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Kimball Union Academy

Meriden, NH

Remembering Tim Knox H’96, P’94

Please consider supporting the Timothy and Elizabeth Knox Leadership Scholarship in memory of Tim Knox, KUA’s seventeenth Head of School.

Stacey Summerfield, Director of Institutional Advancement


Mr. Timothy Knox H’96 P’94, KUA’s seventeenth Head of School passed away on Friday, May 24, 2024. His legacy as an educator pre-dates his arrival on The Hilltop, as does his commitment to three KUA programmatic pillars of academics, athletics, and arts.

About The Timothy and Elizabeth Knox Leadership Scholarship:

Established in 2003 by appreciative Trustees, alumni and parents, The Timothy and Elizabeth Knox Leadership Scholarship Fund honors Kimball Union Academy’s seventeenth Head of School, Tim Knox, and his wife, Liz, for their loyal service to the school. This endowed fund celebrates the importance that Mr. Knox placed on human resources, for he was convinced that the Academy’s students and faculty were the lifeblood of our institution. The goal of the Knox Leadership Scholarship is to make a Kimball Union education possible for highly qualified applicants to the Academy and to reward demonstrated leadership qualities in those students already enrolled.

Campaign ended Saturday, July 6th, 2024, 11:44 pm EDT
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Kimball Union Academy
7 Campus Center Dr, Meriden, NH 03770
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