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Kimball Union Academy

Meriden, NH

One Day. One KUA. 2023

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Kimball Union Academy Advancement Office

Supporters across the USA

Supporters across the World

Supporters (614)

All (614)
Abigail Nintzel
Abraham Leach
Ada Yoder
Aiden Bean
Aiden Kelly
Alan Hoffman
Alan Lewis
Alastair Man
Alden Johnson
Alex Carnehammar
Alex Hoyt
Alex Ives
Alex Shareiko
Alexander Radke
Alexis Liston
Alexis Mowat
Alissa Valiante
Allie McCorkle
Allison Letourneau & Kim Cooper
Allison Smith
Alvin Ku
Amanda & Josh Mandel
Amelia Larkin
Analena Connors
Andrea Keen
Andrew O’Sullivan
Andris Putans
Angus Spence
Anna Lucia Staiano
Anna Olson
Anne Gronlund
Annelise Seligmann
Annie LaBombard
Anthony Woeltz
Ariatnny Castillo
Ariela Douek
Ashley Vander Vliet Close
Aster Alden
Audrey Underhill
August Moran
Ave Mae Yates
Ben Lawton
Ben Lewis
Benjamin Chadwick
Benjamin Chapman
Benjamin Newton
Bethany Mathewson
In honor of Laura Mathewson
Bill Diamond
Billy Rivellini
Blaine Kopp
In memory of Burke Ryder
Bleyton Hopps-Thompson
Brian Busbee
Brian E Sanville
Brian Sanville
Bruce Found
Bruce Paro
Brynn Garg
Cale Goodnow
Cameron Beecy
Cameron Callahan
Carlo & Emily Lopez
Caroline Daft
Carrianna Field
Carter Antol
Catherine Pierson
Catherine Ursillo
Catherine VanderBrug
Cathy Vollmann
Chad Leonard
Charles & Debra Douglas
In honor of Siri Douglas
Charles Creelman
Charles Tobias Cromwell
Chloe Dixon
Chloe LaBombard
Chloe Rourke-Nicholas
Chris Berard
Chris Stigum
Chris Vollmann
Christena Obregon
Christine Heinritz
Christopher Clark
Christopher Cobb
Christopher Cook
Christopher Retzler
Christopher Watroba
Christopher Yoshida
Claire Dalton
Claudia Melgarejo Coda
Clayton Simmers
Clyde Neville
Clyde Neville
Colby Berard
Colby Boyce
Colin McCarty
In memory of Biscuit
She was a great cat who would have benefited from some more education. :)
Colleen Miller
Love the KUA community. Thank you for all that you do!
Colleen Norgang
Connie Loescher
Corwith Simmers
Courtney Cania
Cynthia Hannah
Dale Meltzer
Dan Guerra
Dan Poor
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Dan Sheff
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Dana Schneider
Daniel Heroux
Daniel Tokariwski
Daniel Vigneault
Darrell Beaupre
In honor of Steve and Joan Bishop
For 60 years of making KUA feel like home.
David Allyn
David C Steck
David Campbell
David Demers
In honor of Chris Koval
Truly someone special . . .
David Demers
In honor of Chris Koval
David Steck
David Weidman
In honor of John Kluge , esteemed colleague
Go Wildcats!!!
David and Kait Barrette
David and Nancy Pond
Dawn Averitt
In honor of The faculty, staff and coaches who show up for our kids everyday.
Dean Tokariwski
Deb Van Dijk
Deborah Robinson
Pledge payment to support life insurance premium, and in honor of Cynthia Howe, we miss her!
Debra Eaton
Debra Lewis Hogate
In honor of Alan & Chalmer Lewis
Debrah van Dijk
Declan Mann
Deighton Emmons
Derek Gueldenzoph
Diane Kolbe
Diane Nelson
Our son Christopher has grown into the young man and student he and we knew he is, thanks to KUA. Life changing experience!
Don Lowery
Donald Goodwin
Donna Kristek
In memory of John Kristek
Donner Carr
Doug Clarner
Douglas Carter
Douglas Miller
Douglas Plummer
Drew Blicharz
Dustin Meltzer
In memory of Hong Jin Kim ‘05
E. Gronlund
E. Thomas Eggert
Edward Creelman
Edward Hild
Edward Marotta
Edward Mullen
