Giving Tuesday 2023
Make Your Mark… Give to Gould! November 14-28, 2023
raised of $150,000 goal413
Karen Burns, Assistant Head of School, Advancement
Supporters (413)
All (413)
So happy to support GOULD ACADEMY
Abbey Quinn
Adrian Bouthot
Aiden Baker
Ajay Zutshi
Alec Manning
Alec Voorhis
Mrs Manning asked, and Allison Stevens is competitive.
Alena Maskova
Alex B Kerney
Alex Moody
Allison B. Stevens stevens
Let's go Class of '99! We're planning the best reunion for our 25th. Make Maine Plans. Donate some $ anything counts, it's about effort not amount.
Allison Nevins
Allison Richardson
Allison Spooner Linley
Amelia Wyse
Amy & John Rieszer
Amy Connell
I give to support an awesome community partner!
Amy Scott
As a parent of a senior, I appreciate the college counseling support provided by Gould and am thankful for the overall experience for my kids!
Andrea Underwood Jones
Anne Oversier
Anthony Hanson
Anthony Liberti
Arik Goff
Atushi Ozaki
Class of 2026
Aurelio Flores
Barbara Trafton
Barbie Robinson
Barry Smith
Gould was great for our daughter Sara Smith!
Barry and Carley Smith
Wonderful opportunity for our daughter, Sara Smith!!
Benjamin Kamilewicz
I am so proud to support Gould because I believe in people – I believe in their power to transform the world. Gould is developing the next generation of changemakers to lead us to a new and better future – Go Huskies!
Beth Garfield
Betsy Siebeck Gary Smith
Gould has been a part of our family since the 1980's. Our children and grandchildren have benefitted from the outstanding faculty and academics, unique outdoor experiences, and solid values of Gould Academy.
Bill and Ki Clough
Bjorn Vandenbulcke
Bonnie Davidson
My two years at Gould were the best Two years of my life. I am forever grateful.
Brad and Beth Clarke
Brandon Philip
Brent Krizo
Bretton White
I support Gould for its great teachers!
Brian Schroy
Brianna Ba
Brittany Riley
Brooke Beckerman
Bruce & Sarah Taymore
Great school, Great Faculty, and a Great Board.
Bruce Barrett
Bruce and Jayne Clark
Brynn Newsom
Byron Burns
Caleb McCann
Cameron Maguire
Camilla Nordstrom
Caroline Choi
Carter Willis
Cassie Lieblein
Catherine & David Wilde
Our whole family loved visiting "Cowboy" at Gould Academy! It was a great four-year adventure and experience for all of us.
Catherine Army
Every little bit counts.
Catherine Hosterman Tyson
Gem of a place!
Catherine Read
Cathy Fisher
Cecile Richard
Cecille Anderson
Charles Jacobs
Charlie and Cathy Newell
Chelsea Turner
Gould is such a special place! Grateful for all the faculty, staff and coaches who make the magic happen.
Chris Monaco
In memory of Brad Cunningham '01
Christopher Brooks
Cindy Fuerst Fuerst
Clare Greene
Clarissa Thompson
Clayton Gamble
Cleveland Gardner
To thine own self be true!
Clifton Jackson
Colby Rieszer
Conway and Sallie Felton
Cooper Nicastro
Courtney Eichacker
Craig Gorris
Crosby & Paige Taymore
Cynthia Li
Appreciate your hard work!
Dale Bosworth
Damaris Drummond
Daniel Bodenfors
Daniel Daigneault
Daniel Sullivan
Daniela Pinto
Daniella Monserrate
David Bouldry
David McMillan
2023 marks my 10th consecutive year as a Gould parent with 1 year to go— 5 times grateful for Gould challenging, respecting, cherishing, and enlightening all my children.
David Simane
Class of 2024 !!!!
David Thurston
A pleasure to be a part of a school so thoroughly dedicated to improving the lives of students in all ways.
Deb Costello
Deborah & George Menezes
Deborah Shipp
Debra Dohrmann
Deirdre Harde-Perry
Education is a blessing.
Denise Manning
The Gould community helped raise our son. For that, we are eternally grateful.
Dereck Treadwell
Let's keep it rolling!
Derek Moody
Diana Castle
We are very happy to support Gould Academy and all it has to offer to current, and future students and the community.
Don and Mary Hammond
Donald LaDieu
Gould was instrumental in preparing me for life!
Doug Alford
Dr. John and Janet Lombard
Eben Wilde
Edie, Jorie, & Jim Catlin
Edward Handy
Elise Moody
Eliza Tyson
Eliza VandenBerg
Elizabeth Giarusso
Ellen Foster
Ellen McMahon
Thank you for all you do everyday all year!
