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Canterbury School

New Milford, CT

Saints Giving Day 2024

Saints Stick Together!

raised of $300,000 goal
Meredith Gal, Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (676)

All (676)
In honor of Ally Murphy
Adam Diglio
Alan Chamorro
Alex Krizan
Alex Lytle
Alex Vetter
Alexandra Doyon
Alexandra Lynner Gilbert
Alexandra Ourusoff
Alisa Henderson
Wonderful high school years for my son!
Alison Bailey
Allison and Greg Melich
Ally Murphy
Thrilled to be part of such a generous community rallying together for Saints Giving Day! Go Saints!
Allyson Kane
Allyson Mard
Go Saints!
Alyssa Kritzman
Amy Bortey
Amy Clark
Amy Kiernan
Amy Lee
Amy McCooey
Ana De Veer
Analuz Bustamante
Thanks Canterbury for so much!
Andre Sieh
Andrea DeRizzio
Andrea Harvey
Andrea Masi
Andrew Bortey
In honor of Mr. Frank Bice
Andrew Bushnell
Andrew Flood
Andrew McLaughlin
Andrew Staib
In memory of Mort French
Andrew Tullo
Andy McGuire
Anita Fedorcik
Canterbury touches all the bases for our Grandon Palmer. Educationally, athletically and socially.
Ann Cuddy Thomsen
Ann Dunn
In honor of Mort French ‘84
Anne Zapletal
Annesophia Richards
Anthony Concolino
Go Saints!
Anthony DiCarlo
Anthony Marotta
I broke 80 today ... And I stayed at a holiday inn express last night.
Arthur J Halleran Jr.
Arthur McClain
Ashton Boord
Audrey Duquette
Austin Farmer
In honor of Noam Hoffman
Canterbury has provided a safe and secure and challenging environment for Noam to excel with his hard work and dedication and commitment with the result that he has been admitted to the Number One Public University in our USA.
Barron Collier III
Benjamin Spang
Bernardine Wynn
Betsy and Wes Higgins
Betty Kim
Bill & Nancy Steers
Honored to support THE BEST SMALL BOARDING SCHOOL IN NEW ENGLAND with the best Faculty & Staff and the best Community Culture......GO SAINTS!!!!
Bill DiTullio
Bing tian
Board of Trustees
Bob & Kelly Kenna
Bonnie Smithers
Loved my times at Canterbury!
Brenda Joffrion
Brendan Buzaid
Brent Ozarowski
Brian Fruscio
Brian Geraghty
Brian Tinsley
Briana Rossi
Brigida Caruso
Bryan Bufkin
Byron Landers
Calleigh Boord
Carla Van de Walle
Carla-Jean Peterson
In honor of Herbert W. Peterson, Sr. and Claire Marie Peterson
With gratitude and thanks for the experience provided to both of our sons at Canterbury.
Carol Lovell Carmody
Caroline Hoffman
Carolyn Bondarenka
Carolyn Malloy
Carrie Mahoney
Casey Fuller
Celia Von Bernuth
Charles F. Savage
Charles Kelly
I probably put fun ahead of education but do not regret a minute of my time at C-Bury. Best Friends ever!
Charles Steers
Charlie Heekin
In honor of Mort French
Choonsung Lee
It is my pleasure doing something for my granddaughter's 2nd home Canterbury.
Chris Bruzzi
Chris Hebert
In honor of Mr & Mrs Jean S Hebert
Chris Mahoney
In honor of Mort French
Such a funny unique guy, the sun is a little less bright with iut him
Chris O'Brien
In honor of Edward A O'Brien '39 and Frank Bice '77
Chris Roberts
Chris Rubini
Chrissy Rubin
In memory of Mort French, '84
Irreplaceable memories of the place and people that changed the entire trajectory of my life. Roll SAINTS!!!
