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Kent Place School

Summit, NJ

KPS Founders Day: A Day of Giving

We did it! Thanks to you, we surpassed our goals and unlocked $125,000 from the challenges! Thank you for joining together to help us #CelebrateKPS! If you’d like to make a gift, you can do so at - THANK YOU!

KPS | Advancement Office

Supporters (1,008)

All (1,008)
A Parker Godwin
Abby Espiritu
Wonderful school!
Abby Manning
Abigail Boozan
Ada McIver
Addison McGoey
Adele Irwin
Adlai Small
Adrianna DeGazon
Adrien Nicholas
Adrienne Bloom
Aericka Heavens
Aidan Dangler
Aila Kennedy
Aileen Meehan
Aimee Reali
Alan & Raneeta Sawhney-Rigby
Go Dragons!!
Alana Dambrot
Alanna Butera
Alejandra Longo
Alejandro Martinez
Alex Crispo
Alex NDiaye
Keep up the good work!
Alexandra Grushkin
Alexandra Krupp
Alexandra Meyers
KPS helped form the woman I am today.
Alexandra Robertson Kenny
Alexandra Toohey and Paul Campbell P'21
Alexandra Walter
Alexandria Myers
Alexis and Anthony Fiala
In honor of Rose Fiala
Ali Melchiorre
Alice Holt
In honor of Kathryn Cepeda
Proud of your efforts to recycle the plexiglass!
Alice Howard Blumer
Kent Place Forever.
Alicia Kubeck
New student/family excited to take part in the Founder’s Day celebration !
Alicia Rodriguez
Alison Lyness
Alison and Todd Corbin
Aliyah Cromwell
Allison Ameo
Can't wait to start school here
Allison Erenstein Jacobsen
Allison Fitzpatrick Weir
In honor of Dr. Cole
Allyson Krowitz
Alyce C. (Cushing) '62 and T. Howard F. Stick
Alysa Christmas Rollock
Amanda Barletta Bradley
Amanda Freiler
Amanda Good
Amie Quickstad '90
Amy & Stewart Herman
Amy Allen
Amy Ashinsky
Amy Lim
Amy Luster
Amy Todd Klug
Amy Tourgee
Amy Wanggaard Hausmann
In memory of Yun Won Cho
Ana Casas
Andrea Carson Tanner
In memory of Bethany Klein
Kent Place helped to make me who I am today
Andrea Garrido
Andree Bourgon
Andrew Blau
Andrew Hausman
In honor of Dawne Hausman
Andrika Donovan
In honor of Susan Donovan
Angela Hong
Angela Lin
Angelica and Rajul Aggarwal
Ann Farley Kent
Ann Grunewald Fort
Ann Mische
Grateful for the gifts of intellect, community, and faith in myself and others from my years at KPS.
Ann Wood
In honor of Phyllis Wood Breese ‘83
The education and support my daughter received to become a confident and well-rounded young lady!
Annabel and Charlotte Prunty
Annabelle Gilman
Annabelle OBrien
Annalisa Abbate
Anne Broughton Duvall
Anne H Woodworth
In memory of Agnes Burke Harding, Class of 1930
With gratitude.
Anne Marie Ferriere
Anne Pierce
Keep empowering brave and brilliant young women!
Anne Savage
This was a small donation for percentage participation. Go team!
Anne Thornton Bridges
Great education, good sports programs (for the times)
Anne Wilder
Anne and RJ Grissinger P '25
Annel Mitchell
Go KPS!!! Class 2031
Anthony Ferratti
April Lowe
In honor of Alice Lowe-RIP
Ari Magedoff
Arianna White
Arthur Barry
Arthur Pemberton
In honor of Dominica
Ash Patel
Ashley Pertsemlidis
Ashley Pinakiewicz Smallwood
In honor of Dr. Jane Coil Cole
Ashley Quinn
Ashley and Patrick Doyle
Aubrey Porterfield
I would like to see Kent Place continue to be a haven for free thought and creativity for many decades to come.
Audrey Bilsborrow
Love my KP sisters! Still making KP memories with you! I even work with a younger KP sissy!
Audrey Hong
Aunt Sammy
Thanks KPS for teaching our brave and brilliant young ladies!
Ava Zinna
Ayah Bedri
I love my Dragons! Go KPS!
Baljeet & Joseph Arampulikan
Barbara Smith
KPS is a fabulous independent school and I am proud to be part of the Kent Place Faculty!
Bayne Gibby
Draw us ever, to Kent Place Forever!
