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Mayfield Senior School

Pasadena, CA

Mayfield Annual Fund

raised of $1,000,000 goal
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Lisa Vandergriff, Director of Development

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (729)

All (729)
Aaron Buckwalter
Abel & Emily Montanez
Abigail Shaw
I am so grateful for my Mayfield colleagues and our amazing students! What an incredible community!
Abigail Shaw
I support in honor of our students, faculty and staff! Go cubs!
Adele Suarez
Adele Suarez
Proud parent of two daughters being taught by amazing teachers and faculty.
Adriann Cocker
Akiko Tanaka
Albert West
Alex Medel
Alexander Tan
Alexandra Badie
In honor of the teachers that inspired me as a student and continue to amaze me as colleagues and the incredible students who inspire my work everyday.
Alexandra Badie
Alexandra Hernandez
Alexandra Jen
Keep up the great work, Zoe! You’re awesome!
Alice Oung
Alison Crist
Alison Gamble
Alison Knoll
Alison and Mark Gamble
Allison Burns Gadberry
Amber Berrios
Amber Berrios
In honor of Jeanette Acosta ‘04
Amy Green
Amy Laguna
Amy Lareau
Andre Quintero
Andrea Van De Kamp
Andrew Alvarez
Andrew Ritchie
Andrew VanAken
Angela Howell
Angela Howell
Angela Howell
Angela Howell
In this Season of Joy, I give thanks to the entire Mayfield family who have contributed so generously to out mission as a School of the Holy Child Jesus. Your actions model Cornelia Connelly's invitation to "Be generous and of great heart." Blessings to you and yours!
Angela Tinsley
Angelica Sanchez
Angelica Sanchez
Ann Buckingham Shea
Ann Bussard
Ann Colborn Pizzinat
In honor of Susan Inglis Colborn & Ken Colborn
Ann Fromholz
Ann Kortlander
Ann Pibel
Ann Stewart
Ann and Eric Choi
Anne Collins Hoffman
Anne Hartfield and Sean McDermott
Anne Hartfield and Sean McDermott .
Anne Pings
Anneke and Chris Greco
Annette Brandin
Anonymous Anonymous
Anthony Abdalla
Anthony G. Koerner Charitable Gift Fund Anthony G. Koerner Charitable Gift Fund Anthony G. Koerner Charitable Gift Fund
Aoife Chow
April Garcez
April Garcez
In honor of the G.O.A.T.-Toi Treister
Ashley LaMothe
Audrey Dow
Ava Robles
Avra Juliani
Barbara Harder Michaels
Bernadette Ament
In honor of Paul Ament, past parent
Bernard & Daniela Derriman
Bernard Clougherty
Bertha Sevilla
Betsy Goethals Ackerman
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
Bill Lewis
Brandy & Mark Mayer
Brenda Sandoval
Brent Mason
Brittney Pruitt
Bruce Hinckley
Cambria Tortorelli
Candida Crowe Genzmer
Carina Robles
Carlene Herbert Kostiw
Carter and Jane DeHaven
Catalino Evangelista
Catherine Alexander
Catherine Huston
Charlotte Yvonne Reid
In honor of Alyce Hamilton
Chelsey Page
Cheryl Chua
Christi Rocovich Sulzbach
Christian Hart
Christin Hablewitz
I am excited for a new year!
Christina Constantino
Christine Campion Kehoe
Christine Haigh Saunders
Christopher & Megan Murphy
Christopher Gil
Christopher Hoshek
Christy & Ken Coon
In honor of the amazing faculty, staff and administration at MSS! Your commitment to our girls is admirable. GO CUBS! 🐾
Cindy Wu
Claire Christiansen Mitchell
Claire Cruz
Colette LeBon Coles
Cook Family Trust
Corey Waite
Courtney Thomas
Because Mayfield has provided a safe place for my girls to grow their curiosity and confidence.
Cristina Johansing
Cristina Miller
Cristina Vittoria
In memory of Molly Gorman
Cynthia Fry Williams
Cynthia Riegsecker
Danica Bachman
Daniel De Guzman
Daniel Dopudja
Daniel Greenleaf
Daniel Leon
Darcy Burns Williams
I’m grateful for the love and stellar education every day. I have two granddaughters in public high school - both superb students. But I often wish they could have the breadth and depth of experience I had at Mayfield. I can’t fully explain it to them but I hold it in my heart.
David Kahng
David Ruiz
David Stolpe
David Tull
David Wagner
Deborah Symons
Debra Bachman
Denise Magallanes
Excited to be a part of the Mayfield Family!
