Mayfield Senior School logo

Mayfield Senior School

Pasadena, CA

ANNUAL GIVING - Mayfield Family of Funds

2019-20 ANNUAL GIVING GOAL - $1,000,000

raised of $1,000,000 goal
Nicole Cosand, Director of Annual Giving and Alumnae Relations

Campaign ended Tuesday, June 30th, 2020, 11:59 pm PDT

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (1,031)

All (1,031)
Aason and Eric Alms
Abby Shaw
Abigail Holtz
Ada Alvarado-Yokoyama
Adam and Jessica Yatsko
Adele Rahn
Adia Gooden
Adriana Tiner
Adriann Cocker
Adriann Grieco Cocker
Aileen Sagara
Akins Family
Alan Watson
Alana Yokoyama
Alejandro & Maricela Salazar
Alejandro Magat
Alejandro Salazar
Aleni Sunada
Alex & Lydia Cheng
Alexandra Badie
Alexandra Eisele
Alexia Saigh
Alice Miller Henry-Taylor
Alicia Anderson
Aline & Alfredo Cacho-Sousa
Alison Jones Gamble
Allan Pu
Allison Burns Gadberry
Allison Rector
Amanda Horton
Amanda Morales
Amber Berrios
Ana Labrin-Garcia
Ana Ramos-Sanavio & Alessandro Sanavio
Ana and George Raptis
Andrea Huerta
Andrea Mills
Andrea and Geoff Zaninovich Bland
Andrew Alvarez
Andrew Teng
Andrew VanAken
Andy & Lisa Smeritschnig
Andy Lee
Angela Howell
Ann Babcock
Ann Bussard
Ann Gormican Murphy
Ann Kennedy
Ann Marie Ahern
Ann Murphy
Ann Pagano Kennedy
Ann Pibel
Ann Wicke
Ann Wickes
Ann and Steven Bussard
Ann pagano Kennedy
Anna Ortiz Morfit
Anna Patterson
Anna Vossler
Anne Collins Hoffman
Anne Emerson Leak
Anne Garrett
Anne Kortlander
Anne Pings
Anneke Greco
Annette Carhartt Brandin
Antonieta Sosa
Antonietta Iannaccone
Aoife Chow
April Garcez
Ariana Saigh
Arlene Mansour
Armando Gaona
Arturo Nagar
Ashley LaMothe
Aurora Abracia
Ava Robles
Ava Wilkniss
Ayne Gage Baker
Barbara Doherty Andrews
Barbara Harder Michaels
Bernadette Ament
Bernadette Hartfield Hotaling
Bernadette Hotaling
Bernard and Celina Rojo
Berne Evans
Bertha Sevilla
Bianca Martinez
Bradley Fajardo and Melanie Mankerian
Brandon Burns & Genevieve Beauvais
Bridget & Chris Floyd
Brigid Fitzpatrick Brahos
Brittany Barnes Reeser
Britton McConnell
Brooke Brody
Cadena Family
Caitlin Robertson
Calderon Family
Camille Abdalla
Camille Perez
Camille Perez and Michael Perez
Candida Crowe Genzmer
Carie Wickers
Carina Anselmi Harrigan
Carina Benzinger
Carina Carranza
Carina Robles
Carl Sagara
Carlo and Liza LopeZ
Carlos and Joan Javelera
Carol Fitzsimmons
Carol McMullan
Carol Pickle and Kevin Slattery
Carol Tyrrell
Carolina de la Torre Goldthwait
Caroline & Nick Howell
Caroline Halili
Carolyn Collins Mansour
Carolyn Cota
Carolyn Lo Coco
Carrie Fogliani Richards
Carrie Fogliani Richards
Cass Wackerly
Catherine Nally
Cathy Christiansen Phillis
Celeste Chong-Cerrillo
Charlotte Anderson
Chelisa Vagim
Cheryl Stewart
Chris & Salpy Pontrelli
Chris Augustine
Chris Kvochak
