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Elyria Catholic High School

Elyria, OH

Elyria Catholic Panther Fund

Your contribution to the Panther Fund helps every student, every day, every way! Your support allows EC the flexibility to direct funds to the areas of greatest need and highest priority, including curricular, co-curricular, campus ministry, and athletic programs. Because of you, students receive an education and experience that is distinctly Elyria Catholic High School.

raised of $235,000 goal
Garen Distelhorst, Director of Philanthropy and Engagement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (632)

All (632)
2022 Elyria Catholic Golf Classic
Adam and Jeannie Hill
Aguilar Wetherbee Family
Alan & Wendy Golski
In memory of Verna Dobrowski Sabo (Class of 1952)
Alan Lerchbacker
Alex Balazs
Alexis Elbert
Allan and Mary Fentner
In honor of Warren Sill (2004), Kurt Jacobs (2006), Kelly Kramer (2007)
Allison Kaminski Corrigan
I am a proud Alum!
Allison Krebs
Amy Ashyk Ashyk Ladwig
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
We love you mom ❤️. You were always a #1 ECHS fan of students, faculty and families!
Amy Bodde
Amy Morgan
Amy Morgan
In honor of Linda Fazio
Andrea Wood (nee Ashyk)
In honor of Mary Lou Ashyk
Andrew and Therese Krol
Ann Frabotta Scott
Ann M Temple
Ann Reising Bring
Anna McNeeley McNeeley
Anne Milchen
Annie Cunningham
Annie Heidersbach
In memory of Dennis Balzer and Ellen Naughton Basinski '57
Annie Heidersbach
Anthony Zaatar
Ashleigh Reichard Mashensic
Ashley Meecha
Ashley Meecha
Ashley Sklenicka
Ashley Volk Edel
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Barbara Andrewski Sliman
Barbara Brehm Mencini
Barbara Kirsh Yergin
Barbara Neff Jurco
Barbara Ruppelt O'Malley and Neal O'Malley
Barbara Ursem Evans
Barbara Vesely
In memory of Mona Vesely and Robert Vesely
Barbara Yarsa Barnes
Ben Currier
Ben Malbasa
In honor of Coach Tom Reighley
Bernard Smith
Betty Holland
Betty Laskin Stevenson
Betty Pakosz
Bill Groomes
Bill and Abby Hricovec
Bill and Angela Amato
Bo and Adrienne Mueller
Bob Burell
Bob and Lori Campana
Brandon Thimke
Brent and Caroline Kilmer Reitz
Brian & Coletta Strippy
Brian Duffield
Brian Essenmacher
Brian Hoagland
Brian Krusz
Brian and Coletta Strippy
In honor of Jakob Hwang
Brianne Bittle
Bruce Kopp
Bryan Radcliffe
Candiese Dunphy
Cara Bees
Cara Shebak
Carie McKinney
Carl Fuchs
Carl Lepkowski
Carl and Gloria Mielcarek
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
Carlie Jones
Carol Webber Blackburn
Carol Zidek Hronek
Caroline Schork Mitola
In memory of Ellen Naughton Basinski '57
Carrie Webber Kaminski
Catherine Bucci
Catherine Jones Fuchs
Catherine Krueck
Celeste Delaney
Chaiban and Dina Badr
Charlene Gatten
Charles and Josephine Kaufmann
Cherie Williams
Cheryl Rakich
In honor of MaryLou Ashyk
Chris Kaminski Kish
Loyalty That Never Dies!
Chris Moore and Linda Webber
Chris and Jen Nagel
Chris and Renee Dugan
Christensen Construction LLC - Walter Christensen
Christine Brooks
Christine Kish
In memory of Kevin Caruso '78
Christine Murphy
Christine Wilczak
Christopher Burton
