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Lakeside School

Seattle, WA

The Lakeside Fund

The 2024 fiscal year has ended. To make a gift to Lakeside, please visit -

Samantha Dale, Assistant Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (672)

All (672)
Aaron Goodisman
Aaron Levine
Abbie Wright
Abby Euyang
Abigail Breckenridge
Adam Harrell
Adam Wardell
Adam and Laura Selipsky
Aditya Sood
Alan Kwan
Alan Rothblatt and Sima Kahn
Alec Hill
Alec Peterson and Greta Hardin
Alex Chen and Kate Kerkering
Alex Fenner
Alex Siegel
Alexander Krengel
Alexis & Glen David
Alexis Fein
Alison Webb
Amanda Carr
Amanda Lovelace
Amanda Wygal
Andrea Augustine Curtis
Andrea and Russell Borgmann
Andrew Goodrich
Andrew Koefoed
Andrew Ratshin and Hilary Field
Aneesh Sachdeva
Ann Anderson
Ann Scott Tyson
Ann Wyckoff
Annette Lund
April & Bryan Kelley
Arema Pereira
I am happy to see my child both nurtured and challenged at Lakeside.
Arthur Sata
Balu Chenicheri
Thank you for all you do!
Barbara Walters Jones
Bart Watson
Bart and Claudine Cheever
Amazing teachers at this school. Appreciate your teaching our kids to see multiple sides of every argument.
Becky Frink Sherman
Benjamin Diggs
Benjamin Nivison
The scholastic and supportive environment for our students at Lakeside is unparalleled. We help continue to build these resources, so that our students and future students can benefit from this exceptional school!
Benjamin Salmon
Lakeside nurtured my love of lifelong learning
Benjamin Straley
Benjamin Zulauf
Bernard Pham
Beth Levine
Bethany Mito
Bill Evenson
Bill Phillips
Bill Steckel
In memory of Virgina Dunn
Bill Whitlock
Bill and Jeannie Ruckelshaus
In honor of Elizabeth Ruckelshaus
Billy McAleer
Bitania Wondimu
Bliss Moore
Board of Trustees
Bob Raphael
Brad and Linda Augustine
Brandi Williams
Brandi Williams-Moore
Class of 1996! Happy to support
Brandon Zhang
Brant Oelschlager and Anne-Marie Amies Oelschlager
Brennain van der Hoeven
Brewster Stanislaw
Brian Frasca and Yi Jin
Brian Graham
In memory of Chris Hooyman '95
Brian Miller
Brianna Jensen
Happy to support the efforts to meet the needs of Lakeside students now and in the future.
Brig Williams
Brooke Dickson
Bror Saxberg
Bruce Bailey
Bryce Meeker
Bryndis Jonsson
Brynn Jaouen-Starr
Bulent Ozdemir and Mutlu Kurtoglu
In honor of Matthew Qianyi WANG
I heard Lakeside when I travelled to Seattle a few years ago, just want to show my appreciation and respect to this great school.
Caitlin Bethlahmy
Calista Victor
Cameron Hazen
Cappy Clarke
Carlye Teel
Carol Borgmann
Carol Fahrenbruch and James Pridgeon
Carolyn Holtzen
Catherine Pepper Milo
Charla Jennings
Charles Dahlgren
Charles McKay
Charlie Balter
Chen-Sen Wu
Chris Burrows and Karen Quinn
Chris Dariotis
In honor of 11 Classmates of 1967 no longer here
I was a student for 6 years
Chris Larson and Betsy Pepper Larson
Chris Peng and Rebecca Ku
Chris Salmon
Chris and Mags Hanaoka
In honor of Brandon Hanaoka
Christian Fitzgerald
Christian and Larisa Whipple
Christiane Tsoungui
In honor of Syndiely Tsoungui
Go Lions! Class of 2025.
Christina Cheledinas
Christina Huang
Christine Cozadd
Christopher Kweon
Lakeside provided a lot of happy memories for me as I'm sure it does for many others and my appreciation of what all the teachers and coaches at this school did for our cohort in the mid 90's has only grown with time.
