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Montclair Kimberley Academy

Montclair, NJ

MKA Day!

Make a gift. Spread the Word. Celebrate your Cougar Pride!

MKA Development Team

Supporters across the USA

Supporters (475)

All (475)
Aaron Sterling
Abigail Chung
Adeline Thomas
I truly love MKA. My kids are getting the best education. Keep up the good work!
Ahmed Abukwaik
In honor of Mr. Hrab, congratulations on retiring! You’re a legend.
Aimee Gardiner
Alan Hawes
Alanna Clayton
Albert Pantow
Aleezae Nisar
Aleksandr Duba
In honor of Becky Smith
Alex Langbein
Alex Langbein
Alexa Clayton
Alexandra McManus
Alexandra Okun and Craig Dubitsky
Alexandra Sharma
Alexis Tucker
Ali Wade
Alice Terrell-Bryant and Walter Bryant
In honor of Tom Nammack
Alisa Corbett
Alise Barrett
In honor of Casey & Maggie Barrett
Alisha & Jonathan Glaser
Allison Brown
Alyson Waldman
We love MKA! Thank you for all you do to keep our community safe and our students supported!
Amanda Bennett
Amanda Spagnoletti
Amish and Sonia Patel
Amy Shapiro
Andrea Simon
Angelo Weber
In honor of Mr. Hrab
Anindya Chakraberti
Ann Hallowell
Anne Morey
Anthony Rizzo
Anthony and Nancy Slone
Antonia & Andrew Barchenko
Anya Barrett
Ashish & Sneha Bhatia
Ashley Conde
Ayana Goore
Barbara Mamchur
Becky Smith
In honor of Ken and Jane Smith
Beloved teachers and friends!
Ben Parker
Ben Rich
Benjamin Roth
Bernadette Aulestia-Lynch
Bette Fox
In honor of The Helmick-Fox family
Bianca Scalzo
Bidyut Pramanik
In honor of Tom Nammack
Bobby Piotrowski
Bram Zeigler
Breena & Jed Fishback
Brewster Perkins
Brian Purcell
In Honor of Al Rehus!
Brittany Rincón
Bruce Guernsey
Brynnae Newman
Camilla Galesi
Cara Landolfi
Cara Summit
Carlos Gonzale
Carly Sibilia
Caroline Lilore
Carolyn Cariello
Casey Szilagyi
Chadd Mukete
Challenge Gift
Charles Gray
Charlie Kim
Charlotte Lillard
Chaz & Mitch Ross
In honor of Gretchen Godwin , Vince Nadal & Ryan Young
Cheryl and Marc Slutzky
CherylAnne Amendola
Chris Kenrick
Christa Leonard
In memory of Tony Cuneo
Christian Ely
Christina Klais
Christine Fernandez
Christopher Brenner
Christopher Chung
Christy Burke
Clifford Finkle
Coleman Bigelow
Colleen Helsel
Corey Brown
Craig Solomon
In memory of Ellen Rappaport
Craig and Ashley Hirsh
Cricket Purdy and Roger Seifter
Dagmara Jastrzebska
Go Cougars!
Damien Barrett
In memory of Katie Barrett
Dana Rose and Jared Barbin
Daniel Beirne
I had so much fun seeing my fellow alumni and taking their requests and donations on!! We'll do it again soon. Go Cougars!
Daniella Kessler
Darryl Siry
Dave and Lori Riley
David & Kimberly Ramsay
In honor of Delta C. Ramsay
David Ames
David Brandley
David Choi
In honor of Vince Nadal and my father Jay Choi
David DeMatteis
David Hessler
David Laird
A wonderful school!
David Pearce
David Rubin
David Rukshin
Deanna Donnelly
Debra Allen
Delicia & Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Dena Lambie
Love our MKA! My son truly values his MKA education.
Denise Brown-Allen
Dennis Hu
Derek Morf
Devin Almeida
Diane Ridley
250647+353=251000. That's why.
Dina Patel
Dominique Benson
Donna Starke
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Levinson
Dwight Jackson
Edie Brennan
Eileen Richardson
Elaine Brier
Elise McMullen
Elizabeth Clothier
Elizabeth Cooney
In honor of George Hrab
Elizabeth Kallay
Elizabeth Stanton
In honor of Anita Sims
Elizabeth and Miguel Nieves
Erica Budd
Erica Thompson
Erin McMenamin
Erin and Paul Rooney
Eugene D'Altrui
Eugene Neithold
Eun Jung Kang
Faisal Asghar
Fangzhou Zhang
Fay Lonsinger
Let's go Cougars!
Florence Arcilla
