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Elyria Catholic High School

Elyria, OH

Thank You for Supporting Founders' Day 2022!

Elyria Catholic commemorates Founders’ Day on September 16 (normally September 17) to honor our founders and celebrate students, alumni, family, and friends who have benefitted from the school and continue to support its mission.

raised of $100,000 goal
Becky Essenmacher, Philanthropy and Engagement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (161)

All (161)
Adam and Jeannie Hill
Aguilar Wetherbee Family
Alan Lerchbacker
In honor of Ben and Eileen Lerchbacker
Very proud but still think our goal should be $5M!!
Alexis Elbert
In memory of Lorne Elbert, Jr. and Renee Laubenthal '79
Amy Morgan
My daughter loves EC ❤️
Annie Cunningham
Annie Heidersbach
Ashleigh Reichard Mashensic
Thankful for my time at EC…Loyalty That Never Dies
Ashley Meecha
Loyalty That Never Dies!
Ashley Meecha
In honor of Shari Meecha (Reaser)'88
Barbara Kirsh Yergin
Ben Currier
In honor of Paula M. Currier
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Bob and Lori Campana
We believe Catholic education is the best path forward for our youth. It has proven to be a blessing to so many and we want more children to have the blessing moving forward. Keep up the great work Annie and the entire EC staff. We truly appreciate your efforts.
Brian & Coletta Strippy
The Strippy family is proud to support Elyria Catholic as an employee (Coletta), coach (Brian) and parent of Brian '26.
Brian Krusz
Brianne Bittle
In honor of Scott and Kelly
Let’s go EC!
Bryan Radcliffe
Candiese Dunphy
Cara Shebak
Carie McKinney
It's a great day to be a Panther
Cherie Williams
We love being part of the EC Family!
Chris Moore and Linda Webber
Chris and Renee Dugan
Christine Brooks
Chuck Zeitvogel
Cynthia Cromwell
Dan & Mary Ann Golski
In memory of Deceased of the Golski & Cavagna Families
Daniel Roemer
Danielle Esposito
David & Bettyann Jezewski
David Basinski, Jr
Dennis Plato
Diane Andriano
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Don and Mary Anne Cunningham
Donna Walther
Dr Jason & Michelle Barb
EC Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026
Ed Klimczak
In honor of Felix Klimczak
Ellen Casey
Happy Founders Day to such a wonderful school!
Eric Rothgery
Eric and Joan Joviak
Evann Heidersbach
Frank OLinn
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Fred Roberts
Gail Krucinski Berthoff
Gary and Erica Hurst
Go Panthers🐾
George Smith
In honor of Lou Rotunda
Hannah Everhart
Hopiard Family
In honor of Donna (Neal) Mcclean
James Hammond
I'll never forget what EC added to my life, Happy 75th!
Jason & Lana Scott
Jen Abraham
Jen and chris Nagel
Jennifer Rowe
Jennifer Van Wie Farley
Jessica Basinski
Jessica Terry
Jill & Matt Barber Family
Jim Machock
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Joan Larkin Villarreal
Joan Larkin Villarreal
In memory of Terri Larkin ~ Class of 1971
Joe DeMarco
In honor of Bob Dobski and Bob Kretschmann...Class of 1970
Jordan McNickle
In honor of Bob Giunta & the Giunta Family
Judith Glenn
In honor of Robert piazza
Judy Buzas
Judy Mey
Julie Bray
Kathryn Murray
Kathy Ray
Loyalty that never dies!
Katie Cuevas
Katie Gauntner
In honor of Joe Gauntner
Kay Reisz
Go Panthers!! Keep up the good work!!
Kevin & Sandi Peloquin
In honor of Ronald Peloquin Sr. Class of 1955
Kevin Byrne
Kevin and Sharon Juguilon
In honor of Nancy Juguilon
Kim Lang Gurd
Landyn Gerace
Laura Roztas
Let’s Go Panthers
Linda Schuster
Lisa & Tony Cuevas
Proud parents of our EC graduates. We congratulate EC on their 75th anniversary!
Lisa Masters
Louis Milum
Thank you for all you do for our young ones!
Madeleine Heinrich
Marcia Spigiel
Mark Mroz
Marlene Yanosky Simon
Martin Rodriguez
Rodriguez kids are loving EC!!
Mary McHugh
Panther Proud
Mary Schmitz
So blessed to be part of such an amazing school. The support you have given my daughter has been priceless…. May god continue to bless all of the faculty and staff at EC always…
MaryJo DiGiandomenico
Promoting Catholic High School Education
Matt OKonowitz
Matt Venzel
Maureen Garrity
Mel Belhouane
Loyalty that never dies! Let’s Go Panthers!
Michael Cherney
In memory of John Orzech EC`63
Michael Geletka
I believe in the work that Elyria Catholic does for its students and the community.
Michael Hoffman
Thank you for the wonderful education that launched my career.
Michael Weber
Michelle Hoffman
Thank you, Steve, for supporting the mission! It has been a pleasure to serve the EC family!
Mike & Becky Essenmacher
Mike & Cindy Kozma
In memory of Jim Kozma
Mike & Jona Metzinger
Mike and Lisa Petronio
Nick Ziegelmeyer
Keep on doing God’s work!
Nicole Firment
Thank you Elyria Catholic for being the foundation for my career, spiritual life, and my support community.
Nicole Rukstalis
Norma Jean Gwin
In memory of John "Jay" Alberts '76
Renisha Brown
Richard Poje
In honor of Marguerite Poje
Rita Wirscham Koberna
Rob Zidek
Rochelle Klemens
Happy 75th Anniversary EC! Loyalty that never dies!
Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Ryne (‘11) and Elizabeth St. Marie
Sara Lanzola
Scott and Jennifer Hans
Sharon Blaszak
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily ‘21, Jackson ‘24, Joseph
Steve & Pam Lubowicz
Marissa Lubowicz '23
Steve Fada
Steven Komives
Susan Gilles Ricks
Terri & Brian Soltis
A caring Christian culture, solid education, and wonderful opportunities for growth being extended to our children. Panther-proud family!
Terry & Susan Kenneally
The Budinger Family
The Csanady Family
The Merrell Family
The Raab/Denney Family
Theresa Day
Thomas Hassler
Great school with traditional values that offers a well rounded and balanced education.
Thomas and Tracy Taylor
Timothy Kuhman
Thanks, EC. I am grateful for the education and experiences earned as a student, coach and parent. EC will always be a big foundational part of what I've achieved in life.
Todd Sweda
In honor of the Sisters of Notre Dame
Happy Birthday Elyria Catholic!
Tom Adelsberg
Go Panthers - Loyalty That Never Dies!
Tom Adelsberg
Loyalty That Never Dies!
Tony Reaser
In honor of Cec, Joan, Steve Reaser and Shari Meecha
Loyalty that Never Dies!
Tori, Joey and Cathy Bucci
Happy 75th ECHS! GO Panthers!
Walter Boron
William Janesz
Williams Brothers Builders, Inc.
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
In honor of Strategic Planning Committee members
In honor of Nick Abraham
ECHS focuses on the goodness in each person, not just the academics. This helped me to develop the skills for service-oriented career I’m in today!
In honor of Lou Rotunda

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Elyria Catholic High School
725 Gulf Rd, Elyria, OH 44035
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