Christa Rotolo
Christian Camp
Christian Goyzueta
Christian Procaccino
Christine Fromageot
Christine Hall
Christopher Adams
Christopher Coulon
In honor of Poppa Duke
Christopher DeNunzio
Christopher Kelly
Christy Cook
Chuck Ragan
Clancy Healy
Clare Fitzpatrick
Cofer Black
Cole Frederick
Colleen Cook
Connor Dow
Conor O'Reilly
Love for the School
Craig Czarsty, M.D.
Cristina Pacilio
Go Canterbury!!
Curtis Robb
Dakota Woodham
Dan Falkovich
Dan LaChance
In honor of Dan LaChance Jr.
Thank God for Canterbury School!
Dana Comfort
Dan LaChance asked , i responded. thanks for the effort Dan.
Dana Sukow
My son is flourishing!!!
Daniel Rusanowsky
Darien Crute
Let’s go Saints!
Darlene Mullins
thank you !!! my son Loves being a Saint !!!
Dave Langley
David Belknap
David Depietri
David Jones
David M Ciampi
David Paluch
David Tuttle
Go, Saints!
Deborah Arthur
Denise Babiyan Morgenthaler
Denny Brennan
Derek Richardson
Derevaughn Hamlet
Be blessed, be a blessing
Desmond Barry
Donald Horner III
Go Saints!
Donald Vincent, Jr.
In memory of John Coffin III
Donna Salmans
Donna Weeks
In honor of Camden D Napier (2017)
Doreen Alegi
Doreen Lynch
Dorothy Alpert
In honor of Frank Bice
Doug and Sandra Griebel
Douglas Lamond
Douglas Lilly
Douglas Tricarico
Dr Laith and Adele jazrawi
“A solid education creates great future leaders“ Go Saints!
Drew Rydingsword
Dutch Keel
Ebony Grisom
Edward Kane
Edward Smith
Go Saints!
Edward W Kernan
Edward Wallace
In honor of Bill D’Alton The Breene family
Eileen Langer
Elisabeth Baker
In honor of Shirley Baker
Elisabeth Baker
In honor of Shirley Baker
Elise Godinez Kern
Cheers to the place where I made lifelong friends and built long-lasting knowledge and skills!
Elita Lilly
Eliza and Eric Bock
Elizabeth Dooley
Elizabeth Maloney
Go Saints!!!
Elizabeth Sauter
Changed my children’s lives in only th e most positive way
Ellen Meredith Gal
Roll, Saints!
Elyse Soifersmith
The Community!!!!
Emily Martino
Go Saints!!!
Emily Mattina
Thank you Canterbury!-The Lapham Family
Eric Yang
Have a nice day!
Erica Guider
Erika Lowman
Erin Lynch
‘81 BEST class EVER at the BEST school EVER
Erin Pollard
In honor of Ally Murphy
Ethan Ram
Filippo Guerrini-Maraldi
Once a Canterbury Saint... ALWAYS a Canterbury Saint. GO SAINTS!
Fran Foley
Francis Foley III
Frank Foley
In honor of Michael Foley '67
Fritz Family
Garvin Hammer
George Kershaw
Gerald Flood
Gerard Smith
Gregory McKenna
In honor of Frank Bice
Gregory McKenna
In support of a great faculty and staff !!!
Gregory Millard
Gregory Reynolds
Go Saints!
In honor of Michael F. Burke
Helen & William Bergner
Ian Watson
Keep pushing! Go Saints!
Isabel Polletta
Isabelle Peroche
For inspiring my daughter to keep finding the best version of herself 😃
Thanks for a wonderful education for our daughters !
Jacalyn Pugliese
Jack Elsas
Jack Griebel
Jack McManmon
In honor of Morton R. French III, '84
Jackson Zavatsky
In honor of Frank Bice
James Butler
James Farrington
James Liuzzi
Jamie and Scott Gray
In honor of Colleen Cook and the amazing nurses in the Health Office.
