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Catlin Gabel School

Portland, OR

Catlin Gabel Giving Tuesday

Join in the fun on this international day of giving, and show your support for the Catlin Gabel community!

Aidan Krainock '02, Annual Giving and Communications Director

Supporters (295)

All (295)
Adrienne Bingham
Afsaneh Sahavi
Ajay Malhotra
Alan and Dale Foster
Alice Wang-Chesebro
Allegra Hodges
Go Catlin! 🦅
Alyssa Resnik
Amanda Tomkoria
Amber Vincent
Amy Cox
Amy Weeden
Andrea Goldman
Andrew & Cindy Merrill
Andrew Wood
Anne Fleming
Anonymous Family
Arthur Ellison
Thank you Catlin Faculty and staff!
Ashley Gardner
Ashley Schaaf
Attila Ardai
Austin Jou
Austin Roch
Barbara Heller
In memory of Gisela
Barry Edwards
Bart and Jill Eberwein
Beining Hu
Berkeley Gadbaw
Bianca Nakayama
Blythe Butler
Brad Harnetiaux
In honor of Matthew Harnetiaux
Wonderful, Wonderful school. Go Eagles!!
Bruce and Kathy Clark
For our grandson's full achievement.
Calley Robin
Cara Frey
Carlota Bentley-Sinclair
Carly Lochala
In honor of Daniel Gagnon
Caryn Dombrow
Casey O'Keefe
So happy to support such an amazing school!
Catherine Beckett
Catherine Glass
We love Catlin! Grateful to be a part of the amazing class of 2035!
Charles Mauro
Chenier Family
We are truly grateful for the opportunity for our boys to be part of the Catlin community 💙
Cheree McNeil
Cheree McNeil
Thank you Catlin Gabel!
Chris Sommer
Chris and Mara Farrington
Christina Lundeberg
Christine Wilkes
Christine Wolahan
Christine Woodard
Claudia Ireland
Cody Hoyt
Connie Kim-Gervey
Catlin Gabel is so very special - thank you for helping my student thrive!
Daniela Meltzer
In honor of Rachel Meltzer and the class of 2028
We love Catlin! Thank you for all you do to educate our children!
David & Lesley Raphael
David & Renee Shankar
Go Catlin!
David Munro
In memory of Anne Jubitz Munro
Keep up your great work!
David Sarkaria
Derek Kanarek
I support in honor of the best teachers ever.
Destiny Houston
Diane Schultz and Jim Grube
Thank you to the teachers and administrators for all they do for the Catlin community
Eli Zhang
Elizabeth M Bentley
Elizabeth Sabin-Rouffy
In honor of Joey Pope
Elsbeth Morita
Emily Beebe
Emily Henke
Erin Zanon
Ewan Rose
Francisco Marin
Frederick Wright
Gary Coover
Gary Rada
George Ratliff
Grace Ellis
Gragg Family
Greg Frye
Gregory & Jennifer Saliba
Gretchen Keys
Eagles Soar!
Heather Blackburn
Hongli Yang
In honor of Great teachers and staffs
Thank you so much for your great works to help my children!
Hsiang Wei Chiu
Hui Du
Go CG! Thank you for all supports from CG and teachers.
James Long
Jamie & Marnie Bordley
Jason Hoerr
Jason Zidell
Jason and Liz Walker
Jayne Laszewski
Jeff Drotar
Jen Flynn
Jennie Tucker
In honor of Mrs. Jo
Jennifer Byrne
Jennifer Hanson
Jennifer Kuehn
Jenny Turner
Jewell Sparks
Love supporting our students!
Jia Guo
Joe Walsh
John Devlin
John and Caryn Urata
Jordan Summer
Jordan Winkler and Cristin Campbell
Julian Pscheid
Go Eagles!
Julie McMurchie
Jun Wu
Karen Christensen
Karen Mauro
Karen Minzer-Conzetti
Karen Olson
Karen Zeisler
Kate Rees
Kathie Wilson
In memory of Kylie Amber Wilson, auntie of Huxley Clark
Katie Hurin
Go Eagles!
Kellie Barnes
Kelly and Jason Perlewitz
Ken Geist
Kendra Wise
Kent Haha
Kevin Forbes
Kia Selley
Kurt Peterson
Lara Atwater
Thank you for giving our son the best possible start in life!
Lawrence Hurst
it takes fuel to keep the eagle flying
Lea Trefsgar
Thanks to all the exceptional teachers at Catlin Gabel who made a difference in our children's lives!
Leah Reznick
Len and Hester Carr
Past Faculty, Parents and Alums!
Leonard Eisner
Lesley Ryan
Lillian Malek
Linda Schick
Lisa Chang
Lisa Collins
Liz (Kingery) and Bob Warren
Liz Bergstrom
In honor of Susan Sowles
Loni Hartman
Lori Ireland
Lucy Stout
Lyndsey Moore
Madeline Hall
Manouchehr (Mike) Gorji
Marc Hill
Marc and Angela Patrick
