS the most influential factor in my life. Congratulations to Dr. Michael Carey for his leadership.
Ralph B. Delucia
Ralph Fuccillo
Ralph Mola
Ralph V. Harder
Ramiro Dominguez
Up Hayes!
Ramon Cordies
Instilled discipline, that has served me well to this day
Ramon Cordies
In honor of Mrs. Olga A. Barberia
Making this donation to honor my late mom Mrs. Olga A. Barberia
Ramon Rodriguez
Four of the BEST years of my life.
Raphael Lombardo
Rasheed Bey
Rasheed Bey
Rasheed Bey
In memory of all those who's shoulders we stand upon.
Raymond Boyce
Raymond J. Keating
Raymond Priore
Raymond Ramos
In memory of Stephen Moor - for the football team
Raymond Vaiana
Renato De Vincenzi
Rev John Cryan
The school covering my tuition when my father was hospitalized.
Rev. John j Duff
In honor of Msgr.William B. Delaney
Rex Roman
Hayes Football Forever.
Rhoda Geoghegan
Ricardo A Watson (aka Six Train)
Up Hayes…remember Sunday Church!!
Ricardo Padilla
Truly excellent teachers. Football games against the Mount and Spellman. Wildly loud pep rallies. Being a Hayesman - a real source of pride.
Rich Petriccione
Rich Witherspoon
After graduating 50 years ago, my "boys" at Hayes remain my best friends, best man, godfather to my daughter and golfiing buddies.
Rich Witherspoon
2023 Golf Outing Contribution.
Richard & Diane Cummins
Richard & Genevieve Heckman
Richard Cassara
Richard Close
Richard Cohan
Richard G. Gerlich
Richard Hellenbrecht
Great discipline, school spirit
Richard Ingram
Cardinal Hayes Dances and The Thanksgiving Football Games were Great Fun
Richard J. Dean
Richard J. Gleason
Richard J. Nagle
Richard J. O'Neill
Richard J. Raymond
Richard J. Taigue
Richard M. Evanko
Richard Mattis
Richard P. Bellacero
Richard T. Mastino
Richard T. Petri
Richard V. Masi
Richard W. Wynne
Richard Witherspoon
Thank you for all you do.
Rita Calamari
Rob Tyrrell
Robert A. Ross
Robert A. Silveri
Robert Buckley
Robert Burns
In honor of Dwight Doscher '69
Robert Burns
Please add this to the Class of '69 Scholarship Fund. Most of the best friends I've ever had came from hayes
Robert Conroy
Robert D. Kelly
Robert Dicheck
Robert E. Dougherty
Robert E. Gorman
Robert H. Gillings
Robert H. Huntington
Robert J. Bachman
Robert J. Conroy
Robert Jr. & Theresa Davan
Robert M. Flanagan
Robert M. McDonnell
Robert Mariani
Robert Meekins
Robert P. McMahon
Robert Rodriguez
Robert Schaffer
In memory of Robert A. Henry
Robert Scully, S.J.
The gifts of both education and faith!
Robert T. Casey
Robert T. King
Robert T. Vitolo
Robert Taverni
In honor of Class of 1957
Robert Taverni
Rodrigo A. Colon
Roger A. Schinella
Roger J. Mcnamara
Ron Colon
In honor of Tre’ssun Clements
Ron Rhodes
Ron Rhodes
Thanks for another creative giving program by the Development staff
Ronald C. Duffy
Ronald L. David
Ronald R. Hernandez
Ronald Uram
Rosemarie Carieri
Roy Girasa
Rudolf W. Kamuf
Sal Bosco
Great institution in the lives of thousands of young men for many decades
Sal Bosco
Sally & Gerry Moss
Salvatore Arena
Salvatore Lignore
Santo V. Gallo
Scott Hilley
Seamus P. Metress
Sebastian M. Cicitta
Sebastian V. Guarino
Serge B. Budzyn
Sergio Marquez
St. Ignatius School
Stanley Magda
Stephen Curley
Stephen E. Meier
Stephen F. Duffy
Stephen Fraher
In memory of Pat Curran 1965 Scholarship Fund
Up Hayes
Stephen Giorgio
Stephen J. Schum
Stephen K. Fraher
Stephen K. Frank
Stephen P. Keller
Steven Byrne
Steven Danyluk
Steven J. Bodner
Summer on the Hill
TJ Marchoine
Tara Stewart
In honor of Michael Johnston
Terrence J. Smith
The Michael Gordon Foundation Inc.
Theodore R Hall
In honor of Bruce Dennis Hall, Class of '72
Therese Cawley
Thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation
Thomas Baldwin
Congratulations to the Class of 2024 ... Proud to be a Member of Class of 1974! Up Hayes!
Thomas Baldwin
God Bless the Men of Hayes!!!
Thomas Carroll
In memory of George and Catherine Molloy
Thomas D. Kersting
Thomas Darcy
Thomas E. O'Brien
Thomas F. Anderer
Thomas F. Monaco
Thomas G. Cullen
Thomas G. Macary
Thomas Hussey
Thomas J. Colgan
Thomas J. Hicks
Thomas J. Kenneally
Thomas J. Lee
Thomas J. Maroselli
Thomas J. McGrath
Thomas J. O'Donnell
Thomas K. Hughes
Thomas King
Thomas Krentel
Just supporting catholic education across the country
Thomas M. Walsh
Thomas McGrath
Thomas McNally
Hayes for a better world and forever Hayes.