Bela Parekh
Love of Learning; Class of '14
Ben Alexander
Ben Cultice
Ben and Sarah Seelaus
Beng-Li Oh
Besma and Mazen Bedri
Bess Hammitt Finora
Beth Culley
Beth Oliva
Beth and Robert Kirsch P '22
Bethany Warshaw Kramer
Betsy Emany
Betty Sun
Beverley Mallard Ginn
Bing Cao
Blake McCartan
Blake Rimbault Zoephel
In honor of Mr. Headley
I support Kent Place because I knew that I could be anything that I wanted to be when I graduated.
Bo Hu
Bobbi Moran
Let's Git 'er Done Dragons! Thanks for your support!
Bobbie Lowe
Bonnie Hornstein
Bonnie Hunt
Boris Vuchic and Suzanne Purdy
Brian Foerster
Brian Kwan and Maria Zecca
Briana King
Bridget Ameo
In honor of Jocelyn Ameo
Keep up the great work!
Brinda Kantha
Brooke Lessinger
Caitlin Tam
Caliban and the class of 1987
In memory of Jennifer English '87
KPS gave me a strong foundation (academic and personal) for my life and career(s). I am grateful and hope the same for the next generation of KPS grads. Shoot out to my KPS penpal Ms. Molly.
Camille & Joe Gentile
Candace Hickey
Grateful for the KPS leaders and team! Thank you.
Cara Manket
Carey Roach
Carla Merlucci
Carol and Charles Poppe
Carol Cronheim
Carol Rogers
Carol Soos
Carol Tsou
In honor of Adelyn Berg
Carolina Ikuno
Caroline Adams
I believe Kent Place can give girls a confidence and education that they can’t find elsewhere. So many great memories of the teachers and fellow students at KPS
Caroline Caroline Price Hemmings
In memory of Florence Wolfe
Caroline Hand
Caroline Schestag
Caroline Vignolo Collins
Carolyn Baldacchini
Carolyn Carey
Carolyn Howe Holladay
Carolyn Strong
Those were great times!
Carrie Callahan
Carrie Callahan
Carson & Grace Lu
Caryn Wasser
Cassandra Chang
Catharine Green SNOWDON
With gratitude from a K-12 Lifer!
Catherine Howe Grosfils '58
Catherine Slichter
Thank you for providing me an unmatched foundation for a lifetime of learning.
Cecelia Boehm
Light the way!
Cecilia Hirawat
Cheers to the class of 2026! Showing our love for KPS!
Cecilia Kim
Cecilia Ni and Adam Cantor
Celine O'Connell
Celebrating my amazing granddaughters - Alexandra and Charlotte Grushkin '23, '25.
Chang Zheng & Jianyuan Luo
Chantal Kullman Reinlieb
In honor of Stacey Werner
Thinking of you sister and wishing we could have all turned 50 together! Only the good die young.
Charline Bernard
Charlotte Crutchlow
Charlotte Grushkin
Charlotte Lee
Charnette Hockaday
Chaunte Abdellah Smith
Congratulations Kent Place!!! Love the Smith Family- Michael, Chaunte, Jenna and Reina!!
Chelsea Cui
Chelsy Smith
Thank you, KPS for providing an amazing atmosphere for our daughters to empower the world!
Cheryl Kaplun
Chisa Hutchinson
In honor of Robert Pridham and Dr. Jane Coil Cole
I think I was probably the dumbest person in my class, but I did exactly what I was supposed to do at this school: learn.
Chris and Debbie Humes
Chrissy Schmidt
Christian Santiago
Christina Delaney
Helping to build resilient and strong women!!
Christina Parsells
Christina and Lee Starker
Christine (Wilson) Chapin '67
Christine Clemens
Christine Matlaga Slattery
Christopher Johnson and Amy Gustafson
Christopher and Margaret Franklin
Chuck Nwachuku
Keep up the good work...onward and forward
Cindy Boehm
Fir my beautiful granddaughter Jia Kim ‘25
Cindy Keenan
Cindy Simonta-James
Claire Collins
Claire Lynch '14
In honor of Natalie Kwan and Veronica Child
Clare Payton
Go, Dragons!, Go, Kent Place!
Claudia Hirawat
Go KPS!!!
Clementine Martin Illanes
Colleen Chambers
Colleen Markley
Collins B. Hilton '13
Cooper Grogan
Cora Coney
My granddaughters Rhyan and Jordyn are thriving in this wonderful school!
Coral Brooks
In honor of Nancy Purdy '47
Corbin Schrader
Corey Szumski
Cori McNutt
Corinne White
Cornelia Lawrence
Cornelia Reid
In memory of Terry Kidner
Corrine Harney
Courtney Shanney Kingsbery
Courtney Simmons '09
Cristin O’Hara
In honor of Dr. Jane Cole
Because being a “lifer” of KPS made me the successful woman I am today. And Dr. Cole changed me for the better.