Edwin J van Dijk
Edwin Van Dijk
Union '24 - Max!
Eleanor Sammis
Elicia Rowan
Elise Buckley
Elizabeth Craib
Elizabeth Gronlund
Elizabeth Rome
keep up the good work
Ella Cheong
Ella Erickson
Elliot Lee
Elsa Shortlidge
Elysia Burroughs
Emily Dewdney
Emma Lapsley
Emma McGonigle
Emme DiNapoli
Emme Duncan
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Emmett Smyth
Emu Haynes
All my love to the hilltop <3
Eric & Meagan Bachman
Eric Bayerle
Eric LaBombard
Eric Russman
Eric Stevens
Erin Frisch
Ernesto Fernandez
Esme Juros
Eva Joslin
Eva Rossmassler
Evan Crandlemire
Evan Schmitt
Faith Larsen
Finn Bunk
Finn Lewis
Fiona Spence
Francis Nolin
Frank and Coco Sellman
Frank and Pam Hastings
Fred & Nancy Burgess
Frederick Garnsey
From the KUA Grounds Crew
KUA Grounds Crew Rocks!!
Gary Fournier
George Hammond
George Place
Gerard Murphy
Gillian Lewis
Girard Family
Giuliano Fantilli
Glenn Pogust
Glenna Nail
Grace Antol
Grace Gibson
Grayson Davies
Gregory Kozlowski
I donate to KUA, because the education I received from KUA prepared me not only for college, but for the rest of my life.
Griffin McClure
Gunnar Olson
Gwendolyn Star
In honor of Mr. Holland
Mr. Peter Holland talked pen and ink with me. He makes me proud to be part of KUA.
Gwyn McGee
Hadleah McKeon
Hadley Bethke
Hadley Lewis
Haifeng Zhao
Hannah French
Hannah Larsen & Alex Garceau
Hannah McGrath
Hannah Sachs
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Henry Elliott
Henry Ponnefz
Herbert McKinney
Herrick Aiken
Hope Bachman
Howard Busbee
In honor of Stacey Summerfield
All the way with KUA!
Howard Goldberg
A proud member of the great class of ‘55
Howard and Linda Cantwell
Hunter Nesbitt
Ian Ramsay
Ines Camacho
Irene Vecchi
Isabel Gordon
In honor of The Famicult
Isobel Brozen
Keep changing lives and inspiring future leaders!
Jack Maynes
Jack McMinn
Jackson Davies
Jackson Kyrkostas
Jacob Kettwig
Jacob Wiktorski
Jadi Taveras
Jai white
Jaimee Miller
James Anderson
In honor of Janie Cozzi
Thanks for launching Esa in life.
James Graham
James Mackall
James McCaffrey
In memory of Richard “Dick” Carolan
James Mullen
James Oberlander
James Underhill
Jane Fielder
In honor of Frederick and Jessie Carver
Good luck in reaching the goal!
Janet Lundstam
Jason Avery
Jason Bourne
Jason Potteiger
Jay Busbee
Jed Dousevicz
Jeff Bollman
Tim Whitehead is the best human being on planet earth!!!
Jeff LeDrew
Jeffrey & Laura Pope
In honor of John Dodd Bates
Jeffrey Cutts
Jeffrey Kettwig
Jennifer Blue
Jennifer Frizzell
Jennifer Smyth
Jennifer and Mike Borislow
Jenny Araya-Mesen
Jeremiah Shipman
Jesse Mather
Jessica Mahoney
Jessica Smith
We are grateful for our daughter's experience at KUA. Thank you all! <3
Jiaming Wen
Jill Weise
In honor of Anne Peterson
Jitzlen Montas
Jixian Dora Chang
Joan Kayser
Joanne Shaver
Joe Putko
Joe Wallace & Liz Chang
Joel Patton
John Cordner
John Curtiss Taylor
John Custer
In memory of Cynthia Howe
John Henry Hubert
John Kluge
John Murphy
John Rizzo
John Schieffelin
John Stephenson
John Wilson
John Zartarian
John and Peggy Wardrop
Jonny Knee
Jose Conde
I donate because going to KUA saved my life. I came from a very bad place, and I was able to get away and receive a great education. I hope that my donation can help in some way with financial aid for someone who needs to escape the way I did.
Joseph Gulley
Joseph Knap
Josh & Alecia Labove
Joshua Harvey
Judy Doherty
Julian Dormady
Julie Donovan
In honor of Julian Dormady
