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3rd Annual Lake Catholic Class Challenge

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Supporters (762)

Abbey Turk
Abby Folk
Adam J. Sanden
Adams Laureen
Adrian Trifiletti
Adrienne Young
Had a fantastic holistic high school experience at Lake- want to support others for generations to come.
Aimee Galloway
In memory of Mary Beth Stojetz
In memory of Mary Beth Stojetz, Class of ‘81
Aj Peterlin
Alan Owens
Alan Rak
Alberto D Fernandez
In honor of Kevin Klemencic, RIP
Thanks for your work on this cause.
Alexa R. Adkins
Alexis M. Bales
Alexis Stewart
Alfred Martello
Alicia DeSantis
Alicia M. Paradise
Alison B. Prostak
Alison Dreher
Alison L. Constantino
Allison Q. Salopeck
Ally Keller
Amanda Linden
Amy J. Steigerwald
Amy Rosboril
Andrea Spendal-Metzger
Andrew Brown
In memory of Mr. Tom Ward, with whom I enjoyed many lunch hours in C-5
Andy Bernot
In memory of Cindy Bernot
Andy Bernot
Angela J. Kastning
Ann Marie White
Ann Topoly Raglow
Anne Lombardo
Anne M. Granchi
Anne Swatowski Persiani
Annmarie Grammens
Anthony J. Konte
Anthony Marzano
Anthony Simonis
Anthony Valencic
April M. Bober
Arlene Strauss
In memory of Mr. Robert Silva and Mr. Tom Ward
Ashley G. Williston
Audrey M. Buehner
Audryana Lucha
Barb Bonnes
Barb Schoen
Barbara Ashdown
Becky Weaver Waina
In honor of Karen Young Carter
Betsy Broski Morgan
Bill DeSantis
In honor of Josephine DeSantis
Bill Larkman
Blair Banker
Bob Bayer
Bob White
Bonnie Dill-Young
Bonnie Mitchell (Frey)
Brad Lough
Brandon S. Webb
Brandon Steinmetz
Brenda Harriss
Brendan Fenner
Brett Hazard
Brett Nalepa
Brian Abbott
Great education, memories and friends.
Brian F. Kampman
Brian Holian
Brian J. Myers
Brian Martin
Brian Piazza
Excellence in Excellence🙌
Brian Pyne
Brian Shinhearl
Brooke Inghram
Bryan D. Halko
Brynn Morgan
Caitlin J. Troklus
Caitlin M. Piercy
Candy L. Driscoll
Carla A Ronnebaum
Go Cougars!
Carla Ronnebaum
Supporting LC in honor of my 25th Reunion!
Carla Ronnebaum
The Chapel has always been one of my favorite places at Lake Catholic.
Carla Ronnebaum
Go Cougars!
Carmen Carlucci
Carole Zappitelli
Cathryn Pecjak
Charles Trinetti
Cheryl Staas
Chris Buzzanca
Christina Hansen
Christina Venditti-White
In honor of Dante Venditti class of ‘79 and Gina Venditti class of ‘80
Christine Adomaitis Nemecek
Christine Blake
Christine Breitenbach
Christine Ruuska Ruuska
Christine Svegel Robinson
Christopher C. Kerwood
Christopher Helmick
Christopher Hurley
In honor of Lynne Transky
Christopher Hurley
In honor of Tom Ward
It gives me “the goose bumps” to donate to Lake Catholic as a member of the first graduating class!🤓
Christopher Nicola
Let's go '98!
Christopher W. Merrelli
Christopher Wojnar
Cindi Day
Once a cougar….
Cindy (Grill) Flaherty
Cindy Newman
Colleen Gaydos
Colleen Geiger
Colleen Kelley -Weber
In honor of William Toma
Amazing friends who are still close today!
Colleen Wilhelm
Colleen Wisniewski
Connie (Murphy) Brooks
Connie Brooks
Connor Fitzgerald
Connor J. Arp
Corey Regovich
Craig Fussner
Cyndi Koynock Salvadore
Cynthia Debevec
Cynthia Spanski
Someone helped me when I was there
Dan Bratys
Let's go Class of 75!!
Dan Bretz
Dan J. Oster
Dan Lynch
Dana Courtad
In memory of Class of 95 angels in heaven
Dana L. Baca
Dana Lutz
In memory of Brian Lutz
Dana M. Portis
Daniel & kathy whitely
Daniel Brunner
In honor of Mike Timm '87
Daniel Krotine
Daniel M. Bratys
