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Horace Mann School

Bronx, NY

Giving Tuesday 2021

Thank you to the HM community for the outpouring of generous support and stellar participation on GivingTuesday! Our 2021 GivingTuesday giving campaign in support of Horace Mann School’s Annual Fund has ended. If you would like to support HM’s Annual Fund 2021-22, please visit our website: https://www.horacemann.org/support-hm/give-to-the-annual-fund Please contact Kristen Pietraszek, Director of Annual Giving, with questions: [email protected] or 718-432-3459. Thank you!

Joe Del Visco, Annual Fund Manager

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (503)

All (503)
Aaron Orwasher
Abraham and Lindsay Bennun
Adam Garcia
Thank you for your dedication to teaching the leaders of the future while also maintaining a safe learning environment.
Adam Klein
We are so thankful to be a part of HM and its community!
Adam Parker
Adani & Simone Illo
Fantastic learning environment!
Adele and Robert Sossen
Aditya Mattoo
Adrian Rogers
Adriane Berman
Adrienne Fields
Ai & Xexxon Panjamapirom
Aidan McAndrew
Ailee Mendoza
Alan And Tiffany Scheiner
Alan Goldman
Alan Saltzman
Alana Weiss
Albert Zuckerman
Alejandro Pustilnik
Alex Glassman
Alexander Baumann
Alexander Posner
Alexander Speiser
Alexandra Matt
Alexandra Rukin Miller
Alexandra Saali
Alexandre De Latour
Alice Wong and Charles Park
Alice and Steve Zheng
Alison Gould
Allison Wang
Amelia Gold Brian Benson
Amnahir Pena-Alcantara
Amy & Alex Raskolnikov
Amy Gold
Anand Bhatia
Anand Radhakrishnan
Andie Goldmacher
Andrew Haas
Andrew Jonas
Andrew Kirjner
Andrew Mackey III
Andrew Rosen
Andrew and Lucinda Sussman
Aneek Mamik
Anika Tripathi
Anjana Virdi
Ann Marie Schmidt
Anthony Kayas
Because it helped me make my life.
Antonio Tonatiuh Anaya
Antonio y Carmen Anaya
Arlinda Hasandjekajj
Armenoush Aslanian-Persico
Arnold Cohen
Arya Patel
Atdhe Matoshi
Athena Rem
Atul Dangayach
Barbara Melamed
Bari and Neil Goldmacher
Barry Bienstock
In honor of Jan Ellen Lewis
Ben And Sima Schaye
Ben Gbadamassi and Masura Tidjani
Benjamin Brill
Benjamin Childs
Benjamin Lopez
Bernd Wuebben and Susan Potto
Bijan Ayromloo
Bill Rosenblatt and Jessica Lustig
Bin Dong
Brad Berger
Brad Engelstein
I’m so grateful my daughter and I are a part of this community
Brandon Baptiste
Brian Feldman
Brian Landzberg
Brian and Erin Eizenstat
keep up the good work and maintain it to always be the best
Caleb Hsieh and Sarah Janicki
Camelia Ganea
Keep up the good work!
Carey Dorman
Caroline Feldmeier
Catherine Bartoletti
Charles Hayman
Charlie Sadaka
Charlotte Konopko
Chetan Vig
Keep up the good work HM
Chetan and Erin Bansal
Thank you to HM and all the dedicated teachers and staff!
Ching-Yin And Debbie Lam
Chris Garrison
Christopher Wells
Clare Menozzi
Cynthia & Feng Zheng
Dana Malefakis
Daniel And Katia Grasman
Daniel Davis
Daniel Keller
Proud to be an alum!
Daniel Mishkin
Daniel Posner
Daniel Saxon
Darryl & Arlene Herring
Darryl And Katherine Monasebian
Darshan and Anjani Nandi
David Berenson
David Guyer and Maria Marino
David Jacoby
David Lefer
In honor of Gordon I. Newcombe, Headmaster
David Rommm
David Siffert
David Sobel
Dayle Chung
Deborah Kassel
With gratitude for the outstanding education I received and the privilege of sharing it
Deborah Schwarz
Dennis and Namrita Puri
Incredible school and proud to support it!
Deveraux Mackey
Dirk Willer
Dmitri Shuster
Donald Hillman