Christopher Glasow
Christopher Smith
Christopher Smith
Chuck Zeitvogel
Clare Monschein Blevins
Class of 1980
In memory of Don Borowy
Connie Spillar
Craig Moran
Cynthia Cromwell
Cynthia DeFilippo
Dads' Booster Club
In memory of Coach Wayne Diederich
Dale and Connie Kramer
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
Dan & Mary Ann Golski
Dan Terrell
In memory of Sister Mary Neil, SND
I could not have made it through high school without the support of my principal, Sister Mary Neal SND
Dan and Mary Herbert
Daniel Minnich
Daniel Roemer
Daniel Van
Danielle Esposito
Danielle Poje Davidson
Darlene McCowan Knechtges
David & Bettyann Jezewski
David Basinski, Jr
David Bogstad
David Crowell
David Eischen
David Hahn
David Hemminger
David Kalis
David Schlather
David Weitzel
In honor of Members of the class of 1972 who have passed
David and Molly Charnes
Deborah Conner
Deborah Wagner Orlowski
Dee Marsico Pierson
Denise Tribble Linkous
In memory of Judy Tribble
Dennis Kaminski
Dennis Muzilla
Dennis O'Neal
Dennis Plato
Diane & Victor Rovder
In honor of MaryLou Ashyk
Diane Andriano
Diane McAllister Carnivale
Diehl & Lisa Belza
Don & Mary Anne Cunningham
Don and Mary Anne Cunningham
Donald Bradley
Donald Machovina
Donald Rothgery
Donna Rennick
Donna Walther
Donovan Riley
Dorothy Basinski Brock
Douglas Yunker
Douglas and Terry Graham
Dover Foundation
Dr Jason & Michelle Barb
Dr. Jason & Michelle Barb
Dr. Mary Ann Dowdell
EC Classes of 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026
Ed Klimczak
Edgar Martin
Edward Cebula
Elizabeth Adkins
Elizabeth Dolan
Elizabeth Guzina
In honor of Earl and Helen Mahl
Elizabeth Long
Ellen Casey
Elsie Gerhart Coen
Emily Dugan
Eric Rothgery
Eric and Joan Joviak
Eugene Fritz
Evann Heidersbach
F. Gregory Noveske
Faith Harbeck Vautier
Father Lawrence Jurcak
Forest Hills Vet Hospital (Paul Gigliotti '85)
Frank & Suzanne Lester
Frank OLinn
Frank Perrotta
Frank and Georgia Van Wie
Frank and Suzanne Lester
Fred Roberts
Fred and Kelly Roberts
Gail Drahos Ogle
Gail Krucinski Berthoff
Garen Distelhorst
Gary & Patty Elek
Gary Gray
Gary Rowland
In memory of Jane Rink Rowland '72
Gary and Erica Hurst
Gary and Marcella Cooper
Gary and Margaret Naughton Basinski
Gene and Sandy Wessel
George Smith
Greg Perusek
Gregory and Kathleen Freeh
Hal and Eileen Minnich
Hannah Everhart
Harland Dolamore
Harry Day
Haydiee Perkins
Hedy and Chuck Fye
In memory of Mary Lou Ashyk
Henry and Phyllis Kowal
Herve Tellier
In memory of Anita Figler Tellier '67
Hopiard Family
Jack and Mary Lou (Meckley) Golski
In memory of Jim Cyran
Jack, Lynda, and Alex Baker
In memory of Mary Lou Ashyk
Jake O'Connor
James Clark
James Elkins
James Gaffney
James Hammond
James Molosky
James Neal
In honor of Donna Neal McClean
In memory of Mike and Donna (Neal) McClean
James and Elizabeth Rowe
James and Karen Dembiec
Jamie Janda
Jan Radyk Radyk Godbey
Jared Hine
Jason & Lana Scott
Jason Ladd
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
Jean Rybarcyk Nejman
Jeanette Cheryl Whitlock Duffy
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
Jeff Eischen
Jeff and Annette Kramer
