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Montclair Kimberley Academy

Montclair, NJ

It's MKA Day!

One Day. One School. One Community.

MKA Development Team

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (480)

All (480)
Abigail Chung
Adam Heal
Adeline Thomas
My family and I are very proud; great job!
Aiden Newman
Aimee Gardiner
Al Hawes
Al and Veena Moniz
Alan Hirsh
Alan Zhou and Madeleine Li
Albert Pantow
Alexander Joerger
Alexandra Okun + Craig Dubitsky
Alexis Levengood
Alicia Diaz
Alisa Corbett
In honor of Nathaniel and Caroline Corbett
Alise Shuart Barrett P'26 '27
Alisha & Jonathan Glaser
Alison Slone
Allen Cox
Allison Brown
Alyson Waldman
Always happy to support MKA! #WeAreMKA!
Aman DMello
Ami Mehra
Ami and Andy Talkow
Amish Patel & Sonia Chudasama-Patel
Amy Weppner and Irakli Endeladze
Amy and Rubiao Song
Anand Pathuri
Andrea Maline
Angelique Carbo
Angelo Weber
Anna Pataki
Anne-Sophie Roure
Annette Colston Saviet
In honor of My parents
Annie Barrett
I hope we can help people come to our school.
Anya Barrett
Let's go Class of '89!
Ariana Puzzo
In memory of Elliot Furbert
Ashley Conde
Atul Sharma
Barbara and Leslie Kaplan
Barry Levinson
Ben Parker
Benjamin Aronson
Benjamin Chang
Bette Fox
Bidyut & Reena Pramanik
Bill and Valerie Anders
Blair Landolfi
Bonnie Huang and Mark Preston
Bradford Huntington
Bram Zeigler
Brandon Carter
Go Cougars !
Brian Purcell
In honor of Al Rehus
Go Cougz
Brian Waniewski
Brittany Berckes
Brooks Barrett
Sports are an important part of our development! Thank you!
Caitlin diruggiero
Candice and Tim Carlson
Carlis Guzman
Carlos Gonzalez
Caroline Lilore
In memory of Craig D. Lilore
Carolyn and Douglas Everson
Chadd Mukete
In honor of Everett Glenn
Charles Gray
Charlie Gephart
Chaz Godwin Ross
In honor of Gretchen Godwin
CherylAnne Amendola
Chris Burchell
Chris Smith
Christian Ely
Christina Cotton
MKA Day - Celebrating Education and the support of the Community Scholars Program
Christine Fernandez
Christopher Meeker
Christy Burke
Cionna Almeida
Claire Von Schilling and Timothy Daniels
Corey Brown
Cristina Nasti
Crystal Elliott
Cunningham family
In honor of Natalie P. Smith, Librarian
Daisy Altamore
Damien and Alise Barrett
Damon Zeigler
Dan Stern
In honor of Everett Glenn
Dana Rose
Dana Welsh
Daniella Kessler
Danielle Donatiello
Dara Marmon
Daren Khalifa
Darryl & Keri Siry
The star wars theme email did it for me...
Darschelle Foster
David & Kimberly Ramsay
David Brandley
David Chen
David Choi
David DeMatteis
David George
David Glotzer
David Hughes
David Laird
Deb Hemsley
Debbie Allen
Deborah Gordon
Dena Lambie
Dennis Manalo
In memory of Eduardo F Manalo
Derek Morf
Diana Murelli
Dipalie and Jayooll Jariwalla
Dohyun Cha
Donna Chen
Donna Starke
Doris Janes
In honor of Daniel J Chung
Douglas Hamilton
Dwight Jackson
Ebonee Lewis
To whom much is given, much is required.
Eileen Richardson
Eleanor and Marc Santo Domingo
Elizabeth Moran
Ellen & Gerry Purcell
Ellen Lafferty and Joseph Morrissey
Emanuel and Karen Slater
Emily Santangelo
Forever grateful for the four years I spent at the Upper School!
Engel Family
Erica Budd
Erin Chung
Erin and Paul Rooney
Eugene Neithold
Eun Jung Kang
Florence Arcilla
Foram and Jayesh Gopalji
Frank Sluis
Franklin Sachs
Gary and Pilar Nussbaum
Gene and Renee Jarrett
Good job!
Geoffrey Krouse
30th Reunion was great!
George Hrab
Gerardo Mejia
Grace Barrett
Good luck on MKA Day!
Gretchen Berra
Hailey Sylvander
Hanna and Jozef Puzio
Hannah Kramer
