One Day One KUA 2024
KUA’s annual Day of Giving was April 11, 2024. We roared past our 700 Donor Goal with a resounding 853 Donors! But it is not too late to support The KUA Fund, the Howe Dewedney Residence Hall Challenge, or the Class of 2024 Baxter Hall Bell Tower Restoration for the 2023-24 school year. If you would like to be counted among this year’s supporters, please make your gift now. Thank you!
Supporters across the USA
Supporters across the World
Supporters (862)
All (862)
Abby Kelly
This place did so much for me as a student, athlete, and person. I will forever be grateful for that!
Abigail Harrington
Ada Yoder
Adam Knudsen
Phenomenal team, love the culture!
Adam Pfeifer
Adam Shaver
Adam Steinberg
Adi Lesbek
Adi Runge
Aidan Fenkl
Aidan Whitfield
Aiden Ayers
Aiden Bean
Al DiAntonio
Alan Chu
Alan Lewis
Alec Legendre
Alex Bolg
Alex Carnehammar
Alex Cohen
In honor of David Weidman and Tom KardelLove and miss you all on the Hilltop!
Alex Duryea
Alexander Hoyt
Alexander Pfeiffer
Alexandra Williams
Alexis Liston
Alexis Mowat
Alice Eberhardt
Alison Keating
Alissa Valiante
Allison Letourneau & Kim Cooper
Allison Smith
Alyssa Leppard
Alyssa Reetz
Amanda Freund
Amanda McMeniman
Amelia Larkin
Amy Cokinos
Amy Fowler
In memory of Cynthia and her purple passion
Amy Lonczak
Anderson Coe
Andile Muhlauri
Andrea Alexander
Andrea Keen
Andrew Bridges
Andrew Knott
Andrew Schwaegler
Andrew o sullivan
Andy & Amie Kaplan
Andy Lin
Angelica Pascual
Angus Spence
Annalise & Brad Fincher
Anne Bartlett Gatnik
In memory of Gus Bartlett ‘63
Anne Donaghy
Anne Margaret Boone
Annelise Seligmann
Anonymous Grandparent
Anthony Shaker
In honor of Sandy Shaker
Asher Alden
Ashlee Tan
Audra Leech
August Moran
Ava Mae Yates
Ava Rosi
Aydin Ronaghi
BJ Entwisle
Barbara McKeon
Barry Matthews
Bear Martin
Becca Main
Bella Parento
Ben Lawton
Keep up the good work!
Ben Lewis
Ben and Christena Lawton
Thank you to KUA for providing our children with a great education, guidance, support, amazing coaches, advisors, dorm parents, and teachers, while also providing leadership opportunities and preparing them to be successful in college and independent adults.
Benjamin Chadwick
Benjamin Constantine
Benjamin Newton
Bethany Solari
Bill & Jen Diamond
Billy Rivellini
Blaine Kopp
Blake McMeniman
Bleyton Hopps-Thompson
Bob Marley
Bob Meyer
In honor of Stretch Gilliam
Bob Weston
Brady Watts
Braver Family
Brenda K TAITE, M.S., J.D.
Brian Bava
Brian Sanville
Brigid Hurley
Go Wildcats!
Bruce Paro
In honor of In honor of those members of the class of 1974 who have passed and will not be at our 50th reunion in June.
Bryant Harris
Brynn Garg
Bryson Tucker
C. Blake Munro
CJ Watroba
Caden Barnard
Caixuan Shao
Cale Goodnow
Cam Hanrahan
I ❤️ Kimball
Carl Diethelm
Carol Shareiko
Carol Shareiko
KUA was the best choice for our child's future.
Caroline Daft
Caroline Golja
Carrianna Field
Carrie Ayers
Carson Strew
Carter Freund
Carys O'Connor
Catcher Davis
Catherine Auger-Morin
Catherine Pierson
Cathy Ann Vollmann
Cathy Marc Tori Stephi Pipas
Grateful for the fantastic teaching and leadership in our community
Cathy VanderBrug
Cathy and Diego Girard
Charles Clammer
Charles Darling
Charles Dewey
Charles Doherty
Charles Gibson
Charles Muhlauri
Charles Parry
Charles Tong
Let’s go KU
Charlie Williams
Charlotte Alberts
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Cheryl May
Cheyenne Graham
Chip Allen
Chloe & Tucker Prudden
Chris Cook
Chris Reed
Chris Sewell
Chris Smiles
Christopher Clark
Christopher Nelson
Christopher Watroba
Christy Berard
Cindy McLaren
Claudia Russman-Araya
Colby Boyce
Colby Sabutis
Cole Gueldenzoph
Cole Retzler
Pizza party
Colleen Miller
Shout out to Dr Kopp and Mr Dormady!