Cruz-Espejo Family
Cynthia Kingsford
Cynthia Tratnyek
Céline Hallgren
Go KPS!!
Daisy Johnson
Dan Schreibman
Daniel Grushkin
Daniel L Bai
keep up !
Danielle Auriemma
Danielle Cohen
Danielle Robinson
Danielle Winkler Shelley
Darren Sucorowski
Dave Lederman
David & Susan Thatch
David Choi
Thank you for everything you do for the community!
David Ferreiro
David Melendi
Happy Founders Day!
David Njuguna
David Osbrne
In memory of Debby McKown Osborne
David Rubinsky
David Wyshner
Day and Heidy Ivy
Deborah Afir
Deborah Bloom‘ 74
Deborah Marshall
In honor of Harli Glatt
Deborah Wiley
Kent Place provides a top quality education for young women through exposure to relevant issues of the times and to encourage them to how them can impact our world, country, and community.
Deborah and Holland West P '01
Demie Kurz
Dena Gross
Happy to support our wonderful KPS community.
Devan and Tara Marshall
Diana Ansbacher
Diana D’Alessio
Diana Reig
Diana Roberts
Diane Little Sassano
Dinorah M Aristy
Dior Lukanski
Dipti & Ashim Gulati
Dora Gragg
En memoria de mis padres que amaban Kent Place!
Doris Brooks
Douglas & Alison Canfield
Edee Zabriskie
Edel Thomas
Edith / Edie OBrien
Eileen Conley Schlee
Eileen Tung Young
Elisabeth Benthien
Elise Crutchlow
Eliza Hull
Elizabeth Asheroff Hackman
Elizabeth B. Crosby
In honor of The Class of 1966
Go Kent Place!!
Elizabeth Chrystal '09
Elizabeth Cleary
Let's go!
Elizabeth Farshtey
Elizabeth H. Russell and Tanmoy Mukherjee P '16, '18
Elizabeth Herr
Elizabeth Hibbett
Elizabeth Hines
In memory of Bob, Marjan, Jane, & Bethany - forever part of the fabric of Kent Place
Elizabeth Horn
Elizabeth Horn
In memory of Yun Won Cho
In loving memory of our dear friend Yun, Class of 1986
Elizabeth Miggins
Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Sudler Sobel
Elizabeth Thekkanath
Elizabeth Wyshner
Elizabeth and Todd Stevens
Founders Day. Go Dragons Soccer
Ella Culligan
Ellen Pignatello Regenstreif
Ellen Smith Corbett
In memory of Ann Smith Bowles ‘51 and Margaret Smith Teel ‘59
Ellie Thatch
Elsa Lewis
Keep equipping these future world leaders with tools needed to make a positive impact.
Emily (Zimmerman) Maryles
Emily Cregg
Emily Doto Ord-Hume
Emily Peters '05
Emma Galambos
Congrats to the KPS community!
Eric & Melissa Sartorius
Eric & Melissa Sartorius (Quinn & Lyla ‘26)
Eric Wanosky
Erica Cullum Brenner
Erika Amato
Erin Kim
Erin McDonnell
Erinn Costantino
Erynn Murphy
Thank you!
Eugene Wan
Evelyn Grissinger
Fabiana Bloom
Class of 2030 rules! Go Dragons!
Farah Pelissier
Fernanda Rodrigues
Empowering girls!
Finley Mulligan
Fionna Dangler
Flannery Geier
Frances Bird
Frances Longo
Francis Tsang
Francisco Toste
Frank & Michele Velez
Frank Pensiero
In honor of Madeline Pensiero
Gabriela Levin
To support the fantastic education KPS provides to brilliant girls
Gabrielle Costanzo Long
Gaby Branin
Gale Peters
Garcelle Lewis
For the brave and brilliant girls. The world needs more of them. 💚
Gayla and Lincoln Germain
Ge Ma
Genevieve and Tim Madigan
Thanks to all the faculty for everything they have done during these past two and half years. You are amazing.
Gina Ferraioli
Gina Nealy
Gina Zong
Greg & Tonia Mayes
For the positive difference it has and will continue to make in our daughter's life
Gregory Geppel
Gretchen Riley
In memory of Marilyn Pfaff Pollard
Guang Lin
Guofeng Qi
Keep up KPS!
Gus Grimanis
Hadley & Clark Peterson
Haley Connor
In honor of Jennifer Galambos
Hallee Branin Dangler
Hallee and Devin Branin Dangler
Hannah Benn Davis
Hannah Benn Davis
Hannah Bosland
Harish Sidaganahalli & Sanjukta Ghosh
Go KPS! Class 2033
Hayden Mulligan
He Yan
Heidi Sorvino
Helen McFerran
Helena E. Sullivan '05
Hilary Hugin
In honor of Dr. Karen Rezach
Hillary Lockefeer
In honor of Heather Budd ‘95
Holly Doyle
Holly Lysinger Moller
Hua Chen
Go KPS!! Go Class of 2023!!