Denise Therieau
Donald Cross
Donell Aure Thomas
In honor of Edwin L. Thomas rip2024
Dorian Llywelyn
Dr. Annette Ermshar & Associates, Specialized Psychological Services
I am honored to be a member of the Development Committee at Mayfield with Lisa Vanderfriff and to support this fine school, one of the gems of Pasadena.
Ed and Noelle Aloe
Edison International
Eduardo Garcia
Eduardo Magana
Elisabeth Frank Rosenson
Elizabeth Rodeno
Elizabeth Sanchez
In honor of Al & Helen Sanchez, my wonderful parents
My years at Mayfield were among the most cherished of my life- I savor the memories and friends made that I carry with me now ❤️
Ellen Chan
Ellen McNiff Kovach
Emily Baratta Goodell
Emily Baratta Goodell
Emily Baratta Goodell
Emily Murphy
Emily Serhan
Eric Murga
Eric Murga
Erickson Family
Erika Mastrobuono
Erika and Kevin Randall
In honor of the amazing and dedicated faculty, staff and administration at MSS!
Esther Ruiz-Muniz
Estrellita Matson
Thank you for the wonderful education for our daughter. Keep up the good work! Mayfield rocks!
Eva Wong
Our family is incredibly grateful for the positive impact Mayfield Senior School had on our daughter’s life. She has grown so much as a young woman in the past two years, thank you for helping her develop and build confidence in herself. The school is a place where our daughter not only learns but also feels valued and cherished. Thank you for creating that environment.
Evy and JB Bridge
Fernando Vasquez
In memory of I
Fonia Marshall Humphries
Foundation and Benefactors
Foundations and Benefactors
Francesca Smiland
Francis and Maritess Kinderman
Gabriela Morales
In honor of Nora Warren! The best AP Art History teacher ever!
Gallegos Family
Genevieve Beauvais
George Leiva
George and Margaret McDonell
Georgia Vagim
Gerianne Sarte
Gerianne T. Sarte
Giovanni Guerra
Glenn Nieves
Glenn Nieves
Gloria Gonzalez
In honor of Angel and Ana
Historic Fire Event
Grace Maalouf
Grant Michelson
Greg and Kim Murphy
Mayfield continues to meet the wants of the age by finding each girl where she is and giving her the tools to succeed in our society. Go Cubs!
Gregg Spensiero
Gwennyth Palafox
Heather Timmons
Helen Lee-Doulis
Helen Sanchez
In honor of Al Sánchez, who loved sending his "scholars" to Mayfield.
Hilary Chute
Hilary Walshe Donahue
Honora Chapman
In Honor of the Faculty Members I adore..
Jade Stewart
James Burnett
James Childs
James Lo Coco
James and Yolanda Qua
Jane Collins Hawley
In memory of Maureen Shea
Jane Fitzpatrick
Jasmine Tatevossian Megrabyan
Jason Clawson
Jason Schoettler
Jeff & Gloria Ferris
Jeff and Gloria Ferris
Jeffry Niedermeyer
Jenney Oh
This school has been so GOOD for my daughter! I am really thankful for this community.
Jennifer & Ryan Squire
Jennifer Bingham
Jennifer Girardi Crane
Jennifer O'Rafferty
Mayfield is awesome!
Jennifer Poyer
In honor of Cornelia Connelly School Class of '98
Jennifer Wondries Potter
Jennifer Wong Christensen
I support Mayfield because of the outstanding education I received there, the friends I made along the way, and the core beliefs of Cornelia Connelly which inform all the decisions made by and for the community.
Jenny and Robert Gorman Patton
In honor of Molly Gorman Arts Award
Loved seeing many of you at our reunion in October
Jessica Sami
Jessixa Harley-James
Jill and Patrick Longo
Jillian Slattery
Jim Gilmartin
Jim McDavid
Joan Moreci
Joanne DeFilippo
John & Carin Schiller
John Dash
John Duvall
John Moe
John Pasqualetto
John Vrsalovich
In honor of Students
We love and support the Cubs community!
Jordan Kona
Jose Venegas
Joseph Clougherty
Joseph Gorman
Joseph Rodarte
Josie Beltran
So lucky to be a part of an amazing community!
Joyce Noser
In honor of Sandra Johnston Noser
Judith Genovese
In honor of Karen Genovese
Judith Henderson
Julia Pinney
Julie & Julio Jaramillo
Julie Estrada-Gracia
Julie Poxon Penney
Julie Sanchez Brehove
In honor of My Fabulous Parents Al and Helen Sánchez, faithful Mayfield supporters since 2007
Julie Zovak
Julio Jaramillo
To lift up our young daughters and bless them with structure and Religion in their life.
