Our 3rd Annual #GiveBIGBlue
70 Cheers for 70 years! Happy 70th Anniversary, Marian: 1954-2024!
raised of $40,000 goal132
Dr. Erin Marek, Director of Advancement
Supporters across the USA
Supporters (132)
All (132)
Amy Santos
Andrea Gerhard
Angela Bielen Meiss
Thank you to all the wonderful faculty and staff that made my time at Marian great. Happy 70 years & here’s to many more!
Ann Schaefer
Annette Rollo
Anthony Kern
Here's to another 70!
Arnold Nance
Providing Christ centered education to young of NEPA.
Ashley Shickora
B.J. Cryder III
Bernadette Sahm
Proud to support my high school!
Bernadette Stough
Bill & Siobhan O’Gurek
Billie Jo Wetterau
In honor of Lewis WetterauGod is good all the time! ❤️ Keep up the good work!👍 We love you! 🥰💙💛
Bonita Muslin
In memory of Jean Plasky
Brian Cosgrove
Bruce Svetz
Bruce and Terri Shickora
In honor of Joseph J Svetz and Vince Shickora
Carolyn Bazik
Catherine Davis Flail
Christine LeClair
Colleen (Skrabak) Scholl
Colleen Pak
Daniel Lisella
In memory of The deceased members of the Lisella and Ogozalek families
Dave & Mary Ann Bielen
David & Jean Susko
Denise Bretzik Neubert
Denise LaBuda
Dominique Ramer
Donald Walters
Dr. Kim Fetter
Ed Stulginsky
Elaine Saladyga
In memory of Joseph j. And Catherine Saladyga
Eric and Christine Williams
In honor of Emma Williams and Ava Tate
Erica Boyle
Erin Miles
Marian gave me such fond memories (in and out of the classroom) and some beautiful friendships...I hope everyone who walks those halls get the same experience as I had.
Eugene Harnak
Fr Bob George
Fred & Anne Calabrese
In honor of James Gelatko
Gary Kokosky
Gretchen Sterns
Hannah McGinley
In memory of Richard Slog ‘70
Jack and Debbi Hurst
Jackie Shickora Beishline
James J Sauka
Janet (Hinkle) Burrell
I love Marian's team spirit! Along with top-notch academics, Marian has great athletic teams, both for boys and girls. I will always remember my years as a manager for the Marian Fillies Basketball teams! I enjoyed them very much and continue to cherish the memories.
Jean Moroski
In memory of Mr. John “Pat” Morgans, American History teacher and football coach.
Jerome Dvorak
In memory of Beloved Classmate Annette KielbasaI would like to invite my classmates to give a gift in honor of those we lost.
Jim Malarkey
Joann Paslawky
Joe Lutwin
In memory of Jean & Joe Lutwin
John Dillon
John and KrissAnn D’Ottavio
In memory of Kathleen “Kip” Dillon Osenbach ‘66
Joseph & Jacqueline (Steibler) DeAngelo
Joseph McGinley
In memory of Richard Slog
Joseph Puskar
Joseph and Angela Kovatch
Judy Martini
Julia Ustynoski
Kate Eltringham
Kathy Goff
In memory of Maria McArdle Class of 87
Kellie Giannelli
Kristen Shickora LaBella
Kristin & Dale Osenbach
In memory of Kathleen OsenbachExcellent education rooted in faith and tradition <3
Lauren Malatestinic
In honor of Ida Bonenberger
Lawrence M Furey
In memory of Larry Furey '44 and Kathleen Furey '76
Lee and Tami Bauder
Lisa Sweeney
In honor of Jim & Elaine Sweeney
Louis Capitanio
Maria McGinley
In memory of Tara Boyle Mirabella ‘93
Maria Montero
Maria Tacelosky
In honor of Bill and Sandy Tacelosky
Marlene Moser
In memory of Frank Moser, Eileen McGlynn & son John
Mary Ann Mansell
In memory of Terry Tracey class of 74
Mary Lerch
Mary Matunis
In honor of Krystyna Matunis '17I am so happy to be a teacher at and a parent of a graduate of Marian Catholic High School. The faith, family and service that is a part of the fabric of the school is inspiring.
Mary Milosh
Maryanne & Tim Dolena
Maryellen Boyle
In memory of Matthew &Peggy Dalinsky
Matthew Tacelosky
In honor of The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Melissa & Joe Gillespie
Michael Havrilla
In honor of Class of ’72, who most of us celebrated our 70th birthday this year.
Michaela Susko
Michele Bonistalli
Michelle Greek
In memory of My parents Frank '58, Nancy '61, sister Karen '85
Michelle and Bob Argust
In memory of Pauline Soika
Mike Hosak
Monica Bonner
Nancy Paul
Nicole Dunn
Pam Hosak Polakovic
Patricia Iwantsch
In honor of Hub and Evelyn GilfertExcellent education and teachers. Years of great memories. Marian forever!
Patrick & Grace (Patton) Smith
Patrick Furey
In honor of Kathleen FureyAnd All of the other MCHS Alumni who have passed way too young in life
Patrick Konitzer
Paul Curran
In memory of Tom Curran, Class of 1975
Paul Martino
In honor of Deceased Members Class of 1964
Rebecca Boyle
Rev. Allen Hoffa
Richie Bimler
Rita Spinelli
Rita Sweeney Zebian
Ryan Hoffman
In memory of To our lost classmates this Christmas Season
Scott & Gail Marek
Scott & Sheri Boyle
Scott, Wendy & Mason Murphy
Shannon Aucker
Shannon Boyle Pietrak
In honor of Mr and Mrs John J Boyle
Sister Rose Mulligan
So grateful for the education - of my mind and soul, that I received at Marian!
Susan Koomar
Suzanne Kupres Stianche
Tammy Serfass
Taylor H
Terry Rutch
In memory of Coach Gerry FaustCoach Faust was our Guest Speaker for our class Graduation in 1986.
The Bones Family
Thomas Baddick
In memory of Mary & Eddie Baddick, my parents and dedicated Marian supporters!1969 to 1973--- were great years at Marian. The IHM Sisters, the teachers, the championship basketball teams, and the top notch academics-- my high school years at Marian were a blessing! Happy 70th Anniversary!
Tiffany Tom
Tiffany Ustynoski
Tom Marzen
Tracey A Hopeck
In memory of Bruce Hopeck
Valerie Horvat
Very Rev. Eugene Ritz
William Bonenberger
In memory of Ida & Jim Bonenberger
William Hinchey
Let's Go Colts!
Paul scarloss
In honor of Jakob BuzinskiKeep up the good work