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Lafayette Catholic School System

Lafayette, IN

Central Catholic Mass Intentions

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Fr. Summerlin, Chaplain

How is the Mass related to the Paschal Mystery?


Each and every time the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated, the very Sacrifice offered by Jesus on the Cross for our salvation is made present to us. The Paschal Mystery (i.e., His Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension) is realized and communicated to us under sacramental signs. This singular event has saved us from our sins and opens heaven to us.


What is a Mass intention?


Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross is effective for all who repent and believe in the Good News of salvation. Therefore, whenever the Mass is celebrated, the Church participates with Christ in His act of saving the whole world. At the same time, when a person requests a Mass be offered for a particular intention, the Church calls to mind a specific person or group of persons and participates specifically in his/her/their salvation.


For whom can a Mass be offered?


Mass can be offered only for human souls - living or deceased - who are not already beatified or canonized by the Church. Intentions may be for one or more specific people (e.g., for “John Doe” or “the Living & Deceased of the John & Jane Doe family” or “the Students of Central Catholic”). We cannot list several families under one intention.


How much does a Mass intention cost?


There is no charge for a Mass intention. However it is typical to make a donation to the priest who will celebrate the Mass. The recommended stipend is $10 per intention, but the amount given is always at the discretion of the requester. Any requests submitted online have a minimum $5 amount.


How many Mass intentions can Central Catholic receive?


Church law requires that we cannot accept more Mass intentions that we are able to fulfill in on year’s time. In a typical year Central Catholic will celebrate approximately 180 Masses throughout the school year. In order to accommodate more intentions, Church law allows multiple intentions to be combined into a single Mass, but not more than twice per week.


How do we schedule Mass Intentions?


Mass intentions are on a first come, first served basis as the calendar allows. We do our best to accommodate the requesters first preference. Once your Mass Intention date has been secured, you will receive a confirmation email from the Lafayette Catholic School System Advancement Office with the date and time.

Giving options

$10 per intention.

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Lafayette Catholic School System
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