In memory of Tony Cuneo
Heather Nowak
Heather Symons
Heidi Muscarelle
Heidi and Joshua Friedlander
Helen Skeen
Henry Zhang
Himani Kishore
Hollie Reddington
Hossein Ekrami
Howard Bellin
Hugh Gleason
Hugh and Margot Macdonnell
Injoo Han
Iryna and Oleg Shandarivskyi
JImmy Castelli
JT & Jennie Sowers
Jack Heller
Jaclyn Spedaliere
Jade Harris
James & Elizabeth Clothier
James & Michelle Lee
Jamie Taylor
Jason Olin
Jay Wecht
In honor of Nate Fuller
JV Soccer 6-5-1! The Magic is Back!
Jean Debrosse
Jean Hughes
Jean Jones
Jenna Clancey
In honor of Dave Flocco
Jenna Donatiello
Jennifer Reinhardt
Jennifer Zangari
Jennifer and Matt Baranello
Jiang Li
John Halvey
John Lucas
John Mac Evoy
John O'Kane
John Phillips
John Randolph
John and Diana Fennelly
John and Rebecca Scuorzo
Jon Spencer
Jonathan Kelly
Joseph & Donna Wilson
Joseph Russo
Joseph and Elise Borrelli
Joshua Raymond
Judy Nesbit
Julia Lazarus
Julie Kim
Julie Porter
Julie Wilska
Julio Dolorico
In memory of Maria Rabb
Karen Gulliver
Karen Merz
Karina Zidlicka
Karson McGinley
Kate Curtin-Lindsey
In honor of Ann Curtin
Kate Edelstein Corcoran
Katherine Phillips Bergstrom
Kathleen Porter
Kathy Eng
Keith Nicholson
Keith Williams
Kelly Byrne
Kelsey O'Connor
Kerry Baker
Kerry Murphy
Kim Geringer
In honor of Rachel Geringer-Dunn
Kimberly Clark
Kirsten Brown
We ❤️ MKA!!!
Kris Bromley
Kristen Weaver
Kristen and Mark McClusky
Kristin Morisseau
Laela Perkins
Lana Kang
Laura Demaria
Laura Treadaway
Laura Vassilowitch
Lauren Hyman Kaplan
Lauren Ramos
Lauren and Jim O'Connell
Laurie Smith
Lawrence Nazarian
In memory of Winifred and Samuel Nazarian
E-mail news from the school periodically is appreciated.
LeRoy & Pamela Watkins
Lesley Abdulhayoglu
Lilian Okai
Lisa Bannon and George Steinmetz
Lisa Ericson
Lisa Sackman
Lizzie Katz
Lori Daskowitz
Lori and Parker Weil
Louis Waldman
Luca and Kim Puzzo
In memory of Elliot Furbert
Lynn Menschenfreund
Maggie Dancy
Mannan Razzak, MD
Mannan and Nadia Razzak
Marc Hauser
Margaret Wager
Maria Hai and Asad Cheema
Maria Picinic
Marie Grover
Marina Budhos and Marc Aronson
Mark Bishop
Mark Donatiello
Mark and Nancy Donatiello
Martene Ballance
In honor of Jordan Andrews
Martin & Judith Daly
Martin Baum
Martina Lopez
Mary Ann Lindholm
Good luck with achieving the goal!
Mary Kiang
Mary Louise Neary Rubin
Mary and Edward Elliott
Matthew Metzger
Matthew Sherman
In honor of Ben and Allie and the amazing MKA family
Maureen Bates
In honor of my amazing colleagues and our students that make MKA so great!
Max & Jenny Knagge
Meg Columbia-Walsh
In honor of Granny
Meg and Richard Slotkin
Meghan Murray
Mel Branco Bowman
In honor of Joan Grevatt
Melissa Goldman-Williams
Melissa Minton
Melissa Montemuino
Melissa Siu
Meredith and Aaron Gardner
Michael Ehrenberg
Michael Hnatow
Go Class of 1989!
Michael Magera
Michael Rosenberg
Michael and Beth Fuchs
Michele Mucci
Michelle Lee
Milan Patel
Mitchell Decter
In memory of Coach Klank
Mitchell Lee
Go MKA! The Lee Family
Monica Chakradeo
Nakeyl Johnson
Nancy B Kelly
Natalija Ovsjanikovska and Andrey Apinis
Nathan Chickering
In honor of Gretchen Godwin ‘88
Naveen Ballem
Nick Picinic
Nicole Xu
Nilie Pajoohi
Nina Chopra
Olin Williams
Olubunmi Afonja
Owen Jennings
Paige Cottingham-Streater
In memory of Everett Glenn
Excited to support MKA!! In gratitude for a great education and lasting friendships. Hope the Class of ‘79 will join me.
Pam Davis
Pat and Barry Dancy
Patricia Brown
Patricia Connell
Patricia and Edward Currie