Thank you!
Julie Haskell
In honor of Emma Haskell
Justin Zonay
Karla Radke
Katarina Ruda
Kate French
Kate Harbin
Kate Ketcham
Kate Villa
Katherine J Campbell
Kathy Campbell
Kathy Jacquier
Katie & Peter Mans
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Katie Wardrop
To honor the faculty and staff who have had such an impact on me and to ensure future students have access to the same opportunities I did!
Keith Milne
Proud to be part of the KUA Class of 2005
Kelley Sadowski
Kelly George
Kerry Rourke
KUA Faculty and Staff are the BEST!
Kevin Silveira
Kevin Vest
Kim Davies
Kimberly & Michael Gratz
Kirsten Glass
Kristie Kagan
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Krists Putans
Kyra Russman-Araya
Larry Osmer
Laura Burgess
In honor of Lesley Nesbitt
Leland Hedges
Happy to help keep 1997 as the best KUA class of all time.
Leo Barta
Leslie Kane
Liam Moran
Libby Kotei-Fearon
In honor of Burke Ryder 2023
Lilly Hines
Lily Swidler
Linda Durkee
Linda He
Lindsay and Joe DuBarry
Lisa Shaw
Lisa Sherman
Thankful that my father and I had the opportunity to experience KUA.
Logan Brennan
Lori Boudreau
Luke Clarner
Luke Miller
Lulu Leppard
Lynne Haberstock
In honor of Sabrina H.
Maggie Lopez
Mallory Schell
Margie Sherer
Thank you KUA for the amazing education and opportunities you have offered my nephew!
Margot Gueldenzoph
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Marianna McKim
Mark Thompson
Mark West
Martha Johnson
Martha and Douglas Johnson
In honor of Siri Douglas ‘25
In honor of our beloved granddaughter
Mary Bean
Mary Breen
Mary Busbee
Mary Merrill
Mary Parker
Mason Ftorek
Matisse Baumann
Matt Haynes
Matt Lord
Matthew Cosinuke
Matthew Fussteig
Matthew Underhill
Mattie DiNapoli
Max Gesner
Max Woods
In honor of Siobhan Whittemore
Maynard White
McKenna Dockery
Melissa Longacre
Melissa Underhill
Meredith Flanagan
Mia Dupre
Mic Pichitkarn
Michael Griesi
Michael Hebert
Michael Skibiski, Jr.
Michael Sullo
Michael and Scott
Thanks to the amazing community!
Michelle Oettmeier
Mike Doherty
Mike Van Dolah
Miles Burton
Misora Hashiramoto
Mo McBride
Molly Beaupre
Molly Steffey
Morgan LaBombard
Morgan Sebor
Morris Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Stoner
Murray Dewdney
Myra Kebalka
Nangsel Norgay
Naomi Merchant
Natalie Lynd
Natalie Whitehead
Nate Cook
Go Wildcats!
Neeraj Garg
Neil Carey
Nelly Palmer
Nicholas Antol
Nicolas Millette
Nicole Bondo Mwaka
Nicole Ledoux
Glad to support KUA.......Go Wildcats Men's Lax!!!!
Noa Barrett
Noah Harrell
Noah Lynd
Odin Lundstam
Olivia Eggstein
On Behalf of Siri Douglas
I'm supporting KUA on behalf of my niece, Siri Douglas, who is having an amazing experience there!
Opal McKeon
Oralee Barrett
Patrick Fortier
Patrick Vollmann
Patrik Kelly
Paul Ballou
Paul Dickinson
Paul Dockery
Paul Dynan
Paul Russo
Paula Pereira
Peter Harris
Peter Hodgen
Peter Quigg
Peter Rome
Peter Schieffelin
Philip Tenney
Pip Keen
Piper Laflamme
Porter Lewis
Rachael Altman
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Raella Bueno
Rangi Keen
Raymond Mann
Reed Brozen
Reese Castiglioni
Renee Lewis
Rich Ryerson
Richard Cummings
Richard Reniere
Richard and Mary Ann Hillman
Riley Adams Mitchell
Robb Thomson
Robert Bartles
Robert Craig Mathers
Robert Gardner
in memory of Karen Gardner
Robert Jackson
Rocco DiNapoli
Ronald Foley
Russell Fry
Ryan Ayers
Ryan McKeon
Sabrina Haberstock
Sam LeDrew
Samantha Ward
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Samuel Scrivani
