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Gould Academy

Bethel, ME

Giving Tuesday 2024

Celebrate Gould’s Values…Give to Gould! November 19- Dec 3

raised of $100,000 goal
Karen Burns, Assistant Head of School, Advancement

Supporters (385)

All (385)
Abbey Quinn
Adrian Lyne
Aiden Baker
Alana Lacourse
Alastair Browne
Alberto Sánchez
Alex Kerney
Alex Pakulski
Alex Pi Alguero
Ali Linley
Allison Moody
Allison Stevens
Amara Mecklenburg
Amy Scott
Andrew Levi
Years of my life I have never forgotten.
Anne Thomas Oversier
Anne and Kevin Plante
Grateful for amazing ASP teachers who keep our student striving to be his best!
Annie Sykes
Anthony Doar
Anthony Hanson
Gould opened my eyes to the world beyond and the possibilities.
Anthony Liberti
Arik Goff
Ashley Douglas
Happy to give back after receiving so much
Ashton Cushman
Audrey & Corey Theriault
Barbara M Trafton
Barry Smith
There when you need them!
Benjamin Kamilewicz
Kindness builds the bridges to make the world a better place!
Beth Garfield
Bethel Outing Club
Bill Mangino
Bill Moore
Bill White
Bonnie Davidson Argeropoulos
Shooting for the big 50,000 for our 50th reunion next year!!! The best two years of my life were spent at Gould Academy. Very grateful!
Brad Clarke
Brandon Philip
Brett & Amy Saide
Brett Shifrin
Brian Schroy
Brian Tetreault
Brian and Betsy McCrodden
Bridget Fitzpatrick
Brittany Riley
Bruce Barrett
Brynn Newsom
Byron Burns
Great faculty, great leadership and great campus… Keep up the great work!
Cameron Maguire
You've stolen our hearts, Gould! I'm forever in your debt for the experiences you're providing. The campus there is beyond beautiful, but the souls that make it Gould turn it into a magical wonderland of learning and hope. Makes me want to be in high school again. Keep doing what you do! ~CM
Candie & John Marsellus
Carlee Noecker
Caroline Choi
Carter Willis
Cassie Lieblein
Cathy Fisher
Cecile Richard
Charles Jacobs
Keep up the great work!
Charles Price
Charlie Newell
Chelsea Turner
Thank you teachers, coaches and staff for all you do to provide students who attend Gould with an exceptional education.
Chris & Cyndy Kane Olson
Chris Mangold
Great what you do for the kids!
Christine McCarthy
Kindness for the win!
Christopher Brooks
Christopher Drake
Christopher Hayward
Christopher Monaco
Claire Irons
Clarissa Thompson
Claudette Tamer
Cleta Stockwell
Cleveland Gardner
Colleen & Robert Raymond
Best of everything Class of 2027! You rock:-) Keep up the good work!
Conway and Sallie Felton
Courtney Eichacker
Craig Coccia
Crosby Taymore
Cynthia Cave
Cyril Meduna
Dan & Maggy Sullivan
Dan Gray
Tell Fuzzy he owes me a pair of medium Gloves :)
Daniel García-Escudero Sánchez
Daryl Robicsek
Dave Thurston
David & Sarah Beanland
We are participating in Gould Giving Tuesday to acknowledge the Gould Core Value of Curiosity. Our Ben is thriving because he has found intellectual curiosity amongst his classmates, teachers and coaches at Gould. The Gould culture welcomes his questions and guides him out of his comfort zone to safely explore and grow. Thank you!
David McMillan
David Walker
David Willis
Dean Miller
Deb Costello
Debbie Wight
Deborah Shipp
Diane Sullivan
For 50th match
Don Christie, Jr.
Don Hilliard
Thank you for all you do for our family!
Donald Hillard
Duncan Family
Eben Wilde
Elaine and Dutch Dresser
Elisa Lellios
Eliza Roberts
Elizabeth Holstein
Elizabeth Tappan-deFrees
Ellen Foster
Ellen McMahon
Ellis Slover
Emily Baker
Emily Drummond
Emmett Plante
Eoin Sullivan
Erik Janicki & Meg Foley
Erika Keough
Ethan Martin
Eva McMillan
Evan Daigneault
Ezra Tsapis
Farley Ordway
Gab Texier
Gena Lavallee