Chrisi Smith Fleming
Christin Habelwitz
Christina Constantino
Christina Kennally Class of 2004
Go Cubs! Christina M. Kennally '04
Christina Yamasaki
Christine Keppel
Christopher & MaryAnne Werner
Christopher Fontes
Claire Cruz
Claire Dillon Gibbs
Claire Mitchell
Claudia Perez
Colette Connor
Colette Momartin
Connie Peters
Connie and Ben Mohandesi
Cornelia Gould
Courtney Clayton
Courtney Hotchkis
Craig Smyser
Cris and Aleni Sunada
Cristina Perez
Cristina Thais Vittoria
In honor of Molly Gorman
In memory of Molly Gorman
Cuenca Family
Cynthia Copeland
Cynthia Nilssen-Vargas
Cynthia Riggs
Cynthia and Joel Riegsecker
Daina Petronis-Kasputis
Damon & Angelique Valentino
Daniel Bane
Dante & Kristen Puccinelli
Darcy Burns Williams
Darcy Burns Williams
David & Vicki Ho
David Plumley
David Stolpe
David Wagner
David and Beverly Katz
Dayna Cobarrubias
Debbie and Bruce Hinckley
Deborah Langan ‘64 Valentine
Debra Bachman
Debra Kruger
Dee Dee Brewer
Dee Dee Moffat Brewer
Dee Dee Moffat Brewer
Dee Dee Moffat Brewer
Dennis & Evelyn Sugiyama
Devin Carver
Diana-Michelle Castro
Dianne Diannitto Ciulla
Dianne Diannitto Ciulla
Dick and Pat kiechler
Don and Elizabeth Savant
Donell Aure Thomas
Donn Christensen
Dorothy Gonzalez
Dr Jack& Mrs Azniv Bayramyan
Dr. Regine and Shant Muradian
Keep up the good work! Go cubs!!
Dr. and Mrs. Roger DeFilippo
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Tighe
Drs. John and Terre Osterkamp
Edward & Patricia Gallardo
Edward Nowak
Elayna Goepel
Eleanor Powell
Elena Mejia
Elisabeth Frank Rosenson
Elita Balfour
Elizabet Vega
Elizabeth Anderson
Elizabeth Ernster
Elizabeth Lewis Gilfillan
Elizabeth Murphy Anderson
Elizabeth Sanchez
Elizabeth Sesma-Olinyk
Elizabeth Yutan
Elizabeth and Mike Serhan
Ellen McNiff Kovach
Ellen and Gary DeGroot
Elvira Gaona
Emily Baratta Goodell
Emily Baratta Goodell
Emily DesHotel
Emily Osterkamp Murphy
Emily Serhan
Emily Wallace
Emma Linde
Emmett Lynch
Eric Gray
Eric and Aason Alms
Erika Foy
Erika and Kevin Randall
Evelyn Mason
Evelyn Sugiyama
Evy Vargas Bridge
Faith Doney
Fanya and William Thomson
Felix Avila
Feng Pan
Ferari Domingo-Vu
Fontes Family
Frances White, SHCJ
In honor of of Jackie Jelley '47, 70th anniversary of her profession of vows
Frank Karl
Frank X. Acosta
Frank and Sylvia Karl
Gabriela Morales
Gabriella Ciulla
Gallaway-Baum Family
Gallegos Family
Gene and Pat Weckerly
Geoffrey Baum and Lisa Gallaway
Georgann Lovejoy
Georgann Richter Lovejoy
Georgia Vagim
Gerianne Sarte
Gilbert and Jennie De Cardenas
Gino & Sandra Mercurio
Grace Griffin
Graybill Family
Greg Metzger
In honor of Lois Metzger
Gregory Ahn
Gregory and Mary Wallace
Haitham Matar
Haixin Tao
Haley Brown
Harmonie Martinez Avila
Harold Hinrichs
Go Freshman!!!