Donell McCall
In honor of Delores Busby
Dong Zhao
Dorone Farber
Douglas Altschuler and Zoe Werner
Douglas and Jessica Davis
Drew and Danielle Anderman
Dushyat Sharma
Eduardo Huerta
Edwaed Mahler
Relationships with classmates for over 60 years- an important ingredient to my success is due to HM experience
Edward Richard
Eleanora Sharef
Elizabeth Hemmerdinger
In honor of Benjamin, Zachary and Jacob Goodman
we're so proud of you three brothers and HMers!
Elizabeth and Benjamin Litman
Ellen and Gary Slater
Emily Marks
Emily Rukin Raviv
Emily Yu
Eric Osorio
In honor of Tem McKellar
Eseng Lai
Esther Lomas Sampedro
Ethan Matt
Eumin Hong
Eunice Bae
Farida Kassin
Faye and Jerry Berkwitt
In honor of Jason and Dana Malefakis
Hoping my great grandchildren will be attending Horace Mann also!
Felix Chien
Feng Pan
Frederic Raiff
Gabrielle Lustig
Gabrielle Rahmin
Gabrielle Rivkin
Gary Lesch
Thanks for the great academic and social environment.
Gerald Kane and Priscilla Bijur Kane
Gerald Kargman
Gheorghe Ganea
We love the work you do.
Gibby Thomas
Love you HM!
Gilbert and Shelley Harrison
Giramnah Peña-Alcántara
Glenn and Natalia Edelson
Grace Wen
Grace and Chris Mandigo
Gregg and Mariko Zeitlin
Gregory Lockhart
Help reach our goal by donating and helping provide needed resources to learn and teach at the highest level for our students
Guanghui Wang Ling Chen
Guy and Grace Shanon
Harley Pasternak
Henry Luo
Hillary & David Sherman
Hillary Leone
Imran Javaid
For the values it upholds and instills in our children — go Lions!
Imran and Sorin Siddiqui
Ingo And Marla Sprie
Isaac and Adeline Tak
Isabel Mignone
Isha Agarwal
Ivan Lustig
JR Lederer
Jacob Schulz
Jacqueline Goodman
Jacqueline Greene-Hugh
James Baumann
James Chang
James Hayman
James Klancnik, Jr. and Nicole Eustace
James Malefakis
Jamie and David Chesner
Jarl Ginsberg
Jason Caldwell
We are so grateful for everything the school does for our family.
Jatin Goradia and Shruti Raja
Jay Huber
Jay Rosenberg
Thankful for being a longtime member of the HM community, first as a student and now as a parent.
Jay and Kristen Kim
Jeffery Posner
Jeffrey Karpf
Jeffrey Weitz
HM was my professional home for 40 years.
Jennifer Barsky
Jennifer Wendy and Andrew Beckler
Jennifer Zuch
Jenny Halis Bortnick
Jesse Do
Jesse Huff
Jesse Roth
Jessica Dvorett
Jessica Heller
Jessica Levenstein
Jessica Zhao
Jessica and Peter Chavkin
Jill Dickstein
Joanna & Steven Sanders
Joanne Diaz
John & Lily Mowry
John Huddleston
John Millman
John Pasmore
In honor of Earline Pasmore
John Ronveaux
HMS helped form my life. Thank You.
Jonas Jacobson
Jonathan Montbach
Jonathan Nye
In honor of Denise DiRenzo, Alison Kolinski and Joe Timko!
What a privilege to be a part of this community! Thank you for the opportunities!
Jordan Fasbender
Joseph Hickey
Joseph Purcell
Josh Parker
Joshua B Siegel
Joshua Benson
In honor of Dr. Emily Strauss
Joshua Friedman
Julia Kalmanson
Juliana Moreira
Julie Pong
June Wang
Justin Wender
Kabir Malkani
Karen Gottlieb
Kate Fisher
Katherine Kavaler
Kathryn Kremnitzer
Kaushal Patel
Keane Ehsani
Keith Renner
Kenneth Chin
Love HM!
Kenneth Singer
Kevin Lawi
Kevin Roberts
Khursheed Jamshed
Kim Raisler
Kim and Iris Do
Kristen Pietraszek
Kristin Lax
Kujtim Balidemaj
Kyri Sarantakos
Laura & Stephen Mong
Laura Center (Fels)
Lauren Kolker
Lauren Schulz
Lauren Wiener
Leah Rakhlin
Lee and Jennifer Grinberg
Lei Bu
Lei Chen
Lei Mitch Feng
Leigh Nathanson
Lesley and Michael Heller