Jane Curley
Jane Mathieu
Janie Larson
Jason Fogelson
Jay Clarke
Jay Stein
Jed Dowler
In memory of Frank Bice
Jeff Indes
Best school
Jeff Uberuaga
Jeffrey Heferle
Jen Chandler
Jen Lobo
Jen Loprinzo
Jen Tamis
Miles loves this school - thank you!!
Jenn Dellacroce
Jennifer Cremin
Jennifer Harrigan
Jennifer Scholze Bleakley
Jennifer Widlar
Jennifet Dyer
Jeremiah (Jerry) Keefe
Jessica Reilly Razza
In honor of Mike Romano
Jessica Stolfi
Jillian Lanese
Jim Norman
JoAnne Panicek
In honor of John M Panicek
Joanna Schindhelm Jones
In memory of Frank Bice
Joanna Woodworth
In honor of John Martiska
Jodi Indes
In honor of Noah Indes
Joe DeSantis
Joe and Azian Kearney
In memory of Francis X. Bice
John Abbate
John Birdsall
In memory of Hi
John Breck
John Carl
In memory of Tamara P. Carl ‘00
John Harding
John Moylan
John Regina
Go Saints!
John Ryan III
Jonathan Zilli
Joseph Fitzgerald
My hope to continue to see the school flourish and thrive
Joseph Martini
Joseph Novella
Joy Martini
Joy Strand
Judith Sullivan
Judy Flayderman
Juli-Anne Stratton
Julia Duquette
Juliana Smith
Justin Blake
Go Saints!
Kacie Darrin
Kaelyn Darrin
Kara Kacmarcik
Karen Casey
Karen Tomann
Outstanding, Catholic education!
Karl Clauss
Kate Collins
Kate DeCoff
Kate Gilsenan
Kate Heslin
Go Saints!
Kate Samela
Kate Scalzo
For the beautiful relationships that began at Canterbury!
Kate Sisk
Katherine Delamere
Katherine Greenberg
Katherine Montrone
Kathleen Stowell
In honor of Joshua ‘09 & Michaela ‘19
May your life journey continue to provide you with a love of new adventures and the ability to address challenges with grace…love ~ Mom & Dad
Kathy Leonard Murray
In memory of Matt & Julie Leonard
Canterbury was wonderful time in my life - I hope more kids get to have the Canterbury experience.
Katie Bradley
Keep up the great work!
Katie Cappelli
Go saints!
Katie Cretella
Katie Daily
For all Saints past, present, and future!
Katie Forster
Kayleigh Keefe
Keiko Mathewson
Keith Angell
Thankful for Rachel & Jim Stone's dedication and service to Canterbury
Keith Conklin
Keith Stein
Thank you to all the dedicated faculty past and present! Roll Saints -- Class of 1980!
Keith and Joy Ruppert
Kelli Darrin
Kelly Stephens
Kelly and Dave Bozzuto
In honor of Mr. Gooler
Mr. Gooler, Thank you for being an amazing running coach. We are so grateful for your expertise and dedication! ~ The Bozzuto Family
Ken and Sandra Mango
What a fantastic 4years at Canterbury for Caroline...Thank you Canterbury!!
Kenneth Mard
Kevin Delaney
Kevin Doonan
Kevin Dunn
Kevin Golden
Kevin Johnson
Kiley Shea
Kim Debacher
Kim Henderson
Kimberly Hehir
Kristen Dunham Crawford
Go Saints!! My best memories are from Canterbury! 💙
Kristen Murphy- Mengold
Kristen Rozansky and Damon Reynolds
Kristin Beck
Kurt Garceau
Kylee Henderson
Landis Becker Young
Laura Masterson
Lauren Falcone
Lauren Hambidge
Lawrence Goode
Lawrence Seward
In honor of Mary Ellen Seward
Lee Beaulac
In honor of Don Spaeth, Class of 1965
I hope that Canterbury can continue to offer the the wonderful experience that I was fortunate to have had to other young men and women for many years!
