Michael Virgadamo Memorial Scholarship Fund
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Arthur Savarese
Bob Colbert
In memory of Michael VirgadamoMy best and first friend, Michael, "All good things have a beginning and they have no end!"
Charles Varvaro
In honor of Mike Virgadamo my best freind for life.Mike Virgadamo my best friend for life.
Christopher Nicastri
In memory of Michael Virgadamo
David Blood
Diane Lang
In honor of Michael Virgadamo
Frank Serravalli
In honor of Mike Virgadamo
Jamie Nicastri
Joseph Curiale
In honor of Class of ‘75 Brothers LostCathedral is more than a school … it’s a cultivator of faith, service and life-long brotherhood for which I am truly grateful.
Kevin McCarthy
In honor of Michael VirgadamoI am a friend of the Virgadamo's, a former neighbor. They are such a wonderful family. Losing Michael broke their heart, so helping to keep his legacy alive is such a great cause.
Loretta Kusk
In honor of Michael Virgadamo
In memory of Bishop BoardmanPrayer foor Fr. Deas
Malachy Fallon
Michael Gibbons
Nancy Tiefenwerth
In honor of Michael VirgadamoNever forgotten
Rob Lang
Michael Virgadamo was my cousin, who passed away at much too early an age due to cancer. Christ the King HS can be proud of him and his accomplishments, as he was an exemplary alumnus.
Robert Colbert
In memory of Michael VirgadamoMy best and first friend, Michael, "All good things have a beginning and they have no end!"
Sherry Beth Virgadamo
A loving brother-in-law. Always in my prayers.
The Hennessy Family
In honor of The Deceased Members of the Class of 1979Pray for us Virgo!
Tom laurie Monahan
In honor of Michael VirgadamoDearest Cousin