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Elyria Catholic High School

Elyria, OH

Thank You for Supporting Founders' Day 2021!

Elyria Catholic commemorates Founders’ Day on September 17 to honor our founders and celebrate students, alumni, family, and friends who have benefitted from the school and continue to support its mission.

raised of $75,000 goal
Michelle Hoffman, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (184)

All (184)
Alexis Elbert
In memory of Lorne J. Elbert, Jr.
Alyssa Baptiste
Amanda Lowrie
Amy & Doug Russo
Amy Ashyk
With honor and thanks to all my great teachers & mentors at ECHS 1972-1976.
Amy Morgan
Andrew Kirsch
In honor of Jenna Smith
Ann '88 & Doug Miller
Loyalty that Never Dies! Go Panthers!
Ann Farrell
Annie Cunningham
Annie Heidersbach
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians: 9:7
Asa & Eli Kempton
Barbara Yergin
Alumni class of 1978, the last child of 5 to attend EC. Thank you teachers and friends for all of the wonderful memories! My shared with my brothers, Jim and John Kristoff, now deceased, many laughs about high school. Hope this gift will bring happiness to another student, that they will remember years from now...
Beatrice de la Pena
Proud to be a Panther
Bill Fraser
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Go Panthers!
Brigid St Marie
In gratitude for my EC Education, that of my late husband and five children, and some Grands! Loyalty that Never Dies!💚
Brooke and Ryan Uehlein
Burnell & Denise Penhollow
Caitlin Valley
Catherine Bucci
Cheryl Buckley
Chris and Jen Nagel
Chris and Lindsey Oneill
Proud to support our Elyria Catholic family!
Chris and Renee Dugan
Go Panthers!
Christine Kish
Challenging my Class of '78 Classmates to send in $43, one dollar for each year since graduating!! Loyalty That Never Dies <3
Christopher Moore
Class of 1978
In memory of Those we have lost from the Class of 1978
Coletta Strippy
Connie and Dale Kramer
In honor of Kelly Kramer
Daniel/Mary Ann GolskiI
In memory of Classmates from 1960 and 1962
To help EC continue to offer a quality Catholic Education Go Panthers
Danielle Mueller (formerly Herbert)
Loyalty that never dies
David Basinski
David Bogstad
Dennis Baluh
Diane Andriano
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Donna Reisz
Donna Spray
Dover Foundation
Dr and Mrs Nicholas Ksenich
Drew Kaplan
Elizabeth Adkins
Grateful for the opportunity to work with the amazing students of EC and be a part of their growth both academically and spiritually.
Ellen Casey
In memory of Bryan Borowy '81 and Jill Borowy '85
Elyria Catholic Class of 2010
Elyria Catholic Class of 2022
Elyria Catholic Class of 2023
Elyria Catholic Class of 2024
Elyria Catholic Class of 2025
Emily Dugan
Eric and Joan Joviak
Evann Heidersbach
Frank O’Linn
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Fred and Kelly Roberts
Gary and Erica Hurst
Go Panthers!🐾🐾🐾💚💚
George Smith
In honor of Robert Guinta, Sr
Gerald Golski
Greg Muzilla
Greg and Susan Smith
Holly Dittmer
Hopiard Family
James Fritz
Jason &MaryLynn Woodyard
In memory of Thomas Higgins 84’
Jeannie Motylewski
Jennifer Farley
Jesse & Joan Larkin Villarreal
Jessica Basinski
Jill & Matt Barber
Proud to be a Panther Family!
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Joan Larkin Villarreal
In memory of Terri Larkin Class of 1971
Terri spoke often of her special EC friends and stayed in touch with a few - Mary W, Laurie B, John G and others. She was so looking forward to her 50th Class reunion.
John "Pitt" Gorske
In honor of Denise Ratusz Gorske
Looking back on my days at EC always brings a Smile! My wife Denise, class of '77, Daughter Jacquelyn class of 2005, Son, Cole class of 2012. Future alumni will be grandson's Brayden O'Dell & Braxton O'Dell. Go Panthers!
John & Chrystal Grasso
Jordan McNickle
In honor of Bob Giunta & the Giunta Family
Judith Glenn
In honor of Robert Piazza
Judith Reitz
My deepest appreciation to the Sisters of Notre Dame and Teachers at EC who prepared me for my business career with the highest standards of excellence.
Judy Selee
In honor of Frank & Mary Minnich
I received a quality education and want to help another generation benefit from the EC education!