Emily Baker
Emily Drummond
Eoin Sullivan
Erik Janicki
Eva Contis
Evan Daigneault
Ezra Karwacky
Farley Ordway
Fiona Eversberg
Fiona Keough
Francis Patrick Curran
Fred Fanning
Garrett Silliman
Gary Curtis
Gavin Liu
Class of 2024
Gavin Oconnell
Gena Lavallee
Geraldine Schneider
Gil Norcross
Grace Goff
Grace Scott
Greg Gilman
Greg Young
Gregory Gorbach
Gretchen Heon
Griffin Brill
Gus Levy
Gwynn Zakov
Haley Irving Walker
Hana Mixter
Henry Fasoldt
Henry Grohman
Hunter Rosenthall
Ian Brown
Ian Siekman
Idin Dalpour
In honor of Bob Bruce, Brad Cunningham, and Angus Graham, Class of 2001
Ingrid Janicki
Isabelle Louis-Bernard
Ivan Chernomorets
Jack Henderson-Adams
Jack Kelley
Jack Morrison
Jackson Tucker
Jacqueline Gillian
James Bennett
James McLaughlin
James Nagel
Jane Robinson
Jane Schwab
Two of the best years of my life! Still see lifelong friends from Gould.
Jason Chase
Jason Machado
Jay Keshavan
Jeff Lathrop
Jennifer Baldwin
For all the lifelong friends I've made and our commitment to learning in the outdoors!
Jennifer Tabor
Jenny Villeneuve
Jerry Bernier
Jessica Long
Jessica Stasinos
Jill Lepow
Thank you Gould for providing so many wonderful opportunities to our youth
Jim Simbe
Joanna Belden
John & Julie Pellerin
John Anderson
John Kantelis
John Kimble
Gould !
John Merhige
John Pollack
John Todd
Gould Academy is the genesis of my good fortune.
Jonah Miga
Jonathan Rogers
Jordan Quenneville
The Quennevilles are forever thankful for Gould! Go huskies!
Josh Lee
Joy Sexton
Gould was my jumping off place. I learned the value of hard work and the value of a close knit community. I treasure many of my Gould friendships to this day. Thank you GA.
Julia Bennett
Julia Tatsch
Julia Young
Gould has been a constant in my family since I graduated in the late 80's. My daughter has thrived at Gould academically, socially, and athletically. She is a six-year senior ready and excited for the next chapter. The faculty, coaches and advisors have guided, supported and cherished her every step of the way.
Justin Hautaniemi
Karen Burns
Feeling so lucky to be part of the Gould Academy Community!
Karen Burns
Karen and Bill Rogers
Kate Gallant
Katharine Keough
Kathleen Willis
Curiosity, Kindness, Creativity, Courage - Thank you Gould for making these our core values!
Kathy Twitchell
Katie Stack
Happy to support!
Katsumi Fujii
Keavy Cook
Gould changed my life and I am so grateful for all of the faculty, staff and students - you have always been the heart of Gould. Thank you!
Keith Erickson
Keith Newfield
Was a great experience when I attended the school and would like to help support the continued growth and support the school offers to students.
Keith and Laurie Bartletee
Kelly M Cortez
Kelly Cortez
Kelly Lieblein
Kenneth Remsen
Kenzie Clark
Kevin Broderick
Kevin Plante
We support Gould's amazing Academic Skills Program and the learning professionals that are so deeply committed to our son's success.
Kim and Catherine Littell
Kimberly Siebert
The lessons I learned at Gould and the friends I made there are inseparable parts of my life. I am happy to support this wonderful school.
Kimmie Johnston
Kristen Brill
Kristen Kaschub
Kristen Murphy
Thankful for a wonderful school with incredible faculty!
Kristin Collins
Kurt Schreiber
Kyle Curry
Laura Hunter
Laura Jill Simmons
In honor of The Mannings
Laura Newsom
Laura Ordway
Laurie Ottens
Got a great education back in the 60's that I appreciate to this day!
Laurin Parker
Leo Menard III
Leslie Campbell
Gould has and will always be in my heart! Thank you for the lessons, support, memories and friendships to this day! 🙏💙
Levi Shutty
Liam Anderson
Linda Hatch
Lindon Felt
Lisa Dorval
Lucas Barstow
I support Gould today because it it a tremendous place for my kids to learn and grow. I, as a faculty member, have also learned a ton about myself.
Lucas Barstow
Lucie Ježková
Lynn Wilson
Maggy and Daniel Sullivan
Maleah Piazza
Mallory Raymond
Mallory Ricker
Mariah Baker
Marisa Hanning
Mark Harries
Mark Hutchins
Mark Zobel
Marvin Ouwinga
Mary Baudo
Wonderful life experiences!
Mary Crowley
Gould gives students amazing opportunities every day!
