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Kimball Union Academy

Meriden, NH

One Day. One KUA. 2022 KUA Day of Giving

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Office of Advancement

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (625)

All (625)
AJ Martignetti
AJ Noel
Ada Yoder
Adam Pelzman
Adeon Muyskens
Adi Runge
Aidan Davie
Aiden Bean
Akram Abdukarimov
Alan Hoffman
Alan Lewis
Alastair Man
Alexandra Mastrangelo
Alexis Liston, Winnie, & Joshua
Alexis Mowat
Ali Maccione
Alice Eberhardt
Alissa Valiante
Allison Letourneau & Kim Cooper
Alyssa Leppard
Amir Lesbek
Amy Beaupre
In honor of Two great advisors to our children: Bob Hyjek and Kay McCabe!
Go Wildcats!!
Amy Frost
Analena Connors
Andie Muhlauri
Andrea Brown
Andrea Keen
Andrew Alexandrescu
Andrew Wheating
Who-Ray KUA!
Andy & Paula Pereira
Great sense of community, which our son is thriving in.
Angela Augusta
KUA was one of the best overall experiences I have had in my life! My experience taught lessons within and outside of the classroom that I will hold onto and cherish forever. Thank you KUA.
Angus Spence
Anisa Ketlekha
Anna Lucia Staiano
Anne Peterson
Annelise Seligmann
Ariatnny Castillo
Ashlee Tan
Ashley Close
Audrey Donahue
Audrey Underhill
Ava Mae Yates
Aydin Ronaghi
In honor of Idk
Bailey Beakes
Bei Feng
Ben Conway
Ben Lawton
Ben Lawton
Ben Lewis
Ben Wiczek
Benjamin Chadwick
Benjamin Chapman
Beverly Wakely
Bianca Cerundolo Hebbel and Bruce Hebbel
Bill Townsend
Bing Wang
Keep up the good work, KUA!
Bleyton Hopps-Thompson
Bob Hyjek
Bob May
Bob Meyer
Bonnie Buschmann
Brady Watts
Brenda Porter
Brenda fife
The community supported and encouraged our kids to be their best. Xoxoxoxox
Brendan Spilsbury
Bret and Christine Sewell
Brian Sanville
Brock Wommack
Brooke Herndon
Bruce Paro
Brynn Garg
Happy Day of Giving!
Burke Ryder
Burns Chris
Cabot McLaren
Cam Callahan
Cameron Barton
Carla and Christian Morris
Carol Gardner-Ewen
Caroline Carlson
Caroline Sheehan
Carrianna Field
Casey Lawson
Though I only spent a PG year at KUA, it felt like home from the beginning—and still does. The sense of community that I originally felt and the people that inspired growth, discovery, and achievement have left an imprint on my life and I want to see that continue. KUA is community.
Cash McClure
Catherine Sensenig
Catherine VanderBrug
Cathy Vollmann
Cathy Vollmann
Cena Abramo
Chad Leonard
Charles Creelman
Charles Darling
Charles Muhlauri
Charles Tong
Charlie Douglas
In honor of Siri "North Pole" Douglas
Your Kayze Unkel Karly is so proud of you!!
Chip Allen
In memory of Howard A Allen Jr
Chloe Rourke-Nicholas
Chris Burns
Chris Shero
Chris Stigum
Christian Chedel
Christian Vollmann
Christina Klinteback
Christine Clisura
Christine Thomas
Great school! Thank you KUA!
Christopher Cook
Christopher Harley
Christopher John
Christopher Monette
Christopher Reed
Christopher Smiles
Christopher Walton
Go Wildcats!
Chuck and Debra Douglas
In honor of Siri Douglas
In honor of our beautiful granddaughter Siri! We love you!!!
Claryss Nan and T Crawford Jamieson
Claudia "Svia" Russman-Araya
Clyde Neville
Colby Berard
Colby Boyce
Cole Gueldenzoph
Colleen Miller
For the KUA community's unwavering support
Colleen Norgang
Go Wildcats
Connor Chess
Connor Forde
In honor of Sandy Bryant
Conor Beaupre
Conrad L'Heureux
Cory McClure
Craig Creelman
Cynthia Hannah
Dale Meltzer
In memory of Laura Fellows Meltzer '23
Dan Guerra
Dan Vigneault
Dan and Mary Armour
Study hard, play well
Dana Schneider
In honor of Elyse Schneider
Dana and Patricia Schneider
Daniel Moran
Thank you KUA for all you have done for our daughter ' 22 and son '25. Tammy and Dan Moran.
