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Lakeside School

Seattle, WA

Giving December

Thank you for helping us unlock the $50,000 match! We are grateful for your support.

Johnpaul McLean and Samantha Dale, Assistant Directors of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (405)

All (405)
Aaron Goodisman
Aaron Levine
Aditya Sood
Agnes and Richard Kwiecinski
Alan Rothblatt
Alan and Abby Hartman
Alex Koh
Alex Maestretti
Alexander Oki
Alison Barer
Allan and Mylene Dunphy
Alvin and Verla Kwiram
In honor of Brandt & Sidney Kwiram
Amanda Carr
Amanda Lovelace
Andrea Augustine
Andrea Borgmann
Andrew Selipsky
Andrzej & Marie Biernacki
Andy and Shelby Tran
Anjali Wig
Anna Kirby
Anna Kranwinkle
Anna Lumpkin Fowler
Go Lions!
Annabell Douglass
Annette Lund
Anthony Rossano
Ashley Zhou
Avelino Lopez Garcia and Carla Dall Nora
Barbara Morrissey
Bengt and Sayuri Johnson
Benjamin Diggs
Benjamin Hanson
Benjamin Salmon
Beth Levine
In memory of Marie Koban
Bill Way
Bob and Lisa Donegan
Brant and Anne-Marie Oelschlager
Brenna O'Neill
Brett Faulds
Brian Frasca and Yi Jin
Brian Graham
In memory of Chris Hooyman '95
Brian and Sharmila Williams
Brien Kinkel
In honor of Ann Carter [Refectory Head Chef]
Bryce Meeker
Thank you, Lakeside. Continue to do the tremendous work of helping people grow!
Calista Victor
Carl '79 and Mary Cleveland '82 Brown P'11
Carla Youngblut
Carol Borgmann
In honor of The Development Team
Carol Szender
Carver & Carmen Gayton
Casey Richmond
Cate Guyman
Catherine Pepper Milo
Catherine Youell Langston
Catie OFarrell
Celina Schocken
Charles Dahlgren
Charles McKay
Charlie Balter
Chris Allison
In honor of Mark Jensen
Christian Fitzgerald
Christina Huang
Christine Cozadd
Christopher Kweon
Christopher Lee
Support @lakesideschool !
Chrix Finne
Claire Murphy
In honor of Seyed Mahoutchi
Clarke O'Reilly
Claudia Hung
Collin Jergens
Connie Burns
In memory of Raymond John Marean
Constance Talbott
Courtney Chinn
Crystal Chong
Daiga Galins
Dale Kim
Dan Morris
In honor of Bill McMahon
Darin Knapp
David Cho
David Cho
David Hahn and Gordana Crnkovic
David Hsiao
David Mahan
David Mount and Cecilia Strettoi
David Ordal
David Robinson
David Warren
David Yongsheng and Teresa Hu
David and Vicky Thorsell
Dexter Brown
Diane Adachi
Dick Rodbury
Dick and Marilyn Dunn
Donald Van Dyke
Doug Walker
Douglas Rait and Karlana Carpen
In honor of Lindsay Aegerter
Dr and Mrs Rodney Utley
Drew Conkin
Dylan Ragozin
Edward and Hejin Yim
Eleanor Miller
Elena Shifflette
Eleni Carras
In memory of Kendra Jones Kelly '91; Janie C. Williams '60
Elizabeth & Timothy O'Shea
Elizabeth Rice
Emily Antezana
Emily Cox
Emily Dozier
Emily Johnston
In honor of Justin Edwin Deneen Casserly
Go Lions!
Emily Klebanoff
Emily Langlie
In memory of Bill Bain '48
Eric Eun
Eric Winder
Eric and Ellie Young
Erik and Deborah Anderson
Erin Dolan
Esther Reichek
Eugene Carlson
In memory of Jane Carlson Williams
Faye Morgan
Beyond grateful for my Lakeside experience. Helped changed the trajectory of my life in so many ways!
Frank and Norizan Paterra
Fred and Susan Ingham
In memory of David Simpson Ingham
Gail Thompson
Genevieve Yee
Geoffrey Wukelic
George Hageman
George Rowe
Gilbert and Juli Allard
Gina Fridley
Gordon & Sara Hodge
Gordon Gardiner
Grant Huling
Gwyn Pohl Drake
Hana Rubin
Hao Wang and Yuan Zhang
Hayne Leland
Hazel Brumback
Heather Dosch
Heidi and Brian Austin