Huma Mirza
Ian and Aimee Singer
Ilaria Ossella-Durbal
Iris Blasi
In honor of Dr. Jane Coil Cole
Isabella Abbate
Isabella Racioppi
Isabella Smith
Iveliz Morales
J Daniel & Jessica OBrien
Happy Founder's Day! Bringing back so many wonderful KP memories.
Jack and Diane LeClair
Jacqueline Meyer
Jacquelyn Reig
Jaime Troiano
Jairo Otalora
I support the school!
James Clark
Jamila Bess Johnson ‘74
Jana & Lee Minton
Jane M. Gruba-Chevalier '91
Janice Henry
In honor of Samuri Fox
Jason and Elisabeth Gordon
Jason and lisa Nibauer
Javon McClean
Jay Wang
Jean Frankel
A great education for our girls!!
JeanAnn and Alan Liftin
Jeanne Tansey Will
Jen & Corbett Powers
Jeneane Willyard
Best community on the planet!💚💛💚
Jennifer (Mollard) Lucas '83
Jennifer Clarke
Jennifer Counihan
Jennifer Franklin
Jennifer Galambos
Happy Founder’s Day, KPS! Empowering Girls to Lead for 127 years!
Jennifer Hanawald
Jennifer Schwarz
Jennifer Sharp-Stilliard
Jennifer Szot
Jennifer Zuo
Jennifer and Gregory Grogan
Jennifer and Jacob Buurma
Jennison Lee
KPS is THE BEST place to teach because we have the most amazing students!
Jenny Goyal
Jenny Kim
In honor of MJ Kim
Jess and Matt McCormick
Jesse Liu
Jessica Angell Moore
Jessica Conroy
Jessica Glatt
In honor of Harli Glatt
Jessica Ken-Kwofie
Jessica Mills
Jessica P. Schwartz
Jessica Stein Supera
Jessica West
Jessie Lieberman
Jia Li
Jiebo Wang
Jihan Quail
In honor of Mr. Pridham
Jill Andersen
Jill Ansbacher DePinho
Jill Doto Devlin
Jill Sulkes
Jill and kevin Wehler
Jillian Sauchelli
Jinting Zhang
Keep up the good work!
Joan Barkhorn Hass
Kent Place a wonderfully positive effect on my life—I wouldn’t be who I am if I had not gone to high school there.
Joan M. Gralla '72
Joan Ringel
Joan Sloyan
KPS set me up to succeed in life no matter the challenge!
Joanne Emery
In honor of My mother, Vivian V. Lanciotti
My mother was a teacher for 25 years and found joy in teaching. Kent Place is a place I come to every weekday and support joyful students. What an honor it is to be with such creative, kind, and exuberant young minds!
Joanne Rim
Joanne and Gary Branin
In honor of All staff who taught and encouraged our granddaughter Gaby.
Joao and Cindy Amaral
Jody Snyder
You are doing a great job!
Joel Sulkes
Johanna Lewis
John Harrod
You are amazing!
John Markels
John and Cindi Galiher
Jolanta and Marek R. Welman
Jon & Fatimah Watkins
Jordan Brugg
Jordyn Smith
Joseph Laspina
Joseph and Karima Ravenell
Josh Chen
Joy Liu
Judith Shear Tribucher
In memory of My beloved classmate Bethany J Klein
Judith Small
In memory of Joan Kramer Class of 1966
Judith Tansey Hunt '61
Judy Flax
Julia Gentile Morgan
In memory of Robert Pridham
KPS Theater Program Founder
Julia Messerman
Julia Sann
Julia Soffer
Julia Wall
Juliana Ekong
Julie Gumpert
Julieth and David E. Tabora
Jumana Culligan
Jumana and Brendan T. Culligan P '26
June Boyle
Junming Yie
Justine and David Segal
Latin and French have been the best treasures over the years. Thank you KPS!
KPS proud !
KC (Anthony) '98 and William Artemenko
In memory of Yun Won Cho '86
Kalliope Diakos
Karen & Winselow Tucker
Karen Bartlett
Karthik Bhavaraju
Kasey Anderson
Kassandra Samman
Kate Dobens
Kate Mattern McGee
In memory of Tammi Moore Georgi '97
Kate O’Brien Clow
Kate Sheridan
Kate Simpson
Katharine Barefoot Herrick
Katharine MacCornack
Katherine Galambos
I am so proud of Kent Place School!