Daniel Sheff
LET'S GO KUA! Class of 1997 is pumped up for our 25th reunion!
Darrell Beaupre
Well done folks! Keep it up!
Dave Steck
David Allyn
David Barrette
In honor of Hong Jin Kim 05' - Forever A Fierce Friend
David Cutler
David Pond
David Weidman
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney, Kay McCabe and Brian McMahon
These long-serving faculty have inspired me throughout the years!!
Dawn Averitt
Dean Caras
Deb Cardew
Deb Eaton
Deborah Hanley
Deborah Sanders-Dame
Deborah Springhorn
Debra Hogate
In honor of Mr. Lewis' parents, Alan & Chalmer
Debrah and Edwin van Dijk
Declan Mann
Dee Ann & Rick Donnelly
Demitri Papadopoulos
Dennis Bundy
Derek Gueldenzoph
Devin McDonough
Dhamey Norgay
Dick & Sandi Averitt
In honor of Sophie & Maddy Bridge
Maddy graduated last year and is now at Northeastern. Her excellent KUA education has prepared her well for college where she made dean’s list her first semester. Sophie is currently a senior enjoying her excellent education as she prepares for college.
Dick Averitt
Donald Goodwin
Donald Lowery
Donner Carr
Dora Chang
Doug Bryant
In honor of Sandy Bryant
Doug Clarner
Thank you all for your continued efforts to support all the kids at KUA!
Douglas Miller
Douglas Plummer
Drew Blicharz
Duncan Ramsay
Dustin Meltzer
In memory of Hong Jim Kim '05
E. Thomas Eggert
I wish I could make the event tonight in NYC. I miss you all! And I miss KUA tons!
Edward Creelman
Edward Hild
In honor of Stewart E. Hild
Edward Mullen
Eleanor Sammis
Elicia Rowan
Elizabeth Gilmartin
Elizabeth Rome
Ellen Bonner
Ellie Stedina
Ellis Underhill
Ellis Withington
In memory of Gus Bartlett
Elsa Shortlidge
Emily & Alex Davie
In honor of Aidan’s Grandparents-For their love, support and belief in a education and service to others❤️
KUA is a place for your child to be themselves, follow their passions, create new ones, and be a part of a community that truly supports one another-KUA is the way!
Emma McKim
Emu Haynes
All my love to the hilltop!
Eric Bayerle
Eric DeWolfe
Eric LaBombard
Eric Russman
Eric Stevens
In honor of Hong Jin Kim
Estrella Woods
F. Warren Smith
Faith Palma
Finn Lewis
Fiona Spence
Francisco Pires
Frank Hastings
Frank Kingsley
Gaofanjie Wang
George Dollinger
George Place
George Sennott Jr Sennott
Glenn Pogust
Grace Antol
Grant Baker
Greg Phaneuf
Greta Brown
Gunner & Anna Olsen
Gus King
Gyb Spilsbury
Hadley Bethke
Hadley Lewis
Hannah Black
Hannah Madden
Hannah Sachs
In honor of Bish
Hans Olsen
Heather Vogel
Henry Trimpi
Herrick Aiken
Howard Bethke
For Hadley... Love Grammy and Pop-pop
Hunter Crowel
In honor of Willy J
Hunter Ulf
Ian Barwick
Just visited the campus a few weeks ago - MANY years since seeing KUA! What a beautiful school! So proud to be a '66 grad!
Ian Gregory-Davis
Ian Surgenor
Ines Camacho
Irene Vecchi
Isabel Brozen
J.D. Hammond
Jack Maynes
Jackson Kyrokostas
Jacquelyn VanderBrug
Jaemin Choung
Jaiden Morello
James McCaffrey
In honor of George Akerstrom
Go wildcats
James Robinson
James Underhill
James and Stacey Van Metre
Janet Lundstam
Jared Audette
Jason Avery
Jason Potteiger
In honor of Hong Jin
Jean Lewis
We ❤️ KUA!