Harper Lacroix
Heather Hinckley Trotta
Heidi McNiff Johnson
Helen Sanchez
Herdi and Maria Wijaya
Hilary and Peter Kingston
Holly Helmuth-Malone
Holman Gao
Honora Chapman
Howard Kaufman
Hyunju Jung
Indira Persad
Irene Izquierdo Patterson
Isabella Dolendo
Isabella Taglioretti
Isabelle Gallardo
Jackie Katigbak Macabuhay
Jacqueline Calderon-Knox
Jacqueline Katigbak Macabuhay
Jacquelyn Kivley
Jade Stewart
James Lo Coco
James Muenzer
James Williams
Jan Clifford
Jane Baumer Woodman
Jane Low Parshall
Janet Clancy
Janet Clancy
Janet Clancy
Janie Clark
Jason & Laura Grinnell
Jason Agliolo
Jason Boutros
Jason Grinnell
Jeasica James
Jeff and Katja Favretto
Jeff and Kim Erickson
Jeffery Hanna
Jeffry Niedermeyer
Jennifer & Jasen Grohs
Jennifer Hinckley Gersch
Jennifer Mendez
Jennifer Moses
Jennifer Reames Van Hoof
Jennifer and Kieran Thompson
Jenny (Wong) Christensen, '92
Jenny Christensen
Jill Shively
Jill Slattery
Jill and Mike Sigler
Jim Loughrie
Jim McManus
Joan Hopp Bennett
Joan Malloy
Joan Trausch
Joan Trausch
Joan and Stephen Sinclair
Joanna Attar
Joanne Zovak
Joanne Zovak
John & Aileen Sagara
John & Samantha Glenn
John Ahn
John Berlot
John Nguyen
John Powell
John and Esmeralda Akins
John and Tracy Lewis
Jonathan and Carolyn Kezele
Jorge Trujillo
Jose Dalisay
Jose Paz
Joseph + Marsha Grieco
Joseph Gagnier
Josh and Maggie Coffey
Juan Mireles and Amalia Rivera
Judith Anderson
Judy Genovese
Julia Collins Trust
Julia Flores-Watroba
Juliana Zovak
Julie Brehove
Julie Condon
Julie Poxon Penney
Julie Sánchez Brehove
Kara Garikian Family
Karen Dunn
Karen Faul Bryce
Karen Schumacher Poindexter
Karen Vossler
Kat Lopez
Kate & Skip Morin
Kate Morin
Kathee Fleisher
Katherine Tighe
Kathleen Clougherty Regan
Kathleen Costello
Kathleen O'Kane
Hope the students have a great year!
Kathleen Regan
Kathleen Walker and Jim Anderson
Kathryn Nishibayashi
Kathy and Lyle LaMothe
Katie Clancy
Katie Clancy
Katie Lapsys
Katie and Tim Carey
Katrina Dolendo
Katrina Lake
Katy McCollum
Kayla Yokoyama Dodge
Keith Thorell
Kelly Dunn
Kelly Garrison
Kelly Joyce Dunn
Kelly Nelson Nakasone
Kelly nakasone
Kelly nakasone
Kerry Dolan
Kevin & Esmeralda Akins
Kevin Koga
Kevin and Erika Randall
Kevin and Erika Randall
Kevin and Katie Cordano
Kim Snyder
Kim and Ferari Vu
Kimberly Ebershoff D'Amico
Kimberly Feeney
Kimberly Gomez Fraser
Kimberly Isaac
Kimberly Miera
Kimberly Schugart
Kirsten Jardino
Kosol Vipapan
Kristin Mitchell
Kristina Musni
Kylie Snyder
Lara Sassounian
Laura and Erin Natale
Laura and Stephen Grimm
Lauren Hernandez
Lauren Marks
Lauren Spensiero
Lauren Spiegel Marlis
Laurie Lipper
Leah + Emma Weidman
Leah Weidman
Leann Kruse-Arcia
Lela Diaz
Leslie Allan
Leslie Taverner Holliday
Go Cubs!!