Lee Duvall
In honor of Mort French
Leigh Fitzgerald
Leo Tracey
In honor of Mort French
Leslie Dinunzio
Leslie Kernan
In memory of John O'Grady, Class of '70
Lia Ma
Thank you Canterbury! Have the best memory on the hill with amazing people and teachers. Unforgettable and irreplaceable memories:)
Lindsey Holton
Lisa Moisan
Liz Lowman
Liz and Jacques Joubert
Liz longo
Logan Pettinato
Lucia Musso
Lynn Stone
MJ & Rob Davenport
In honor of Meredith Berry-Toon & E.J. Soifersmith
Thank you for being amazing advisors!
Mac Stephens
Mackenzie Fuller
Go Saints
Macy Steers
Maddi Blauth
Maddie Milazzo
love this school!
Magnus Gythfeldt
Mar-Jan Ostrowski
Thank You!!!
Mara Weissmann
Marc Vanasse
Marci Norton
Keep up the great work Tyler!
Marcus Hudson
Supporting this exceptional community is an honor as a staff member!
Margaret Mayorga
Margaret Smith
Marie & Andrew Lileika
Marily Thomas
My granddaughters happiness is my happiness
Marissa Salsbury
Mark Altermatt
Mark Fedorcik
Mark Linde
Canterbury made an invaluable contribution to my daughter's educational experience and helped her to become the wonderful, successful person she is today.
Mark Nailor II
The lessons and friendships that have lasted through all of these years and the hopes that future Saints will enjoy the same
Mark Parash
Mark Schlosstein
Mark Shaughnessy
In honor of Coach Karpo
Marlene Berke
Thanks for all the recent events for young alumni in CT!
Martin J. Harrington
In honor of Don Spaeth
Martin Kury
Go Saints!
Martin Rochford
Mary Davis
Mary Grace Cordtz
In honor of Frank Bice and Ivan Baquerizo
Mary Jawor
Forming Saints in this day and age deserves support and lots of prayers! You've got mine! Go Saints!
Mary Patricia Hussey
Mary Savino
Mary Volpi
MaryAnn & Vincent Garcia
Go Saints!
María Gabriela MENDEZ
In honor of Morton FRENCH
In Honor or Morton FRENCH 84. Thank you for making my life at Canterbury unforgetable You will be forever in my heart and prayers. GN, GB, ILY
Matthew Glaser
Matthew Martin
In honor of Frank Bice
Matthew Morris
Love Canterbury School!
Matthew Regan
Matthew Stewart
Roll Saints Hockey!!!
Maura Keenan
Maureen Delaney
In honor of Mort French
Max Cotier
Max Oeser
Meaghan Henn
Go Saints!
Meg Power
Megan Lamp
Megan Shea
Melanie Panasci
Merrell Quintin
Michael Antworth
Michael Barton
Michael Bourdeau
Michael Kane
In honor of Peter Smith
Peter was the class of 1952.
Michael Kelley
Go Saints! It is an honor and a pleasure to support the school who gave me so much during my formative years…
Michael OReilly
Michael Parimucha
Michael Rafferty
So proud of our sons, Jack '19 and Nicky '25!
Michael Thompson
Michel Thompson
Michelle Wohlfahrt
Mickie Pitts
Miguel Triay
Mike Dunham
Mike Gutelius
Miriam Harris
In honor of Jules Viau
He was a wonderful Latin teacher.
Molly & Peter Gintoli
Molly Barto
Molly Russo
Morgan Ryall
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Werner
Mulenga Mwanza
Nathan Murphy
Happy Saints Giving Day!!
Neil Boylan
In honor of Joan A. Millang (Mom)
Canterbury Saints Class of 1979 (and all classes) -- It's Saints Giving Day today. Give in honor of your favorite people. I just did it in honor of my mother, Joan A. Millang.
Neil Boylan
In honor of Dr. Brendan J. Boylan (Dad)
It's Saints Giving Day...! Join in and give to Canterbury School in honor of your favorite people.