Christopher and Emily Li
Christy Jones & Rob Lilleness
the faculty is incredible
Chrix Finne
Chuck Forsman
Chuck Hagen
Cindy and Daniel Burdick
Claire Murphy
Claudia Hung and Shirley Hung Tamura
Colby Emerson
Collin Jergens
Connie Albrecht
Connor Madden
Constantin and Alina Stanciu
Corinne Hagen
Craig Miller and Rebecca Norton
Craig Reininger
Craig and Valerie Stewart
Cristin Gordon-Maclean
Cristin Haggard
Cy Hill
Cynthia Donion
Dan Hull
Dane Iverson
Darin Knapp
Darren and Kristin McNally
Dave Minthorn
Dave and Franziska Wachter
Dave and Linda Sielken
David Cho
David Cho
Teachers, coaches and administrators who inspired me constantly. Immeasurable impact on my life.
David Hsiao
David Jones and Vicki Weeks
David Tanaka
David Warren
David and Julia Clarke
David and Mariann Drucker
David and Molly Shearer
Dean and Raina Ballard
Deanna Hobson
Grateful for the experience and the memories.
Deb and Noah Wepman
Deepak and Mini Kumar
Demetre Christofilis
Derek Steward
Derek and Juiling Edmonds
Dexter Brown
Diana Parsons
Diana Wu
Dick Bangert
Dimitri Woods
Don Jewett
Don Xu and Claudia Zhou
Donald Padelford and Sue Livingstone
Donald Van Dyke
Doug Moon
Douglas and Charlotte Guyman
Dr. Omar and Sali Jimenez
Drew Inglis
Duncan Reid
Dylan Ragozin
Ed and Char Alkire
Ed and Simone Wu
Edward Phillips and Laurel Murphy
Eleanor Jacka
Eleanor Miller
Elena Coby
Elisa Alessi
Elizabeth Hill
Elizabeth Joneschild
Ellen Ferguson
Ellie Rice
Emile Pitre
Emily Aktepy
Emily Beller
Emily Klebanoff
Emre Kok and Gaye Oncul Kok
Eric Meader and Akemi Igaki
Eric Monek Anderson
Eric Stenson
Eric and Chris Schomaker
Eric and Julie Salmon
Eric and Melissa Monsowitz
Eric and Yura Freedman
Erica Jorgensen
Erin & Julio Esteban Mejia
Erin Dolan
Erin Kenny
Ernie Chen
Frances Williams Ringold
Frank Tubridy and Geraldine Hashisaki
Frank Zhou and Fang Gai
Fraser and Deirdre Black
Fred Buckner
Fred Fickenwirth
I attended Lakeside for all 6 years offered back in the 70's. Lakeside has had a profound positive influence on the rest of my life!
Fred Guenther
My eight year stay was a pivotal and positive change in my life.
Frederick Matsen
Fung-Sun and Bonny Fei
Garrison Deal
Gary Kegel
Gary and Carrie Dodobara
Gene Carlson
In memory of Jane Carlson Williams
Genevieve Garfunkle
George Kirk and Alison Rogers Kirk
George and Brydie Anderson
Gerrit van Wingerden
Gil Hilen
Gina Fridley
Girish and Vanessa Bablani
Gorder Family Foundation
Gordon Chan
Gordon Gardiner
Gordon and Linda Greenman
Grant Huling
Gregg Schuler
Gretchen Schreiber
In memory of Patricia Winans, Upper School Librarian
in memory of my mother, upper school librarian patty winans
Griffin Whitney and Dana Miller
Hana Rubin
Hannah Cho
Hayne Leland
Heather Dosch
Heather Johnston Fessler
Henri Fischer
Grateful for the years I was there 1968 to 1972.
Hillary Shurtleff
Holly Monek-Anderson
Howard Anderson
Hugh Morris
Hunter Wessells and Bokgi Choi
Ibrahim and Bliss Ali
Our family appreciates the warm welcome from the Lakeside Community!
Irwin Sarason
Isaiah Wilner
Jackie Mansfield
Jaja Okigwe
Jake Greenberg
James Liu
James Patterson
James Stanton
James and Carol Green
James and Joan Bromley
James and Shannon Cartales
James and Tina Kenefick
Jamie Asaka
Love my class - the class of 1996!