Katherine Lewandowski
Katherine Lynch
Katherine L’Hommedieu Mittnacht
Kathleen Nunnink
Kathryn Cepeda
Go Dragons!
Kathryn OBrien
Kathryn S. Hargrave-Kerns '09
Kathy & Tony Samman
Katie Blanco
Katie Feder
Katie Herbst Machir
Katrina Azoy
Katrina Peterson
Kayla Kim
Keili Murphy
To Kent Place Forever <3
Kelly Leach
Kelly and John Daab
Kemba Dunham
Keri Lesnik
Kerry Bennett
Kevin & Tiffany LeClair
Kevin Hong
Kevin OBrien
A Dragon Lover......
Kim Cagle
Kim Cagle
Kimberly Kent-Bracci
Kimberly Pearson
Kofi Danso
In honor of Chelsea Danso
Love from Daddy, Mummy & Chase
Kris Juncker
Much love to the class of 1993 and all alumnae!
Kristen Emmel
Kristen Glasser
Kristen Moscatello Glick
Kristen Pfeifer
Kristen Rusas
Kristin Mon
Kristina Mellor Conley
Kristina Weker
Kshama Roberts
LaShay Jones
Lain Livingston Howarth
Lara Devieux
Larry Moss
Laura Albowicz
In honor of All of my Second Graders- Past, Present and Future!
Laura Scarank
Lauren Davidson Sachs
Lauren DiSarno
Happy to be part of the Kent Place community. Empower girls. Advance the world.
Lauren Johnson
Lauren OHara
Lauren Rusas
Lauren Stokes
Lauren Williams
Kent Place helped me grow as a student, a friend, a community member and a leader.
Laurie & Allan Kennedy
Lawrence Seid
LeAnn Yannelli
Lee Starker
Leeor and Ashley Avigdor
Leeroy Moyo
Empower girls. Advance the world.
Lenore and Mark Mohr
In honor of Penelope Mader 2031
Leonard Carr
Leslie & Charlie Flax
So proud to be in a community that supports our girls!
Leslie Jones-Wentz
Libbie Feldner (Shawger) Class of 1992
Libby Franklin
Lihui Deng
Lili Hutchison
Lily Goyal
Lina DiPietro
Go Dragons!
Linda & Don Katt
Linda Burns Jones '66
Linda Chang
Lindsay Branin
In honor of The Dangler Family
Lindsay Cambron
Lindsay Landmesser Kissel
Lindsay Mohr Mader
In honor of The class of 2031
To Kent Place forever
Lindsay Weinschenk Wake
Lindsey Brooks
Lindsey Cianciotta
Lingfei Xu
Lisa & Jonathan Betz
Lisa & Roman Galeano
Lisa & Todd Glasband
So Proud to be a part of the Kent Place Community! Go KPS!
Lisa Cohen Lee
Lisa Samenfeld
Lisa Schmucki
The older I get, the more I appreciate my KPS education and friends!
Lisa Washburn
Lise Woodring
Lorelei Gustafson-Johnson
Lori & Chris Obalde
Lori Arthur Stroud
Loved my years at KPS!! 💚 💛
Lori Mirabal
In honor of My beloved mother and father, Dr. Carolyn S. Brown and Pastor John M. Brown
Thank you for loving me so much!
Louis Galambos
Go Dragons!
Lucy Weiger
In honor of Laura Staehle
Lynn (Loftus) Elliott '81
Lynn Evans
Lynn Magrane '70
Lynn Selassie
MC Bachmann Churchill
Madeline Ketley
Madeline O’Connor
Madeline Pensiero
Madeline Wasser
KPS made me the woman I am today and also gave me my closest friends.
Madeline and Charlotte Umali
Maeve Brooks
Class of 2025 rocks!
Magaly Garnica
Maithili Rao and Kishore Ballal P '23 '27
Makena Singer
Malina Welman
Maly and Max Rosefort
Marcia Armstead-Ivy
Marcia Cornell
With a daughter, stepdaughter and three granddaughters at KP, how could we not support such a fabulous school?
Marcia Hall
Marcy Dean
In honor of the extraordinary women of the Class Of ‘87
Maren Vitali
Margaret Boehmer
Margaret Ferreiro
Margaret Galambos
Congratulations to Kent Place!
Margaret Kenny
Margaret Mazzola
Margaret Nysch
Margaret Ost
Wonderful to keep up with classmates!
Margaret Skinner Whatley
Margaretha Hallgren
Margarita Ferguson
Margery Slonaker
Maria & Matt Wheatley
Maria Brugg
Maria Diamond
Marian Vonella
Mariana Terrezza
In honor of The Wonderful First Grade Class!