Danny Fedeli
Daphne Morgan
Darlene Zwolinski
Darrell Cicero
In honor of My Parents
Darryl A. Bratys
Darryl Cvelbar
Dave A. Rastoka
Dave Amrine
Dave Guhde
Dave Rastoka
LET'S GO CLASS OF 1983! We got this!
Dave Tarantino
David Bukovec
David Ciszczon
I met my two best friends at Lake Catholic.
David Dorko
David H. Welly
David Marshall
In honor of Neil Kocianic
David Oster
In honor of Mike Denk
Go Denk!
David Piazza
David Preseren
David T. Dorko
DawnMarie Rymer
Dc. George P Malec
Debra Dudinsky
In memory of Pat Walsh
DeeDee & Mike Slogar
Delores P. Rodes
Denise Ciulla
Denise DiFrangia (George)
Dennis Spittler
In memory of Tom Ward
Devin Washburn
Diane L. Novak
Diane Lanese
Diane P. Redmond
Diane Roberto
Diann Miller
Dianne L. Lerner
Dina M. Vanjo
Dominic Farinacci
Dominic J. Gargiulo
Dominic Mazzolini
In honor of Jay Fazzone
Dominic Vitale
Don Qualters
Donna D’Angelo
Donna Halko
In honor of Rita Morales-Kovak
I I support Lake Catholic because it was a great school. I got good education to go to college and spend a lot of good friends and I was a member of the third graduating class! I think that was pretty special it was a brand new school. It became a tradition in our family. All my brothers and sisters went there and my son and my niece so we’re all alumni and we have lots to talk about we all get together.
Donna L. D'Angelo
Donna M. Rastoka-Halko
Donna Natarajan
Douglas Misenko
Dylan Corsi
E. Scott Youmell
Edward Garry
Donating because I strongly believe in the value of a private catholic education
Edward M. Garry
Edward Zizelman
Eileen A. Kilroy
Eileen Fussner
Eileen Kilroy
For all my family who benefitted from a great Lake Catholic education.
Eileen M. McConville-Bruce
Elizabeth J. Welly
Elizabeth Turk
Emilio Bruno Gallo
Emily Debevec
Erin Gaydos-Carlisle
In memory of Erin Gaydos Carlisle
Paying forward.
Eva A. Miller
Eva Hughes
Eva Schoen
Fr. Edward J. Janoch
Fran Stephenson
Thank you class ambassadors for all your hard work!
Francesca Rubino
Frank Bertone
Frank Cappello
Frank M. Loncar
Frank M. Syracuse
Gary Bush
Gary J. McBride
Geoffrey F. Hoff
Gina Stenger
Dedicated to the past, current, and future Cougars of LC.
Gina T. Stenger
Gloria Polzer
Gordon Johns
Greg Smolik
Greg Smolik
In honor of Tom Lowery, Dan Welly & Jack Robie
Lake Catholic so many years ago brought us together and helped form our foundation. Like many alumni, giving back to our alma mater is a way we can feel fulfilled in our fellowship as Christians to help students enhance their foundations. Thank you class of '81.
Greg Smolik
In honor of my mother, Patricia Smolik
Greg Smolik, Mike Creadon and Norm Kotoch
Greg West
Gregg A. Resetar
Gregg Turk
Gregory Miller
In memory of Elaine Miller
Gretchen Orosz
Guy and Kelly Saponaro
Harold Arrowsmith
Harsh Tandon
Heather Bagdon
Heidi English
In memory of Amy Feller class of 1983
Heidi Geizer
Heidi Goebelbecker-Goodwin
In honor of Deceased class members in the Class of 1990
Henry Forbush
Hilary Krueger
Howard Morenz
Hunter Compton
Isabel Sentle
Go women’s soccer!
This is dedicated to all the Lake Catholic teachers who helped prepped me for a successful future. Thank-You!
Jack Barno
Jack Gibbons
Jackie Rubino
Jacqueline Gallagher
James Bukovec
In honor of My Uncle Chuck Lieske
James E. Bukvic
James Henighan
James Horvath
James P. Parks
James Parks
James Reilly, Jr
James T. Rosplock
James Wintersteller
Jamie E. Simonis
Jamie L. Snyder
Jarad J. Regano
