Marian Catholic #GiveBigBlue
It’s Giving Tuesday & We Are Better Together!
Current Colts and Fillies - 50% Student/Family Participation

Every supporter will win a schoolwide dress down day on Friday, December 2nd PLUS reaching 50% participation unlocks a BONUS $250 donation from a generous donor
Current Colts and Fillies - 75% Student/Family Participation

Every supporter will win all 50% participation level incentives PLUS a schoolwide ice cream treat at lunch before Christmas break!
Current Colts and Fillies - 90% Student/Family Participation

Every supporter will win all incentives for 50% and 75% participation levels PLUS schoolwide DRESS DOWN DAYS the ENTIRE WEEK leading up to Christmas Break!
Matching Challenge
Jim Sauka (Alumni ’66) is matching $50 for every alumni ’66 gift, up to $500 in total
$250 matched
$250 to go
Help Unlock a Generous $5000 Donation!

Anonymous (Alumni ’76) gave $5,000 because $10,000 was raised
$10,000 raised
$5,000 unlocked!
150 Supporters = A Generous Donation!

Anonymous (Alumni ’76) gave $2,500 because 150 supporters made a gift
150 supporter gifts
$2,500 unlocked!
Alumni ’79 Challenge
Larry Furey ‘79 and Leo Marzen ‘79 challenge their classmates from the Class of 1979 to a match incentive. For the first $2000 gifted to Marian Catholic by graduates of ‘79, Leo and Larry will make a dollar for dollar match of up to $2000!
$2,000 raised
$2,000 unlocked!