Leticia Valdez
Letty Valdez
Lew Coppersmith
Lilani Estacio Dunn
Lili Hermeline
Lilly Helmuth-Malone
Lily Brogdon-Mitchell
Lin Karl McMahon
Linda & Joel Hahn
Linda Broderick
Linda Perkins
Linda and Liam Mennis
Lindsay Ladd
Lindsay, Kylie, Meghan and Kim Snyder
Lindsey Huang
Lisa Sparks Stathatos
Lloyd Hopf
Lorraine Gonzales
Lourdes Kroe
Luis Ayala
Luis Rodriguez & Yolanda Sanchez
Luis and Diane Rojas
Luther Beegle & Melanie Sauer
Luz Nunez McBride
Lydia Arguelles
Lynn Maloney
Lynore Gause Banchoff
In honor of Angela Howell '76
Madeleine Hotaling
Madison Forrest
Madisyn Spence
Malissa Balderama
Marc and Samantha Sandman
Marcel and Rae Pidoux
Margaret Morrow
Margaret Neil Villarreal
Margaret Simonds Jorgensen
Margie Mullen
Margin Lew
Maria Corsini-Reden
Maria Dietz
Marianne Marino Rorden
Maribeth Spensiero
Maricel and Tony de Cardenas
Marie Gibbs '76 Grimes
Marie and Rich Gibbs Grimes
Marilynn Kaufhold
Marisa DeFilippo
In honor of Giuliana DeFillippo
Marissa Bell
Marissa Santana
Maritess Lacuesta Kinderman
Mark & Cecily Brogdon-Mitchell
Mark & Jennifer Gunn
Mark McDevitt
Mark and Angie Ladd
Mark and Faith Dymek
Mark and Faith Dymek
Mark and Jennifer Gunn
Marla Alders
Marlowe Boyes Hanlon
Martha Childs Palmer
Martha Chute Fitzpatrick
Marxianna Moe-Cook
Mary Alice Cords
Mary Bologna
Mary Ellen Gormican
In memory of Mary Catherine Gormican 1921-2015
Mary Grace Kaufman
Mary Graham Morgan
Mary Hennessy Nores
Mary Leon
Mary Leon
Mary Michelena-Monroe
Mary Pike Coquillard
Mary Pings
Mary Rose Hawkins
Mary Ross
Mary Shea McConnell
Mary Shea McConnell
Mary Shimazaki
Mary Stathatos Cole
Mary Stoebe Sheridan
Mary and Greg Wallace
MaryAnne Werner
Marylou Lacuesta Holly
Matthew McGloin
Maureen McCarthy
Maureen McConnell
Maureen Michelena
Maurice and grace maalouf
Mechaley Family
Meg and John Symes
Megan Clancy
Megan Vallone
Melissa Holmes Lebo
Melissa Eaves
Melodey Soong
Michael & Kristin Gannon
Michael Mullin
Michael Perez
Michael Weaver
Michael and Debbie Maddigan
Michael and Peggy Stahlheber
Michele Hilland
Michele and Douglas Colliau (Pratt)
Michell (Coughlin) Moore
Michelle & Tomas Torres
Michelle Gonzales
Michelle Hansen DeBoever
Michelle Llamas
Michelle Pierrong Klepper
Michelle Yang
Michelle Yang
In honor of Sister Barbara
Moises Sandoval
Molly Johnston
Molly Serhan
Monica Chi
Monique Rocha
Monty Carolan
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel E. Figueroa
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Saldaña
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Gangi
Mr. Ali Zadeh and Mrs. Shahrzad Ayati
Mr. Douglass Philbin and Mrs. Gwen Kochanski
Mr. Haixin Tao and Mrs. Ke Ning
Mr. James Goepel and Mrs. Gilien Silsby
Mr. Mark Mitchell and Mrs. Cecily Brogdon
Mr. Marvin Cuenca and Ms. Rosanne Romero
Mr. Paul Villalobos
Mr. R. Daniel Banis and Dr. Heather Banis
Mr. Sean McDermott and Dr. Anne Hartfield
Mr. Timothy Hawkinson and Ms. Patricia Wickman
Mr. Todd Pratt
Mr. Victor Lucchesi
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Delgado
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. West Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Cadena
Mr. and Mrs. Angel Cadena
Mr. and Mrs. Armando A. Corral
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Clougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Brack W. Duker
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Callinicos
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Byers
Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Catalino G. Evangelista
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wicke
Mr. and Mrs. Dante Puccinelli
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Plumley
Mr. and Mrs. David Stolpe
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sugiyama
Mr. and Mrs. George T. McDonnell
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Muir
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Villarreal