Justin Yorke
Karen Mayeda
Karen Schumacher Poindexter
Karen Swenson
Karina Jauregui
Kate Hertel Liskey
Kate Morin
In honor of All my wonderful Mayfield Senior School friends!
Kathee Demeter Fleisher
Way to go Class of ‘66!
Katherine Burns
Katherine Lapsys Hossepian
Kathleen Clougherty Regan
Kathleen Costello
Kathleen O’Kane
In honor of Catherine Morris
She is truly a woman of god!
Kathleen, Clougherty Regan
Kathryn Nishibayashi
Katie Cincis
Katie Waferling
Katrina Roski
Kavita Sharma
In honor of Dr. Om P. Sharma
Kelly Garrison
Kelly Joyce Dunn
In honor of Sr. Barbara Mullen
Kenneth Fisher
Kent & Katie Szeto
Kevin Yost
Kevin and Esmeralda Akins
Kim Vu & Ferari Domingo-Vu
Kim and Greg Murphy
Kimberly Gomez Fraser
Kimberly Valentine
Kit Awakuni
Go Cubs!!!
Krista Ellis
Laura Farrell
Laura Farrell
Laura L'Heureux Rundbaken
Laura Rocha-Maez
Laurie Lipper
Lea & Alfredo Gonzalez
Leandra Ferguson
Lei Lin
Lela Diaz
Lena Agulian
Lesley Scheller
Li Zhang
Thank you, Mayfield!
Linda Georgian
Linda Perkins
My daughter got a great education there!!!
Linda and Liam Mennis
Linsey Reyes
Lisa Diaz
Lisa Hernandez
Lisa Vandergriff
Thank you to our amazing team of dedicated parents helping to make Giving Tuesday a success!
Lisa Vandergriff
Donating in honor of our dedicated faculty, staff and parent leaders working tirelessly for a solid start to the 2024-2025 school year!
Lora McManus
Lorena Parra
Loring Rutt
Lorraine Gonzales
Lou Greco
Lucille Roybal-Allard
In memory of Josephina Prietto
Luis Alvarez
Luis Rodriguez
Many blessings.
Luis and Diane Rojas
Lydia Arguelles
Lynn Maloney
Madilian Family
In appreciation for the gifts and knowledge our daughter, Sasha has received during her time at Mayfield. We are grateful.
Malissa Balderama
In honor of The Class of 2009
Within 15 years of our Mayfield graduation, my classmates have already made an incredible impact on our world. Looking forward to the next 15!
Marc Serrio
Margaret Agamenoni Williams
Margaret Morrow
Margaret Villarreal (Neil)
Maria Corsini-Reden
Marian McCord Van Alyea
Marianne Berger
Marianne Marino Rorden
Keep up the good work.
Maribel Ruiz
Marilynn Kaufhold
Marissa Bell
Mark & Jennifer Gunn
Mark McDevitt
Marley Majcher
Marsha Baker
Martha & Manuel Figueroa
Marxianna Moe-Cook
Marxianna Moe-Cook
I love MSS
Marxianna MoeCook
I love MSS. I am who I am in large part because of the education i was given at Mayfield
Mary Alice Cords
Mary Graham Morgan
Mary Johnson Sadowski
Mary K. McConnell
Mary McDonnell
Mary Nally Ternan
Mary Nally Ternan
In memory of Teresa L. Bannan Nally
Mary Pings
In memory of Erin’ Helmberged '84 please check spelling of her last name and Stephanie Carlson '84
Mary Sheridan
Mary Van Lahr Hester
Maryanne Householder
Matthew & Jennifer Bergeron
Our daughter is a Freshman and Mayfield and we are happy to support her and her community.
Matthew and Julie Brehove
In honor of My Wonderful 9th and 11th grade Students, the Mayfield women of the future!
My students bring me so much joy! I want them to have as dear a time at Mayfield as I had.
Maura Harrington Roggero
Maureen Schimmoller
Meg & John Symes
Megan McKernan Troxel
Melissa & Tom Tighe
Melissa Greenwood
Melissa Holmes Lebo
Merilisa Ramirez
Merilisa Ramirez
Michael Dimen
Michael Divic
Michael Javelera
Michael Maddigan
Michael Rweyemamu
Michael Sifter
Michael Ye
Michelle Guerra
Michelle and Bill Alexander
Miguel Roggero
Milagros Corretjer
Mirlo McAlister
Molly Hollingsworth
Molly Serhan
Morgan Shaner
Stay curious!