Jay Cerar
Jay Reidy
Jaye M. Forrai
Jean Harper
Jean T. Centa
Jeanne (Weybrecht) Ebner
Jeanne Jeup-Liuzzo
Jeanne M. Ebner
Jeannie Jeckering
Jeannine Turk
Jeff C. Lupica
Jeff Fenner
Jeff Kampman
Jeff Laturell
Jeff Leonard
Jeff Patt
Because Steve Patt made me!
Jeffrey D. Rowan
Jeffrey E. Nasca
Jeffrey Gliebe
Jeffrey Rowan
In memory of Vic Matteucci
Jen M. McArthur
Jen McArthur
Jenna Sweeney
Jennifer Cencula
Jennifer Kutas-DeNiro
Jennifer M. Iannini
Jennifer N. Lough
Jennifer Van Blargan Hanley
Jennifer Walker
Jennifer Weaver
In honor of Judge and Mrs. William Weaver
Jenny Harrold - Bayer
Jerry Dever
Jess L. Sabath
Jesse Ackerman
In honor of Joe McGuirk
Jill M. Siepka
Jim Aveni
In honor of Joe Teknipp, Chris Brueggman and Jim Smolik
Jim Bukvic
In honor of Joe Bukvic
Jim Hodkey
Jim Priester
Jim Tracz
Jim V. Aveni
Jimmy Simonis
Joan Busch
Joanie Smothers
Joann Jonke-Woodbridge
In honor of Thank you to all the 76’ classmates who have supported our Alma Mater this class challenge. Once a Cougar, Always a Cougar!
Class of 76’ celebrating their class challenge win 2023
Joann M. Woodbridge
Joanna Noce Weisenberg
Joe Dreher
Joe Gogala
Joe Monahan
Joe Rastoka
In honor of Paul Melison
I have so many great memories from my time at Lake Catholic. The major remodel/updates to the facilities were a great improvement. Keep up the good work!
Joe Saus
In honor of Sara Hudson; Fallen 1979 comrades
Once a Cougar, always a Cougar!
Joe Spitaleri
Joe Strancar
In memory of Helen McRae
Joelle Jindra-Geiger
John & Andrea (Grdina) Topoly
In honor of In memory of our King, RIP Big Ray (Baroni)
John Arcaro
John Augustine
John Chebra
In memory of deceased classmates of the class of 1983
John E. Zuzek
John F. Kander
John Huszczo
John J. Bertone
John K. Miller
John Meinke
John O'Donnell
John O’Donnell
In honor of Daniel O’Donnell ‘83
John P. Dragas
John Pecjak
John Rastoka
John Stepec
John Zienka
John deHaas
In honor of Jim Bellian and Amy Feller
OK fellow LCHS theater, choir, band, and chorale members. DONATE NOW!!
Jon Gessic
Joseph L. Manning
Joseph Muzic
Joseph Saponaro
In honor of Lisa Cappello Abood
Judean Keller
Judy Taylor
I was blessed to get a good education, and I wish to pay it forward
Julie Kowalkski- Ziemak
Julie O'Keeffe
Lake Catholic helped shape me into the person I am today. My closest friendships to this day are my friends from Lake. Cougar Pride!
Julie Stoughton
Julie T. Vitale
Julie Vitale
In memory of Jim Fliter
Always Love giving back to Lake.
Karen Cassano
Karen Connelly
In honor of Deceased members of Class of 1975
Karen Frandanisa
In honor of Mrs Monica Denk
Karen Hogan Loventhal
In honor of Bob Hogan
Karen L. Moffett
Karen Mullen
Karl Dickinson
Karl Staas
Kasey Konte
Kathleen (Kate) Hilliard
Kathleen Crowley
In memory of Barry J. Crowley - Class of '77
Kathleen Hissom Primozic
In memory of All the Cougars who have passed especially my fellow classmates from the class of 1976.
Kathleen M. Wilhelm
Kathleen Richards Carson
Go Cougars and Class of 83!
Kathleen Simens
Kathleen VanVoorhis
Great education with the feeling of being a part of a community.
Kathy Beers
Kathy Nekic
Katie Huth
In honor of Doug Cancibello. I still miss him
I loved it there! My husband and I graduated from Lake and as well as our daughters Hannah and Emily . Incredible school! I don't know about Denk and Stokes being in charge of '83 but whatever. I love you guys!
Katie L. Trinetti