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Sarni
Mr. and Mrs. James Vagim III
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Clawson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shively
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Villar
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Pena
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Pasqualetto, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. John McCord
Mr. and Mrs. John Michelena
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Eisele
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Mar
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Coles
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Alvarez
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brehove
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pascale
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dooling
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kona
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Wall
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kingston, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Alyea
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zovak
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stathatos
Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Debriyn
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Renick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gangi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Neithart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenny Gorman Patton
In honor of Molly Gorman Arts Award ($100 to Molly Gorman award; $50 to Holy Child Scholarship Fund, $50 to Annual Giving Fund)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lydon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Serrano
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald P. Badie
Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Villaluna
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Willace Longyear
Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Mr. and Ms. Kenny Mar
Mr. and Ms. Luis Ayala
Mr. and Ms. Stephen Bannatyne
Mr. and Ms. Tracy Pulvers
Mrs. Ann Stewart
Mrs. Barbara Harder Michaels
Mrs. Eugenia Riordan Mulé
Mrs. James Donahue
Mrs. Janice Kincaid Clifford
Mrs. Joseph Hester
Mrs. Joseph T. Nally
Mrs. Marianne Marino Rorden
Mrs. Toni Bannan Gross
Ms. Ann Marie Ahern
Ms. Anne Kortlander
Ms. Avery Valentino
Ms. Claire Cruz
Ms. Dorothy Gonzalez
Ms. Erin Byer
Ms. Madeline Pena
Ms. Maggie Hayden
Ms. Maria Corsini-Reden
Ms. Mary Pings
Ms. Michelle Gonzales
Ms. Monique Rocha
Ms. Myrka Lembo
Ms. Pamela Frase Petterle
Ms. Presentacion Aguilera
Ms. Rebecca Cervantes and Mr. Greg Garcia
Ms. Sally Jeanne McKenna
Myrka Lembo
Myrna Ling and Kevin Koga
Nancy Lewis
Nancy McAniff Annick
Nancy Penoyer Blau
Nancy Roth Rappard
Natalie Johnson
Nicole Cosand
Nicole Virdone
Nikki Darakananda
Noemi Magat
Nora Chiara
Norman and Janet Labrador
Nukunthorn Darakananda
Nwankwo Family
Otilia Sandoval
Page Malloy
Paloma Ryan
Pamela Abbott
Pat Moffat O'Fallon
Patricia Bannan Pascale
Patricia De Haven
Patricia New
Patricia Nicole Johnson
Patricia O'Brien
Patricia Pulido
Patrick Scott Burton
Patty Wickman and Tim Hawkinson
Paul Tzanetopoulos
Paul Villalobos
Paula Kessler
Paula Narvaez
Peggy Mills Ireland
Peggy Smith
Peter & Christine Smith
Peter & Kelly Wilkniss
Peter and Hilary Kingston
Peter and Mary Grace Kaufman
Phil Velasco
Philip Falese
Phillip Velasco
Phyllis Tighe
Pidoux Family
Qun Chen
Rachel Cota Hochstetler
Ramiro Vasquez
Ramzi Ben Youssef
Raquel Apodaca
Raquel Sandford
Raymond Ng
Rebecca Cervantes
Rebecca Chute Metrano
Rebecca Reed
Renee & Mark Norton
Richard & Cathy Cota
Richard Cota
Richard Diehl
Richard Ferry
Richard Meinhold
Richard and Cynthia Vargas
Richard and Mary Marthe
Robert Dalie
Keep up the good work Ariana!!