Mary Gale and Rich Davisson
Matt & Karen Nevins
Matthew Karatz
Max Krizo
Max Littlefield
Max Southam
Megan Grocki
Megan Heon
Megan Kiiza
Meghan Costello
Meng An
Mia Harvey
Michael Castle
Michael Collins
Michael Myers
Michael Ricker
Miodrag Nesic
Molly Bruce
Molly Climo
Molly Gartrell Earle
Gould looms large in our family lore! To date, we’ve sent four students to Gould (starting in 1959), provided one dorm parent (my grandmother, in the early 1960s), two Trustees (my parents, in the late 80s/early 90s), and a Teaching Fellow (my son, currently residing in Holden Hall!). Gould is dear to all of us!
Monique Stewart
Moonhwe Jang
Natalie Pellerin
Natalie Pellerin
Nathan Jones
Neil & Mary Scanlon
Great school and organization. We are proud to be associated with Gould.
Nicholas Carpenter
Gould gave me the space and structure to become a better version of myself. I am forever grateful to the faculty who energized my love of learning and helped me (successfully!) navigate one of life's more difficult times.
Niklas Bergill
Nikolai Markovich
Happy to donate on this 35th year since graduating. Go Huskies!
Nora Villeneuve
Nyla Scott
Odra Anderson
Oliver Tai
Owen Rogers
Parker Gillman
Parker Welch
Patricia Donovan
Patricia Tomaselli
Supporting our son Joseph Tomaselli to be the best Joseph he can be...Love Patti and Louis
Paul Babbitt
Paul Mickey
Gould was a marvelous launching pad for my son Scott '09 - keep up the great work!
Perry and Pearl Mattson
Peter & Megumi Moses
Peter Cole
Peter Geller
Peter Howard
Peter Hussey
Peter Southam
Peter Thurston
Gould created memories and friendships that have endured for 50 years. I can only hope for the same for future generations.
Peter and Vicki Rackliffe
Philip and Kathryn Martin
Phyllis Gardiner
I give time, energy and what resources I can to Gould because this is such a special place and I wholeheartedly support the good work that students, faculty and administrators are doing here together. Onward and upward!
Polly Panasenko
Poppy Edwards
Ralph Janicki
Randy Bridges
Ray Harries
Rebecca Hahn
Reed sisters
Reto Morosani
Richard Melvoin
Robert Baribeau
Robert Casella
Robert Liscombe
Robin Stratton
With appreciation for the faculty and staff at Gould. Thank you!
Rod Swain
Rory Wont
Rosie Barstow
class of 2027
Ruth and Frederick Brousseau
SARAH Ovenden
I give now because someone gave for me.
Sam Krizo
Sam McMillan
Sam Parker
Sam, Gina, and Phoebe Wadhams
You cannot put a price on a place this special, but we are glad to do our part to see it thrive into the future.
Samantha Bowen
Samuel Adams
Go Huskies!
Sara McCarthy
Sara Shifrin
As a family, we believe that Gould is an enriching environment that helps young adults pursue their interests and passions to become the person they believe they can be.
Sarah Hiebert
Sarah Kamilewicz
Sarah Krizo
Sarah Morgan
My experience at Gould was life-changing, from the education to lessons learned in between the lines, in the art cottage, on snowy slopes, the stage in Bingham, or the tennis court, carefully delivered by incredible teachers, coaches, and early mentors. I support Gould to help ensure it is best positioned to continue offering not only a top-notch education, but the kind of experience that inspires learning in all shapes and sizes.
Sarah Paul
Sarah Taymore
Scott Hills
Sean Duncan
Sean Xie
Selvi & Tim Lampman
Shannon Littlefield Swierad
Shawn Carroll
Sherry Boger
I support Gould because the academy was life changing for my husband JAMES KEITH BOGER and I want to honor him as he passed away earlier this month.
Sophia Sczurko
Sophie Laurence
Stacey Sandvoss
Stanislav Jezek
Stanley McKnight
Stefanie Casella
Stephanie Crockett
Stephanie McKinley
Thank you for all the wonderful programming you do 🙏
Stephen Lindquist
Steve Trinward
Hope this little bit helps
Steven Oyler
Tao Smith
Ted Lott
Grateful for everything Gould did for me
Thacher and Kiley Stone
The Gray Family
The Olsons
The Slover Family
Thomas Duggan
Thomas Parsons
Timmy Kamilewicz
Tobie Smith
Class of 2028
Tom Chadbourne
Tracey Wilkerson
Tristan Fischer
Wanda Richard
My deepest gratitude to ALL of you for what you do!!
Whitney Dwyer
Will Kannegieser
William Ayotte
William Graham
Wyatt Costello
Wyse Family
Zeke Davisson
Zoe Kim
Ali legere
Anders silitch
Dawn trask
Ellis slover
Jacqueline merhige
Kai perks
Meg wyatt
Meredith mcmillan
Mervyn sahud
always remembered as a school that lead the way for my boys
Parker Thurston
Tish carr
Thank you!
Class of 2026