2024 Blair Magnet Fundraising
Fundraising to Support the Blair Magnet in 2024
Supporters (65)
All (65)
Aaron Andalman
American Online Giving
Andrew Lee
Angel Fan
Ashley Zhang
Boeing YourCause
Dan Gillen
Darren Gemoets
In memory of Eric Walstein, magnet math teacher
Deepa Sundararaman
Edward Niu
In memory of Dr. Chien-hua & Susie NiuMy parents debated whether I should attend the Blair Magnet program. Ultimately, I had an incredible education & made lifelong friends from Blair. I'm grateful to them for always looking out for my best interests.
Ekaterina Gibiansky
Emily Aery Jones
In honor of Kynan Aery, born 11/25/2024, first child of two 2010 Magnet alum (Ozzie and Emily)
Gamunu Wijetunge
Gregory Marton
Hailan Wei
Many thanks to MBHS Magnet program teachers!
Hans Arora
Hong Peng
Huiqi He
James Gao
Jessica Lue-Lai
Keep up the good work!
Jie Li
Honored to be a parent of MBHS magnet student and hope the program benefits more magnet students for years to come.
John McManigle
Jon Simon
In honor of Richard Macey SimonIn memory of Richard Macey SimonMy father was a huge supporter of the magnet, and the mathematically focused, curiosity-driven approach to engaging with the world that it nurtured. My brother Noah and I both attended the magnet and had formative experiences there.
Jordyn Wolfand
June Zhou
Kelly Zhou
Keep up good work!
Melis Anahtar
Ozzie Aery Fallick
PayPal Giving Fund
Philip and Ruth Berkowitz
Samantha Hong
Sanjeev Muralidharan
Sarah Manchester
Thank you, MBHS Magnet Foundation, for supporting so many worthy projects at Blair! My math team members look forward every year to MBMT (Montgomery Blair Math Tournament), one of the causes you support.
Sharon Gobioff
In memory of Howard GobioffBlair gave him a great base on which to build. I loved working as the Magnet Math Aide while he was attending.
Song Chen
Taiho Oncology Inc
Timothy Li
U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Vedran Radojcic
Wenjun Hu
Great program, great teachers and staff, great student body, you all are amazing!
Wesley Gee
Will Shepherdson
Xiaodong Yi
Xiaofei Wang
Y Liu
The dedication of the teachers and staff of this program is commendable, many thanks!
Yan Ni
Yifang Luo
Yufang Zheng
Magnet math teachers are so amazing!
In honor of ALKeep up the excellent work in supporting our students.
In honor of David Stein
Go Blazers!