Thomas McNally
Thomas O'Donnell, Jr.
In honor of Terence J. O'Donnell, Class of 1951
My brother, Terry, was the Captain of the Hayes swim team and went to Fordham on a swimming scholarship. On November 17, 1955, Terry and thirteen other men were killed in a plane crash while working for the CIA on the then top-secret U-2 project. May they all Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory!
Thomas P. Bielenda
Thomas P. O'Reilly
Thomas R. Bathe
Thomas Ryan
In memory of John T. Ryan class of 1962
Thomas S. Long
Thomas Wheeler
In honor of Thomas J. Leddy Class of '64
Timothy Coyne
Timothy D. Higgins
Timothy Galvin
Timothy P. Davey
Timothy Smith
Tyrone Johnson
Tyrone R. Walton
UPS Foundation
Umberto F. Savoia
Ursula M. Hope
Vera Corato
In honor of John Williamson
Veron Brookes
The overall Hayes experience.
Veron Brookes
Favorite memory of being at Hayes is running track with the super 6.
Victor A. Stanionis
Victor Cruz
Victor J. Colaio
Victor J. Musante
Victor Torres
Up Hayes and all its loyal men! Class of 86!!
Vincent Burolla
Vincent C. Santorelli
Vincent Cannon
Vincent E. Malkiewicz
Vincent L. Rizzo
Vincent Lee
Vincent Mangiere
Vincent P. Cannon
Virginia Daly
Virginia Neary and Goodwin Benjamin
In memory of George A. Nelson, Class of 1946
Vito A. Calamito
Walter Brennan
In honor of James Jordan
Trying to get past Dean of Discipline, Fr. Jablonski, without being caught, when the hair on the back of your neck reached your shirt collar and being told to see him after you got a hair cut.
Walter Egan
Walter J. LeStrange
Walter Springer
In honor of F. Ruth Springer
Werner J. Wagner
Wiliam R. Colbert
Wiliam T. Regan
William & Mary Donahue
William A. Kelly
William B. Cosgrove
William Baldes
William Briscoe
In memory of ather
William Briscoe
Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men! Class of '65 - the biggest and the best!
William C. Stothers
William Condon
William D. Hohlfeld
William D. Lessa
William E. Dertinger
William F. Marengo
William Fleming
William Frank
William G. Hennigan
William J. Canavan
William J. Fehrman
William J. Jordan
William J. Lennox
William J. Otto
William J. White
William M. McLaughlin
William McBride
William Moss
William Omera
William P. Carroll
William Quinlan
In honor of John James Butler
William R. Farrell
William W. Webb
William Weaver
Go Hayes
Wilson Alers
In honor of Fr. Walsh
I remember my spirited but respectful discussions with Fr. Walsh over his staunch support of President Nixon during the Watergate Trials. He was my History Teacher and Homeroom Teacher in 4H. My love for reading about history continues today. Thank you, Fr. Walsh. May he R.I.P>
Albert liguori
Anthony tripodo
science discussions
Arthur garofalo
best education ....prepares one for the real world....thanks CHHS
Bob triscari
Up Hayes
David supple
In honor of JOHN P SUPPLE- CLASS OF 1962
David supple
In honor of John P Supple-'62
Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men
Frank odonnell
Thanksgiving Day vs The Mount Fr. Jablonski ( as we knew him : Jabo
Jack Mcmahon
In honor of tony Cruz,'67
Christmas post office work; 7-1 Football team, Coach Tricario; Mr Santarocco; Mr Gillece; typing to Kansas city from Mrs O'Mahoney; Legends of fr Jablonski, and an expelled comedian; and the Fordham baldies; lifelong friends.
James keogh
Great education
James keogh
James prior
In memory of bonnie prior
I hope the students appreciate what they have and the allumni support
John Pizzorusso
In honor of Caroline Pizzorusso
John a zerafa
my priest teachers.they were great.met few of them later on life.
John meekins
up hayes
Ken orgera
the friends I made
Kevin dolan
My father was a graduate and was a Hayes man until he passed 4 years ago. I have made a donation in his memory every year since.
Michael brosnan
Robert kelly
In honor of Fr. John Zeimak
Vincent Coogan
Vincent bambinelli
Release time and finding the pretzel guy out front.
Vincent bambinelli
In honor of My Parents.
This small, humble donation dedicated to my parents because I know the sacrifice they made each month when they paid the then $15.oo monthly tuition. At the time, monthly rent they paid was also $15.00. I grew-up and lived in Harlem until I was 19 years of age and wouldn't trade that experience for anything.
GOD & Country !
all the dedicated teachers and staff
Jabo running a pencil through my hair
In memory of Monsignor Pavis
Great memories of playing ice hockey with Monsignor Pavis and the Marist brothers from Quebec. Next day in school, all was back to normal!
In honor of Tom Kenneally
In honor of William C. Finneran
My dad was a proud Hayesman and all the school did for him as the child of immigrants.
For the teachers who helped me get to where I am now
In memory of Dwight Doscher
In honor of Thomas Kenneally

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