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Montclair Kimberley Academy

Montclair, NJ

MKA's Greatest Strength Is Our Community!

MKA Development & Alumni Engagement Team


The strength and support of our community takes on a new meaning during this unpredictable and unprecedented time. While there is much uncertainty about what is to come and how our lives will be affected by COVID-19, our commitment to our students and the MKA community is stronger than ever.

The MKA Fund provides unrestricted general operating support and touches every aspect of an MKA education from financial aid to faculty development to technology. Your support of The MKA Fund is critical to MKA’s financial health and gives us the flexibility to direct resources to where they are most needed. Maintaining a strong annual giving program is essential, especially during this pandemic, to the financial health of our school as we grapple with a potential decline in enrollment, the loss of auxiliary income from summer programs that now cannot happen, and the decline in value of our endowment investments due to market turmoil.

If you are capable of making a gift at this time, please consider supporting The MKA Fund.

Your support helps to ensure that all students have the opportunity to continue their MKA education by providing financial aid to those families economically impacted by COVID-19.

Your support assists us in providing the training and resources our faculty need to inspire a love of learning whether we are teaching on campus or remotely.

Your support demonstrates your commitment to the MKA community, your belief in our mission, and gives the gift of an MKA education.

Thank you and stay safe!


Campaign ended Friday, May 15th, 2020, 11:58 pm EDT
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Help support MKA students and faculty with our gift to The MKA Fund! You should too! #WeAreMKA
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Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042
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