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Notre Dame Preparatory School

Pontiac, MI

Killer Bees: Notre Dame Prep FIRST Robotics

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FIRST Robotics

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Anonymous (NDP Student ’26)

a year ago

Go Bees!

9 months ago

We support the Killer Bees because they inspire us! We support the Killer Bees because some of the best engineers, leaders, and problem solvers we've worked with are NDP / Killer Bees alumni! We support the Killer Bees because their program has had immeasurable impact on our local community, the larger robotics community, and the world!

Giving options

Platinum Sponsor


Gold Sponsor benefits plus – season recap newsletter and write-up – special recognition on Killer Bees website.

Gold Sponsor


Large company logo featured on banners, robost, pit signage, and team web pages. Company name included in team introductions.

Silver Sponsor


Medium company logo featured on team shirts, banners, robot, pit signage, and team web pages.

Bronze Sponsor


Small company featured on pit signage and web page.

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Notre Dame Preparatory School logo
Notre Dame Preparatory School
Attn: Fr. Colin House, 1389 Giddings Road, Pontiac, MI 48340
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