George Angevine
Gil Field
Grace Goff
Grace Scott
Greg & Jaime Gilman
Gregory Gorbach
Griffin Brill
Hallel Lowrey
Hana Mixter
Hannaford Helps Schools Hannaford
Hannah Martin
Harry Brown
Hauna Fitzmorris
Heidi Gorton
Henry Fasoldt
Holly and Dan Burnes
Hunter Rosenthall
Ian Brown
Ian Siekman
Jack & Maggie Kelley
Jacqueline Scully - Gillian
Jacques Perrolle
Jaiton Demas
Kindness wins
James Contis
James McLaughlin
Glissando your way to the goal!!🎹🪗
Jason Cameron
Jason Chase
Izzy '20 and Allison '24. Thanks Gould!
Jasper Wills
Jay Davis
Jennifer and Bradley Carlson
Jessica Long
Jialin Xie
Jill Shapiro
Jill Shapiro
Jill Simmons
Jimmy & Jorie Catlin
Joanna Belden
Joanne Makepeace Bennett
John & Stacey Thurston
John Henry Paluszek
John Kantelis
Keep up the great work!
John Kimble
John Lombard
John Merhige
John Rieszer
John Runyan
John Todd
John and Susan Wight
Jon Gould
Jonathan Villeneuve
Josep Pi Laib
We are so grateful to Gould!!!
Josh Tyson
Keep doing what you do!!
Joy Sexton
Joyce Sexton
Judson McCann
Julia Tatsch
Karen Burns
Karen and Bill Rogers
Karin Keller
Kate Carlson
Kathy Grange
Katie Keough
Katie Knapp
Keith Bartlett
A special thank you to David "Fuzzy" Thurston for his help and ever humorous expertise! Thanks Fuzzy! Keith
Keith Newfield
Kelly Markillie Cortez
Kenneth Remsen
Kevin Broderick
Kevin Davis
Kian Merchant-Borna
Ring the bell!
Kim and Catherine Littell
Kimberly Siebert
What Leslie Campbell said! 😄☮️❤️
Kimmie Johnston
Kirke Curtis
Kristen Brill
Kristen Murphy
Kurt Schreiber
Laura Hunter
Laura Newsom
Laura Ordway
Lauren Nelson
Laurie Ottens
After almost 60 years since graduation, I still appreciate the education and the experience- hope to be there for our 60th class reunion in two years! Thank you!
Leo Menard III
Leo Merhige
Leslie Campbell
Gould has been the one consistent positive force in my life for the past 52 years and given me a wealth of confidence, creativity, knowledge and the BEST of friends...to this day! (Lucia Baker, Mac Davis, Bonnie Pooley...was that a run on sentence?) I have endless love for my Gould family and can't WAIT for our 50th in 2025! Over the Bank here we come...
Lewis Anderson
Lillian & David Willis
The positive and caring Gould community helps each student bring forth his or her personal, educational, and athletic skills in an atmosphere of respect for self and others. Truly valuable and impressive.
Linda Hatch
Linsha Xie
Gould Academy!
Liz and Bill Carter
Lynn Wilson
Maeve Grocki
Maggie Davis
Mallory Raymond
Marcella Prachyl
Mariah Baker
Mario Sanchez
Marisa Hanning
Mark Godomsky
Mark Harries
Martha Stowell
Martha Yules
Hey Class of 1975 -- what a wonderful and wild time we had. Talk about creativity -- we tipped the scale! Thanks, Liza and Peter, for rallying the troops. See you in September! Cheers!
Mary Ann Ashcraft
Mary Baudo
Mary Crowley
Gould inspires students to be their best every day!
Mary Gale
Matt Wilder
Matthew Karatz
Mau Ramirez
yesss go gould
Megan Ahearn
Megan Edgar
Megan Grocki
Megan Heon
Gould Faculty and Staff - THANK YOU!!
Meghan Costello
Megumi Ozaki
Meredith Verrill
Meredtih McMillan
Merit Bean
Mia Harvey
Michael Collins
Michael Hirschbuhl
Michael Ricker
Michael Stowell
Mike Stowell
I appreciate all that Gould did for me in my formative years. Thank you!
Molly Bruce
Molly Climo
Molly Russell
Moonhwe Jang
Nancy Newsom-Farmer
Nancy Stowell White
Grateful for friendships that have lasted decades, and for inspiring teachers ( that's you Lucia, Bonnie, Mac, Linda Wade, and much-missed Tineke!). Class of '80 - #45 is coming up quick!
Nathan Romboldi
Neil & Mary Scanlon
Nicholas Adams
Go huskies!