Henry Albrecht and Christine Wertheimer
Hillary Shurtleff
Hin-Fan Lau and Teresa Yao
Hyunmin Lee
Indigo Rinearson
Isaiah Wilner
Jack Resnick
Jake Greenberg
James Cartales
James Glenn
In honor of Tom Rona and Fred Wright
James Kamihachi
James Little
James Pridgeon and Carol Fahrenbruch
James and Lisa Crisera
Jamie Asaka Retirement Fund
Jamie Britto
Jared Drake
Jason Lee
Jay Bensal
Jay Schwartz and Renee Willette
Jeffrey Marston
Jeffrey Stoll
Jennifer Bernardez
Jennifer Elkin
Jennifer Lane
Jennifer West Higgins
Jenny Skinner Robinson
Jeremy Lott
Jessica Hughes
In honor of Mark Jensen
In memory of Mark Jensen
Jessica Shao and Hugo Zhu
Jiageng Yang and Lidong Ruan
Jill and Joe McKinstry
In honor of Sarah Nicholson and Jake McKinstry
Jinsong Yu
Jodi Riviera
Jody Zuck '72 Hagen and Phillip Hagen '71
Joe Coco and Regina Kornfield
John Cooper and Silvia De Biase
John Powell
John Shumway
John and Celeste Kuder
Jonathan Altman
Jonathan Man
Jonathan Sainsbury
Jonathan Staley
Joseph and Trudi Picciano
Josh Drake
Juhee Lee, Dongil Kim
Julia Lieberman
As I finish out my college experience I am constantly reminded of how grateful I am for my Lakeside education. Lakeside's quality of teachers, students, materials, and resources are unparalleled!
Julia Puzzo
Julia Rudden
Grateful to a great school!
Julia Whatley
Karen & Paul Breckenridge
Kari Frame
Kari Hedman
In memory of Sarah Hedman
Kate &Troy Roper
In honor of Jamie Asaka
Outstanding Work by the Student and Family Support team. I wish it had been around earlier!
Kate Lund
Katherine Bernardez
Kathy Rabey
Kayla McIntyre
Kenneth Jaffe and Ada Shen-Jaffe
In honor of Douglas Porter
As an expression of our appreciation for Douglas Porter’s enduring commitment to the well being of many generations of Lakeside students.
Kerry and Carol Baker
In honor of Maxwell Baker '20, Alexander Baker '20, and Zane Baker '18
Kevin Ke
Kevin Kimura
In honor of Kim-An Lieberman
Kevin Murphy
In memory of Maxwell Henningsgaard '14
Kinne Hawes
Kris Becker
Kurt Huang
2021 will be a great year!
Kyle Lobisser
L. Scott Larson
In memory of Mick & Bonnie Larson
Larry Rosok
Lauren Balter
Lauren Mbereko
Lauren Whatley
Laurie & Bruce Pritchard
Laurie and George Schuchart
In honor of Reem Rahme
Lee Clifford
Lee Wen Kuo
Lincoln Ferris
I was the recipient of financial aid when I attended Lakeside and am proud to pay it back some 47 years later.
Linda and Michael Morgan
Lowell Weiss and Kristin Thompson
Lyndsey Benson
Lynn Nielsen
Mae Waldron
In honor of Daiga and her amazing team!
Maggie Fisher
Maki Arakawa
In memory of Abby Beller Zink
Malcolm Hobbs
Mallory Lobisser
Marcia Chaddock
Margaret McPhee
In honor of Steffi Scheidhacker Buerk
In memory of Mark W Sheldon ‘63
Mariana Keller
Mariann and David Drucker
In honor of Seyed Mahoutchi
Marie Johnson
Mario Lozano
Mark Meyer
In honor of Frank and Anita Meyer and Barbara Jean Campbell
In memory of Emily Campbell Dederer and Susi Meyer Neurath
Mark Veblen
Mark Wang and May Zhang
Marshall and Betsy Rose
Marsi Gorman
Go Lions Go!
Martin and Rong Staley
Mary Anne Boardman
Mary Hall
Mary Kennedy Leavens
Mary Leonard
Mary Moore
Mary Smith
Even during the pandemic Catherine is enthusiastic about the quality of her education.
Matt Vadnal and Karen Tall
Matthew Altman
Matthew Kearns
In honor of Nicole Wallace, faculty (Go Lions)
This is good luck donation for my friend and new faculty member, Nicole Wallace.