Keary Fath
Kelli Milos
Kellie Behm
Kelly A. Chaka
Kelly Chaka
Kelly Del Freo
Kelly M. Matthies
Kelly M. Peterlin
Kelly Maher
Cheers to the Lake Catholic class of 1982!
Kelly Taraba
Kennedy Rieple
In memory of Mr. Joseph Denk Sr and Mrs. Monica Denk
Thinking of the entire Denk Family.
Kenneth Cahill
Kenneth Rakes
Kenneth Sadd
Keri A. Saari
Kevin Amrine
Kevin Barry
Kevin Hille
Kevin M. Hille
Kevin M. Smith
Kevin Rak
Kevin Smith
In honor of The second to none Class of 1981
Thanks Greg, Mike, and Norm for challenging our class. Come on ‘81!
Kevin Vouk
Kim Bingaman
Kim Dreher
In honor of Fr. Marty
Kim Puskus
In honor of The Past, Present and Future Cougars! Once a Cougar, Always a Cougar! Go Class of 1980!
I support Lake Catholic so that the future students are able to enjoy all the great things that Lake Catholic has to offer!
Kimberley S. Wiertel
Kimberly Puskus
Kirk Stonebrook
Kris Crowley
Kristen Lukas
Kristin M. Primozic
Kristin Riebe Swenson
Kurt Vouk
Kyle Deloney
Larry Rastatter
Larry Schindel
Laura Cappadonna Freiberg
Laura K. Shroat
Laura Lensmeyer
Laura M. Lensmeyer
Laura Shroat
Laura Yano
Laura Yeager Smith
Lauren Burkholder
Lauren Denk
Lauren Resetar
Lauren Smith
Laurie A. Laturell
Len Carroll
Lake Catholic played a significant role in shaping my life and future. I hope that this support helps ensure that current students have access to the same quality education, opportunities and experiences that I did. GO Cougars!
Lenny Freiberg
Linas Biliunas
In honor of Joseph & Janina Biliunas
Linda D. Sala
Linda Miller Bowen
In honor of My Mom - Elaine Miller. ❤️
My Mom loved working at Lake Catholic and all of the students!
Linda Sulecki Oster
Lindsay E. O'Donnell
Lindsey (Maher) Hosler
Lindsey Pavelka
Lisa A. Izzo
Lisa Birkenberger
Lisa Galicki Tyler
Lisa Haic Resetar
Always a Cougar ! 💚🩶 @ Sandy Shrovob Powers
Lisa M. Crissman
Lisa Patt-McDaniel
In honor of Doug and my other classmates who are no longer with us.
Class of 83 is always #1…Go Cougars!
Lisa Vojtko
Lorianne Priester
Lorianne Schroll Priester
Lorrie Ivas
The best high school education & experience that followed me in my career in California
Luka A. Viskovic
Luka Viskovic
Lynn Dezelon
In honor of Joey Gorjanc
Lynn Kramer
Maddie Lough
Maddie Slowey
Maddy Welly
Maggie Cvelbar
Maggie Jones
Marc Ursick
Margaret Fry
Margaret M. King
Mario Slogar
Marissa Fedele
Go LC!!
Mark & Karen Turk
Mark A. Baniewicz
Mark A. Becks
Mark D. Ross
Mark Gliebe
Mark Harr
Mark Kotoch
Mark Lange
Mark Marzano
Mark Sedlack
In memory of Pat Walsh
Great friend back in the day We worked together at the hospital and often blasted around in his MG after work.
Mark W. Lange
Mark W. Laycock
Marlene Ulrich-Matteo
Martin Powers
Marty and Stephanie Loncar
Mary Beth Rotterman Chadwell
In memory of My Brother David Rotterman
Mary Frantz
Mary Jo Baden
Mary M. Madeja
MaryBeth Savino
In memory of Brian Schneider
Matthew Balazic
In honor of Phil Gobec
Matthew Clarke
Matthew G. Homan
Matthew Hammer
In honor of Andrew J Hammer
Matthew J. Sullivan
Matthew P. Lisi
Matthew P. Matteucci
Matthew Silversten
In memory of James Englehart
Matthew Slogar
Matthew T. Krupa
Maura Schnauffer
In honor of Fr. Marty Polito
Maureen A. Brassell
Max Imler
Maya Eller
Meg Gallagher
Megan Denk
In honor of my grandma who sent 5 of her children and great-grandchildren here!
Megan G. Denk
Meggin Higgins
Meghan E. Gaydos
Meghann Dunning
Mel May
Melissa A. Stangry