Nick Carpenter
Nicole Toomey
Nik Bergill
Nikolai Markovich
Nora Villeneuve
Norma Salway
Oliver Dahler
Thanks for all !!!
PJ Steber
Pam Christie
Pamela Senese
Parker Gilman
Parker Thurston
Pascal Benichou
Paul Babbitt
Paul Mickey
Paul White
Perry Mattson
Pete & Vicki Rackliffe
In memory of Tineke Ouwinga
Peter A. Hussey
Peter Cole
Peter Greenstone
Gould's programs had a great influence on my life.
Peter Howard
Peter Hussey
Peter Moses
International students bring cultural diversity and global experience to Gould Academy that enhances the community.
Peter Southam
Gould is a great place to be a kid.
Peter Thurston
Phil & Janie Grantham
Phil Coupe
Phil Seitzer
Philip Martin
Phyllis Gardiner
Here's to living and learning according to these core values, and to building strength in community -- that's what makes Gould such a magical place!
Ralph Janicki
Randolph Liu
Randy Bridges
Raymond and Cheryl Harries
Rebecca Hahn
Reiley Hedden
Reto Morosani
Richard Taylor
Rick Foyston
Rick Melvoin
Rob Liscombe
Robert Casella
I applaud the opportunities that Gould enables
Robert Doolittle
Rowan Gill
Ruth Brousseau
Ryder Bailey
Sadie McKinlay
Sam & Kelly Adams
Sam Adams
"Go Huskies! Think snow!"
Sam Butterfield
Sam McMillan
Sam Wadhams
Sandra Turner
We very much appreciate the educational opportunities, life experiences, mentoring and coaching support Gould provides our grandson. Such a wonderful experience for him!
Sara McCarthy
Sara Shifrin
...the willingness to risk goes hand in hand with the willingness to be creative...thanks to all the creatives who have inspired me along the way...
Sarah Griffiths
Sarah Hiebert
Sarah Krizo
Sarah Taymore
Always be curious
Scott Hills
See you in Bethel for our 50th!
Selvi Lampman
Sergi Puigdemasa
Shannon Swierad
Shawn Carroll
Sherry Boger
Solei Lane
Sonya Merkulova
Sophie Sczurko
Stan Howe
Stanislav Jezek
Stanley McKnight
Stefanie Casella
Stefanie Papenberg
Thank you teachers, coaches, mentors and staff for your wonderful support for American as well as international students!
Stephanie Crockett
Stephen Swofford
Stephen Trinward
Fun fact: Among our illustrious alumni (although he only went for one year) is Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, which has now rebranded as Centers for Spiritual Living, built on the transcendentalist tradition of Emerson.
Steven and Cami Oyler
Suzanne and Bruce Pierce
Tao Smith
In honor of Gould’s incredible faculty and staff!
The Connell Family
The Lieblein Family
The McCann Family
Therese & Jay Kelleher
Tim Gavin
Tim Kamilewicz
Tim Martin
Tim Martin
Tom Kennedy
The four years there were a great preparation for life's journey, in all respects, and a beginning of life-long friendships -
Tristan Fischer
Vanessa Farr
Wanda Richard
Thank you all for what you do every day to contribute to the success of the students!
William and Marianne Allen
Winnett &Guy Ordway
Wyatt Costello
Wynde Kate Reese
Thank you for providing an exceptional education and life-changing experience for my child.
Yunqiang Lu
Yusuke Arima
Let’s go
Zach Bouchard
Zach Garfield
Zain Connolly
Zeke Davisson
Iris osborn
Maya roelofs
Natalie pellerin
Rory wont
Tish carr
Giving thanks for having Tineke in our lives.
I appreciate your great contribution to Gould community
We will be forever grateful for the experiences and support our son had at Gould. We are proud to be Gould parents.❤️
Our son has only been at Gould a few months and it’s already changed his life. We appreciate all the faculty and staff that make his journey a success! We will continue to give for years to come to support Gould!

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