Horace Mann School logo

Horace Mann School

Bronx, NY

Horace Mann School logo

Active Campaigns

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Completed Campaigns

Senior Parents' Gift 2024

Thank you to senior parents for the outpouring of generous support for the Class of 2024 Financial Aid Endowment Fund. Our Senior Parents Gift 2024 giving campaign has ended. If you would like to support HM’s Annual Fund 2024-25, please visit our website: https://www.horacemann.org/support...


Senior Class Gift 2024

Raffle entries start a $1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6 tickets, $10 for 15 raffle tickets, $25 for 50 raffle tickets and $50 for 125 raffle tickets. The raffle ends on June 2nd with the drawing on June 3rd and the winners will be announced via email. The money raised from this raffle will go towards...

of 178 supporter goal

Alumni Team Challenge 2024

Show your Lion Pride by supporting the Annual Fund. The team that receives the greatest number of gifts will earn bragging rights and exclusive swag. Regardless of your team color, when you support the Annual Fund, Horace Mann School is the ultimate winner by enabling current students to experience...


GivingTuesday 2023

Throughout the years GivingTuesday has consistently remained our most significant day of giving, playing a vital role in allowing us to offer exceptional educational opportunities in addition to nurturing well-rounded students where mutual respect, mature behavior, and the life of the mind can...

of 400 supporter goal

Spring Alumni Challenge 2023

A gift to Horace Mann School's Annual Fund is a great way to pave the way for current HM students. Your gift to the Annual Fund is vital to: • Ensuring rigorous and thoughtful academic and co-curricular offerings • Attracting and retaining the most talented faculty and staff •...

of 100 supporter goal

GivingTuesday 2022

A gift to Horace Mann School's Annual Fund on GivingTuesday is a meaningful way to celebrate the world's greatest day of generosity and giving back to the organizations that matter most to us. Your gift to the Annual Fund is vital to: • Ensuring rigorous and thoughtful academic and...

of 450 supporter goal

Senior Parents' Gift

The traditional Class Gift to Horace Mann School made by Seniors and their parents has become a meaningful custom for the families and friends of graduating classes to institute a financial aid endowment. The Class of 2022 Financial Aid Endowment Fund establishes a class legacy, creates an occasion...


Giving Tuesday 2021

A gift to Horace Mann School's Annual Fund on #GivingTuesday is a great way to celebrate the world's greatest day of generosity and camaraderie. Your gift to the Annual Fund is vital to: • Ensuring rigorous and thoughtful academic and co-curricular offerings • Attracting and retaining the most...

of 409 supporter goal

Spring Alumni Challenge

Alumni support of the Annual Fund is vital to sustaining the exceptional HM student experience. Help pave the way for the next generation of HM students by giving back to your school and taking part in the Challenge. Here’s how you can help us reach and exceed our goals: • Make a gift to...

of 200 supporter goal
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Horace Mann School
231 West 246th Street, Bronx, NY 10471
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