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Curry College Fund 2024-2025

Participating in a giving campaign is not just about making donations; it’s about making a difference. Every gift matters because it signifies compassion and a commitment to a cause that has the power to change lives. Your contribution to Curry, regardless of size, is crucial in this collective effort. This creates a ripple effect, empowering our students to be successful… and to #BeCurry!

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (158)

All (158)
Aaron Smith
Adam Hazen
Alexandra Penzias
Terrific school to prepare me to advance my career.
Alfred McNevin
Andrew Ritchie
Ann Donovan
Ann Marie & John Cotton
Anna DeVitto
Thank you for your support to Fontbonne Basketball!
Arch Shaw
Baker Family Foundation
Beth Sullivan
It's community cares about the students!
Bob Balletto
Brad Pittman
Bradley Reed
Happy to support this amazing institution!
Brendan Monaghan
Brian Daigle
Bridget Green
Bridget Leung-Rogala
Bruce Ferguson
Bruce Tindal
Bryan Dunphy-Culp
Very thankful for what Curry provided me as a person and hope the school continues to find success
Canby Dautel
Caroline McDonald
Charles Morgan
Clara Irvine
Daniel Paynich
Daniel and Pamela Macal
Debralee Garren
Curry embodies the motto: "Dare to dream. But be not an idle dreamer! "
Diane Tucker
Douglas and Jane Frank
Dr. John Santilli
Edward Schroeder
Valued years; wonderful friendships that continue today. Thank you!
Elizabeth Kudzma
Emilee Purdy
Erik & Natalie Muurisepp
Ernsteen Family Foundation
Frank Armstrong
Frank S. and Karen Ptak
Gabriel Hochschild
Glynnis LaRosa
H. Scott Gault Trust
Hal Halpin
Keep up the great work, Jay!
Idriys Abdullah
James Andrade
Janet Wagner
Janice Rogers
Jason Weissman
Jay and Cyndi Gonzalez
Jean Greene and Tim Greene
Jeff Fagala
Jeffrey DiIuglio
Curry is an innovative small college on the move. With the Curry pledge, every graduated student is guaranteed a job. Also Curry has kept its liberal arts mission while adding many new and innovative majors. I also applaud President Gonzalez's mission to turn Curry around and forge a good future.
Jennifer Balboni
Jennifer McNally
I believe in the good work that Curry does for its students and its community.
Jessica Burke
The PAL program is transformative for students and I’m so lucky to be a small part of it! Let’s continue the great work here.
John Lennon
John Mahoney
John Moreira
John Rosania
John Symington
Jonathan & Nicole Kee
Jonathan Harris
Julian Rivera
The leadership at Curry has proven to have vision, amazing abilities to execute on that vision, and is grounded in kindness. Jay Gonzalez and his team are doing fantastic work. Thank you!
Kathleen Wilmot
Keith Robichaud
Ken Carberry
Kenneth Davenport
Keri McNamara
Kevin Leger
Kieran Clarke
Be Curry!
Kristin Noone
Laurie Lessage
Proud to give back to Curry College, the place that laid the foundation for my career and success. As a proud alum, I know I wouldn’t be where I am today—serving as CFO of a large nonprofit—without the education and experiences I gained at Curry. Class of 2010
Liz Matson
Marjorie Hutter
Mark Mollica
Mark Nestor
Mark Rugaber
Matthew McDonnell
Maura Donovan
Maura Donovan
I believe in Curry's Future! #BeCurry
Max Schechner
Mia Khera
Michael Bosco
Michael Cottiero
Michael Cox
I'm Proud of the great work getting done at the school. Keep it up!
Michael Smith
Michael Stafford
Michael Yantosca
Good Luck with the 2024-2025 Season!!!
Michelle McMahon
Mike Foster
Nancy Bartlett
Nancy McCann
Nayla and Mark Holmes
Norman & Vivian Milefsky
Patricia Carney
Patricia Shupnik (nee: Brett)
Paul Silk
Peter Mendel
Ramesh Advani
I support what President Gonzalez is doing!
Richard Pollak
Richard and Andrea Montoni
Robert Balletto
Robert Howson
Robert Loconto
Robert Shea
Roberta DiLorenzo Roscoe
Roland A. Bourdon III
Ruby Brooks
Russell Ptak
Ryan Theroux
Samuel Molinaro
Thank you for all you do
Sarah Hannigan
Sarah Shane
Scott Clarke
Sean Sylvester
Shawn Ryan
Sheryl Armstrong
Stanford Williams
Stanley Wronski
Stark & Shepley
Stephen Nedder
Stuart Golder
Susan Kosturko
Curry gave my daughter (BSN) an amazing education and clinical experience. Beautiful campus, made lifelong friends.
Tamara Menghi
Ted Mahoney
The Eleanor & Herbert D. Katz Family Foundation
Tim and Luba Flanigan
Todd Quackenbush
Tova Sperber
Vinnie Eruzione
Vivian Kreig
Wade Keats
Wade Keats
I Love our college, and I hope more people will give what they can!
Walter & Cheryl Katz
Wendy Cleveland
Wendy Kelman
William Hodge
William Ullman
Yesenia & Greg Joseph ‘22
Curry College is leading the way with initiatives like The Curry Commitment and investing in its neurodiversity programs, like PAL and SAIL. We can’t wait to see how this will positively impact current students and the community.
Geoff ferreira
Sheldon flink
Curry College made it possible for me to be the Nurse I am today! I work at Mass General Brigham as a perioperative nurse. Without my education this would not have been possible!
Let the Goalies use the Dryer, their hands smell the worst.
Good luck to the Women's Ice Hockey team this season!! You rock!!!
Curry College CE is where I learned a little bit of Liberal Arts Psychology.

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