Cardinal Hayes Anniversary Celebrations 2023
Celebrating the 25th, 50th and 60th anniversaries of the classes of 1998, 1973 and 1963! Up Hayes!
Date and time
Friday, June 2nd, 2023 –
Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
George Dawson, Director of Alumni Engagement
Share why you support Cardinal Hayes!
Select affiliation(s)...
robert O,Brien (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Looking forward to seeing everyone again after 50 years!
Charles Corliss (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
In honor of our dear friend, Andy Sozzi, who I know will be there with us in spirit.
See you all at the brunch.
George Fernandez (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
To my Best Man, Andrew Sozzi
"March On"
Tony Befi (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
In honor of Andy sozzi
Brian Martin Rafferty (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Up Hayes!!
Roger Osullivan (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Up Hayes and all its Loyal Men
Michael Smolak (Alumni ’63)
2 years ago
Keep providing world class Catholic education to today's young men.
John Scanlan (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
My boundless pride in being one among all Hayesmen. Up Hayes!
Frank Coyle (Alumni ’63)
2 years ago
In honor of Rev. John Quinn, 4D, Class of 1963
John Cioffi (Alumni ’63)
2 years ago
Looking forward to seeing "old" friends!
Paul Ortiz (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
In honor of Andrew Sozzi
I'm looking forward to seeing members of the Hayes' graduating class of 1973.
Anthony Johnson (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Keep doing what you're doing. Onwards and Upwards Hayes.
William Otto (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
The education I received in college didn't hold a candle to the quality of the one I received at Hayes. I continue to support the Hayes mission thru the general fund and particularly through the scholarship we established in 2012 in the memory of our classmate, and dear friend, Andy Sozzi
walter fowler (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Looking forward to The Mass, the brunch and the memories
Robert Cristofaro (Alumni ’63)
2 years ago
In honor of The class of 4D 1963
Congrats to all the current, old and future graduates !
JOE MOLINA (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
In honor of Mrs. ALICIA MOLINA
My mother's (Alicia) pride and joy was my attendance at our Great School. My Hayes experience was the absolute foundation for everything that followed / UP HAYES !
Kevin Meenan (Alumni ’73)
2 years ago
Excited to re-connect with our 1973 Brothers!!