2019 Fall Fundraiser
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (163)
Alfred Kelsay
Ali Payne
Amanda Neppl
Amy Kepes
Andy Merfeld
Angela Porath
Ann Smith
We here you are doing great, Judah! and that you have a great Aloha team.
Anne & Jay Fogarty
Anne Furman
Art Silverio
Audrey Schlueter
Azure Sabotta
Becki McMeen
Becky Garrison
Beth Dittemore
Blake Busch
Go Tigers!
Bobbi Jo Hancock
Brandy Loder
Brett Long
Caleb Hadden
Carly Penick
Casey Rankin
Thank you!
Cassidy Dinkin
Charles Bingman
Christian Walker
Cindy Miller
So proud of you Caden Miller! Love you! Grandma and Grandpa Miller
Cloud Abbott
Concepcion Salas-Sanchez
Connie Penick
Courtney Schulte
Dale Patrick
Dan Chen
Danielle March
Deanna Sorensen
Denice Duus
Denise Adaway
Dina Embree
Dolores Leon
Edward McGreen
Elisabeth Jackson
Elliot Corwin
Emerald Abbott
Erin Boote
Ginny Pauling
Jane Van Zee
Janice Tuel
Jay and Loree Horn
Jeff Shafer
Jennifer Huisman
Jenny Shapiro
Jessica Merk
Jill Berg
Jill Curry
Josephine Funk
Joshua Schoeberl
Isabelle Beattie
Kaaren Olesen
Kailee Mendenhall
Karen Dittemore- Manning
Kary Howie
Kate Somsavath
Kathie Huff
In honor of Christopher Sandmeier
Kathie Huff
In honor of Christopher Sandmeier
Kathleen Fear
Kathryn Darcy
In honor of Alexa and Lauren Crowe
Kathy Sull
Katy Reeder
Kelli and KJ O'Hara
Kerry Adaway
Kiersten Hathaway
Kimberly Babberl
Good Luck, Samson!!
Kody Onstot
Kristin Carlson
In honor of In honor of the wonderful Indian Hills teachers and staff who educate, inspire and nurture their students each day. Thank you!A huge THANKS to the amazing Indian Hills teachers and staff! Keep up the great work!!
Kristy Hall
Laya Moon
Linda Hill
In honor of AJ Crownover
Lindsay Alertsen
Lizzie Jarchow
Lori Kjeldgaard
Luke Wittrock
Lyn Abbas-Martindale
Madilynn Publow
Marc Goeders
Marcia Dittemore
Marcia Treichel
Marcus McGregor
Mariah Kelsay
Maribelle Loeb
Mary Burns
Mary Jo Madvig
Let's meet the goal !
Mary Jo Madvig
John Berg I hope your school meets its goal.
Mary Westover
Melissa Neuendorf
Meredith Dohmen
Michaela Keller
Mindy Moore
Nancy Capron
Nicole Carlisle
Nicole Gustafson
Nikki Yoakley
Good job kiddos! Keep working hard:) 😘
Noah Trannel
Norma Huisman
Olesen Kaaren
Pam Perkins
Patrick Wainwright
Phillip Morgan
Quinn Mitchell
Radamés A. Oliver MD
Reagan Calder
Rebecca Furman
In honor of Aidan McgreenGood luck with the campaign!
Rick Huisman
Rob Jackson
Robert Lowe
In honor of Alan Lowe
Ronda Christensen
In honor of Dr. C
Rose Davelaar
Keep up the good work!!
Roy Shafer
Samantha Rayburn
Sarah Leon
Siri Long
Sophie Rayburn
Stacy Page
Stephanie Berg
Go, Luke!
Susan Lynch
Suzy Brown
Suzy Lowe
Tanya Fish
Teresa Stodden
Terri Grantham
The Colwell Family
We have had some great teachers and memories these past few year! Thank you!
Thomas Weaver
In honor of Brady WeaverGood luck to all students and teachers
Tiffany Deal
Todd Schemper
Tonya Robinson
Wauson Alex
Go Alex!
Anthony mcevoy
Karen roll
Happy to support this wonderful school and all of the activities available to students. Thank you Indian Hills!
Thanks, IH, for all you do for the students! Let's help them out!