Maribeth Carroll
Marie Florestal
In honor of Marie I. Gaston-Florestal
Marie Hays
Marie Micchelli
Marilyn Rippie Blausten '53
Marisa Giannullo Treglio
Marisa Thatcher Day
Maritess and Tim Shannon
Mark & Erika Melchiorre
Mark and Kathleen Lynch
In honor of Claire Lynch ‘14
Marla McDonald
Marla Napurano
Marlow &Derrick McDaniel
Marnie Carson '69
Martin & Kristen Segal
Mary (Molly) Benedict Simon
In memory of Mary Marsh Benedict class of 1939
Mary Ann Storms
Thank you for the stellar education and support KPS provided for my two daughters.
Mary Ann and Frederick W. Anthony P '98
Mary Ferreiro
Mary Heldenbrand
Mary Jane Robertson
Mary Kate O’Connor
Mary Keating
Mary Maddox
Mary Robinson
Mary Wehler
In honor of our granddaughters who love being at Kent Place.
Mary Woodall
In honor of Anne Woodall ‘23
Maura Crowe
Maura Janiszewski
Maureen Herzbach
Max and Maly Rosefort
Meena Patel
Super proud of KPS and the ongoing and active commitment to advancing an inclusive and supportive culture for all girls/young women.
Megan Altier
Megan Brozowski
Megan Hook
Megan Parkinson Spivey
Meghan Kaminskj
Meghan Persutti
Melina Santoro
Melissa Guarino
Melissa Heller
Melissa Madden
Melissa Phillips De Vries '91
Melissa Sfarra
Melissa Sheehy
Melissa Wood
Meredith Bayse
Meredith Butler
Meredith Holland
Meredith van de Water
Merrill McCumber-Eppedio
Meyra Green
I appreciate the wonderful education I received at KPS.
Mi Zhong
Mia Morse
In honor of KPS staff and teachers!
Mia Naggar
Michael Brandstaedter
Michael Capone
Michael Sticco
Michael and Donna McCabe
Michele Sandidge
Michelle & Wayne Seaton
Michelle Casamassina
Michelle Clarke
Michelle Lesperance
Michelle Manket
+1 Maddie Wasser! <3 2006
Michelle Murphy
I work for an amazing community - one that is supportive, caring and affirming! I love my colleagues and the students that I get to know!!!!
Michelle Zeiler
Milagros Rosario
Great Job KPS!
Mimi Liu & Phil Shinn
Min Wu
Thanks to KPS for supporting students during the pandemic!
Minqi Wang
Mishanda Brown
Mitchell and Patricia Reiter
We appreciate all that you do.
Molly Austin
Molly James
Molly Moore Johnson
Monica Giannone
Monika Paliwoda
Morgan Furst Certner
Moyra and Wallace Murungi
Muhseen Abdoolraman
Muyi Louisa Li
Keep up the good work!
Myrial Pedersen
Nadia Majid
Nadine Bernard
Nahela Hadi & Joe DePlasco
Nanayaa Dadson
Nancy Dougherty
Nancy Gabriel
Excellent education and community!
Nancy Miller Rivero
Nancy Reynolds
Nancy Santola
“To Kent Place forever” In honor of my daughter class of ‘93 and my granddaughters class of ‘27 & ‘29.
Nancy Smith
Nancy Twinem
Nancy Van Duyne
Natalie Kwan
Natalie Reichman
Natalie Silva
Neha Kothari
Nia Tannis Rubenstein
Nichol McMillan
Nicole Elliott
In honor of Dr. Jane Coil Cole
Nicole Epps
In honor of Gracen Hill
Nicole Hager
In honor of The KPS Upper School Faculty
Nicole Vane Oehler
Nicole and Mark Rusas
Nina & Per Hallgren
Nina Choi
Noah Eccles
Olga Naumovich
Olivia Hand
Olivia Mukherjee
Olivia Rabin
Proud to be part of this wonderful fundraising effort!
Paige Sulkes
Pam Schick Kelsey '66
Pamela Bradley Egloff
Pamela W. Bristol '66
In memory of my classmates who are no longer with us
Paris Martin Quintana
In memory of Dr. Jane Cole and Bob Pridham
Pat Abbate
Patricia Hamilton
Girl Power! Go dragons!!
Patricia Kummel
Patricia Wang
In honor of Quinn Schwarz. Go Class of 31.
Patricia and Alfred Hamilton P '28
Patricia and Anthony K. Obst
Patrick Kim
Paul & Charlotte Bashforth
Paul Gomes
Paul Rekoff
In honor of Cooper Grogan
From Kumiko and Paul Rekoff
Paul and Elaine Sulkes
Payal Arora
Penn & Francis Branin
Peyton Segear
Phyllis Croce
In honor of Ilse Chambers
Ping An
Empowered girls will advance the world
Ping Ji
Go Dragons!