Colleen Miller
Colleen Norgang
Connie Loescher
Connor Skehan
Conor McDermott
Conrad L'Heureux
Coquelicot Sellman
In honor of Ella Sellman
Corwith Simmers
Cory & Destiny McClure
Cynthia Hannah
DJ and Amy Harding
Dakoda Correia
Dale Meltzer
Damaya Soto
Dan Poor
Dan Sheff
Incredibly excited to honor Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney, both of whom were and are so important to me and countless other members of the KUA community.
Dan Vigneault
Dana Dockery
With gratitude! Our daughter has matured into a brilliant young lady. Her adventurous nature thrives. She has made the truest and sweetest of friends. She is safe and thriving with the support of faculty and advisors. She is future focused and driven to make her mark on the world.
Dana Mccreesh
Daniel Machado
Daniel Moran
Danielle Zackman
Darrell Beaupre
KUA is an incredible place that I am lucky enough to experience first hand, first as a student and then as a faculty member and parent. In the words of a parent recently visiting with his prospective student: "The students here are...authentic." Yup, those of us who get to work with the students every day...we are lucky. KUA is our home away from home.
Daryn McLean
Dash Sukhatme
Dave Steck
David Baar
David Barrette
David Campbell
Great to see the KUA spirit in Tim Whitehouse's hockey team this winter
David Carver
David Miller
David Pond
David Warlick
David and Tom Weidman/Kardel
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray DewdneyCynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney we’re our colleagues for more than 25 years. They were mentors to us and a true inspiration for how to live with passion, joy and integrity. We miss Cynthia every day.
Dawn Dahlstrom
Deb Eaton
Deborah Robinson
Deborah Sanders-Dame
In memory of my grandmother Ruth Pushee
Debra Hogate
In honor of Mr. Lewis' parents, Alan and Chalmer Lewis
Denise and Timothy Connors
Dennis Bundy
Derek Gueldenzoph
Devon LeBlanc
Diane & Mark Walker
Diane Kolbe
Diane and Peter Nelson
Thank you, KUA! We'll miss you!
Dianerys Rodriguez
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney 💜
Don Lowery
Donald Goodwin
Donna Kristek
Donner R Carr
Dora Chang
Doug Clarner
Doug Esten
In honor of Richard W. Esten ‘50
Doug Miller
Doug Plummer
Douglas Plummer
Dr. Wayne & Teri Comeau
Drew Blicharz
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Dustin Meltzer
In memory of Hong Jin Kim '05
Dylan Love
E. Thomas Eggert
Ed Hild
Eddie van Dijk
Eden Brown
Edward Mullen
Congrats to the boy’s hockey for another great y
Edward Williams
Edwin van Dijk
In honor of Doug Plummer and the Plummer Family Facilities Building
Eleanor Janczak
Elijah Suchecki
Elise Buckley
Elizabeth Chang & Joe Wallace
For John Wallace '25 Thanks KUA!!
Elizabeth Ingraham
Extra thanks to Emily and Amy Fowler-Thorsen....
Elizabeth Todd
In honor of Julie HaskellKUA provided my daughter with AP Art History taught by Julie Haskell. In this course she found her deep passion for art and its history, and after graduating from Smith with a degree in Art History, she is working in an Art Advisory in NYC.
Ella Cheong
Ella Dahlstrom
Ella Linnainmaa
Ella Ren
Ella Ren
Ellicott Smith
Elysia Burroughs
Emil Poell
Emily Lopez
Emma McKim
Emmett Smyth
Emu Haynes
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Eric Chung
Eric LaBombard
Eric Spector
Eric Stevens
Eric and Jenny Russman-Araya
Erik and Cheryl Joslin
Erin Howe
Ernesto Fernandez
Ernie Fernandez
Ernie Fernandez
In honor of Jesus FrancoBest students, best campus, best school.