Patrick Eng
Patrick and Laura Yeu
In honor of Gretchen Godwin, class of ‘88
Paul Cunningham
Paul Edwards
Paul Fehlner
Paul and Amanda Spagnoletti
Paul and Joanne Freeman
Penny Borella
Peter & Katie Dancy
Peter Gibson
Peter McMullen
Peter and Stacey Polanskyj
Prakash & Lavina Datwani
Prashant Bhatia and Manika Sood
Rachel Geringer-Dunn
In honor of The hardworking Primary School faculty and staff
Rachel Lee
Rachel Levine
Rama Variankaval and Nidhi Tomar
Raymond Colotti
Rebecca Turcotte
Rebecca Winters and Thomas Rossant
Rebekkah Morral
Regan Shepard
Renee Monteyne
In memory of Scott Johnson, Class of '93
Renee Rallatos
Reuben Atlas
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Harriott
In honor of Alyce, LaDonna, & Valencia Harriott
Wishing you much success with the campaign.
Richard Cosgrove
Richard Moskowitz
Most formative years. Great overall school. I still play the drums regularly thanks to middle and high school Band teacher Chap Ostrander, Mr. O!
Rob Pannullo
In honor of Al Rehus
Robert Cottingham
Robert Dalessandro
Robert Hubsmith
Robert Ruberton
Robert Streit
Roger Walter
Ronnie Califano
Ronny Bhatia
Rosita Nunez
Roy Winston
Russell Hatch
Ryan Dancy
Ryan Napoli
Sabino Rodano
Sabrina & Adam Rodgers
Samora Noguera
Samuel Walter
Sandee Markwith
Sarah Pryor
Serena Godwin
In honor of Gretchen Godwin
Seth Bynum
Ohhhhh MKA....
Seth Traum
Shalini Taneja
In honor of Omi Papa who adored Noah
Shannon Hobbs
Sharad Sahu
Shareef & Delicia Abdur-Rahim
Sharon Beebe
Sharon Vasilopoulos
Shelly Tsirulik
Shelly White
Sheri Bronstein
Shirley & Willie Eng
In honor of our grandson, Tyler Xavier Eng
Always enjoyed the various programs through the years as participated by the students. Of course, especially our grandson, Tyler.
Shruthi and Brian Kinkead
Stacey Rappaport & Craig Solomon
Stacy Rosenblum
Stephen Bezer
Go Cougs!
Stephen Kwon
Stephen Tse
Steven & Leah Meranus
Steven Clayton
Susan & Alan Hammer
Susan Cole
Suzanne McGuire
Sybil Eng and Tad Roselund
Sydney Larrier
In memory of Everett Glenn
Talia Selove and Roger Manzo
Teddy Bulajic
The Ciccone/ O’Donnell Families
The Garrubbo Family
The Robertson Family
Thomas & Laura Clark
Thomas Brueckner
Thomas Rosamilia
Tim Borzell
Tim Cook
Tim Lynch
Todd Smith
In honor of Tom and Zandi Nammack
Tom Cherry
Tom and Susan Galligan
Tony Jones
In honor of Marty Fossett
Travers Nammack
Trei and Danielle Brundrett
Thank you for being such an incredible and supportive community.
Urquhart Family
Vanessa Ignacio
Veronica Toscano
Veronique Rideau
W. Douglas Donald
In memory of Bob Schmitt and Michael Noone.
Thank you for your efforts on behalf of a stronger MKA, and to the benefit of our dtudents.
W. Douglas Donald
In honor of Michael Byron Noone.
Thank you all of your dedicated efforts to help such a very worthy cause.
Walter & Alice Bryant
Keep up the good work!
Wendy Barnard
Wendy Roome
Wiemi Douoguih
Wiliam H Carson
William Gill
Xiaoyu Lu
Yingjun Sun
Alexander holz
In honor of Coach Ralph Pacifico
Alexander holz
In honor of Erica Budd
In honor of the many teachers who helped me get to where I am today -- thank you!
Christopher brazill
Emily nisbet
John farrar
In memory of Robert Schmitt, class of 1962
Laura lacorte
Melissa raak
In memory of Anthony Cuneo
Nancy wolk
Shelly grossman
Tracy frager
Thank you MKA for all you do!
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Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042
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