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Elyria Catholic High School

Elyria, OH

Elyria Catholic Panther Fund (Annual Fund)

Your contribution to the Panther Fund helps every student, every day, every way! Unrestricted support allows Elyria Catholic the flexibility to direct funds to the areas of greatest need and highest priority, including curricular, co-curricular, campus ministry, and athletic programs. Because of you, students receive an education and experience that is distinctly Elyria Catholic.

raised of $180,000 goal
Michelle Hoffman, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (488)

All (488)
Alan Lerchbacker
Alan Zgonc and Maryjo Holomuzki
Alan and Mary Brailer
Alex Balazs
Alexis Elbert
Alivia M. Agosto Memorial Scholarship Fund
In memory of Alivia Agosto
Allan and Mary Fentner
Allison Kaminski
Alyssa Baptiste
Amanda Lowrie
Amy & Doug Russo
Amy Ashyk
Amy Morgan
Andrea Ferguson
Andrew Kirsch
Andrew and Therese Krol
Angelo Cataldo
Anita Brinkman
Anita Tellier
Ann '88 & Doug Miller
Ann Bommer Taylor
Ann Farrell
Ann Murphy Temple
Anne Wilkinson
Annie Cunningham
Annie Heidersbach
Go Panthers!
Annie Heidersbach
Annie Heidersbach
It's a great day to be a Panther!
Anonymous Donation
Anthony Zaatar
Growing up I had a great support system outside of school, but yet was still a troubled kid/teenager. I had a good heart but was very rebellious. I always wonder what would have happened if I went to a public school in the area over EC, and I really dont think I would have turned out great. Looking back, st jude and EC made such a huge difference in the outcome of my life, even though while I was there I never realized it. I am very thankful for the discipline, dedication, and charisma that the staff had. Thank you! - Anthony Zaatar - Class of 2009
Asa & Eli Kempton
Ashley Volk Edel
Barbara Klein
In memory of James J. Klein '63
Barbara Ruppelt O'Malley and Neal O'Malley
Barbara Yarsa Barnes
Barbara Yergin
Bautista Family
Beatrice de la Pena
Ben E. Currier
Ben Malbasa
In honor of Spencer Roule and Lou Rotunda
Happy 30th Birthday to Spence!
Benjamin Malbasa
In memory of Brent Petrus '93
Loyalty that never dies.
Bernard Ashyk, Jr.
Bernard Smith
Bill Fraser
Bill Groomes
Bill Wagner
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Bo and Adrienne Mueller
Brad and Jill Hoagland
In honor of Chuck and Margaret Hoagland
Briant McLaughlin
Brigid St Marie
Brooke and Ryan Uehlein
Burnell & Denise Penhollow
Caitlin Valley
Carol Webber Blackburn
Catherine Bucci
Cathy Edmonds
Cheryl Buckley
Cheryl Glenn Cramer
In memory of Joseph Gauntner - Father of Andrew, Katie & Tricia
Chris and Jen Nagel
Chris and Jen Nagel
Chris and Lindsey Oneill
Chris and Renee Dugan
Christine Kish
In memory of Elizabeth C. "Betty" Blair
Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord." RIP Betty
Christine Kish
Christine McArtor-Gallagher
Christopher Burton
Christopher Moore
Christopher Smith
Class of 1978
Clint & Kim Van Dine
Coletta Strippy
Connie and Dale Kramer
DIANE Anderson
In honor of Frank Anderson
In memory of Frank Anderson
Daniel G. Van
Daniel Kelley
Daniel Terrell
In memory of Sister Mary Neil
Daniel and Susan Cunningham
Daniel/Mary Ann GolskiI
Daniel/Mary Ann(Cavagna) Golski
In memory of Deceased of Cavagna and Golski Families
Danielle Mueller (formerly Herbert)
Danielle Poje Davidson
Dave and Margaret Lanzola
David Basinski
David Basinski, Jr
David Bogstad
David Diedrick
David Eischen
David Malinas
David McCoy
David Schlather
David and Janet Burns
Deborah Schuster
Debra Weisbarth
Dennis Baluh
Dennis Baluh
In honor of Patricia Forbush Baluh
Dennis Muzilla
Dennis Plato
Diane Andriano
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Donald Machovina
Donald Rothgery
In memory of Betty Blair '56
Donald Rothgery and Marcia Smith Rothgery
Donna Lydon Rennick
The purpose of life is a life of purpose!