Matthew Markovich
Maureen Augusciak
Melinda Morbeck '90 Lewison and John Lewison
Michael Lee
Michael McNutt
Michael Shum
Michael Zuberbier
Michael and June Han
Mie Morikubo
Miguel de Campos and Dawn Aiken
Mike Rosenberger and Maura Whalen
Miles Moen
Miles Rind
Minnie & Matthew Reichek
Mira Henry
History Department (Upper and Middle) ROCK!!!
Mollie Amkraut
Molly and Ted Schuehle
Monica Kamalu
Nicholas Shaker
Nick Manheim '98 and Lisa Marshall '98 Manheim
Nick Rothenberg
Nicole Rendahl
Nicole Sailer
Nikko Hayes
Nina Selipsky
Nirmala Sistla
Noah and Deb Wepman
Patricia Niemi
In memory of Jonathan King
Patrick Cooper
Paul Harper
Paul Johnson
In honor of T.J. Vassar
In memory of Cassandra Valentine '83, Keith Taylor '82, and Karen Campbell '82
In memory of each African American classmate at Lakeside who left us way too early
Paul Manheim
Peter Augusciak
Peter Christoffersen
Peter Jensen
Peter Metzger
In honor of Sally Revere
Peter Nowadnick
Peter Overman
I am proud to be an alumnus!
Peter Rasmussen
Phil and Marcia Killien
Polly Mackoff-Amkraut
Qian Song and Jinsong Yu
Quentin Yerxa & Karen Freisem
Rachel Robinson
Ramesh Parameswaran and Vidya Eswaran
Rand Sealey
Randall Kay
Raymond and Ayala Thomas
Read Moore
Reid Rader
Richard Ramsey
Rob Lilleness and Christy Jones
Robert Raphael
Robert and Robin Baker
Robert and Saadia Pekkanen
Robyn Horton
In memory of Marie Pierre Koban
Ron Koo '96 & Lisa Olmos de Koo
Rosa Chang
Sally Brown and Greg Schmale
Sam Barer
Sam and Michele Osborne
Samantha Dale
Sara Higgins
In memory of Nancy Herrigel
Sarah Peterson and Sophie Calderón
Satbir and Mona Khanuja
Scilla Andreen
Scott & Kippy Murphy
Scott Daniel
Scott and Louisa Malatos
Sean Kincaid '90 and Susan Li
Selim Tuncel & Karin Bornfeldt
Shael Anderson
In honor of David Ingham
Shannon Saam
Shannon White
Shari Burns
Sheridan Reiger
Sherie and Timothy Bernardez
Sierra Slettvet
Skyler Shepard
Sophia Pekkanen
In honor of Mr. Culhane
Stephen & Susan Kaluzny
Stephen Taylor
Steve Bolliger
Steve Yin
Steven Man
Steven Quinlivan
Stuart and Marcia Murray
Sue Li
Sun&Sam Chung
In memory of Dr. Sukwhan Oh
Susan Taylor
Susan Youngsman
Suzanne Kolenski
Ted Burns
Tess Eisenhart
In honor of Mr Doelger
Thelma Thomas
Thomas Osgood
Thomas Puzzo
Thomas Weeks
Timothy Schwartz
Todd Olson
Todd and Rhonda Glass
Tom Cantine
Tom and Joe Daly
Tor Jernudd and Julia Ryan
In honor of Tom Doelger
Tracy Yuen Hugenberger
Trevor Klein and Jane Repass Klein
Trina and Ethan Norris
Vic Parker
Stay healthy, Lions!
Vicki Weeks '73 and David Jones '74
In memory of Jeffrey Manson Haug
Victor Odermat
Victor and Emily Topacio
In honor of Andrea Zshornack Topacio '14
Victoria Dang
Vidya Rajan
Wally Krengel
Webster Augustine
Wei Bi and Catherine Wang
Welles Wiley
Wenbin Wang and Xiaotun Zhang
Wenqing Xu and Hongkui Zeng
William Sroufe
William and Julia Cho
William and Zakiya Pressley
William and Zakiya Pressley Rice
Go Lions, Lions- Lakeside!
Winston Yeung
Xin Liu and Bin Zhang
Xinli Zhou
In honor of Mr. Lajoie
Yakun Cui
Yiping Duan and Lifen Zhao
Yongbai Choi
Zhanyong Wan
Barbara Shi
In honor of Jamie Asaka
In honor of The Class of 1973
I would like to see Lakeside students in their local public schools with parents providing financial and program support to the same extent they now give to Lakeside. “Imagine”
Loved Sally's video!

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