Jane Powell Thomas
Janene Collins
Janet Hall
Janet Pajimula
Jans Iverson
Jared Shapiro
Jared Youmans
Jason Levin
Jasper Chen
In honor of Jamie Asaka
Thanks so much for the best education I could have ever asked for! :)
Jay Schwartz and Renee Willette
Jeff Marston
Jeff Swofford
Jeff and Sarah Derstadt
Jeffrey and Dale Milne
Jeffrey and Wanda Garfield
Jena Myers
Jennifer Bernardez
Jennifer Chin and Owen Bennion
Jennifer Elkin
Jennifer Gilman
Jennifer Roberts
Jessica Feldman
Jessica and Tom Hughes
Jianbo Peng and Xin Ge
Jie An
Jill Doran & Phillip Manget
Jim Delaney
Jim Glenn
Jim Jenner
Jim Shafer
In memory of Richard Shafer
Jim and Carli Emerson
Joe and Jill McKinstry
Joe and Karyn Barer
Joel McMurry & Isabel Hujoel
John Furukawa
John Garnevicus
John Koefoed
John Kydd
John Petersen
John Romano
John Schmale
John Wedgwood and Kathleen Turner
John and Ann Callahan
John and Karen Myhre
John and Marjorie Montaperto
John and Muriel Knapp
Jon Kirk
Jon Westergaard
Jonathan Altman
Jonathan Amkraut
Jonathan Manheim
Jonathan Sainsbury
Jose Kunnackal John and Liza Georgie
Joseph Coco
Joseph Mecca and Linda Stolfi
Joseph Pew
Joseph and Trudi Picciano
Joshua Eaton
Joshua Hirschstein and Maren Beck
Joy Tanaka
Class of 1998! Go Lions!
Jud Parsons
Judd and Barbara Kirk
Judith and Dale Cummings
In honor of Tasha Campbell Chang
We are so grateful to Lakeside and their dedicated faculty and staff.
Judson & Cathy Randolph
Judy Rogers
Julia Lieberman
Julia Whatley
Julie Burrell
Julie Hayes Ernest
K Ohtake/D Jewett
We love this school!
Kallin Spiller
Kannan Dhanasekaran and Subathra Selvaraj
Karen & Hanson Chong
Karen and Paul Breckenridge
Kari Hedman
In memory of Sarah Hedman
Kari Wertheimer
Kate Lund
Katherine Bernardez
Katherine Yorks
Katherine and Joshua Anderson
Kathleen DuRoss
Kathy Pope
Katie Paul Misiewicz
Kayla McIntyre
Keith and Latosha Smith
Kelly Poort
Kelly Violette
Ken Allison
Kevin Ferguson
In memory of Jacobe Foster
Kevin Murphy
Kevin and Ester Burkhart
Kia Davis
Kris Becker
We love Lakeside!
Krista Morales
Kurt Huang
Lakeside is the best!
Kyle Lobisser
In honor of Gary Maestretti
Thanks for being a great teacher.
LJ Moten
Larissa Sandalic
Larry and Kathy Greenberg
Lars and Shannon Johnson
Laura MacGregor
Laura Matsen Ko and Kevin Ko
Thank you Lakeside!
Laura Oberto & Mike McElhoe
Laurel Haeger
Lauren & Tom Milne
Lauren Bricker
Lauren Pugh Mbereko
Lauren Whatley
Laurie Frink
Lee Barnette-Dombroski
Lee Kimball
Lei Feng
Thank you for providing high quality education to my son William Feng!
Leo Fridley
Leo Liu and Maggie Zhang
Leo Tanaka
Leslie Katz
Lewis Moten
Liangtao Wang and Yakun Cui
Libby MacPhee
Lilli Forgete
Lily Wei
Lin Cheng and Cheng Wei
Linda Campbell
Linda Hanson
Lisa Simpson
In honor of Jacobe Foster
Lloyd and Janet Frink
Lori Pender
Lori Yu
Lucas Hussey
Lynn Larson Kenyon
Maggie Fisher
Maki Arakawa and Jeffrey Chin
Marcia Chaddock
Marcia McCreery Schneider '53
Margaret Miller
Margaret Thompson
Maria Eitel
Marian Dyck
Marilyn Dunn
Maritza Mrak-Blumberg Liaw and Jeffrey Liaw
Marjorie Liu
Mark Kelly
Mark Veblen
Mark and Sheryl Stiefel
Martha Hsiao
Mary Alberg
Mary Anne Boardman
Mary Bernson
Mary Jo Wertheimer
In honor of Josie Albrecht and William Albrecht
Mary Kay McCaw
Mary Klugherz
Mary Leavens
Mary Leonard
I will be forever grateful for my years at Lakeside (1974-1980).