Polly (Pollock) Leaf '56
Priscilla and Trent Miller III
Priya Gulati
Qian Dong
Qing Li
Quincy Clew
Quinn Walters
Class of ‘24 Rocks!
Our daughter attended Kent Place and now our granddaughter is currently in the middle school. We feel both have benefited from this excellent educational institution.
Rachel Naggar
Raina Brown
Raj Bakhru
Raj and Shefali Gandhi
Ralph Pantozzi
Ramkumar Chandramohan
Ray & Janet Bousquet
Rebecca Brown
Thank you KPS for supporting the teaching of science!
Rebecca Gibby
In honor of Bayne Gibby and Scarlett Gibby
Please make sure half of this donation is credited to Class of 2023
Rebecca Krom
Rebecca Lu
Rebecca Redpath
Rebecca Strong
In memory of Dr. Cole
Rebecca Van Ry
Rebecca Wetzel
Regina Cherill
Happy Founders Day, Kent Place!
Reilly Dangler
Renee Wood
Renjun Ma
girl power
Rhyan Brown
Rhys Llewellyn-Jones
For my sister!
Richard Franco
Richard Martha
Kent Place girls rock!!
Rinee Tinkoff
Amazing mission!
Robert Cherill
In honor of all the intelligent, caring, strong women in our lives.
Robin Versh
Rong Liu
Rosalinda Markels
Rose Ferreiro
Rose Robinson
In honor of Skylar McClean
Rosemary Dangler
In memory of Bill Dangler
Kent Place School’s programs foster academic excellence.
Rosemary Hartod
Royce Okuyama
Rubin Sinins
Ruby Henry
great memories and continued progress in education!
Rui & Yunjian Li
Ruth Young
Ruthanna Graves McQueen
Kent Place understands the importance of Arts in Education.
Saba Daneshyar
Sabine Khusrokhan
In honor of Tammi Georgi
Sally Herships
Sally Meisner
So proud to have graduated from a school that continues to lead and inspire in all ways!
Sally Snyder
Salvatore Caruso
Samantha (Cohen) Kaczmarek
Samantha Gault
Thank you to all of my English teachers.
Samantha Good
Samantha Small
Samuel J. Manganiello, Jr.
Sanja Dobric
Sanjiv Prasad
Sara and Tyler G. Reeder P '25
Sarah Brandstaedter
Sarah Clarke
Sarah Colasurdo
Sarah E Keppler
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Mattle
Sarah McFarland Taylor
In honor of the late Yun Won Cho (Class of '86)
Remembering our dear, wonderful, vibrant, smart, beautiful classmate Yun Won Cho.
Sarah Quinn Clausen
Sarah Stapperfenne
Sarah Stavrovich
Sarah Storms Greenwald
Saurabh Singh
Sejal Somaiya
Sejal Vora
Shannon & Justin Llewellyn-Jones
Shannon McPartland
Shantanu Shee
In honor of My mother, Pushpa Shee.
Keep up the good work.
Shari & Scott Coronis
Shari Brandt
Sharon Cepeda
Sharon Cote
Shefali Kamilla
Sheila Dunne
Yay keep going
Sheila Goggins
Sheila Nugent Carter
Shekida Smith-Sandy
Shelley Holshey
Sherley Denis
Sherrese Clarke Soares
Sherri Littletree
Shirin Jalali
Shruti & Vikram Gupta
Love KPS Community !!
Siclare Family
Grateful for all the teachers, staff and community of KPS!
Sima Parekh
Love of learning, Class '17
Simon Lu
Siobhan Gambuzza
Skylar McClean
Sloane Castleman
I am so grateful for the quality of the teaching and the special opportunities that I enjoyed at Kent Place. When I look back on my career, I am deeply cognizant that it was KPS that made it all possible. I am profoundly thankful to have been gifted with such a strong educational foundation and I am committed to gifting that forward in whatever way I can.
Sonali Kamilla
Sophia Famular
Sophia R. Stewart '05
Sophie Capone
Spencer Comtois
Stacey Miller
Stacy Gibby
Stella and Sharad Kapur
Stephanie Colaco
Stephanie Daniels
In honor of Bob Pridham
Stephanie Melillo
Stephanie Wilson
Stephen Collins and Carolyn Kleppe
Thank you for your exemplary dedication to the girls in your care. Congratulations Kent Place School!
Steve & Allison Rosefort
Steve Brooks
The world has always needed and will always need brave and brilliant women
Steve Woodall
In honor of Katherine, Mary and Annie Woodall
Steven Zeng & Chao Zhang
Sue Tracy
Suneet Varma
Sunita Jaffrey
Sunitha Lakshminarayanan
Sunitha Yara
Grateful to have our daughter be part of this wonderful school/community! Go KPS!