Muriel Zhang
Nabila Reyes
Nancy Fong
Nancy McNiff Annicka
Natalie Huerta
Newlin and Kelly Driller
Kaylin Class of ‘27! Keep up the great work!
Nicholas Greco
Noah Mayer
Nohemi Ferguson
Our children had a wonderful education at Mayfield.
Nora Artine
Nora Warren
Pamela Abbott
Patricia Bannan Pascale
Patricia Bucklin
Patricia Johnson
Patricia Overend Goethals
Patrick & Cynthia Chylinski
Patrick Boyd
It has been a great start to the new academic year!
Patti Bannan Pascale
In memory of Teresa Nally ‘50 and Maureen Mary Shea ‘86
Paul Novak
Paul Sirois
Paul Villalobos
Thanks for the memories. Keep up the good work!
Paul Villalobos
Halle '20 and Sadee '25. Thank you Mayfield for the memories.
Paul and Nancy Vega
Peggy Smith
Qun Chen
Rebecca Cervantes
Rebecca Chute Metrano
Rebecca Gibb Ruthenberg
Rebecca Husaini
Renee & Mark Norton
Reynaldo Barbon
Rob Page
Robert Ettenger
Robert Smith
Ron Castelo
Ronald Owens
Roni, Rochelle Yadao
Roseann Nardon Parry
Rossana Valverde Valverde
In memory of Fred Lapsys
Rostom & Frida Baghdassarian
Roxy Escudero
Ruby Bugarin
Ryan & Jennifer Squire
In honor to the students, faculty, staff, and administration that make Mayfield a second-home to all.
Sally Bucklin
Sally Jeanne McKenna
Samantha Bane Bainter
Samantha and Marc Sandman
Sandra Bane
Sandra Sweetser Kindermann
Sara Vanis
Sarah Andre
Schuyler Hollingsworth
Schuyler Hollingsworth
Scott and Luz McBride
Scottie Beven Brown
Sean Ryan
Seema Shahani Malhotra
Shadi Sanbar
Shannon Gleason
Sharon McTigue
Sheila Sullivan Conant
Sheridan and Thomas Link
Shunde Wang
Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus
Sondra Rogers Behrens
Sonia Barajas
Sonia Torres
Stefanie Lutero
Stephanie May
Stephen Cockriel
Stephen Dansiger
Steven Bergen
Steven Pruyn
Sunny Tam
Susan Carver Wagner
Sussy Nemer
Suzanne Aparicio
Tamara Murphy
Tanya Jurado
Tara Clougherty Martin
Ted Lagousis
Teresa Villegas
A heartfelt thank you to the Mayfield teachers, staff and community for their incredible work with our daughters!! Go Cubs!
Teri Gonzales
The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation
The Gil Family
Theresa Monakil
Theresa Monakil, MSN, RN
Theresa Peters
Therese Wilson
Thomas Borncamp
Thomas Bowman
Thomas Courtney
Tim Carey
Tim Lewis
Tim and Gina Cockriel
Tina Hoang
Todd & Jennifer Wolpert
Toi Treister
Toi Treister
Toi Treister
Toi Treister
Toni Bannan Gross
Toni Leslie Baker
Tony and Natty Bower
Tracy Balian Zendzian
Tu Fong
Veronica and Jon Cross
We love Emma's dedicated teachers!
Viana Zendejas
Vicky Zhang
Victoria Oung
Vivaldo Torrez
Thank you Mayfield!!
Walter Lothian
Wayne Negrete
Wayne Wier
Webster Wong
In memory of In Memory of Walter Wong (RIP: 12/12/24) and Josie Galbis (RIP: 12/18/20)
Wellington Choi
Westco Service
In honor of Nicollette Vasquez
Whitney Willis Visger
William Meares
William Olson
Yoo-Mee Tong
Yunxia Yuan
Yvonne Huitron
Yvonne Huitron
Yvonne Kelly
Zhonghua Zhou
Alan watson
Ali obrien
Hin ku
Jing huang
Thank you and keep up the good works!
Stephanie sepulveda
Victoria rodeno
They are the best!!!!
Zhuojun Irena liu
Zhuojun Irena liu
Keep up the good work
Go Cubs!
In honor of Ms. Wall - for nourishing my love for visual arts and building the foundation for what and who am I today.
Thank you for being a safe and welcoming place for students.
In honor of Maxine Veronica Wade Jefferson and Herbert Van Jefferson Jr

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