Esa Anderson
Esme Juros
Eva Joslin
Evelyn Fleming
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Faith Larsen
Finn Lewis
Fitz Hamner
Frances Wetherbee
Thank you to those who generously invested so much time and thought into our growth.
Francis Nolin
Frank Buttaravoli
Fred Weitzel
Fulin Zheng
Gabe Cunningham
Gabrielle Young
Gary Trotter
George Hammons
Gerard Hoar and Martha Hoar
Gerard Murphy
Ghassan Kahwati
Gillian and Timothy Lewis
Glenn & Sue Pogust
Glenna Nail
Grace Antol
Grace Gibson
Grace Weinstein
Graham Williams
Grant Hedstrom
Gregory Kozlowski
In honor of Elaine KozlowskiWhen I think of my KUA experience, many of my favorite memories were hanging out with the Howe-d-Dewdneys. Best of times! Go Bryant!
Gretchen Eppler
Gretchen Schissel
Gunnar & Anna Olson
Gunnar Olson
Gwendolyn Star
In honor of Mr. MoserKUA was foundational in my life.
Gwyn McGee
Hadley Bethke
2025 class!!! Let’s go!
Hadley Lewis
I love KUA
Hadley Lewis
Hadley Masson
Haebung Song
Hanna Noto
Hannah French
Hannah Larsen
Hannah Sachs Fresco
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Hannah Young
Hans Olsen
Hanyoung Jung
Harrison Hutton
In honor of josh phillips
Hayden Mattiko
Heidi Borella
My girl is having a great year of fun and support at KUA!
Henry Carter
In honor of John Murphy and Anne Peterson
Henry Elliott
Henry Ponnefz
Henry Sullivan
Henry Trimpi
Herbert McKinney & Nancy Brown-McKinney
Hill Carter
In honor of John Murphy
Holman Gao
Hope Bachman
Horace Morel
Howard Goldberg
Hunter Nesbitt
Iain Olsen
Ian Barwick
All the best wishes from the class of '66. See you in 2026 for our 60th reunion!
Ian Ramsay
Irene Vecchi
Isaac Figini
Isabel Brozen
Izzy Bent
Jack McMinn
Jack Sadowski
Jack Wajda
Jackson Davies
Love KUA
Jacob Wiktorski
Jadeline Guzman
Jaden Thompson
Jake Donziger
James Anderson
In honor of Janie CozziIn memory of Janie CozziThanks for launching Esa in life and your generous financial support.
James Gray
James McCaffrey
In honor of Don Henson ‘63In memory of Don Henson ‘63Don loved KUA !
James Robinson
Jane Carver Fielder
Jane Howe
Janet & Per Lundstam
KUA offers amazing opportunities for students! Thank you KUA!
Janet Keating
Janice Oliva
Janice Stober Oliva
Jason Avery
Jason Bourne
Jason Potteiger
Jeff LeDrew
Jeff Nicholson & Olivia Fauver
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Jeffrey Cutts
Jeffrey Hatch
Jeffrey Sherman
Jena Young
I support KUA because you do an amazing job educating my child, and helping her become a good, kind, strong & resilient human. Thank you.
Jennifer & Stephen Clark
Go KUA!!
Jennifer Blue
Jennifer Dunn
In honor of Ann Cenci
Jennifer Fowler
Jennifer Frizzell
Jennifer Rexford
Jennifer and Michael Borislow
Jeong Hwan Lee
Jeremiah Shipman
Jerry Usery
Jesang Yim
KUA has become a home away from home for me. Hope everyone gets this opportunity to build this sense of belonging during their years at KUA!
Jesse and Craig Mathers
Jessica Borislow
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray DewdneyThank you for touching countless number of lives. You represent the very BEST of KUA.
Jessica Mahoney
Jim & Sharon Cross
In honor of Hadley BethkeWe are proud to donate in honor of Hadley. She loves being at KUA.