Marcus Chan
Margi Felix-Lund
Maril Davis
Marilyn Bishop and Tim Whalen
Thank you amazing teachers!!
Marley Brown III
Great education for the long term!
Mary & Robert Medley
Mary Bartlo
Mat Ellis
Matthew Bernstein
Matthew Rubenstein
Megan Pingree
Meghan Pollard
Melissa Gardner
Michael Brunet
Michael Thole
Michelle Young
Mike & Shirley Wilkes
Many thanks to the teachers and staff who make Catlin outstanding!
Misa Lee
Monica Rada
Mouammar family
Nancy Murakami
Nasim Gorji
Nathan Frankel
Nathan Rutman
Nell Warren
Nelson Coates
Niall Jackson
Nicholas Zosel-johnson
Nirvana Schuyler
Owen Norvell
I love being a Catlin Community Supporter!
Pamela and John Williams
Peter Pillsbury
Philip Atkinson
Phoebe Lynch
❤️ teachers
Pilar Arias
Ping Shi
Radhika Purushothaman
Ramit Bajaj
Rebecca Kennedy
Rebecca allen
Great to see the community coming together to support our students!
Ren Wang
Rian Moore
In honor of Please allocate to the Stuart Moore Endowed Scholarship Fund
Richard Hodges
Richard Kalustian
Richard Kozak
Richard Rinetti
Our grandchildren love this school!
Richard Zanfardino
Robin Skarstad
Ryan Luria
Samantha Braff
Sara Medley
My grandson Reese is receiving as fine an education as money can buy. He is thriving in the Catlin Gabel environment!
Sara Mostafavi
Sara Nordhoff
Let's go Class of 2025!! XOXO
Sarah Ewing
Sarah Livingstone
Sarah Samson and Vladimir Pajkic
Scott Pozzi
Outstanding preparation for real life for our Lifer and her younger Sister.
Sean McEnroe
Selamawit Mehary
Shannon Watkins
Sharon Keiser
Go Eagles!
Shaw Family
Shelby Travers
Shoshana Maxwell
Stacey Wilson
The care, time, and energy the upper school faculty and staff give to the students’ learning and development, especially during a critical time in their identity formation, is very apparent! The format of the fall parent-teacher conferences is a perfect example. As a parent, it is wonderful to watch my 9th grader’s autonomy and confidence grow!
Stacie Beckerman
In memory of Douglas E.
Stefanie Silverman
Stephanie Henry
Stephanie Luyties
In memory of Jennifer Luyties, Frederic A. Luyties, Molly and Bob Broad
I am deeply grateful for this community, and for the faculty and staff who inspire me and have cared for my children. 💙
Susan Mandell
Suzanne Geary
Tania Shaw
Tanvi Garg
Tegan Wanlass
Terri Beigh
Theo Downes-Le Guin
Theresa Long
Bravo to the staff and faculty that invest their energy and time to make Catlin a nurturing place
Thomas T Joseph
Tiffany Stafford
Tim Hartley and Annie Lindgren
Tim McCarron
Todd Watkins
Tom Mahler
Trace Hancock
Proud to be an aliumn and support you guys!
Traci Harris
We love Catlin Gabel and all you do for our son!
Tracie Youssefian
Tracy Stout
Catlin Gabel School made a huge impact on my children's lives and will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Tyler Staggs
Val Shute
Vijee Mahadevan
Bravo to the wonderful teachers and staff!
Virginia King
Vivian Ma
Wai Lee
Walter Bowers
Wayne Lo Lo
Thank you Catlin for being a great community for children, parents, and staff
Yan Li
Yongtian Zhang
Go Eagles!
Yu You
Eric mandel
Michelangelo perrella
Nicole rinetti - clawson
In honor of our amazing teachers!
So proud to be part of this community. Go Eagles!
love catlin gabel and all the staff! class of 2028
In honor of Dillon George
Students like Dillon stood out because of his enthusiastic involvement as a CG community member, his honest commitment to being a decent human being, and his overall courage to honestly face whatever challenge that was in his path. He is what I hope for at CG in the future!
Catlin is an exceptional place and we are grateful for the community!
We are grandparents for the Holmer family.

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Catlin Gabel School
Attn: Joe Walsh, 8825 SW Barnes Rd., Portland, OR 97225
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