Neil Chatterton
Absolutely amazing faculty and staff!
Neil Nejame
Nell Lennon Williams
Nell Williams
Nelle Carmody
In honor of Christopher “Kit” Carmody
Nettie McKenna
Nicholas Matt
Nick Cappelli
Keep rolling saints!!
Nick Ragland
Nicole Dickson
Nicole Duff DeSantis
Nicole O'Connell
Nicole Schneider
Saints sure do stick together... roll Saints!
Noah Gichan
Nolly Pastore
Norman Noel
Roll Saints!
Oriana Villarreal
Pablo Foncillas
Thank you Canterbury! I had one of the most amazing years in my life at Canterbury( class of 2008). Keep going!
Patricia Decker
In memory of In Memory of Frank Bice who was always so kind!
Patricia Rasmussen
Patrick Breslin
Patrick Hardy
Patty DeBonis
Glad to support this wonderful school.
Paul Bauer
Paul Gelinas
it's been 52 years....what a run...very thankful....
Paul Goodof
Paul McCormack
Pete Cotier
Go Saints!
Peter & Danielle Getchell
Peter Carlson
Peter FitzGerald
Want to share the Best 4 years of my life with future generations!!
Peter Kubiska
Peter LaVigne
Peter Maher
In memory of Scott Chamness. He was my linemate our Senior Year.
Peter O'Grady
Peter Swift
Keep up the good work!
Peter Tucker
Phil and Sarah Cappelli
We love supporting the Saints! Do good things!
Philip & Danielle Mahler
Philip Smith
In honor of the class of 1976
Philippa Bradshaw
Wonderful school! Go Saints!
Qing Ma
Qing Pan
In honor of Don Spaeth
Raymond Hadden
Reece Montrone
Regina Lynch
In honor of emily lynch
Renee Lucarelli
Richard Brancato
Richard Geier
Richard Gosman
Rick & Aliison Pugliese
Rick Henderson
Rob Zapletal
Rob and Cammy Roffe
Robert & ann Lucarelli
Robert Birkenstock
Keep up the good work!
Robert Everett
Go Saints!
Robert Fuldner
In honor of Malcolm Bertch
Not to be forgotten
Robert Holmen
Robert Maloney
Robert Peterson
Robert R Bogie
Robert Rotolo
Robert Sands
In honor of Mary Kate Shea
Robert Williams
Keep up the great work
Robert Zapletal
Rocco Grosso
Roger White
Rohit Sood
Ronald Rockwood
Ryan Cavada
Ryan Dugan
Ryan Radonis
Let’s go Saints!!!
Ryan Roberts
Rylan Carleton
S Mike Tormey
Sally Coley (Mensching)
Sam Steiner
Sameria Homaidan-Quaye
Canterbury has been like a second home for both of my children, as well as my niece and nephews they help them grow and develop their skills in a better education. They appreciate all the support and success, also happy to saved a community that loves and cares for their students. Being able to be part of Canterbury family is a privilege and a great honor and I appreciate all that. Thank you for the given to my two children a great education. Keep up the amazing work from the Quaye family.
Sandra Gallagher
In memory of Teague McGinley and John Gallagher
Canterbury is an extension of family and community.
Sara Howard
In honor of Rich Howard
Sara Lynn Leavenworth
Sarah Balfour and Kian Moozar
Sarah Ferland
Sarah O’Meara
Savannah Brown (Hardwick)
Scott Hurley
Scott Steele
Sean Fisher
Sean Flanagan
Sean Meehan
Sergio Iranzo
Let’s show Canterbury that the Class of 1992 rocks!
Sharon Lynn
Sheila Fox
Great memories
Sheila Kuhn
Simon Smith
Simone Zhu
Sophia Poli
Stacey LaCross
Stacy Faruol
Stephanie Johnson
Stephanie Proteau
So thankful for everything Canterbury has done for me!