Jim Crosby
Jitzelin Montas
Jiuru 'George' Wu
Jo & Dan Shaver
Joan Holcombe
Joan Kayser
Joe Figini and Jason Denby
Joel C. Monell
Joel Patton
Joella Lykouretzos
John & Jane Stephenson
John Chen
John Custer
John Guillemot
John Healey
John Henry Hubert
John Murphy
John Wardrop and Peggy Wardrop
Johnson Lee
Keep up the good work. We are super excited and happy that our son is in such a loving environment.
Jon Jarjosa
Jonas Rau
In honor of Nepsac Champions 2023/2024New scoreboard for pope field (for another nepsac double winning season for soccer and hockey)
Jonathan Hastings
In honor of Jamie Kanzler
Jonathan Hastings
Jonathan Romero
In honor of Cynthia HoweIn honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney
Jonny Knee
Jordan Garfat
Because I want to pie Coach P
Jordy Cornog
Joseph Donarum
Joseph Gulley
Looking forward to visiting the Hilltop for the Class of 1974 Reunion........
Joseph Knap
Joseph P. Williams
Joseph Thibert
Josephine Blue
Josh Hancock
Josh Nemer
I just recently was back at KUA it had been 20 plus years since I had visited last and I was really impressed with how much the school has improved since I was a student
Josh Phillips
Josh Wallace
Josh and Alecia Labove
Joshua DeCady
Joshua Harvey
Joshua Hunnewell
Joshua Mandel
Joshua Swidler
Joshua Truitt
Judy Belyea
Julia Chedel
Julian Dormady
Juliana Eades
Julie Dewdney
In honor of Cynthia Howe and Murray DewdneyThis is a tremendous honoring of both Cynthia and Murray and all that they gave to the KUA community. Thank you KUA.
Julie Haskell
Juliette Madan
In honor of Julie HaskellWe are forever grateful for the incredible mentorship Ms. Haskell has provided to our student and to all of the fantastic teachers at KUA
Junnosuke Baba
Love you KUA
Kai Bodell
Kandi Rider
Kate Harrison
Kate Villa
Katherine Lawton
Kathleen Ketcham
Kathleen Nicholson
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Kathryn Lazay
Kathy Jacquier
Kathy Munro
In honor of Allan F Munro ‘55, P ‘81, ‘83, ‘11, ‘13, GP ‘11I love KUA for so many reasons, not the least of which is the role the school had in shaping the lives and character of Allan, Amy and Jonathan, and so many others.
Katie Lazay
Katie Wardrop
Katy Sheehan
Kay McCabe
Kayden McIntosh
Kazuki Ota
Please you this to mountain bike team
Keith Milne
Keith Milne
Keith Shareiko
Kelley Sadowski
Kelly George
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Kelsey Cohen
Kelsey Walker
Ken Heffron
Kenneth Cardillo
Kenneth Shaw Safe IV
Kevin Cheong
Kevin Schroeder
Kimberly Davies
Kira Alden
Kristie Kagan
Kristin Borella
Kristin and Jason Constantine
In honor of Tim WhiteheadThank you, KUA!
Kurt DePoy
In honor of Brian Randolph
Kyle Wesson
L Hillary Moulliet
Lane Kilduff
Larry Hettinger
Lauren Sherry
Lauren and Josh Dollinger
Leah Rothenberg
Lei Shao
Leland Hedges
Let's go class of 1997
Leo Barta
Leonard Duffy
Lesley Nesbitt
Leslie Kane Jaffe
Libby Kotei-Fearon
In honor of Burke Ryder
Libby Merrill Jelliffe
Lili Li
Linda Knee
In honor of The KUA Girls Varsity Basketball Team
Linda and Dale Meltzer
We love KUA!!
Linda and Howard Cantwell
Lindie Brinkman
Lindsey Freeman Rickard
In honor of Cynthia HoweThrilled that the Howe-Dewdney legacy will live on in this way!
Lindsey Landwehrle
Lindsey Ratliff
Lindsey “Elle” Gucciardo
Lisa Aldrich
Lisa Cenci Sherman
Looking forward to our upcoming reunion!
Liz & Tom Lazay
Lola Baldwin
Loreley Maier
Great school
Lori Boudreau
In honor of Doug PlummerThank you, Doug for your dedication to KUA. It has been an honor and pleasure to work with you.