This is my second gift today! Just doing my part to keep the class of '83 in the lead.
Gary Powell
Happy to support diversity & inclusion at MKA. Looking forward to another reunion!
Gary and Pilar Nussbaum
Gemma Diaco
Geoff Krouse
In honor of Mr Hrab
Go Cougars
Geoff anf Gillian Branigan
George Hrab
In memory of Vince Nadal '89
George Hrab
Gerardo Mejia
Gordon-Goodrich Family
Grace Bourbon
Grace Jones
Gretchen Berra
Hailey Sylvander
Hank Park
Hanna and Jozef Puzio
Heather Nowak
Heather Symons
In honor of Mr. Dave Flocco
Helen Makohon
Helena Milic
We love MKA!! Thank you to all who make our kids feel included in their everyday lives!!
Hollie Reddington
Howard Bellin
Huma Niazi
Ian Melhuish
In honor of Colin Melhuish
India Hayes Larrier
Ingrid Ramos
In honor of Gretchen Godwin
Injoo King
Isabella Mendez
Jaclyn (Latzoni) Spedaliere
Happy MKA Day!! Go Cougars!
Jade Harris
James Castelli
James Stanford
Jamie and mitchell Decter
Thank you for all MKA does for our children. A huge dedication to all our faculty and staff.
Janice Jacobson
Janita Douglas
Thank you to the incredible staff for your perseverance, dedication and hard work during this challenging time. We really appreciate you and all that MKA stands for.
Jason Awerdick
Jason Olin
Jean Caggiano
Jeff Festa
Jeffrey Schiffman
Pleased to support MKA
Jennifer & Jason Gauvin
Jennifer Baranello
Jennifer Liu
Jennifer Young
Jennifer Zangari
Jessica Bishop
In honor of George Hrab
Jessica Sarfati
Jill Maza
Jill Wimmer
Joanne Goldberg
Jody Underwood
Joe & Demi Avalos
Joelq de la Fuente
Way to go, MKA!
John Andres
John Leister
John Lucas
John Randolph
We love being a part of the MKA Community! Go Cougars!
Jon & Kathleen Morisseau
So grateful to have been and continue to be a part of this amazing MKA community!! Go Cougars!
Jon Spencer
Jonathan To Nicole Xu
Jordan Raper
Joseph Hare
Joseph Pannullo
Joseph and Elise Borrelli
Joshua Levine
In honor of George Hrab
Joshua Raymond
Juan Ramos
Julia Lazarus
Julie Meade
Justin Colledge
Kaivon & Lauren Rahaghi
Kaivon and Lauren Rahaghi
Karen Furst
In honor of Katarina DeMatteis
Karen Heath-Wade
Karen Paty
Karen and Emanuel Slater
Karin and John Odell
Kate Corcoran
Kate Logan
Katharine B Haines
Katherine Kallay
Kathryn Hatfield
Kathryn Stallings & Stan Chiu
Kathy Eng
Kathy Sasena
Keith Williams
Wishing you all healthy and happiness!
Kelly Byrne
Kelsey O'Connor
Kenneth Miscia
Kerri McGuire
Kim Saunders
Kim Walls
Kimberly Baker
In memory of Sarah Love
Kimberly Clark
Kimberly and John O’Kane
Thank you MKA! Go Cougars 🐾!
Kirsten & Chris Brown
We are so grateful for everything you have done this year to keep our kids learning, happy, and safe!! We ❤️ MKA!!!!
Kristin Morisseau
Kyle Schrader
LaWanda Beckett
Laela Perkins
Lana Kang
Lara & John Snyder
Larissa Lury
Laura Demaria
Laura Zimmerman
Laura and Andrew Gelman
Lauren Hyman Kaplan
Lauren Mirman
Lauren Ramos
Leah Meranus
Lela Weems, MD & Shaka Rasheed
#WeAreMKA - Continuing to evolve through all of this!
Liam Campbell
Linda Larkin
Linda Rhodes
Lisa Golodner
Lisa Harrison
Lisa Sackman
Liz & Niall Mullane
Lizzie Katz
Louise Maxwell
Luis Martinez
Vamos MKA!!!
Lynn Menschenfreund
Lynne Sibilia
Mannan Razzak, MD
Marc Tuazon
Margaret Wager
Marie Grover
Mario Baldino
Mark Bishop
Mark Donatiello
Marnie McNany
Marshall Hatcher
Martin Baum
Martin Restituyo
Mary Ann Lindholm
Mary Kiang
Mary Kiang
Maryanne Kesler
Matthew Baranello
Matthew Hendrian
Maubra Randolph
Maureen Bates
In appreciation of MKA’s amazing faculty/staff, students, and families. Go Cougars! 🐾
Maureen Ogbuehi
Meg Temkin
Meg and Richard Slotkin
Meghan Murray
Melanie Bieber
Meredith and Aaron Gardner