Donna Lydon Rennick
Donna May Cramer
In memory of Joseph Gauntner
Donna Reisz
Donna Spray
Donovan Riley
Douglas Yunker
Douglas and Terry Graham
Dover Foundation
Dr and Mrs Nicholas Ksenich
Dr. Carol Gilles
Dr. Sean McNeeley and Dr. Mary Kay Shuba
Drew Kaplan
Edward Eisbrenner
In memory of Anthony Jiovanazzo '70
Elizabeth Adkins
Elizabeth Dolan
Ellen Casey
Ellen Naughton Basinski
Elsie Gerhart Coen
Elyria Catholic Class of 2022
Elyria Catholic Class of 2023
Elyria Catholic Class of 2024
Elyria Catholic Class of 2025
Emily Dugan
Eric Bors
Eric Fritz
Eric and Joan Joviak
Erin Yasutake
Evann Heidersbach
Father Anthony Schuerger
Father Frank Buck
Father Lawrence Jurcak
Father Richard Gonser
Frank O’Linn
Frank Perrotta and Cassandra Walton Perrotta
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Fred and Kelly Roberts
Gail Drahos Ogle
Gail France Sanders
Gail Krucinski Berthoff
Gary and Erica Hurst
George Smith
Gerald Golski
Gerald Spierings
For the future.
Glen Thome
Greg Muzilla
Greg and Susan Smith
Gregory Ganslen
In honor of Sharon M. (Hart) Ganslen
My wife and four of her five siblings graduated from Elyria Catholic. They were active in academics and also after school activities.
Gregory Noveske
Gregory Perusek
In memory of Mary Ann McCoy
Hal and Eileen Minnich
In memory of Richard Mack
Heather Bunsey
Helen Hutman
In memory of Donald Hutman '53
Herman and Melissa Post
Holly Dittmer
Hopiard Family
James Fada
James Fritz
James Gaffney
James Hammond
James Molosky
James Wirscham
James and Jill Taylor
In memory of Richard Mack
James and Karen Dembiec
James and Rebecca Diederich
Jamie Janda
Janet Wood Noveske
Janyce Noll
In memory of Alan Noll '73
Jason &MaryLynn Woodyard
Jeanne Pileski Nixon
Jeannie Motylewski
Jeffrey Cole
Jennifer Farley
Jennifer Taylor
Jerome Rodak
Jesse & Joan Larkin Villarreal
Jessica Basinski
Jill & Matt Barber
Jill Anglin
In memory of Joseph Gauntner
Jim Machock and Kathie Fuchs Machock
Jim Terrell
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Joan Brown McKinney
Joan Larkin Villarreal
Joanne Polutnik
Joe DeMarco
The need for choice in education has never been greater.