Mary Moore
Mary Pat Osterhaus
Masayo Arakawa
I have so much gratitude for the education, friends, teachers and experiences I had at Lakeside that have made such a huge impact on my life. So excited to see how Lakeside continues to evolve and shape the lives of other students and the community.
Masayo Arakawa
Matt Altman
Matt Griffin and Evelyne Rozner
Matt Pearson
Max Ma
Megan Schmidt-Warnecke
Meghan Kiefer
Melanie Graves Rios
Melinda Pigors
Melissa Heidrich
Meredith Sjobreg
Mia Anderson
Michael Chait
Michael Chiu
The faculty and staff at Lakeside transformed my young life and unlocked my potential. The self-confidence I gained, and the example set by my peers, placed me on a life trajectory that I was unappreciative of until decades later. Thank you Lakeside School.
Michael Cohen and Jutta Joesch
Michael Feikes
Michael Fitch
Michael Meyer
Michael Nachbar
Michael Pettersen
Michael Place
Michael Ragozin
Michael Shum
Michael Wang
Michael and Georgina McNutt
Michael and Inger Beecher
Michelle Pilling
Mike Flood and Lydia Morris
Mike Foley
Mike Scott
Minnie Reichek
Minsoo Doo
We are so grateful for the wonderful year and excited to be a part of the community in 2024 and beyond. Go lions!
Moses Namkung
Mukesh Karki and Maneesha Lall
Mukul Karnik and Hyma Murthy
Nancy & N. Richard Miller
In honor of Oliver Whitney
Nancy Lee Smith
Nancy MacCormack
Narayan Nayak
Natalie Mao
Thank you for the great Lakeside family!
Ned Dunn and Patricia Carr
Nicholas Shaker
Nicholas and Caitlin Echelbarger
Nick Garrison
Nick and Julie Eitel
Nicole Sailer
Nikko Hayes
Nina Selipsky
Noah Jaffe
Olivia Sroufe
In memory of Bill Sroufe '68
Happy 50th HS graduation.
Paul Cantonwine
In honor of Paul Everet Cantonwine
My Father, Paul Everet Cantonwine was a math teacher at Lakeside and passed away suddenly when I was freshman. Lakeside provided me with summer work and tuition through high school and help shape my life.
Paul Detmer
Paul Edmonson and Shigeko Ito
Paul and Vivienne Manheim
Pete Stanton
Peter Christoffersen
Peter Jensen
Peter Krengel
Peter Lees
Peter Meleney
Peter Metzger
Peter Nowadnick
Peter Overman
Peter Rasmussen
Peter and Ann Hanson
Peter and Annemarie Colino
Peter and Yeon Cramer
Philip Hathaway
Philip Mease and Laura Kastner
Phillip and Jody Hagen
Piper Carling
Polly Teeter
Pradeep Bahl
Priscilla Wright
Qian Liu and Yuan Bian
Qingsong Hu and Jin Xu
Quentin Yerxa and Karen Freisem
Quinn Gilman
Quinn Hawkins
The last great class ;)
Rachel Robinson
Rakesh Tangirala and Sumi Singh
Ralph and Elizabeth Bevins
Ramesh Parameswaran and Vidya Eswaran
Ramona Emerson and Brian McMullen
Ray and Natalie Dearie
Raymund Acevedo
Reid Rader
Renee Pagano
Richard Hartung
In memory of Gretchen M Hartung
Richard Ramsey
Richard and Mary O'Donnell
Rick Huegli
Rob and Kathy Voce
Robert Bunzel
In memory of Cole Bunzel
Robert Donaldson
Robert Klinck
Robert and Saadia Pekkanen
Robin Aronson
Robin Nagel
Robyn Rader Horton
Rodney and Janis Utley
Roger Lederman and Nicole Pattamanuch
Roger and Joyce Frasca
Roger and Robin Ullman
Ron and Lori Marquardt
Roopesh Battepati and Neelima Nannpaneni
Rosa Chang
Russel Pearson
Ryan Glant
Sadie Mackay
Sam Baker '57
Sam Ballmer
Sam Liu and Tina Lin
Sam and Michele Osborne
Sandy Pang
Sara Caleffi
Sara Higgins
In memory of Nancy Herrigel Babienko
Sara Wainwright-Feldman
Sarah Asher
The deep love for learning, important connections, lasting friendships, and inspiration I gained at Lakeside have stayed with me to this day. I'm proud to see how Lakeside has evolved over the years since I attended and can't wait to see what they do in decades to come. Thank you to everyone who works so tirelessly to make it so..... and go Class of '96!!!