Meredith and Justin Silver
Michael Feldman
Keep up the great work!
Michelle Barbetta
Michelle Lee
Michelle Lee
Michelle Worthington
Mike Houston
Miller Hughes
Monica Chakradeo
Monica Conley
Monica Elmore
Monica Manginello Ashley
Moushumi Sanghavi
Nahder Pajoohi
Nakeyl Johnson
Nancy Wolk
Nathan Chickering
Nick Graziano
Nicole Hoppe
In memory of Tony Cuneo
Nicole Kessler Sandler
Nilie Pajoohi
Nitu Rustagi
Pablo Rincon
Paige Barrett
Paige Cottingham-Streater
In memory of Vanessa Nobel
Happy to support our community's bright future
Pamela Watkins
In honor of Carolyn Wynn
Pat and Ed Thwaite
Patricia Brown
Patricia Connell
Patricia Kearns
Patrick Napolitano
Patrick and Laura (Eng) Yeu
In honor of Gretchen Godwin
Patty Forbes
Penelope Bassett and Miles Hackett
Penny Weissman
Peter and Catherine Gaynor
Pia Kutten
Grateful to be a part of this community.
Prashant Bhatia
Rachel Yang
Rebecca Hirsh
Rebecca Scuorzo
Rebekkah Morral
Rene Amirata
Renee & Gene Jarrett
Thanks for your persistence.
Renee Ciccarella
In memory of Scott Johnson
Rich Margolin
Richard Kearns
Rob Dalessandro
Robert Kilcullen
Robert Ladd
Robert Ruberton
Good luck today!
Roger Walter
Ronald Wolfson
Rosalie Asia
Rosita Nunez
Russell Goodrich
Ruth Miller
Ryan Napoli
Salamishah Tillet
Sally Firth
Samarpal Bhatia
Samir & Anu Shah
Samora Noguera
Sandra Pekar
In honor of Randy Bean
Sandra Tritt
Sara Elwell
Sarah Watt
Sean and Karen Hudson
Serena Godwin
In honor of Gretchen Godwin
Seth Bynum
In honor of Everett Glenn
Seth Traum
Shaka Rasheed
Shanie Israel
Sharon Moe
Shawn Troutt
Sheereen Russell
Go Cougars!
Shelly Grossman
Shelly Tsirulik
Sheri Friedman
Sherrese Clarke Soares
Let's Go MKA!
Shirley and Willie Eng
In honor of Tyler X. Eng, our beloved grandson
Keep up the good work: Diversity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism is the only way for our next generation and the ones that followed.
Silvia Henriquez
Thank you MKA!
Sonia Cheema
Sophia Garrubbo
Stacy Rosenblum
Stefania Venezia
Stephanie Williams
Stephen Roca
Stephen Smith
Stephen Tse
Steve Brown
Steven Clayton
Steven Cristello
Stu Harwood
Sudhir & Dipali Jain
Sue Foley
Sunnie Minn
Suraj Chopra
Great work and commitment by the entire school community during this challenging period!
Suresh Krishnan
Susan Bradley
Susan Ferdinand
Susan Hansen
Susan O'Donnell
In honor of Anthony Cuneo
Suzanne & Mark Weinberg
Suzanne Giarrusso
Sybil Eng and Tad Roselund
Sydney Larrier
In honor of Mr. Hrab
Talia Selove
In honor of Jenn Baratta
Tammy and Michael Blau
Tanner Gill
Tesia Henn
The Levy Family
The Mortimore Family
The Treadaway Family
Tianwei Yao
Tim Borzell
Tim Cook
Tingting Chen
Todd Smith
Tom and Susan Galligan
Toretha McGuire Morales
Tracy Green-Frager
Tray Davis
Tricia Garrubbo
Tunizia Flowers
Valbona Watkins
Varsay Lewis
Veronica Toscano
Victor Rodriguez
Thank you for all that has been done to protect our grandsons and students during these stressing times.
Vinay Mendiratta
We are truly excited to be part of this great community! Thanks for your support to keep our kids safe and engaged.
Walter Sperling
In honor of Mr. van Brunt
Wendy Roome
Wendy Weinstein
William Bromley
William Hitchcock
William Stites
Winifred Hentschel
Xinping He
Yingjun Sun
Emily nisbet
Hazar michael
Jocelyn fine
Jonathan kelly
Kim kohlman
Lisa&leo Shilkrot
We really love MKA. Keep up the good work.
Stacey polanskyj
Taryn Langer
Xiaoyu Lu
In memory of Everett Glenn
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Montclair Kimberley Academy
201 Valley Rd, Montclair, NJ 07042
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