Julie Bajda
Juud and Amy Smerglia
In honor of my mother, Rita Kaib
Always Proud to be an EC alumni; and very grateful to my parents for sending me to EC 56 years ago.
Karen Baldoza
Kate & Joe McAleese
Katie Cuevas
Katie Gauntner
Katie Kasper
Kelsie & Alex Stites
Keep up the incredible work! Go Panthers!
Kerry Cardina
Kevin, Sandi, Clayton and Nate Peloquin
In honor of Ronald Peloquin Sr.
Proud our boys are 3rd generation students!
Kimberly Hirsch
I love the education and support Elyria Catholic has provided for my boys and family!
Kristi Fisher
Lana Durban Scott
Landyn Gerace
Loyalty that never dies
Laura Roztas
Lauren Davis
Proud to be a graduate of Elyria Catholic. In memory of my parents, Larry (Don) and Cheryle Davis.
Lee Korzan
Lenora Given
In honor of The Petcavage & Frabotta Families
I thank the good Lord for my parents, Al & Flo Petcavage for my catholic education at Elyria Catholic High School. Also to all my teachers!
Lisa Masters
Lisa Petronio
Lori Riddell
Go Panthers!
Madeleine Heinrich
Margie Mendez
Mary Lou Ashyk
In memory of Stan Ashyk
Thanks for always supporting EC and Panther family.
Mary Siwierka
I am pledging $ 74.00 and encouraged members of the Class of 1974 to match my donation! I put it out on facebook....
Matthew Mcguire
In memory of Mike Mcguire class of 1969
Meghan Radel
Mel Belhouane
Michael Basinski
In honor of David Basinski
Michael Buckley
Michael Geletka
Michael Hoffman
Truly appreciate the education received here that prepared me for my career.
Michael J. Weber
Michael Kozma and Cindy Kozma
Michael Vajentic
Michael and Sarah Smith
Michael and Tiffany Towne
Michelle Barb
Michelle Hoffman
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Mike & Donna Walther
Elyria Catholic has, and continues, to provide excellent faith-based education to our children!
Mike House
I’m wondering if this was originally called the parents annual fund, which I proudly chaired for a year, many many years ago.
Mike and Katie Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Mr. Steve Komives
Mr. and Mrs. John Texter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Raab
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lubowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Kenneally
Mrs. Marcia Pichola
Nancy DeSouza
Nate Carson
Nicholas Levis
Nichole English
Nicole McTaggart
Niki Rollins
Go Panthers!!
Pat & Alise Kovalchuk
Patricia Kirsh
Pete Heidersbach
Peter Hoffman
Go Panthers. Good luck on Founders’ Day 2021!
Peter Hoffman
Phil Allegretto
Faith, Family, and Football!
Rachel Kozma
Rick Wakefield
Robert & Melissa Palmer
Go Panthers!!
Robert & Sally Ann Glenn
Robert ODonnell
Because the students are receiving an excellent faith based education. The school has so many service related activities for the students to participate in. The teachers I had at EC were excellent!!
Robin Jennings
Go Panthers and the panther community!
Rochelle Klemens
Ruben & Tessala Caribe II
Go Panthers 🐾💚
Sara Lanzola
Scott and Jennifer Hans
Sean Bryson
Much love to my EC family, always proud to be a panther💚🖤
Spencer Roule
In honor of all the faculty and staff that made a positive impact on me during my four years at EC.
Go Panthers! Beat River!
Steve McCoy
Steve and Erin Fada
Steven Mueller
Susan Ricks
Ted Schmitz
The Batt Family
Let's grow the goodness at Elyria Catholic! We support our students!
The Don & Mary OConnor family (6 EC grads)
The Tracy and Tom Taylor Family
Loyalty that never dies!
Theresa Mangan
EC is a very friendly and welcoming place.
Tim Kuhman
I have always appreciated the education received at Elyria Catholic. I'm happy to help others get that same education. Once achieved, the only question will be how will you use it to better yourself, your family, your community and beyond? Go EC CC!
Timothy Powers
Tom and Peggy Powers
Todd Sweda
In honor of the Sisters of Notre Dame
Wayne & Barb Uehlein
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
In memory of Robert "Wally" Smith '54
I admire the great projects and experiences that Elyria Catholic offer to their students and families.

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725 Gulf Rd, Elyria, OH 44035
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