Jed Dousevicz
Jeffrey Cutts
Jeffrey Kessler
Jen Diamond
Jen Illsley
Jennifer Blue
I love teaching at KUA!
Jennifer Borislow
Jennifer Dunn
Jennifer Jabareen
Jennifer Smyth
Jerry Usery
Jerry and Mary Beth Radke
Jesang Yim
Keep up creating welcoming home for everyone!
Jesse and Craig Mathers
Jessica Mahoney
Jim Anderson
In memory of Janie Cozzi
Jintao Yue
Jo and Timothy Gardner
Jody Truswell
John Custer
John Dow
John Healey
John Johnson
John Kluge
John Murphy
John Preston
John Schieffelin
John and Peggy Wardrop
John-Henry Scherck
In honor of Hong Jin Kim
Jonathan Munro
In honor of Allan Munro
Jordyn Silveira
Jose Conde
Joseph Gulley
My year at KUA was the best year of my education.......I have so many great memories.......
Joseph Knap
Joseph Thibert
Joshua Hancock
Joshua Harvey
Julia Ferro
Julia Walton
Julian Dormady
Julie Donovan
Julie Haskell
In honor of My Advisees Past and Present!
KUA One Day
Kareem Alazem
Karla Radke
Kate Noel
Kathleen Callahan
Proud grandparents of Conor and Molly Beaupre, and wonderful son in law Darrell Beaupre. Love KUA and the Fire Brigade.
Kathleen Gardiner
Kathryn Munro H’13
In memory of Allan F Munro ‘55
Kathryn Pettersen
My experience at KUA was amazing and I would do it all over again if I could. Wishing all the best to current students and faculty!
Kathy Campbell
Kathy Harding
Katie Stafford
Katie Wardrop
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney
Katy Sheehan
Katy and Brendon Bruner
Keith Baker
In honor of Oliver Newman
KUA was there fot me when I needed it most.
Keith Milne
So much water displaced from the hot tub!!
Kellie Ledrew
Kelly George
Kendrick White
Kevin Ramos-Glew
Thank you for always waving when I drive by campus
Kevin Schroeder
Kevin Silveira
Thank you KUA for your outstanding leadership during my daughter’s time on The Hilltop.
Kevin Wickless
Class of 1992 go wildcats!
Kien Tran
Kimberly & Mike Gratz
Thank you to all the faculty and staff at KUA!
Kimberly Davies
Kohki Shinohara
Kristin Constantine
We love KUA
Kristin and Stuart Close
As parents of two Wildcats, the last graduating this May, we know that KUA is a great place to learn and to be part of the most caring school community. Thank you to all faculty and staff for making KUA the great place that it is.
Kristin and Stuart Close
Kurt DePoy
Kyle Wesson
L Hillary Mathewson
In memory of Laura Mathewson
Lane Durgin
Leah Cole
Lee Hougen
In honor of The Carver family
Leo Barta
Libby Kotei-Fearon
lets go class of 2022!!!!!! Lets get 100%
Libby Merrill Jelliffe
In honor of Alan Merrill '55
Linda Durkee
Thank you KUA for all the friendships, opportunities, fun and lifetime memories my Grandson Aiden B has at KUA! ❤️
Lindsay Longe
Lisa Shaw
Lisa Sherman
Lois Sturtevant
Lola Baldwin
Lucas Vest
Luchian Belau-Lorberg
Lucie Turcotte
Lukasz Ricci
Luke Clarner
Luke Miller
Lyndsey Patten
Lynne Haberstock
In honor of all of the kind, hardworking faculty and staff that make KUA such a special place.
M. A. and Jay Ricci
We love KUA!
Maggie Lopez
I love my school
Mallory Schell
Marcia Yates
Margaret Kurth
Margot Frost
Maria Bryant
Marianna McKim and Reinhart Sonnenburg
Mark Boden and Ginger Bowden
Marten & Kimberly Wennik
Martha Johnson
In honor of Siri Douglas
Our granddaughter is thriving thanks to the KUA family.
Mary Audette
Mary Breen
Mary Merrill
Mary Parker
Matej Svoboda
Matt Thibert
Matthew Bromley
Matthew Fussteig
I love KUA!