Jeffery Eischen
In memory of John D. Eischen '58
Jeffrey Cole
Jen Abraham
Jen and chris Nagel
Jennifer Rowe
Jennifer Van Wie Farley
Jerome Rodak
Jerry Vessalo
Jessica Basinski
Jessica Terry
Jill & Matt Barber Family
Jim & Theresa '00 Flanagan Fowler
Jim Fritz
Sustain positive contribution to society
Jim Machock
Jim Terrell
Jim and Terry Ziegelmeyer
Joan Larkin Villarreal
Joan McKinney
Joan Rick Lowder
In honor of Richard Bliss
He was one of my best friends who died tragically
Joanne Vecchio Polutnik
Joe Bolash
Joe DeMarco
Joe DeMarco
In memory of Tony Jiovanazzo , Mike Masny and Jaye Banville---Class of 1970
Joellen Gallagher Alberts
Joey Bucci
John Congdon and Lisa Whitfield
John Diedrick
John Farrell
John Fruner
John Giovannazzo
In memory of Kenneth Schaefer '68
John Jurco
John Kichan
John Polacsek
John Polutnik
John Szendrey
John Udvardy
John and Kathleen Rokasy
John and Madelynn Suetta
Johnson & Johnson Matching Gift Program
Jordan McNickle
Joseph Conroy
Joseph Daly
Joseph Farkas
Joseph Kelling
Joseph and Carla Homola
Joseph and Jennifer Elbert
In honor of Lorne and Lorene Elbert
Judith Glenn
Judith Toth Bigham
Judy Buzas
Judy Mey
Juliana Tremont
Julie Bray
Kaitlin Conner-Thom
Karen Baldoza
Karen Donovan Cohagan
Karen Schlather
Karen Ternes Cox
Karen Yunker Weber
Katherine McNeeley DDS and Mike Freeh
Katherine Vesely Killen
Kathleen Chaplar Corona
Kathleen Hines Ross
Kathleen Humphrey Garth
Kathleen Janda
Kathleen Plato
Kathleen Poje Bramwell
Kathleen Swartz
In memory of Mary Lou Ashyk
Kathryn Boylan
Kathryn Murray
Kathryn Yunker Brewer
Kathy Ray
Kathy and Dale LaPorte
In honor of Ellen Basinski
Katie Cuevas
Katie Gauntner
Kay Reisz
Kelly O'Dell Pietraniec
Ken Diedrick
Kerry Kreighbaum
Kevin & Sandi Peloquin
Kevin Byrne
Kevin Janowicz
Kevin Krupelak
In honor of my parents, John and Helen Krupelak, for recognizing the value of a quality education. Their sacrifices and dedication made it all possible for myself and my siblings.
Kevin and Gail Flanigan Foundation
Kevin and Mary Doran
Kevin and Sharon Juguilon
Kim Gurd & Family
In memory of Mrs. Ellen Basinski
Kim Lang Gurd
Kim Payne
LaVonne Drager
Landyn Gerace
Laura Roztas
Lauren Zidek
Lawrence Coleman
Lawrence Heyman
Lawrence Sikora
Lee Korzan
Leslie Smelko Porostosky
In memory of John Smelko
Let’s Go Panthers
Linda Schuster
Linda Schuster
Lisa & Tony Cuevas
Lisa Masters
Lisa Ware Atkinson
Louis Milum
Louis and Colleen Elbert
Madeleine Heinrich
Marcia Sarringhaus
Marcia Smith Rothgery
Marcia Spigiel
Margaret Callahan
Margaret Quinlan
Margaret Seguin
Marilyn McAllister Trupo
Marilyn OConnor
Marita Reinders Rink
Mark Aulisio
In memory of Anthony Aulisio
Anthony Aulisio, "Uncle Tony," was paralyzed playing for the ECHS football team in October 1962, graduated with the Class of '65, and died on September 13th, 2008 - a beautiful soul who is dearly missed.
Mark Brattoli
Mark Mroz
Mark and Nancy DeSouza
Marlene Yanosky Simon
Marsha Knipp Greulich
Martha Diederich
Martin Rodriguez
Mary Agnes Schlather Hammel
Mary Ann Corrigan-Davis
Mary Ann Elbert Giovannazzo
Mary Ann Lugas Kershaw
Mary Beth Harper Jaeger
Mary Cay Gurchik Doherty