Melissa A. Willis
Melissa Garcar
Mia N. Rosalina
Mia Slogar
Michael Bernot
Michael E. Elsner
Michael Habowski
Michael J. Barbo
Michael J. Moss
Michael J. Mullee
Michael J. Vidmar
Michael Kaim
Michael Keresztesy
Michael Kocab
Michael T. Creadon
Michael T. Denk
Michael T. Pecjak
Michael and Lisa Lisi
In honor of James Bellian
In memory of Jim Bellian
Go Cougars!
Michele J. Dragas
Michele Matteo
Michelle Allen Fishwick
In honor of Michael Allen
Love ❤️ to my brother class of 1982. Love and miss him dearly
Michelle Atwell
Michelle Duffy
Michelle Fox
Michelle L. Bammerlin
Mike Barbo
In memory of Coach Tom Ward - he made us winners in football and in life!
Mike D. Slogar
Mike Gorgone
Mike Kmetz
A Great Institution
Mike Lukas
Go Cougars! Read a book :)
Missy Bauer-Gedeon
In honor of David Martin, August 14, 1964-April 8, 2024, loving husband and father. Fisher, In.
Missy Bauer-Gedeon
In honor of 2024 LC Girl Golf Team for winning their first conference championship from the he first LC girl golfer
Mitch Slogar
Mitchell Cooper
Monica Daly
Monica McBride
In honor of Vic Matteucci
Morgan Newmark
Nancy Creadon
Go Cougars!
Nancy E. O'Donnell
Natali E. Trem
Nate Rieple
Nathan Osborne
Nathan Rieple
In memory of Mr. Joseph Denk Sr and Mrs. Monica Denk
Thinking of the entire Denk Family.
Neil A. Kutscher
Nicholas Rieple
In memory of Mr. Joseph Denk Sr and Mrs. Monica Denk
Thinking of the entire Denk Family.
Nicholas Tagliaferri
Nick Stazzone
Nicole Dehner
Nicole Resetar
Niki Novello
Glad to be a part of the cougar community
Nikki Trivisonno
Noelle Griffith
Nora Moran
Norm Kotoch
In memory of the 1981 classmates we have lost and John Roddy.
Olivia Skalicki
Owen Weaver
Pamela Weaver
In honor of Judge William and Reba Weaver
Patricia A. Valentino
Patricia Bourquin Carmignani
Patricia DeSantis Guy
Patricia Lannan
Patricia Markiewich -Sottosanti
Patrick & Lindsay O’Donnell
In memory of Daniel O’Donnell - Class of 1983
Patrick Fitzgerald
Patrick J. Ebner
Patrick J. O'Donnell
Patrick Walsh
Patty Lapinski
Once a Cougar, always a Cougar!!
Patty Paine
Paul Malchesky
Paul Wayner
Paula McNabb
Peg Sonday
Pete Trykoff
Peter Farina
In memory of all of our parents
Peter Skalicki
Phil Sheridan
Rachel Rogowski
Rachel Rudolph
Rae Jorz McGee
Rae M. Jorz
Raymond Pikus
Rebecca Hanson
Rebecca Vellenga
Regina Strauss
Renee Mullen
Grateful to have had the benefit of a Catholic education. Thanks very much to my former classmates who reached out to me and others to encourage support.
Rich Fink
In honor of My classmates who are no longer with us.
Rich ODonnell
Rich Sadd
In honor of Richard & Carole Sadd
Richard M. D'Angelo
Richard Miltner
Richard Swan
In memory of Mark Swan 80
Rick Bertone
In memory of Mary Zappitelli
Rick Osborne Jr
In honor of Irene Winslow
Good luck in 2025! Way to go!
Rick Pomplas
Rick Raimondo
Rick Serafin
Rick Venditti
In memory of Charlene Janos
Rick and Lynn Dudek
In honor of Robby Dudek, Aleanora and Len Milazzo
Rio DeGennaro
Rita Ryan
Robert A. Debevec
Robert A. Zappitelli
Robert Bukovec
Once a Cougar always a Cougar. The Bukovec family has been involved from the beginning and I’m blessed to give back.
Robert K. DeCaro
Robert Skalicki
Robert W. Moffett
Robert Zgoznik
The education and my faith has made me what I am today. That is is impart due to Lake Catholic. Bob
Roberta Hamilton
Ron Van Winkle
Rose K. Kuster
Ryan D. Dieter
Ryan Heffner
Sal D’Angelo
Samuel Gallo
Sandie Ahrens