John "Pitt" Gorske
John & Chrystal Grasso
John Congdon and Lisa Whitfield
John Diedrick
John Giovannazzo
In memory of Anthony Jiovanazzo '70
John Golski
John Kichan
John O'Donnell
John Udvardy
John W. Ross
John and Carrie Fritz
In memory of Jim Cyran '66
John and Madelynn Suetta
Jordan McNickle
Joseph Daly
Joseph Elbert Sr
Joseph Pliszka
Joseph Shook
Joseph Webber and Carolyn Wazyniak-Fenik Webber
Joseph and Marcia Kukucka
Judith Bryan
In memory of Sandra Cornell Smith '58
Judith Glenn
Judith Glenn
In honor of Robert Piazza
Judith Reitz
Judith Toth Bigham
Judy Mey
Judy Selee
Judy and Rich Felgemaker Buzas
Julie Bajda
Julita Brosky Kohl
Juud and Amy Smerglia
Kara Haas
Karen Baldoza
Karen Donovan Cohagan
In memory of Sandra Cornell Smith '58
Karen Yunker Weber
Karl and Rita Koenig
Kate & Joe McAleese
Katherine Van Keuren
Kathleen Chaplar Corona
Kathleen Janda
Kathleen Kukucka Deltufo
Kathleen Meanor Holmes
In memory of Dr. Timothy Meanor
Kathleen Plato
Kathleen Poje Bramwell
Kathleen Ray
Kathleen Young McCarthy
Kathryn Burrer Hyer
Kathryn Yunker Brewer
Kathy Armstrong
Katie Cuevas
Katie Gauntner
Katie Kasper
Kelly Ann Bullock
Kelsie & Alex Stites
Ken Diedrick
Kerry Cardina
Kevin Cosgrove
Kevin Janowicz
Kevin, Sandi, Clayton and Nate Peloquin
Kimberly Hirsch
Kristi Fisher
Kyle Neff and Rebekka Schlather Neff
LaVonne (Bonnie) Phillips Drager
Lana Durban Scott
Landyn Gerace
Lane Forthofer
Laura Roztas
Lauren Davis
Lawrence Boron
Lawrence Coleman
Lee Korzan
Lenora Given
Linda Webber
Lisa Masters
Lisa Petronio
Lisa Ware Atkinson
Lori Riddell
Madeleine Heinrich
Malinda Rich
Marcella Smith Rothgery
In memory of Betty Blair '56
Margie Mendez
Marianne O'Donnell Ivany
Marilyn Becker
Marilyn Kozel Lisicky
Mark Straka
Martha Diederich
Mary Agnes Schlather Hammel
Mary Ann Elbert Giovannazzo
Mary Beth Riley
Mary Glasow McShane
Mary Kathleen McGorray
In memory of Joseph Gauntner
Mary Lou Ashyk
Mary Lou Durkin
Mary Lou Forthofer Davis
In memory of Anthony Jiovanazzo '70
Mary Siwierka
Mary Varhola
Mary Zink Bird
Matthew Mcguire
Matthew and Stephanie St. Marie
Meghan Radel
Mel Belhouane
Melanie St. Marie
Melissa Davis-Hartranft
Michael & Jona Metzinger
Michael & Joyce Kristoff
Michael Basinski
Michael Brown
Michael Buckley
Michael Geletka
Michael Hoffman
Michael J. Weber
Michael Kane
Michael Keys
Michael Kozma & Cindy Petrik Kozma
Michael Kozma and Cindy Kozma
Michael McLaughlin
Michael Nardini
Michael Pataky
Michael Petroff
Michael Sherman
Michael Vajentic
Michael Vitale
In honor of Tony Vitale
Thank you for 7 years
Michael and Martha Patton
Michael and Michele Mullee
Michael and Sarah Smith
Michael and Tiffany Towne
Michele Samek
Michelle Barb
Michelle Hoffman
Mike and Becky Essenmacher
Mike & Donna Walther
Mike House
Mike and Katie Jones
Miles Foisy
Molly Conroy King
Molly Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Theresa Koubek
Mr. & Mrs. Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Mr. Steve Komives
Mr. and Mrs. John Texter
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Raab
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Rehm
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lubowicz
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Kenneally
Mrs. Marcia Pichola
Nancy DeSouza
Natalie Breznay Kelley
Nate Carson
Neil Fentner
Network for Good
Nicholas Levis
Nichole English
Nicole Koubek
Nicole McTaggart
Nicole Rukstalis
Nicole Spaetzel
Niki Rollins
Norman Lindway
Pamelynn Cielinski Carver
Pat & Alise Kovalchuk
Patrice Moore
Patricia Kirsh
Patricia O'Donnell
Patricia Zacharyasz Demyan
Patrick Glasow
Patrick Perusek
Patrick Reichlin
Paul Mascenik
Paul and Karen Schlather
Peggy Charkosky-Boyd
Pete Heidersbach
Peter Hoffman
Peter Zakrzewski
Pfizer Foundation
Phil Allegretto
Phillip and Margaret Seguin
In memory of Sandra Cornell Smith '58
Rachael Purta
Rachel Kozma
Rand '64 and Barbara Kaiser
In memory of Robert Schlather '64
Rebecca Lorensky Schlather
Richard Callahan
Richard Franklin
In honor of Bob Noll '72
Richard Lewicki
Rick Wakefield
Rick Wielopolski
Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund - Hope it furthers the students in the Engineering & Robotics Class.