Mary Ellen Sensback Hatfield
Mary Gigliotti Linsky
Mary Kaliszewski
Mary Knapp
Mary Lou Durkin
Mary Lou Forthofer Davis
Mary McHugh
Mary Schmitz
Mary Zink Bird
Mary and Alan Brailer
Continue member of Panther Club with the hope Mitchell will be part of the class of 2027
MaryJo DiGiandomenico
Matt OKonowitz
Matt Venzel
Matthew Nelson
Matthew and Brenda Klein
Maureen Garrity
Meghan Radel
Mel Belhouane
Melanie Hricovec
Michael Cherney
Michael Duffin
Michael Gandolfo
In honor of Please add to The Gandolfo Family Scholarship Fund!
Michael Geletka
Michael Herbert
Michael Hoffman
Michael Kane
Michael Lappi
Michael McLaughlin
Michael Muscato
Michael Nardini
Michael Pataky
Michael Polutnik
Michael Saddler
Michael Sherman
Michael Vajentic
Michael Weber
Michael and Catherine Sunderman
Michael and Theresa Koubek
Michele Lotko Samek
Michelle Hoffman
Michelle Monske Breehne
Michelle St. Marie
Mike & Becky Essenmacher
Mike & Cindy Kozma
Mike & Jona Metzinger
Mike Keys
In memory of John Lescher '66, Tom Meecha '66, Jeanne Schlather Frey '66, Margaret Murray Hoagland '62
Mike and Lisa Petronio
Molly Bullock
Molly Conroy King
Mr. & Mrs. Csanady
A+ education and teachers! Wonderful school, so glad my children go/went to EC.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Koenig
In memory of Donald Gilles, Jr.
Msgt. Marie Osborne, USA (Ret.)
Nancy Adelsberg
Nancy Bommer Wagner
Nancy Brunswick
Nancy Larson
Nancy Reaser
Nate Carson
Neil Fentner
Neil Walsh
Nicholas Aulisio
Nicholas Ksenich
Keep up the great work Elyria Catholic!!
Nick Christensen - Christensen Construction LLC
Nick Ziegelmeyer
Nick and Patti Abraham
Nicole Firment
Nicole Koubek
Nicole Rukstalis
Noreen Kaib Feldman
Celebrating 50 years since our 1973 graduation!
Norm Mazurkowski
Norma Jean Gwin
PNC Foundation
Pam Cielinski Carver
Pat Perusek
Pat and Alise Kovalchuk
Patrice Moore
In memory of 1968 classmates
Patricia Bedocs Bolyos
Patricia Brizes-Cooney
Patricia Demyan
Patricia Gorski Wolfe
Patricia Kamba
In memory of Earl and Helen Mahl
Patricia Peyton Essenmacher
Patricia Schacht
Patrick Glasow
Patrick Reichlin
Paul Blevins
Paul Mascenik
Paul Pustay
Paul and Cheryl Janik
Peggy Resar
Peggy Schmidt
In memory of Betty Blair '56
Peter Leek
Peter Zakrzewski
Phil Seguin
Randy Tomasek
Raquel Ortiz
In honor of Virginia and Gonzalo Rodriguez
Great education for my son.
Raymond Baxter
Rebecca Lorensky Schlather
Renisha Brown
Reverend Franklin Buck
Richard Callahan
Richard Durack
Richard Franklin
In honor of Bob Noll '72
Richard Kovacs
Richard Lewicki
Richard Morsher
Richard Poje
Richard Reitz
Richard Stewart
Richard and Christine Laubenthal
Rita Mraz Bubb
Rita Wirscham Koberna
Rob Zidek
Robert Burell
Robert Dahl
Robert H Wacker
Robert Humphrey
Love EC
Robert Humphrey
Robert Monchein
Robert ODonnell
Because the school is doing great things related to the values of Jesus Christ.
Robert Urig
Rochelle Klemens
Rodger Dyson
Ron Capasso
Ron Zidek
Ronald Rick
Ronald Rybarcyk
Ronald and Carmen Joseph
Rory Tomasek
Rose Marie Lucas
Rosemary Ziegman Woconish
Ross and Madelyn Heidersbach
Rudolph Rehm
In memory of Helen and Rudolph Rehm Sr.
