Spring Trivia Knight
Join us for Trivia Knight on March 1, 2025 for Decades Trivia! Form your team of 8 and use your brain power for pop culture trivia from the 60s to TODAY!
Date and time
Saturday, March 1st, 2025
6:30 pm – 7:00 pm EST
What are the rules?
• There will be 8 rounds with 10 questions per round.
• Each table/team will have a folder that contains trivia rules and answer sheets.
• There will be scrap paper to take notes. You are allowed to write the questions and answers down for your reference.
• The questions will be read by Fr. Tim at the beginning of each round. You can write down the questions using the scrap paper on the table. You will have 3 minutes to answer the questions after the questions are removed from the screen. Answer sheets will then be collected.
• All answers MUST BE COMPLETE AND WRITTEN LEGIBLY. (“Indianapolis Indians”- not “Indians”) (“Pope Pius XII”-not “Pope Pius”)
• NO CHALLENGES are allowed. The game judges are the ultimate authority.
• The answers will be displayed on the screen at the end of the round.
• Updated scores will be posted at the end of each round.
• CELL PHONE USAGE and TEXTING are NOT PERMITTED during a round. If you need to make or receive a phone call/text, you must do so in the hallway. Please note that you will not be permitted to return to your table until the end of the competition for that round. If any of our volunteers see you using your phone during a round your TEAM will lose ALL points for THAT round. No exceptions.
• Please refrain from moving around the room or using the restroom during rounds. If you leave the room to use the restroom you cannot return until answer sheets are turned in for that round. . There will be two 10-minute breaks. One at the end of round 4 and the other at the end of round 8.
• For some of the rounds, an “EXPERT” will be auctioned prior to the start of the round. Bidding will last no more than 2 minutes. The highest bidder wins. The expert will sit with the winning team/table for the entire round. CREDIT CARDS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT OF AN EXPERT!
• An “Expert” is allowed to participate at a Trivia Night table for the evening. However, he/she will only be able to assist the table who bid the highest for the expert and cannot return to their own table until the beginning of the next round.
• Mulligans (a sticker) are available at the RAFFLE TABLE. The cost for the MULLIGANS is $20 for 6 Mulligans. Payments can be made by cash, check and CREDIT CARDS. When you choose to use a MULLIGAN, you must designate on the answer sheet which question it will be used for by placing the sticker on that specific answer line. That answer will automatically be marked correct. Only one Mulligan can be used per round. There are only 6 Mulligans per team so choose wisely.
• 50/50 Raffle Tickets are $10 each. You can purchase tickets from the RAFFLE TABLE. Payments must be made by cash or check. The winners will be drawn at the end of the evening.
• If there is a TIE at the end of the evening, the winning team will be determined by the team that had the highest score first.