Sarah Damm
Sarah Nelson
Sarah Peterson and Sophie Calderón
Sarah Titcomb
Saron Zewde
Satish Thomas
Scot Merrick
Scott Daniel and Nancy Stewart P'17
Scott and Laurie Oki
Scott and Louisa Malatos
Scott and Shelley McIntyre
Sean Kincaid and Susan Li
Seng Xu and Debra Xu
Seokho Kim and Jun Park
Serena Swanson
Shael Anderson
In honor of David Ingham
Shamik Das Chowdhury
Shannon Saam
Shannon Vincent
Shaun Spearmon
Shelley Rolfe
Sheridan Reiger
Simon Xiao and Yi Chen
Skyler Shepard
Sophia Pekkanen
Spencer and Erin Shepler
Spike Anderson
Stephen Hall
Looking to support Lakeside in more and greater ways. Look forward to getting more information, attending events, and receiving the magazine.
Stephen Selipsky
Stephen and Carol Szender
Steve (Hwang) Lee
Steve Chivers
Steve Katz
Steve Koh
Steve Man
Steve and Patti Williams
Steve and Patty Morrissey
Steven Bolliger and Candace Smith
Steven Lees and Carolyn Akinbami
Steven Man
Steven Ramels and Jacqueline Szikszoy Ramels
Steven and Holly Overman
Stewart Tilger
In honor of Dwight Gibb
Stuart and Marcia Murray
Suresh Singh
Susan Anselowitz
Susan Sagum
Susan Taylor
Susan Youngsman
Swaminathan Balamurugan and Rajakumari Chellappa
Sydney M Koh
T Fitzgerald
Teal and Eric Miller
Tearon Joseph
Ted Burns
Ted Lee
Ted and Kate Lund
Temam Kurkura and Munira Hussein
Terry Smith
Tess Eisenhart
Thelma K Thomas
Thida Ong
Thor Simpson
Thurston and Catherine Roach
Tiffany Barnett
Timothy Clancy
Timothy Tien
Timothy and Elizabeth O'Shea
Tina Kalimos-Dietz
Tom Doelger
In memory of Dan Ayrault
Tom Dziekonski
Tom Weeks and Deb Oyer
Tom and Josephine Daly
Tom and Karen Cusick
Tor Jernudd
Tracy Yuen Hugenberger
Trevor Klein and Jane Repass Klein
Trina and Ethan Norris
Trish Niemi
In honor of Lysa Hansen
Tyler Peterson and Sarah Skinner
Tylie Cramer
Vandy Lutton Andersen
Vic Odermat
Vicky and Bill Sheldon
Vipin Gupta
Vivian Zhou
Waid & Otway Louie
Wally Weld
Web Augustine
Weiping Tang and Wenxiu Peng
Wellesley Wilson
Wiley and Marianne Kitchell
Will Black
William Cero
William and Julia Cho
William and Katherine Hood
William and Vicki Whitney
Wooseung Jang and Hana Park
Wren Healy
Xiao Wei and Zimin Zhong P'25
Xin Liu
Xin Lu and Ye Ouyang
In memory of Songyuan Lu
Xudong Ni
Yeab Wondimu
Yiping Duan and Lifen Zhao
Yong Min Cho
Yonghong Yang and Penny Chu
Youell Legacy Foundation
In memory of Thomas & Glen Youell
Yuyan Lou
In honor of Lakeside’s excellent student support team
Many thanks for everyone’s thoughtfulness, dedication and collaboration in supporting us during our difficult time. We value and appreciate the trusted partnership built along the journey. It’s wonderful!
Yvonne Werttemberger
Zach Bench
In honor of MJ and RAB
Zakiya Pressley Rice
Zhanyong Wan
Zheng Wang and Jiping Feng
Zhong Chen and Wenlu Ma
William way
In memory of Max Henningsgaard
In support of the contiuned hard work and growth being put into making Lakeside everything it is, can be and should be!
In memory of R.D. Brown

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