Ruth Wilhelm
Ryan Hill
Ryan Taylor
In memory of Elizabeth Taylor
Keep doing amazing things!
Ryne (‘11) and Elizabeth St. Marie
Sally Pronesti Gesouras
Sally Traczek Reynolds
Sandra Jurcak Seidl
Sandra McCarty
Sandy Essenmacher Cherpak
Sara Forthofer Linnell
Sara Lanzola
Scott Payne
Scott Volchko
Scott Wagner
Scott and Jennifer Hans
Sean Miller
Sharon Blaszak
Sharon Debevec
Sharon Muko Henderson
Sharon Soltis Traxler
Shay and Joe Schill
Sheila Sprague Gardner
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily ‘21, Jackson ‘24, Joseph
Smith Family: Greg, Susan, Emily, Jack and Joe
Stacy Goloja
Stanley Black & Decker
Stanley Trupo
Stephanie Smith
In memory of MaryLou Ashyk
Stephen Fuchs
Stephen Kimbel
Steve & Pam Lubowicz
Steve Fada
Steven Komives
Sue Mabry
In memory of Mary Lou Ashyk
Susan Frabotta
In memory of John Frabotta '59
Susan Gilles Ricks
In memory of Jim Gilles ‘76
Susan Gilles Ricks
Susan Taylor Mabry
Suzanne Bodnar Mason
Ted Baer
Terreance & Karen Baehm
Terrence Callahan
In memory of Thomas Radican '60, Richard Brlas '68, Tim Yungman '72, Doug Gerber '71
Terri & Brian Soltis
Terri Soltis
Terry & Susan Kenneally
Terry Flanagan
Terry and Carol Murello
The Batt Family
The Budinger Family
The Csanady Family
The Merrell Family
The Progressive Insurance Foundation
The Raab/Denney Family
The Straka Family Gift Fund
Thelma Day Drake
Theresa Daly Crayton
Theresa Day
Theresa Kirsch Fiore
In honor of Betty Smith Kirsch
Therese McNeil Mullen
Thomas Diedrick
Thomas Hassler
Thomas Koviak
Thomas Loos
Thomas Moore
Thomas Ney
Thomas Rawson
Thomas Shirkey
Thomas Taylor
In honor of MaryLou Ashyk
Thomas and Beatrice Webb
Thomas and Christina Wade
Thomas and Sharon Brunkow
Thomas and Tracy Taylor
Timothy Breehne
Timothy Kuhman
Timothy and Christine Queen
Todd Diedrick
Todd Sweda
Tom Adelsberg
Tom Adelsberg
Loyalty That Never Dies....
Tom Adelsberg
Tom Hesmond
Tom Kuhman
Continue with the great education and molding of our youth!
Tony Reaser
Tori Bucci
Tori, Joey and Cathy Bucci
UBS Employee Giving Program
Vernon Smith
Veronica Cheevers Lantz
Victor and Karen Turk
Victor and Laverne Sedivec
Vikki Masterson
In honor of MaryLou Ashyk
In Memory Of my beautiful aunt, MaryLou Askyk
Vincent Feck
Virginia O'Connor
Walt Christensen - Christensen Construction LLC
Walter Boron
William Bulger
William Dolan
William Forthofer
William Janda
William Janesz
William Noveske
William Scott
William Sexton
William Wagner
William and Alice Nicola
Williams Brothers Builders, Inc.
Zachary Zidek
Zenovia Rozmarynowycz
Zoe Zwegat Schmid
Carol E gilles
Richard gonser
In honor of Parentts
A worthy cause
Walter slovikovski
In memory of Marilyn Stahl Cohagan '59

Giving options

President’s Society

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Leadership Society

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Our Lady of Grace Benefactor

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Panther Society

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Elyria Catholic High School
725 Gulf Rd, Elyria, OH 44035
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