Whittemore Athletic Center & Akerstrom Arena Renovations and Improvements
We are thrilled to announce that we have met our $500,000 fundraising goal for the Whittemore Athletic Center and Akerstrom Arena renovations! Thank you to those that supported this project.
The Whittemore Athletic Center/Akerstrom Arena entrance lobby and concourse are high-traffic and highly visible areas on campus. With the proposed renovations, we will welcome our students, parents, alumni, and visitors into warmer, brighter, and more inviting spaces in which we will honor past, present, and future KUA athletic success with updated banners, photos, and KUA branding. Likewise, the Akerstrom Arena lower-level corridor and adjoining locker rooms are utilized daily by our students and by visitors several times each week. To improve the student-athlete experience, these spaces need significant upgrades.
This project includes:
New Championship Banners for All Sports
Renovated Entrance Lobby and Public Spaces including Bathrooms
Upgraded Concourse Level to Honor Past, Present, and Future KUA Athletic Success
Renovated Lower-Level Student-Athlete Corridor and Locker Rooms including New Flooring
Lower Level HVAC and Ventilation Upgrades
If you prefer to give by mail, please make checks payable to Kimball Union Academy and note Whittemore/Akerstrom Renovation in the memo line. Send To: KUA Advancement Office, 7 Campus Center Drive, Meriden, NH 03770.
If you prefer to give by phone, please contact the Advancement Office at 603-469-2127.