Lori Boudreau
Louis Sturtevant
Lucas Mandel
Lucy Goldberg
Lukasz Ricci
Luke Clarner
Luke Miller
Lyn Lord
M.A. Ricci, P'21
In memory of Burke Ryder
Madeleine Allen
Madeline Kebalka
Madison Gesner
Mallory Schell
Marcia Donziger
Marco Chen
Marek Girard
In honor of Kyle Murray-Smith
Margaret Lopez
Margot Gueldenzoph
Maria Urena Ronjas
Marianna McKim and Reinhart Sonnenburg P'24
Marie Stansfield
Marie Wesson
Maritza Pena
Mark Benetatos
Mark Hamill
Mark Kahwati
Mark Larsen
Mark Vail
Mark van der Schoot
Mary Bean
In honor of Doug Plummer
Mary Bean
Mary Breen
In honor of Luke MillerWith gratitude for the excellent education and KUA experience.
Mary Busbee
In memory of Granddad BusbeeGO KUA!!
Mary McIntyre
Mary Merrill
In honor of Alan Merrill '55
Mary Parker
Mary Pollock
Maryann Cote
Matisse Baumann
Matt Haynes
Matt Thibert
Matt Tucker
Matt Underhill
Matthew Cosinuke
Matthew Donovan
Two incredible educators, mentors, and individuals who helped make KUA special for countless students, families, and staff members. Cannot think of a more deserving tribute to their service.
Matthew Fussteig
Mattie DiNapoli
Max Kimelman
Max McClure
Max Woods
Max van Dijk
May Lillie
Maynard White
Megan Bennitt
Megan Jackler
In honor of Cynthia HoweIn loving memory of Cynthia Howe - best college counselor
Meghan & Paul Dynan
Melani Zagaris
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Melissa Longacre
Melissa Underhill
Melissa and Kevin Vest
KUA transformed our son's life and we couldn't be more grateful for the 2 years he spent on the Hilltop!
Mengyu Liu
Meredith Flanagan
Mia Dupre
Mia Wang
Michael Hebert
Michael Keating
Michael Madan
Michael Porrazzo
Michael Smyth
Michael Taupier
This is in honor of two of the finest teachers who have ever worked on the Hilltop, Cynthia and Murray. I am honored to call them friends.
Michael and Elly Scott
Michael and Jessica Smith
We love KUA!
Michaela Cokinos
Michelle Chang
Michelle Gracey
Michiyo Baba
Mickael Tissier
Mike Carroll
Mikey Winham
Mikhail Dormidontov
Mikyle Alam
Minh Huy Tran
Missy Smith
Molly Beaupre
Molly Steffey
Murray Dewdney
Myles Boston
Myra Kebalka
Nancy & Michael Smyth
We have watched two of our grandchildren grow exponentially during the time they have been at KUA. Every child should have the opportunities our grandchildren have been afforded.
Natalee Harvey
Natalia Mitura
Natalie Whitehead
Nate Williams
Nathan Clay
In honor of Coach
Nathan McLean
Nathaniel Custer
Nathaniel Maier
Neil Carey
Newell Sly
Nick Antol
Nick Evans
Nicole Bradstreet
Nicole Ledoux
Let's go! KUA Boys Varsity Lacrosse
Nina Quinton
Noa Barrett
Noah Harrell
Noah Rabinowitz
Noel LeBrun
Nyasia Caban
We love KUA
Oaklynn McInnis
Odin Lundstam
Go KUA!!!!
Oleh Haluszka
Oliver Ayers
Olivia Lewis
Olivia Parker
Olivia Schlanger
Oppong Raphael Owusu
Oralee Barrett
Otis Hamner
Owen Winslow
Patricia Bullock
Patrick Phillips
Patrick Vollmann
Patrick and Annemarie Fortier
Paul Keenan
Paul McAuliffe Jr
Paul McAuliffe Sr
Paul McGillion
Paul Russo
Paul Schwaegler
Paul and Jamyn Sheff
In memory of Cynthia HoweMurray and Cynthia represent the very best of what it means to be a KUA faculty member. We are honored to have been asked to participate in this effort.