Robert Gallo and Lisa Stevens
Robert Neithart
Robert Risinger
Robert Sherman
Robert Thorel
Robl Family
Ron Beegle
Ron Castelo
Ron and Gwen Owens
Ron and Katie Seley
Rosario Sabido
Rosemary Saal Whitney
Rossana Valverde
Ruby Bugarin
Ryan & Jennifer Squire
Ryan Squire
Ryanne Dymek
Sadie Gilliland
Sally C. Bucklin
Samantha Bainter
Samantha Bane Bainter
Samantha Garcia-Eggen
In memory of Cynthia Hope Garcia
Samantha Pieper
Sandra Sweetser Kindermann
Sara Lydon
Sara Martin Reynolds
Sara McBride
Sara Snider Langley
Sarah & Bill Myers
Sarah Johnson
Scottie Beven Brown
Sean & Nicole Dixon
Seema Malhotra
Shadi Sanbar
Shadi and Jennifer Sanbar
Shannon Williamson
Sharick & Mark Smyser-O'Keefe
Sharick Smyser
Sheila Gillespie McCune
Sofia Mireles '20
Sofia Mireles '20
Sophia Augustine
Soyun Ahn
Squire Family
Sr. Pegeen Connolly
Sr. Sheila McNiff
Stacey Fortner
Stacey and Ed Carolan
Stacy and Michael Berger
Stephani Bouvet
Stephanie and Tom Moffat
Stephen Sinclair
Stephen and Brenda O'Neil
Steven Hawkins
Steven and Deb Delarosa
Our hearts are warmed knowing that Mayfield Senior School continues to provide such a wonderful, loving environment for our daughter, Ava.
Susan & Derek Pippert
Susan Bachman Pilmer
Susan Brady Alfaro
Susan Carver Wagner
Supporting Class of 1966 scholar - Good Luck
Susan Koenig Shiells
Suzy Copado
Tali Arnold
Tanya Benzinger
In memory of Sr. Barbara Mullen
Tanya Melby
Tara Mitchell
Teresa Dilbeck
Teri Gonzales
Terre Osterkamp
In honor of Sister Barbara Mullen
Terre Osterkamp
The Ahmed Family
The Alvarez Family
The Atzen Family
The Baggott Family
The Ben-Youssef Family
The Bland Family
The Brooks Family
The Brown Family
The Byer Family
The Callinicos Family
The De Haven Family
The Dixon Family
The Eisele Family
The Family of Kara Garikian
The Gmelich Family
The Greco Family
The Greenup Family
The Greenwood Family
The Grieco Family
The Hampar Family
The Hanna Family
The Khachatourian Family
The Khan Family
The Kiechler Family
The Koga Family
The Kok Family
The Lara Family
The Leiva Family
The Lo Coco Family
The Lo Coco Family
The Loftus Family
The Lopez Family
The Marick Family
The Martinez Family
The McCullough Family
The Meeks Family
The Morgan Family
The Morris Family
The Moses Family
The Murphy Family
The Ochniak Family
The Olivarez Family
The Osborn Family
The Parry Family
The Pasqualetto Family
The Pontrelli Family
The Potter Family
The Reames Family
The Renick Family
The Romberger Family
The Schiller Family
The Sclafani Family
The Shively Family
The Smith Family
The Snyder Family
The Spensiero Family
The Stolpe Family
The Thompson Family
The Valenzuela Family
The Williamson Family
The Zhang Family
The Zimmerman Family
Theresa Mitchell
Theresa Peters
Tim & Kristin Smith
Tim Burke
Tim Carey
Timothy Leifer
Tom & Stephanie Moffat
Tom Kibler
Tomas Carranza
Tony Atienza
Tony Paine
Tony and Silvana Moschella
Tosh Sugiyama
Tracy & Laurel Pulvers
Trinity Gomez
Tu Phuong Nguyen Fong
Una Mae Van Rooy
Van Richard Pascual
Van and Carmina Pascual
Van and Carmina Pascual
Vanessa Machock
Vicki Ho
Victor Lucchesi
Victor and Elizabeth Gomez
Victor and Karen Limongelli
Villar Family
Virginia Schlueter Jones
Vivían suarez
WAYNE Negrete, SJ
Wayne Negrete
Wellington Choi
Wellington Choi and Felicity Goldstone
Whitney Willis Visger
William Lewis
William Lewis
William Olson
William Thomson
William Towner
Win and Mary Loftus
Angelica sanchez
Barbara andrews
Barbara anglin
Barbara wilson
Claudia cuenca
Freya estreller
Henry Suarez
Jacqueline Calderon knox
Jessica korzenecki
Jim kelly
Marilyn oliva
Megan clancy
Najib maalouf
Tina hoang
Tony atienza
Victoria Rodeno
Victoria rodeno
In honor of Istvan Csejtey
Mayfield Senior School logo
Mayfield Senior School
500 Bellefontaine Street, Pasadena, CA 91105
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