Matthew Underhill
Matthew Weig
Mattie DiNapoli
Maura Doyle
In honor of Long-serving faculty who have and do go above and beyond every day. Who have spent countless years in the dorm, advisors who go out of their way on their "days off", teachers who teach beyond the classroom etc Sue Halliday, Cynthia Howe, Murray Dewdney, Bob Hyjek, Scrib Fauver, Julie Haskell… too many to count. My personal mentor then and now, Alex Liston. They are always there for the students and KUA is better thanks to their dedication and loyalty.
Long-serving faculty who have and do go above and beyond every day. Who have spent countless years in the dorm, advisors who go out of their way on their "days off", teachers who teach beyond the classroom etc Sue Halliday, Cynthia Howe, Murray Dewdney, Bob Hyjek, Scrib Fauver, The Lords, Julie Haskell… too many to count. My personal mentor then and now, Alex Liston. They are always there for the students and KUA is better thanks to their dedication and loyalty.
Max McClure
Max VanDijk
Max Woods
May Lillie
Maynard White
Meghan & Paul Dynan
Melissa Longacre
Melissa Vest
Meng Gao
Meredith Flanagan
A wonderful place to call home! Will always be grateful for this community and the lasting difference it’s made in Molly and Abby’s life!
Michael Borislow
Michael Coelho Jr
Michael DiPietro
Michael Hebert
Michael Jung
Great Job :)
Michael Skibiski
Michael Todd
Michael Winham
Michaela Igo
Mike Doherty
Misty & Sam Ftorek
Mo McBride
Molly Steffey
Morris Schneider
Natalie Ruppertsberger Lynd
Natalie and Matthew Burton
Nate Cook
Go Cats!
Neeraj Garg
Nelly and William Palmer
In honor of David Weidman, Mike Cloutman, Kay McCabe, Julie Haskell-Webb
Nick Antol
Nicolas Besozzi di Castelbesozzo
Nol Supsueb
Norman and Joan Kayser
Norwood Davis
Oliver Cozzi
Olivertt Okoh
Olivia Tejera
Oralee Barrett
Paige Baldwin
Pam& Rod Morgan
Pamela Roskin
Patrick Vollmann
Patty Bethke
Keep working hard Hadley.
Paul Ballou
Paul Fitzgerald
Paul McAuliffe
Paul McAuliffe Jr
Paul Russo
Per Lundstam
The growth and opportunities for students at KUA are tremendous.
Pete Coughlin
Peter Bowser
Peter Brooke
Peter Hodgen
Peter Hyan
Peter Ingold
Peter Morse
Peter Quigg
Peter Rome
Peter and Cynthia Starosta
Peter j Crowell
Philip Mortillaro
Love you KUA
Philip and Margaret Read
Pip Keen
Porter Lewis
Rachel Sites
Randall & Janice Oliva
KUA thank you for all the wonderful opportunities you have provided for our daughter, Sydnie! They are greatly appreciated!
Ray and Karen Shero
Raymond And Chris Mann
Rebecca Lawrence
Reed Brozen
One KUA. I love being a KUA. Parent.
Reed Brozen
Reese Castiglioni
Great memories and lifelong best friends made on the Hilltop!
Renee Lewis
Revy Mack
Rich Ryerson
Richard Bartlett
Richie and Kim Graham
Rika Stevenson
Robert Blake
Robert Gardner
Robert Gordon
Robert Harris
Robert Hyjek
Hyjek Advisory (Bobby's Bunch)
Robert Jackson
Robert Jamback
Robert Mount
Robin Gronlund
In honor of Allan F. Munro
Robyn Sachs
Rocco Stefan Christopher
Ron & Mary Simon - Karla Radke
Karla Radke is trustee and daughter. Alex Radke is our grandson.
Ronald Foley
Ronald Harrison
Rosaloe Kerr
Ruiyao Zhao
Russ Robertson
In honor of Allan Munro
Ruth McCabe
Ryan Ayers
Ryan McGraw
Keep making our next generations wonderful and kind.
Ryder Family
Sabrina Haberstock
Sally Herbert
Samantha Ward
Samuel Blackman
Samuel Scrivani
Thanks Advancement office for all your hard work!
Sandy Bryant
Sarah Cameron
Sarah O'Connor
In memory of Sidney Katz
Scott Blakey
Scott Domingos
Scott Winham
Scribner Fauver
It's a fun place to work.