Pawat Wachiratienchai
Payson Fowler-Thorsen
Peg and Philip Read
Peter & Katie Mans
Peter Harris
Peter Hodgen
Peter Hoe Burling
Peter M. Goldman
Peter Quigg
Peter Rome
Peter Starosta
In memory of Dr and Mrs Norman Starosta
Philip Anderson
Philip Nemec
Pierson Crosby
Pip Keen
Piper Laflamme
Porter Lewis
Priscilla Whitehead
NEPSAC Boys Varsity Hockey Champions! What a playoff run! 🎉 🏆
Qiuyue Wu
Quang Anh Do
Keep it lit, go KUA.
Rachael Altman
Rachel Barbour
Rachel Eades and Liam Finlay
Ray and Karen Shero
Rebecca Lawrence
Rebecca and Steve Rogers
Reed Brozen
Reese Castiglioni
Thankful for the education and life long friendships created! ‘05 🙌
Reese Combe
Reid Gueldenzoph
Renee Dupre
Richard Qiu
Richard and Mary Ann Hillman
Rika and Will Stevenson
In honor of Cynthia Howe
Robert Constantine
Robert Fuller
Robert Gardner
Robert Harris
Robert Jackson
Robert and Rebecca Pickul
Robert and Sara McKeown
Annie loved Cynthia and Murray! They were her first dorm parents on The Hilltop.
Robyn Sachs-Carpenter
Roland Worthington
Roscoe Fortier
Ryan Frisch
Ryan McPhee
Ryder Perry
Attending KUA had a great influence on my life. Pleased to see all the changes being made to the school.
Sadie Thompson
In honor of Cynthia HoweKUA provided me the opportunity to grow and experience life outside of my small VT bubble. Thank you!
Sam LeDrew
Samantha Ward
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Sandra Laflamme
In honor of Ms. Liza WolfLiza Wolf has been an incredible teacher, coach and advisor for my daughter and I wish her well on her new endeavors!
Sandra and James Ouellette
Sara Bethke
It is with pleasure that we give this gift to KUA. Our daughter is absolutely blessed to be in this amazing community. Thank you!
Sarah Adler
Sarah Belin
Sarah Cameron
In honor of Siri Douglas 25’
Sarah McConnell
Sarah Merrill
In honor of Alan Merrill ‘55
Sawyer Constantine
Scarlett Alexander
Scott & Michele Winham
Scott Liming
Scott Roy
Scribner Fauver
I love this place.
Sean Crotty
Seana Perkins
In honor of Janie Chase CozziAlways and forever 💜💙
Seana Perkins
Sebastian Keen
Seong Jun Yim
Cheer up !!! KUA
Seoyun Kim
Seth Burroughs
Shafi Ibrahim
Shane Fields
Big bird
Shannon Kopacz
Shapreka Clarke
Ms. Howe and Mr. Dewdney are so deserving of this. They impacted me and so many others at KUA. ❤️
Shawn & Theresa Lillie
Shawn Stender
Sheldon Stansfield
Shenyao Jiang
Simon Nowlan
Sixten Nowlan
Sofia Nowlan
Sophie Braver
Stacey Summerfield
Stella Kozak
Stephen Morrison
Stephen Rogers
Stephen Todd
Stephen Tompkins
Stephen and Joan Bishop
Stuart Conant
I want to continue to support KUA and its pursuit of academic excellence.
Stuart Frisby
In honor of Buddy Teevens
Summer Combe
Summer Combe
Summer Lee
Sungwook Chung & Kyungim Choi
Susan Carroll-Oxford
In memory of Cynthia HoweWhat a wonderful thing the Borislow Family is doing to keep Cynthia’s memory alive. Thank You
Susan Carroll-Oxford
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Susan Knapp
Susanne Nowlan
Susanne and Brian Stillson
Susie Alexander
Suzanne Fiacco
Sydnie Oliva
Sylvie McClure
Tai Peterson
Tai Rivellini
Takumi Shigeie
Please use this money to MountainBike team
Tamara Waraschinski
Tamara Waraschinski
Tami Sullivan
Tate Picard & Lynn Picard
Taylor Chester
Taylor Coburn
Taylor Dickinson
Ted Branch
Teegan Duffy
Thatcher Bacon
Thelonius Korhonen
Theodore Lykouretzos
Theresa Aiello
Thomas Colt
Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney were a big help to me as I started my teaching career. After I left KUA in 1990, I continued to interact with Cynthia through college counseling by visiting campuses with her and seeing her at conferences. I often checked in with her for advice during a job search, etc. Cynthia and Murray were great colleagues and role models for me and other young faculty. It was an honor to work with both of them.