Supriya Kamilla
Susan (Armstrong) Watts '53
Susan Catterall Francis
In honor of The brilliant, brave, and beautiful people that are my 1991 classmates
Susan Fischer
Susan Gibson
In honor of Yun Won Cho
Susan Halldorson
Susan Kratina and Rajiv Kamilla
Susan Mascioli
Susan Peterson
Susan Pilchik Lyons
Kent Place gave me a great start in life.
Susan Troiano
Susan V Knotter Walton
Great school/great class!
Susan Watts
Susanne Santola Mulligan
Sutapa SAHAY
Suzanne Alley Franzino
Suzanne Bradley Marineau
Suzanne Gould
In honor of Libby Franklin
So happy that my granddaughter, Libby, is attending Kent Place!
Suzanne Steinbuhler Wickham
Swati & Jai Parekh
Sydney Counihan
Sylvie & Chris Downey
Tanisha Howell-Lewis
Tara Frankel Leavitt
Tara Lester Raynolds
Our 50th reunion is in one year! Help us celebrate the tools that KPS gave us to achieve our successes and learn from our failures! Thank you KPS!
Tara Millman
In honor of Tammi Moore
Tara Nicola
Taylor Worthington Williams
Teresa Poole
Teresa and Kevin McGoey
Terrell Day
Kent place, continue to develop and equip young ladies to go out in the world and lead.
Terrence Thornhill
The Grushkin Family
The Lee Family
The Pierson Family
So honored to be a part of the KPS community! Thank you for supporting our girls, teaching our girls and inspiring our girls every day!
The Segear Family
Theresa Scallon
So proud my daughter is a Dragon!!
Thomas Casamassina
Tianzhi Cui
Tiffany and Edgar Nouss
Tim and Jane Alpaugh
Timothy Maset
Tina Ledwith
Tina Scheule
Tobi Glatt
In honor of Harli Glatt
Todd Builione
Tracey Sieg
Tracey Walters
Tracy Katt
Tracy Pearce Rutherfurd
Tricia Mullaney
Trish and Orren Grushkin
So grateful for our amazing KPS faculty and staff!
Help empower brave and brilliant young women!
Valeria Aloe
Vicky Tulloch
Went to KP from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Had a good time, met life-long friends and a great education. Have fondest memories of the school and am so happy that it's remained a school for girls and didn't join the trend to become co-ed.
Victoria Smith
In honor of Willie and Emogene McGhee
KPS changed my life. Please keep up the excellent work.
Virginia Boyer Losito
In honor of our classmate, Jennifer English, gone too soon .
Virginia Eldridge Eaton
keep the vision!
Virginia Semmes Carreiro
Virginia and Shawn Cepeda
Vivek & Rupali Wadhwa
Walidah Justice
Wangeci Ngari
Warren White
To support education
Wei Wei
Wendy Barbellion
Wendy Berg
My daughter is having a wonderful experience in the fourth grade!
Wendy Kertesz
Wendy Sanford
Whitney Corbett
Whitney and Jason Crimmins
Winifred Smith-Jenkins
Xinyi Fan
Xu Chen
Yemi Benedict-Vatel and Patrick Vatel
Go Dragons! Wishing the school much success today!
Yolanda Kershaw
On Behalf of Viola Holmes '31
Yolanda Wade
Yuanhui Zhang
Yuanyuan Wang
Yue Xu
Yulan Wu
My daughter received excellent education despite the covid-19 pandemic. Thank you, Kent Place!
Yunjie Zhu
Zena Hardy
Zihui Ge
Zoe Campbell
Missing KPS!!
Anila mcquade
Cindy cui
Douglas and Tracey Sieg
Gay legg
In honor of Ann Butterworth Feakins '69
Jennifer ditommaso
Katina houvouras
Mike and stephanie andrews
grateful to the community for wonderfully supporting our daughter
Richard hansen
Tamara weinmann
Wendy hall
So happy to be part of the KPS community !
In memory of Joan Langston McKeown '49
We are so proud to be a KPS family!
In honor of Lynda M. Franklin P'89 and Lynda E. Franklin '2026
Thank you KPS for all the love, care and fun!!
Very grateful to have my daughter be part of such a wonderful community. We're looking forward to seeing her blossom throughout the years.
In honor of Cooper Grogan
In honor of Heather Budd
In loving memory of Heather who passed this year.
I enjoyed my 10 years at Kent Place and I am grateful for the wonderful education the teachers provided.
KPS is a great school that continues to help shape bright futures.
Keep up the great work Kent Place

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