Leslie Stumphauser
Leyli Granmayeh
Liam Hasandjekaj
Liang Chen
Ling and Gilbert Liu
Lisa & Marcio Moreira
In memory of Michael Loeb '46
Lisa Braunstein Zola
Litian Swen
Wish a good 2022.
Liz Holoszyc-Pimentel and Michael Holoszyc
Lori Dershowitz
Lori McIntyre
Lorna Obia
Lutie Brown
Lynn Bayard
In memory of Harvey Bayard
Lynn Shaw
Manga Fraser
Marc and Caroline Packer
Marc and Lori Lavine
Marcia Knight
In honor of Ashley Knight-Greenfield
Margo Kennington
Maria Balaeskoul
Marianna Blanch
Marielle Coadic
Mark Milstein
Marlene Capolupo
Martha Niola
Mary Yartey
Matt Kerfoot
Matthew Fox
Go Lions!
Matthew Olden
Matthew Schoenfeld
Mayling Moncada
Melissa Brodie
Melissa Parento
Member of Class of 2022
Michael Herman and Dina Pruzansky
Michael Kim
Michael Najjar
Michael O’Brien
Michael Rahmin and Iris Kopeloff
Michael Stephenson
Michael Stier
Michael and Bridget Capasso
Michelle Colban-Flowerman
Mikayla Benson
In honor of Vernon Wilson
Mike and Danielle Colen
Mildred Vega
In memory of Jennifer Vega Lamoni
My daughter loved HM. She was so proud of her daughter Saniya. Lamoni attending HM. When she passed six years Saniya received so much support from her friends, staff .parents and Dr Kelly. They were there for Saniya when she needed them the most as she entered middle division. Thank you HM.
Min Kyo And Sarah Lee
Min Zhu
Ming Chung Cheng
Mitchell And Lorna Schamroth
Moe Fodeman
Murtuza Rasiwala
Nadene McPherson Lee
Nader Granmayeh
Namita Modi and Chandra Patel
Naomi Mishkin
Natalie and Adam Gould
Neelima jain
Neil Agarwal
Nia van der Velden
Nicholas Bishop
Nicholas Burko
Nicholas DePreter
Nicholas Harnik
In memory of Misia Morgens and Edith Harnik
Nicolas Moreira
Nicole & Merin Pasternak
Nicole and Andrew Ross
Nik Khakee
Nina Mussa
Nora Balidemaj
Noreen Murphy
In honor of Julie Murphy ‘86
Nurie Hasandjekaj
Olga Balaeskoul
Olga Czabaj-Shetty
Oliver Keimweiss
Omar Isani and Aparna Saraf
Paola & Mattia Monti
Patti Morris
Pavlos Mavrides
Perl Kamboj
In honor of Divina grandfather Dr Ranveer Singh Kamboj I
We’re very honored & proud to be part of great HM community. Excelsior! Looking forward to build fulfilling life-long friendships.
Perry Nagin
Peter Campbell
Peter Hahn
Peter and Jennifer Bernstein
Peter and Marisa Rosenthal
Philip Tsai
Philippa Adelman
Pierson Cohen
Pilyoung & Chris Yoo
Prawat Laucharoen
Preston Brice
Randi Cohen
So grateful to be part of the HM community!
Ranya Sareen
Ray Barile
Ray and Nathalie Martinez
Rebecca Kim & Dwight Yoo
Rhea Sanger
Richard Do
Richard Nackenson
Richard Novick
Richard Simpson and Christina Ahn
Richard Stuart
Robert Annunziata
Robert Feinberg
Robert Gould
Robert Moskowitz
Robert Poster
Robert Schweitzer
Robert and Rachel Phillips
Robin and Kamini Shah
Roger Baumann
Ron and Ashley Grant
Ronald Ocean
Ronald Taylor
Rudy Beutell
Ruth Seligman
My gift today is in honor of the wonderful way HM kept students connected, engaged, and educated throughout the pandemic lock-down and subsequent re-entry to in-person classes. This small gift is also to express profound thanks for the education I've gained, as a staff member, from seminars and discussions I've been privileged to listen to, with both HM faculty and guest speakers on such issues as identity, inclusion, and equity, as well as on environmental justice, and more. These have equipped me to participate in sometimes heated discussions on these topics with knowledge, insight, and facts. Above all, as an HM employee, I'm more able to apply "critical thinking" to society's conversation on critical subjects. Thank you!