Thomas Doherty
Thomas Douglas
Such a wonderful school. Go Wildcats!
Thomas Fowler
Thomas Song
Let’s goooo kua
Tim and Dena Whitehead
Tim and Joan Moran
Tim and Liz Knox
Timothy and Courtney Pierson
Toby Cromwell
Tom Lord
Tong Meltzer
In memory of Cynthia Howe H'20
Tougy Morrison
Tracy Emerton Williams
Trevor McGraw
In memory of Cynthia Howe
Tricia, Ryan, Opal & Hadleigh McKeon
Trip Davis
Trustee Edward Hild '88
Trustee Edward Hill '88
Ty Foster
Tyler Wallace
Tyler and Renee Lewis
Tyler, Emily and Thea Dewdney
Ursula Fries-Herfort
Vance Hall
Vanessa Allen
Vicki & Kevin Ramos-Glew
Victor Mojica
Viva Hardigg
In honor of the wonderful people who are retiring this yearIn gratitude for all the remarkable and dedicated faculty and staff on the Hilltop!
Warren Huse
Wendy Lee
Whitney Letellier
Will Haynes
Willa Sachs Fresco
In honor of The Russman Araya FamilyFor all of the love and support. Thank you!
William "Rob" Westlake
William Barker
William Brigham
William C. & Elizabeth Pierce
William Cosgrove
William Gehron
Made a huge impact in my life.
William Gong
William Gordon
William Hagar
The KUA experience changed virtually everything I have done ever since.
William Hayes
William Hoilman
William Scott
William and Nelly Palmer
Windsor Hunnewell-Liston fac brat
Winnie Ota
Thank you KUA
Wonjun Jung
Woodie Haskins
Wubba & Tripp Murray
Xiangyue Cheng
Xintong Wang
Xiyuan Guo
Yabei Chen
For the Arts to continue thriving and adding magic to KUA.
Yihao "Jason" Wang
Yiqian Sun
Yiyi She
Yuxuan Li
Yvette Beeman
Zach Jaffe
Zach Whitehead
In honor of The 2024 New England Champion Boy’s Hockey Team!!!
Ziad Hassan
Ziad Hassan
In honor of Alberto Gomez"Huevos"
Zizhu Wang
Adaline herbert
Ali sprissler
Anna Lucia Staiano
Anne peterson
I love and miss Cynthia Howe.
Anthony leech
Carol and paul viall
In honor of Katie Lazay
Casey lawson
In honor of Charles W. Lawson, Jr.KUA was one of the most formative experiences of my life. Though I was only there for one year as a PG, I felt like an instant member of the community and continue to be. I make this donation in memory of my father who was instrumental in my decision to attend ability to do so.
Chloe dixon
Christopher stigum
Danielle zackman
David “Leo” Schlafman
1. Recalled camaraderie 2. Quality faculty and staff 3. Preservation and advocacy of secular Western Civilization through its literature and the Arts
Ella sellman
Gary ge
Hayes huwiler
Katherine ploumis evans
Kenneth Steere
Lena connors
Macy Piersiak
Malcolm baar
Mark hudak
Mike Lally
Patricia pioli
Portia berard
Tyanna medina
wanted to donate to the school
In honor of Alexis Liston26 plus years of friendship
The location, the campus, the quality teachers, friendships and how to get along with others different than you and sports! (especially hockey) and lastly having fun. growing up and ready for college.
Kua’s lit 🔥
Keep up the good work
Congrats to Coach Whitehead and the Boy's Varsity Hockey team on bringing the Elite 8 Title back to the hilltop!
In honor of Rev. David J. Dean, class of 1949In memory of Rev.David J. Dean, class.
KUA is the place where my son feels happy! Thank you to the school staff for creating an atmosphere of childhood, joy and safety!