Scrimpy Lewis
Seana Perkins
In honor of Janie Chase Cozzi
I support KUA because it shaped me into the person I am today, and I am proud of that person. Day in and day out KUA met me where I was and challenged me to be a better person.
Sebastian Keen
Sebastian Morris
Seth Burroughs
Seth Shortledge
Shannon Kopacz
Shannon Moran
Sharon L Cross
In honor of Hadley Bethke
We love what Hadley loves! KUA is a perfect fit for her and she loves her surroundings.
Shauna and James Walker
Shawn Stender
Shimo Wen
Shyla Montgomery
Silas Nowlan
Simon Nowlan
Siobhan Whittemore
Sixten Nowlan
Sofia Arce
In honor of Sandra K Torres
KUA is the best academic institution in USA and Europe. KUA shares my moral principles and was a second home for my daughter in 2019.
Sofia Arce Mendizabal
Sophia Nowlan
Spencer Slaine
In honor of John Custer
Stacey Logan
Stacey Summerfield
Stacy O’Shea
Stephanie Pipas
Stephen Rogers
Stephen Taylor
Steve and Gina Surgenor
Steve and Joan Bishop
Our Life!
Stuart Conant
Susan Carroll-Oxford
Thank you for all the great memories!
Susan Knapp
Susanne Nowlan
Thank You KUA!
Susanne Stillson
Suzanne Fiacco
Svia Russman
Sydnie Oliva
Sylvia Dart
Tai Peterson
In honor of Kay McCabe
Tanat Boonratanakornkit
Taryn Boyer
Taylor Coburn
Ted Branch
Teegan Rowe
Terese Flaherty
KUA has been a phenomenal school for our daughter!
Tessa Cassidy
Thanadis Charoenrujijin
Let's make KUA better at Physics/Astronomy
The Bethke Family
We give, because this is my daughter's community and second family!
The Pariseau Family
A lot of great memories on the Hilltop!!
Thea Dipietro
Theresa Aiello
Thank you KUA!
Theresa Lillie
Thomas Carty
Thomas Douglas
The School has been a fantastic place for Siri!
Thomas Kardel
Cynthia Howe was my first mentor as a young teacher. I’m giving today to honor her. Thank you, Cynthia.
Thomas Shortlidge
Thomas Williams
So grateful for the strong foundation and confidence the KUA faculty and coaches provided me as a first generation college graduate.
Tianban Zhang
Tianyi Li
Tiffany Rinne
We love KUA!
Tim Herbert
Tim Whitehead
Timothy Kyrkostas
Timothy and Elizabeth Knox
Tinashe Muhlauri
Titsworth Gretchen Eppler and Peter
Todd Wishart and Amy Samaha
Tong Meltzer
In honor of Dale Meltzer ‘66
Tricia, Ryan, Opal & Hadleigh McKeon
In honor of The Residents of Dexter
Tye Dousevicz
Tyler Lewis
Ursula Fries-Herfort
Vance Hall
Vanessa Allen
My daughter is a freshman and is so happy at KUA!
Vincent Guerra
Well done KUA!
Viva Hardigg & Beverly R. Carter, IV
In memory of James Sutton Hardigg
Wayne and Teri Comeau
Wendy Lee
Weston Harkey
Whitney Letellier
I hope this helps get to your goal!!
Will Blackburn
William Barry
William Brigham
William Hayes
William Kidder
Woodie haskins
Wubba Murray
Xiaoyan Huang and Min Zhu
Yile Liu
Yohan Do
Go Wildcats!
Yvette and Michael Martingnetti
Zhigang Wang
为天地立心 为生民立命 为往圣继绝学 为万世开太平
Zhiyu Sam Liu
Zizhu Wang
Abby flanagan
Bryant harris
Elizabeth todd
In honor of Catherine Sensenig 17
Fay Lu Blackburn
In honor of June Turner Blackburn
What a beautiful school! Go Wildcats Go.
Hao huang
Howard goldberg
In memory of Al Munro
Mark hudak
Odin lundstam
Woop Woop!
Peter Crowell
Sean crotty
Tyler wishart
Willocks whitaker
Ziggy smith
go wildcats!
Thank you so much KUA for all you have done for my daughter!
Thank you Kimball Union Academy!
In honor of Hong Jin Kim '05

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