Sandra Laflamme
Sandra Ouellette
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Sarah Cameron
🧡 Grateful for KUA & proud parent of Siri Douglas 25
Sarah Ogden
Sarah Pfeiffer
Savo Ftorek
Sawyer Constantine
Scott Blakey
Scott Liming
Scott Philbrook
Great school. Great education. Those 2 years on the hill changed my life for the better, of course.
Scott Roy
Scott Winham
Scribner Fauver
Sean Burns
Seana Perkins
In honor of Janie
Giving back to a place and a group of people that gave me so much 🖤🧡
Sebastian Keen
Seoyun Kim
Seth Burroughs
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Seth Shortlidge
Shannon Kopacz
In honor of Adaline Kopacz
We are so proud of you!
Sharon & Jim Cross
In honor of Hadley Bethke
We are happy to donate to a place Hadley loves.
Shawn Dixon
Shawn Stender
Sho Fraser
Sienna Belaire
Simon Nowlan
Sixten Nowlan
Skye McIntyre
Sophia Kerber
Spencer Hutchinson
Spencer Slaine
In honor of John Custer
Go KUA!!
Stacey Summerfield
Stella Kozak
Stephen Bishop
Stephen Busbee
Stephen Rogers
Stephen Taylor
Steven Boyce
Stuart Conant
Stuart Frizzell
Sturgess Spanos
Summer Combe
Susan Carroll-Oxford
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Susan Simmers
Susanne and Brian Stillson
Suzanne Fiacco
Svia Russman-Araya
Sydnie Oliva
Taber Leese
Takeo Kawasaki
Takumi Shigeie
Tao Feng
Taylor Chester
Taylor Dickinson
Teegan Duffy
The Bethke Family
We love this community for our daughter! 🖤🧡
The Glam Cult
The Mattiko Family
Happy to support a great school.
Theo Korhonen
Theodore Lykouretzos
Thomas Bancroft
Thomas Branch
Thomas Carty
Thomas Douglas
The School has welcomed our family in so many ways.
Thomas Song
Thomas Williams
Tiauna Stoltzfus
Timothy Lewis
Timothy Whitehead
Tinashe Mulahri
Tom Kardel
In honor of John Kluge for his many years of dedication to KUA
Tom Lord
Happy to help my school!
Tom O’Sullivan
Thanks for all that you do for the students and community!
Tom Valentin Legarde
Tong Meltzer
Tricia McKeon
Trip Davis
Tucker and Chloe Prudden
Tyler Dewdney
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Tyler Dixon
Tyler Lewis
In memory of Burke, Cynthia and others who passed far too young, and in honor of our employees and students who spread the joy on our campus every day.
Tyler Weaver
In honor of Hong jin Kim
Ursula Fries-Herfort
Vance E Hall
Vance Hall
Viva Hardigg
In memory of Burke Ryder '23
Weston Harkey
Weston Wheeler
Will Haynes
Will Scott
William Brigham
William Gong
William Hayes
William Riley
William Riley
William Young
Winny Liston
Wisdom Badgett
Woodie Haskins
Yabei Chen
Youyang Zhang
Zach Whitehead
Zhiyu Liu
Bryant harris
Casey lawson
In honor of Charles Lawson, Jr.
Proud to be a part of the KUA community--once a Wildcat, forever a Wildcat.
Elizabeth todd
My daughter received an amazing education enabling her to enter college with confidence and great study habits. Her Graduation from Smith with honors and Phi Beta Kappa is in part because of her 4 years at KUA which gave her a solid foundation from which to grow
Ella sellman
Eloise davis
Geraldine herlihy
James townsend
Jann jette
Ken steere
Mark hudak
Portia berard
Renee dupre
love the place!
Steven dangelo
In honor of Alexis Liston
Great job KUA
Thank you for being amazing!
In honor of John Custer

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7 Campus Center Dr, Meriden, NH 03770
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