Stephanie Rossi
Stephen Carleton
Stephen Cunningham
Canterbury gave me dear friends, a great education, and best of all - wonderful values that are with me today. Thank you
Stephen Fadden
In honor of Patricia D Fadden
Stephen Hedger
Stephen Jayne
In memory of David Walker Jayne III & IV
I met some great friends and have terrific memories “on the hill!” If ever in Orlando where I sell real estate please let me know. 917-400-7081. “Much More than Mickey”
Stephen Kessing
Stephen Pollock
Stephen Pretto
Stephen Schneider
Stephen Simmons
Steve & Alyce Pollock
Steve Knoblock
Steve and Kim Kisling
Thank you to all the amazing staff at Canterbury! From support staff, maintenance workers, cafeteria staff, teachers, coaches and administration! You inspire these kids every day and make a difference!
Steven Farrell
Stone Family
Sue Roberts
Go Saints!!!
Susan Burke-O'Neal
In honor of Michael F Burke '78
Susan Delay
Great experience for whole family!
Susan Hobbs
Susanne Washburn
Tab Howard
Tamara Linde
Tarquin Darrin
Teddy Hauser
Terri and Richie Straub
Thaddeus Eshelman
Theresa Rice
Thomas Burke
In honor of Michael F. Burke '78
Thomas Clark
Thomas Gilbane, Jr.
Thomas Hamilton
The People.
Thomas Holmes
Thomas King
Thank you for a great experience for all three of our children
Thomas McCarthy
Thomas Moore
Thank you for everything you do!
Thomas Morris
In honor of Tom and Grace Morris
Keep doing the right thing!
Thomas Sheehy
In memory of Frank Bice
Thomas Taccetta
Tiffany French
In memory of Morton R French lll
Tim Bagg
Tim McDonough
In honor of Peter McDonough
Timothy Shea
Timothy Sheehan
In honor of Kevin Sheehan
Go Saints!!
Timothy Smith
Timothy West
Go Saints!
Tobias Darrin
Todd Mathewson
I supported Canterbury because not only do I work here but it is also my home!
Tom Clark
Tom Morris
Tonino Mavuli
My Daughter is loving her experience at Canterbury..
Tony Walters
Honored to support The Saints and the best small boarding school in America! Go Saints!!!
Tracey Ramee
In honor of Paul Ramee Jr.
Tracy Garcia-LaVigne
Tracy Kennedy Flynn
Tracy Sims
Go Saints!
Tyler Roberts
Val Taubner
Victoria Bundonis Rovin
Go Saints!
Victoria Jazrawi
“train up a child in the way he should go and when they grow old they will not depart from it“ Thanks mom and dad ...
Victoria Omeltchenko
Victoria Ostrowski
Vincent Candelora
Roll Saints!
Vincent Ciardullo
Walker Steers
Willem Steiner
William Burke
William DeBonis
William Denno
William Draddy
William Finn
Go Saints!
William Franco
William Sheehy
William and Megin Kelly
Wing Ming Tan
Go Saints!
Wyatt Mulheren
Yan Fu
Yolanda Jeffers
Cordalie Benoit
In honor of Charlotte Eliscu
Great school, great gal!
John and Gerri Gleason
John ivimey
John maureen pizzano
Thank you Canterbury Pizzano Family
love the whole atmosphere!!! 🩵
Matthew lahvis
Michael taradash
loyal alumni
Olivia steiner
Stacy White
Todd elliott
Tomas montgomery
In honor of All the '81 classmates!
William paxton
your faculty, on and off the field, are dedicated to creating a positive educational experience for students..even when those students are sometimes difficult to manage or reach. thank you
In honor of Ewoks of Carmody 94’
Got me into college
Go Saints!
Saints Stick Together!!
It's a great campus and it is very beneficial for my grandson. Thank you.
Roll Saints
Had nothing but a great experience at Canterbury. 😊
In honor of Dr Bev Lee

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