Rita Mraz Bubb
Rita Wirscham Koberna
Robert & Bridget Burkett
Robert & Melissa Palmer
Robert & Sally Ann Glenn
Robert Dahl
Robert Fitzpatrick
Robert Humphrey, Jr.
Robert Kohl
Robert McFarland
In honor of Mary Ann McCoy
In memory of Mary Ann McCoy
Robert ODonnell
In memory of Tony Jiovanazzo
You are doing great work at Elyria Catholic High School. Keep up the good work!
Robert ODonnell
Robert Urig
Robert Zidek
Robert and Lee Steindl
Robin Jennings
Rochelle Klemens
Ronald Capasso
Ronald Capasso
In honor of Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund
Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund
Ronald Rybarcyk
Rory Tomasek
Rose Marie Standifer Lucas
Ruben & Tessala Caribe II
Sandra McCarty
Sara Lanzola
Scott Loos
Scott Volchko
Scott and Jennifer Hans
Scott and Teresa Snow
Sean & Jennifer Taylor
Sean Bryson
Sean Miller
Sharon Debevec
Sharon Lauffer Blaszak
Sharon Logan Meyer
Sharon McAllister Zeck
Sharon Shook Thome
In memory of Sandra Cornell Smith '58
Sheila Sprague Gardner
Sidney Neuhoff
In memory of Anthony Jiovanazzo '70
Spencer Roule
St. Anthonys Catholic Church Food Pantry
In memory of Frank Anderson '57
Stanley and Joan Jones (Katie Jones '25)
Stephanie Smith
In memory of Sandra Cornell Smith '58
Stephanie Smith Golski
Stephen Kirsh
Stephen and Stephanie Cook
Steve McCoy
Steve and Erin Fada
Steven Komives
In memory of Mr. Jacob Froehlich, Sister Mary Carmelette SND, and Sister Mary Ida SND
Steven Mueller
Susan Ricks
Susan Taylor Mabry
In memory of Richard Mack
Suzanne Bodnar Mason
Tanya Thome Pallardy
Taylor Mabry
Ted Baer
Ted Schmitz
Terrence Callahan
In memory of Richard Brlas '68 and Tim Yungman '72
The Batt Family
The Don & Mary OConnor family (6 EC grads)
The Tracy and Tom Taylor Family
Theodore Blaszak
Theresa Crayton
Theresa Mangan
Thomas Diedrick
Thomas Gallagher
Tim Kuhman
Timothy Powers
Todd Sweda
Tom & Connie Loos
Tom Adelsberg
Tom Elbert
In memory of Margaret Murry Hoagland '62
Tom Reighley
Tom Zeck
Tony & Kelly Copa
Tyra Lehmann
In memory of Joseph Gauntner
UBS Employee Giving Program
Vernon Smith
Wayne & Barb Uehlein
William & Cathryn Crawford
William Janda
William Sexton
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
In honor of Annie H. and Michelle H.
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
Charles baumgartner
In memory of Sandra Smith
With sympathy to the family. Chuck and Chris Baumgartner
Thank You for improving the school.

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Elyria Catholic High School
725 Gulf Rd, Elyria, OH 44035
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