Ryan Lan
We are grateful for everything HM has done to make such a nice community for kids to learn and to thrive!
Sabrina Kleier Morgenstern and Robert Morgenstern
In memory of Jonathan Kleier
Sam Keimweiss
Sam and Randi Siegal
Samantha Do
Samantha Greenberg
Samantha Mizrahi
Samantha Rahmin
Samantha Schiff
Samantha Zola
Sameer Gupta
Sandrea Dinall
Sanjay and Anjna Motwani
Sanjeev Sherchan
Sara Williams
Sarah Fels
Sarah Zeng
Sawako and Gaurav Shukla
Schuster Tanger
Scott And Tyana Kurtz
Selassie Ogyaadu
Shane Bryden
Shelly Ann Panton
With gratitude
Shelly Kellner
Shilong Yang and Bin Hu
Shiri & Ori Ben-Yishai
Because the gift that the school is giving our girls every minute is priceless for life.
Shoshana & Andrew Steinthal
Shweta & Prashant Goenka
Siddharth Narayan Tripathi
Sophie Dizengoff
Sophie Miller
For an amazing education, incredible teachers, and the best preparation I could have imagined for succeeding in college and beyond.
Spiro Sayegh
For the thoughtful, dedicated, open minded and kind HM faculty and staff that give our children a great education.
Stanley Schloss
Stefano Risa
Stephanie Lofgren and Craig Stinebaugh
Stephen Harsany
Stephen Lee
Stephen Palfrey
Steven Alfond
Steven Aponte
Steven Taube
Stuart Baritz
Sucheta Ponda
Horace Mann is the best decision I could have made for my child. I am so grateful to the school for the excellent education and for bringing out the best human qualities in our daughter.
Sue Yan
Sun And Kyung Lee
Susan Asante-Abedi
Suzanne McAndrew
Swati & Arnab Sen
Taek-Geun Kwon
Tao Song and Huajun Han
Tao Yao & Guojin Gong
We are so grateful to be a part of HM family!
Tarun and Anuja Dangayach
Thomas Cherian & Susmitha Thomas
Support everything the school does to further our children's educations and futures
Thomas John Wright
Timothy And Jessica Kisling
Tnyetta Mitchell
Todd & Adriana Solmson
Tom & Rachel Kelly
In honor of An outstanding community!
Tudora Pascale
Magna est Veritas et Praevalet!
Tulika Sethi
Uchenna Acholonu Jr
Umesh and Shalini Mahajan
Vanessa Liu
Vanessa Potter
i appreciate how they give back to other communities with programs for learning. Learning is about cultivating the attributes of the whole student.
Venkat Kausik
Vera & Roman Batichev
Vernon Wilson
Vincent Lin
Vivian Chen
Thank you for everything! ❤️
Viviana Carrillo
William Han
William Kendall
William and Marnie Rukin
Xi Chen
Xiaodong Wu and Sharon Huang
Xin Peng
Yael & Renen Hallak
Yan Shi
Thank you and keep up with the good job!
Yang Feng
Yawei Zhai
Great school !
Ye Yin and Sheng Zhou
Horace Mann brought us together, let's support Horace Mann together!
Ying Zhou and Run Ye
Young Cho
Young Joon Kim
Yueh Tsai
Yuri and Yoshiro Funabiki
Zachary Landzberg
Zheng Zhang
Anna margulis
Bart heynen
Brad and sandy harris
Cheron wilson
In honor of Jaiden Wilson
To my Pride and Joy...I'm so proud of you and all of your accomplishments...Keep rising to the top!
Chiente hsu
Jing feng
Karimou amani
Michael barr
Olivia tomaselli
Roy salomon
In honor of Dr Mitchell Gratwick
An outstanding headmaster at Horace Mann .He truly cared about all of us..
Stephanie hirsch
Thanks to Horace Mann for all the good work!
In honor of the class of 2021
Forever grateful for the opportunity.
We love being part of the HM family. So grateful!

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