Sandra M. Matijevic
Sandra Mottoss
Sandro Marusic
Sandy (Shvorob) Powers
Once a Cougar…..
Sara Hodgson
Sara Seacrist
Sarah M. Cull
Scott D. Callahan
Scott Fazzone
Scott Jalwan
Scott M. Sullivan
Scott Newman
Scott P. Jalwan
Scott Sullivan
Sean C. Patton
Sean D. Conway
Sean G. Kelly
Sean Gibbons
Sean P. Walsh
Sean Stewart
Sean Swick
Shannon Maki
Sharon A. Braun
Sharon A. Hayes
Sharon Hayes
To our class ambassador of 1982. Thank you for your hard work and dedication!!
Sharon M. Sabath
Sharon Regovich
Sheila Martin
Shelly Rieple
In memory of Mr. Joseph Denk Sr and Mrs. Monica Denk
Thinking of the entire Denk Family.
Sherri Koncilja
Sherrie Wetterich
Sondra Wojciak
Sophia L. Trem
Sophia Pecjak
Stephen Gessic
Steve C. Patt
Steve Regovich
Steven F. Hren
Steven Zablotney
Susan Jackson
Susan Karel
In honor of Barbara Epaves
One of the original LC parent volunteers
Susan M. Jackson
Susan Richlak
Susan Sullivan
Suzanne Bartolotta
Suzanne Beckwith
In honor of Carole and Richard Sadd
Suzanne M. Hrusch
Suzanne Tschetter
L-A-K-E-C-A-T-H-O-L-I-C We are Lake - We're Lake Catholic Cougars!!
T.J. Reagan
Tammy Konte
Thanks for the memories! Cheers to the Class of 86!
Tammy Radomile-Parker
Taylor Borkey
Taylor Newhart
Taylor Resetar
Ted R. Smith
Teresa Durst
In honor of My sister Lori DiCarlo Bayer class of 79
Terri Webb
In honor of Nick D'Angelo
Terry Valencic
Tessa Newman
Theresa (Wood) Ciacchi
25 years class of 2000! Alright, Alright, Alright!
Theresa Pace
Therese Campolieti
Therese Hasul
Thomas A. Dale
Thomas Arcaro
Thomas Caldwell
In honor of Joe Gorjanc
Thomas E. McKrill
Thomas H. Orr
Thomas J. Mayernik
Thomas Mayernik
In honor of joseph Gorjanc
Loved Joe Gorjanc like a brother and may the school keep up the good work.
Thomas Raglow
Thomas W. Bjerstedt
Tibor G. Kovacs
Tim Connor
Tim Gibbons
Timothy G. Ischay
Timothy Szczepinski
Tina Kelly
40 years class of 1985!
Todd Broski
Go Cougars!
Todd M. Broski
Tom F. Mylott
Tom Gibbons
Tom Hocevar
Tom Lose
Tom Mylott
Tom Raglow
Tom Reidy
Tony Doles
Tony Fazzone
Tony Martinez
Tony Ritacco
Tony sementelli
Traci Riccitello
Tracy (Kutas) Bunner
Tracy Kutas Bunner
Tracy Smart
Tricia Johnston
Trish Maher
In honor of Andy Pasquino
Ty Owens
Vanessa Ayers
Vanessa Candow
Vincent M. Rosalina
Vincent R. Marcopoli
Wally Ackley
Walter A. Hartory
William F. Zalar
William G. Burton
William J. Valentine
William Jennison
Go Cougars!
William Pevec
In memory of Joseph Gorjanc
Please direct this donation to the Joseph Gorjanc Memorial Scholarship fund.
William Roddy
In honor of John Roddy
William Waldron
William Weaver
William Weaver
In honor of Class of 1984
Class of 1984 let's do this!!!
Frank kirchner
Jane warner
Jim caldwell
Julia schoen
Keith lutz
In honor of Monica Denk
Kirk Henrikson
Nicole jarem
Paul seaman
In memory of 2001 Classmates who are no longer with us
In honor of W.C. Clements
In honor of Joe Gorjanc
I literally grew up in the hallways of Lake Catholic. I’m excited to contribute to the continued resurgence of the Cougars!
In memory of Doug Ciancibello
A great classmate much missed.

Giving options

Contributor Club


Cougar Club


Leadership Club


Green and Gray Club


Principal’s Society


Founder’s Society


President’s Society


St. Thomas Aquinas Society

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Lake Catholic High School
6733 Reynolds Rd, Mentor, OH 44060
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